kaz and will wentworth series 6

Wentworth Series 6 Episode 7 Recap

As the episode begins, Sonia Stevens (Sigrid Thornton) contemplates her demise. She seeks out protection from Vera Bennett (Kate Atkinson). Vera refuses. We learn that the heating system has malfunctioned at the prison. Vera investigates Gilmore’s murder. Sonia travels to the cafeteria. Maire Winter (Susie Porter) asks Sonia why Kaz is mad at her. Liz (Celia Ireland) enters. The others lash out at her. Kaz (Tammy Macintosh) stands up for Liz and tells the girls to leave her alone. Sonia tries to enlist Susie to help her. She suggests setting up Kaz to prove that she is a snitch.

liz wentworth series 6

Liz learns that she has dementia. She is asked to enter a hospital. Liz and Kaz both refuse the offer. Zara (Natalia Novikova) and Marie continue hunting for their rat. Marie decides to side with Sonia. She gives her Kosta’s phone. Vicky Kosta (Artemis Ioannides) finds that Allie (Kate Jenkinson) has her phone. She demands that Kaz does something about it. Kaz tells Allie to trust her. She promises that she won’t hurt her. Liz continues losing her mind. Sonia discusses her release with Boomer (Katrina Milosevic). Then, she ridicules Liz. Kaz snitches to Will so she can avoid punishing Allie.

wentworth s06e07 liz

The punishment nearly begins. Will gets stuck in the elevator, so he can’t stop it. Sonia begins screaming about Kaz snitching to Will. Kaz has no choice but to punish Allie. Marie gets Allie to the medic. Her hand is patched up. Will (Robbie Magasiva) apologizes to Kaz. Sonia enlists Boomer to protect her. Vera finds footage of Sonia hiding the murder well. She asks her about it in the office. On the way back, Sonia is attacked by Spike (Kate Elliott). Sonia is taken to medical and cared for.

sonia stevens wentworth recap

Vera and two investigators speak with her. Sonia denies everything. Marie speaks with Will and thanks him for not punishing her. Ruby (Rarriwuy Hick) speaks with Allie about the punishment. Kaz enters and apologizes to Allie. Will tells Boomer about Sonia. Boomer blames herself for not protecting Sonia. Liz wears a wire and gets Sonia to confess to the murder. Kaz and Liz celebrate the news that Sonia will be charged and sent away. Will and Marie have sex in a private room. Liz asks Boomer about Don being on the roof. Sonia steals an ID card.

kaz and will wentworth series 6

Eventually, Liz and Sonia both make it to the roof. Sonia tries to attack Liz with a wrench. Kaz gets involved and Sonia is shoved off of the roof. Will finds Liz and Kaz. He also discovers Sonia’s lifeless body. Liz confesses to pushing Sonia. Then, Kaz admits to it.


Wentworth Review

Oh boy. Wentworth has really jumped the shark now. This has to be the worst episode yet. It was ridiculously predictable and the writing was mediocre. It was so obvious that Will would get stuck in the elevator. Plus, it was lame that Vera ever found such good footage of Sonia hiding the knife in the first place. It was also painfully obvious that Liz was setting Sonia up. The Kaz character is terrible. She reminds me of the Myra Desmond character in Prison. Neither should have ever been top dog.

The old Kaz character was so good. The old Marie Winter character was so good. In Wentworth, they are both terrible. Kaz definitely needs to go. It is the only possible way to save this show from stinking. The episode was terrible. It scores a very low 4 out of 10. Catch up with previous recaps of Wentworth now.

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  1. What the actual eff, that episode was trash. I don’t know wtf is going on but this cast just isn’t working. They don’t have the chemistry of the earlier season cast members. Three narcisstic sociopaths. Will and Kaz, so freaking gross! Boomer’s in a catatonic state that makes no sense whatsoever. There’s been no word about Maxine, nor are they showing any updates about Frankie and Bridget. Liz is such a sweet character, they need to stop torturing her and let her make amends with her kids. No updates about Vera or how’s she’s coping with the pregnancy loss. Still confused about why Will took a handful of ADHD meds at once or why Jake the f boy even gave them to him in the first place, and RNs work their asses off to get through four years of school, clinicals and passing their boards. This honestly needs to be the last season (and yes I know I’m way behind, I’m in the US and we don’t have Foxtel) because this is becoming even more painful then Grey’s Anatomy. The show needs to get better writers (and fast)!

  2. ReelMockery says:

    Couldn’t agree more. The quality has really dipped. It really doesn’t get any better sadly. Thanks for the comment. 🙂

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