joan ferguson wentworth season 9 episode 6

Wentworth Season 9 Episode 6 Recap

At the start of the episode, Lou Kelly (Kate Box) phones Judy’s contact and sets up a meeting for later that day. Before the call is over, Lou is told Mr. Hubert will be there. Will Jackson (Robbie Magasiva) has a meeting with the officers and warns them their schedules are going to change due to the recent layoffs. He warns that they might face backlash from the other officers. Jake Stewart (Bernard Curry) asks about Jenkins who Will says can be released after lunch. He tells everyone about Judy Bryant (Vivienne Awosoga) being moved to the other cell block. Ann Reynolds (Jane Hall) rushes in at the last minute and says the Slammer fiasco is causing a crap storm. To sort it out, she offers a bonus to any officer who can find the camera. Will doesn’t like Ann deciding without consulting with him first.

wentworth prison guards s09e06

Jake approaches Ann who just ignores their fling and continues out the door. Moments later, Vera Bennett (Kate Atkinson) tells Will what Greg Miller has been doing with Ferguson. She suspects Greg (David de Lautour) is up to his neck in it after staking his career on Ferguson losing her memory. Vera admits she hasn’t told Jake, but Will is eager to expose them right away. Will wants to fire him although Vera doesn’t think they have any grounds to do so. He decides to drug test her. Jake goes to the cafeteria and tries to find the camera before apologizing to Eve Wilder (Tina Bursill) for the inconvenience. She flirts with him and threatens to bend him over her knee. When he steps away, Joan (Pamela Rabe) comes over to joke about Eve’s relationship with Jake. She believes the inmates should leave them and let them get it on already.

jake will wentworth s09e06

Seconds later, Judy approaches Marie Winter (Susie Porter) and threatens to do to her what she did to Allie. Marie tells her to screw off before Judy tackles her to the bed. Marie gets back up and Judy refuses to let her leave until they have an agreement. Judy wants them to switch cells before Lou arrives and interrupts. Judy is worried about her protection, but Lou thinks being under her protection should be enough. Lou tries to get Ferguson to switch but she says no. Joan says she isn’t going anywhere before Jake comes in to tell Lou she has a visitor. Marie finds Allie (Kate Jenkinson) outside looking at the clouds and asks her what she is looking for. Allie says a sign before asking why Lou is protecting Judy. Marie insists Lou doesn’t trust her enough to tell her yet, but she believes Judy stealing Reb’s money is more important than whatever it could be. Marie asks if Allie would be willing to consider it if she asked for a move to H1. Allie admits it would be a big ask before encouraging her to sift through the misery and pain she caused first.

marie and rita wentworth series 9 episode 6

Marie apologizes and wonders if she is crazy for asking. Ruby (Rarriwuy Hick) comes outside. Allie tells Marie she’ll ask before Ruby comes over and pushes Allie into the shade. Ruby asks what Marie wanted as they go. Rita Connors (Leah Purcell) gets a visit from her lawyer to talk about the burner phone her aunt sent. Rita is told that Jones messed up because he left Eddie a voicemail. They believe they can force the telephone company to disclose the blocked number and it might be enough to get the police to reopen the case. Once the meeting ends, Rita tells Ruby about the new evidence. An angry Boomer (Katrina Milosevic) gets out of the slot and complains about Judy still being alive. They admit it doesn’t make sense and they’re trying to figure out what Lou is doing. Then, Ruby forces Allie to tell the women about Marie wanting to be moved into H1. Boomer immediately says no and Rita ridicules Allie for even considering it after everything Marie has done to them.

allie wentworth series 9 episode 6

Allie explains she told Marie she would ask, and she has. When Marie returns to her cell, Rita is waiting on her. Rita tells her she is dreaming if she believes there is a way back from what she had done. Marie wants a chance to prove she has changed although Rita says she has blown every chance she has had. Marie admits she can’t stay with Lou, but Rita warns her she should be afraid of her more than Lou. She calls Marie a deceitful dog before leaving. While Lou waits for her visitor, she remembers what Judy told her in the showers and how she needs to give Frasier these instructions word for word. Judy says they need a van and uniforms like the prison ones.

