victoria christening s03e06

Victoria Season 3 Episode 6 Recap

At the start of the episode, Victoria (Jenna Coleman), Albert (Tom Hughes) and the family look at old pictures. Bertie (Laurie Shepherd) gets a little too aggressive with his brother. Feodora (Kate Fleetwood) tells Vicky (Louisa Bay) to take her brothers to the nursery. They speak about Victoria’s behavior after having another baby. Victoria insists there is nothing wrong with her. Later, John Russell (John Sessions) and Palmerston (Laurence Fox) discuss entering a new coin into circulation. Albert wants involved in the design of the new coin. He believes they should put something beautiful in the pocket of the people. King Leopold (Alex Jennings enters and interrupts. They attempt to come up with a name for the new coin. In the hallway, Russell scolds Palmerston for his behavior and the idiotic grin on his face.

victoria abigail season 3

After the lashing, Feodora tells Palmerston about the upcoming ball. Sophie (Lily Travers) plays the piano. Joseph (David Burnett) tries to get her to look at him. She reminds him she is still married. Penge (Adrian Schiller) offers to get rid of Joseph. Sophie finishes playing and leaves without saying a word. Leopold is introduced to the children. Leopold barely recognizes Feodora. At home, Duke Charles (Nicholas Audsley) speaks with Sophie. Charles mentions Russell and Palmerston. Charles wants Sophie to go to the ball as his grandmother. Leopold and Albert speak about Albert’s duties. He tells Albert that he is proud of him. Albert admits he had a good teacher. Bertie enters. He doesn’t want to sleep without his mouse. Feodora saves the day. Albert admits they’re fortunate to have her. Then, he is worried about Bertie and what he will do to his legacy.

duke monmouth victoria s03e06

Pictures of the royal household hit the newspapers. Feodora breaks the news to Victoria and Albert a short time later. Abigail Turner (Sabrina Bartlett) doesn’t think the picture is that bad. After all, it is just a woman giving a baby a bath. Penge tries to explain otherwise. Victoria contemplates canceling the ball. She doesn’t want everyone laughing at her. Albert explains that laughing at him has become a national pastime. Albert is confident that it will pass. Feodora invites Hudson (Gary Oliver) to the ball. Palmerston warns Feodora about Hudson being a swindler. Feo tells Palmerston that a man like him needs an ally. Russell tells Victoria about her options. The printer’s actions were not illegal. He doesn’t believe there is anything they can do. Albert finds Bertie playing with his mouse. He scolds him for not doing his duties.

jenna coleman victoria season 3

Bertie says he hopes mama dies soon so he can be King and do what he wants to do. Albert tries to get through to him. Feo tells Albert that Bertie is just like Victoria at that age. She suggests getting an expert. Leopold tries to get Victoria come up with a design for her coin. Victoria and Sophie chat about the ball. Joseph listens in on their conversation. Victoria believes there might be a story about the 9th duchess. Joseph tells Sophie in private that the 9th duchess was a Cavendish. Her marriage was miserable and she took a lover. The duke found out and divorced her. He took away her children and she killed herself. Joseph says that Charles intends to humiliate her. Victoria speaks to Abigail about the pictures in the newspaper. She believes they will refer to her as a nursemaid now.

leopold victoria season 3 episode 6

Abigail explains that she sees a woman who loves her children. She is glad that woman is her queen. Coombe (Hilton McRae) speaks about the skull. Coombe is to inspect Bertie’s skull. Albert tells him to cooperate or he will send his rat to the taxidermist. Coombe says Bertie’s feebleness of mind probably came from King George. Victoria doesn’t believe Bertie is mad. Bertie causes a scene. Later, Victoria and Albert consider their options. Victoria says that Bertie was fine until Feodora arrived. She believes that her sister might be her enemy. Sophie refuses to wear the outfit selected by her husband. Instead, she dresses as her servant grandmother. Victoria and Albert discuss Bertie. Feo interrupts. Leopold arrives. Victoria and Albert enter the ball. Joseph watches as Sophie and the others dance. Penge gets onto Joseph for sitting around doing nothing.

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Abigail claims they should give him a taste of his own medicine. Joseph doesn’t want to be dismissed. When he goes, he wants it to be his own doing. Sophie motions towards him. She asks him if he likes her outfit. He offers to assist her and she accepts the offer. The step into a private room. Palmerston agrees to dance with Feodora. Joseph and Sophie begin making out. She doesn’t order him to stop. They end up fooling around. The Duke begins asking the others about his wife and Palmerston. Leopold and Feodora speak about Victoria and the throne. Penge begins wondering where Joseph has disappeared to. Victoria asks Alfred (Jordan Waller) about the Hudson couple. Victoria is surprised that the swindler was invited to her party. Sophie and Joseph finish. She says it is madness.

penge victoria

Sophie and Joseph finish without getting caught. Joseph gives Penge an excuse for where he has been. Albert asks Victoria if she was thrilled with Feo organizing the ball. Victoria tells him about the swindler getting an invitation. Victoria threatens to ask them why they’re there. Feo tries to convince her otherwise. She ridicules Feo in private. Victoria blames Feo for all of her problems. Feo admits she not happy and hasn’t been for a very long time. Feo admits she could have been queen. She just married the wrong man. She tells her sister that she has everything and doesn’t know how lucky she is. The next day, Palmerston finds a street vendor selling pictures of the royal household. Bertie and Vicky get into a fight. Bertie says that Albert never plays with him. He wants to play chess and not marbles. Leopold encourages Albert to play chess with him.

sophie victoria s03e06

Leopold tries to convince him that Coombe is wrong. Victoria is not satisfied with the coins. Palmerston tells Victoria that the pictures are doing her good. The pictures show the people that Victoria is just like them. He tells her that her subjects understand a baby and a dog. They tell her that Albert took responsibility for the coin. Victoria is left to prepare for the christening. Victoria asks Albert about suing for damages. She has changed her mind and doesn’t want them punished now. Albert tells her that the God phrase could not be added because the crown took up too much space. Albert says she has no logic. That causes her to smash the skull on the ground. They learn that the Archbishop of Canterbury (Pete Ivatts) is there for the Christening. Sophie learns that her husband is coming to the Christening. During the event, the Duke notices Sophie and Joseph eyeballing one another.

victoria christening s03e06

Leopold confirms Feodora’s story. Victoria is worried that she wants revenge against her. Leopold isn’t sure she is a risk. Victoria tells Albert about Feo selling invitations to the ball. Victoria tells Feo she believes it is time she went home. Feo claims Albert would be sorry to see her go. Victoria takes her concerns to Albert. He tells her that she has too much self-esteem. She slaps him. He tells her that he expected her to be a rational woman, but she cannot be that. Victoria asks Albert when he stopped loving her. Albert denies that he doesn’t love her. Albert leaves her distraught. Victoria finds Bertie crying. His mouse ran away and isn’t coming back. They comfort each other. Victoria tells him that you cannot stop loving someone.

victoria ball season 3 episode 6


Victoria Review

This season of Victoria has been much deeper than the previous ones. We’ve always had squabbles between Victoria and Albert. Feodora is the difference this season. We’re also seeing a forbidden romance between Joseph and Sophie. I have enjoyed the season a lot. I will admit that I am growing a bit tired of the drama between Albert and Victoria though. We know that they’re not going to separate. Nevertheless, it is still somewhat entertaining to watch them bicker.

The addition of Palmerston is a good one. He is an interesting character. This episode was good. I am eager to see how the season is going to end. For that, the episode scores an 8 out of 10. Catch up with previous recaps of Victoria right now.

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