wentworth lou kelly phone call

She also wants Lou to ask for an explosive device with no more than half a kilogram of Semtex. However, Lou asks for way more than that. Judy says she doesn’t want mass casualties, but Lou tells Frasier otherwise. Lou tells Frasier to park is near the senior officers’ staff room and it should go off during their 5 PM staff meeting. Frasier believes they can get the other explosive material but not Semtex since it would be too hard to source. Joan is taken to medical for a drug test and gets instructions from Nurse Shen (Chloe Ng). She finishes it and returns to her cell where Jake asks Eve if she is interested in changing her shift this afternoon. She agrees to clean the conjugal room later in the day. Joan tells Eve that Jake wants to get her alone in the conjugal room and she should go for it. Judy goes outside to ask Lou how it went.

eve joan wentworth season 9 episode 6

Lou tells her and says she’ll call him tomorrow, but Lou wants to make sure it happens before her extradition hearing. Lou says this is the only way to do it and Judy can’t have phone calls. Judy mentions Zaina (Louisa Mignone) having a burner phone, but Lou warns her that would tip Zaina off. She tells Judy she is just going to need to trust her. Moments later, Lou asks Marie to get Zaina’s phone so she can mess up the contra trade and bring her down a peg. They learn about a cell toss happening in twenty minutes and Lou pushes Marie to get it done. During the cell toss, Linda Miles (Jacqueline Brennan) tells Boomer to come into her cell because she knows where the camera is. She unleashes her baton before telling Boomer she isn’t leaving until she gives it up. She says it is either that or the glove before getting Officer Green to help. Linda tells Green and says she’ll give him 25% of the wages if he gets it out of Boomer. She steps out and Green goes to work on Boomer.

detective jones wentworth series 9 episode 6

Boomer knees him in the balls so he doesn’t get the camera. Marie searches the kitchen for Zaina’s phone and snatches it. She takes it back to Lou who ditches the card and tells Marie to get rid of it. Marie tries to find out why she is protecting Judy but is only told it is business and nothing for her to worry about. As Marie walks through the hallway, she hears Zaina telling the others they need to find it before she is stopped by Linda. She learns there is a cop waiting to speak to her. Detective Jones (Nick Farnell) tells her to take a seat when she enters the interview room. She doesn’t know him, but Jones knows her very well. When she says she doesn’t want to help the cops, he says it isn’t about helping him. Instead, he thinks she should know why she is going to rot in prison for the rest of her miserable life. He inches closer and asks if she wants to know the truth or not.

jones and marie wentworth s09e06

She wants Jones to tell her, and he does but we don’t hear it. Marie seems to have had a change of heart when she leaves the interview room. Jake takes Eve to the conjugal room and tells her what needs to be done before leaving. She cleans it up and makes it romantic for Jake when he returns. As soon as he walks in, she jumps on him and he has to forcibly stop her. He pushes her to the ground and asks if she is crazy. Eve tells him not to look at her like that. He leaves her on the ground and asks Officer Deng to take Wilder back to her cell. Later that night, Joan comforts Eve in her cell. Joan says she should’ve told Eve that Jake led over women on including Vera. She claims Jake humiliated Vera and went on to sleep with a white trash nurse. Ferguson claims he is likely in medical with Nurse Shen right now since he has a thing for nurses. She pushes the knife deeper until Eve says it is hush hush time. In the morning, Joan gives Eve tips for taking care of Jake since it is his morning in the cafeteria.

joan eve wentworth season 9 episode 6

She gives Eve oven cleaner so she can use it to cover the camera. Boomer calls Gavin and learns he isn’t coming back in until next week. She wants to get rid of the camera as quickly as possible while Marie approaches Rita and says they need to talk. They agree to meet in the mop room in twenty minutes. Jake finds the oven cleaner on the table and we see that the camera has been covered by the spray. Eve stalks him. Rita meets with Marie who tells her about her visit with Jones. Rita looks around so Marie says she would need to sneak up on her like a coward to cut her throat. Marie says she faces her enemies head on and Rita killed Ray when she put on that phony jacket like a sheep in wolves clothing. She tells Rita she has been lying through her teeth for ten years and every woman in here is involved. She calls her a dirty copper. She goes on to say Rita is a sanctioned monster and a better liar than her.

marie wentworth tv series 9 episode 6

Rita says she is what she is but Marie calls her a hypocrite. Marie says she is the worst before telling her to screw off. Eve returns to Joan to tell her it is done, and Jake is in the freezer. They go to the freezer so Joan can check for herself. Joan checks the freezer, but Jake isn’t in there. Eve hits her with the fire extinguisher and quickly puts her in the freezer. She tries to push the lid down on Ferguson who struggled to fight back. Eve is knocked to the ground as Ferguson climbs out of the freezer. Joan gets close to a frightened Eve and tells her it is hush hush time. Linda checks the cafeteria before finding Eve crying on the ground. It looks like her eyeball is missing. They take her to medical where Will tells Vera about it moments later. Vera immediately suspects Ferguson who is in her cell. Will tries to get information from Eve while they learn that Jake isn’t responding to radio calls.

vera wentworth tv series 9 episode 6

Vera searches the kitchen and hears his radio as she calls for him. She finds him tied up with his pants down. He tells Vera that it was Eve who might’ve sexually assaulted him. Greg tells Vera that Eve is in the hospital and he recommends her being sent to St Clair. Vera pulls him aside to say Ferguson was behind all of it. Greg says Wilder took her own eye, but Vera says Ferguson made her do it. Greg doesn’t believe it so Vera tries to drill it into his head. Next, Lou holds shop with Judy in the showers and says it will take three weeks to get the explosives. Judy wonders if they should call it off. Lou invites her to take Eve’s cell since she isn’t coming back. In the cafeteria, the girls find out that Rita is missing, and Boomer isn’t hungry. Boomer tells them about Gavin coming in next week so she can give him the camera back. Ruby offers to hold the camera for her until Gavin comes.

joan ferguson wentworth season 9 episode 6

As Lou tries to eat, she finds Eve’s eyeball in her food and screams out. Joan says she has her eye on her. Will approaches Vera with Ferguson’s urine test which came back clean. They agree it isn’t going to be easy so Vera tells Will to find some dirt. Later that night, Marie finds Lou crying in her cell. Ruby finds out that her sister is distraught in her cell. She tells Ruby that Marie knows about her being a cop. She doesn’t want to tell Jackson since she doesn’t want to be separated from Ruby. She is worried they’ll come after her once Marie outs them. Marie tells Lou there is something she needs to tell her. First, Lou tells Marie that Judy is moving in so they’ll have to get along. Marie learns that Judy is going to help her. Marie says nothing about Rita and instead kisses Lou. They go at it as the episode ends.


Wentworth Review

Although this was a slower episode of Wentworth, it had a few big moments. First, Marie finally learned about Rita being a cop although she did nothing with it yet. Ferguson likely took out Eve Wilder for good and I doubt she will be back. There is a lot going on at once and a lot of it isn’t interesting. Lou plotting to blow up the prison is a good idea although it seems a bit contrived.

I also thought it was a stretch to bring Detective Jones into the prison so he could tell Marie about Rita being a cop. Would a cop under duty even be allowed to remain on duty and in the prison? With a few episodes left, we need to speed and dirty things up a lot more. We need more deaths and conclusions to the storylines that were previously created.

Viewers deserve a fitting ending for all storylines which they’re not going to get if the story doesn’t progress quickly enough. This was a better episode but lackluster compared to the first two or three episodes of this season. It is time to move on and start amping up the drama. The episode scores a 6.5 out of 10. All recaps of Wentworth will be available on Reel Mockery here.

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  1. T.kelly says:

    I taught it was a really good episode and a great season 🙂

  2. Samantha Jackson says:


    So why didn’t Marie tell Lou about Rita? I’m confused?

    • ReelMockery says:

      From my understanding of the episode’s ending, Marie was going to tell Lou but didn’t. Instead, they ended up kissing and/or having sex as the episode ended. Looked like Marie intended to tell her about Rita though. I guess we’ll have to see how they flip it next episode.

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