jake body parts unforgotten season 4 episode 3

Unforgotten Season 4 Episode 3 Recap

As the 3rd episode begins, we see our primary suspects before focusing on Geoff Tomlinson (Daniel Flynn) who approaches Fiona Grayson (Liz White) and learns she is feeling sick and is going to take off work. DCI Cassie Stuart (Nicola Walker) talks to DSI Clive Andrews (Colin R. Campbell) about their decision not to pin the murder on Fogerty. Cassie explains the living suspects seem to be the best route to the truth. He promises to give her 48 hours to find something concrete to suggest it wasn’t Robert Fogerty. Liz Baildon (Susan Lynch) receives a call from Robin Willard who learns about her decision to stay home. He encourages her to take it easy for a few days to get her strength back. He lets her know he just got out of a meeting with the selection panel and they’re going to give her the promotion.

clive andrews unforgotten season 4 episode 3

DS Fran Lingley (Carolina Main) goes over the eyewitness statement with Sunny (Sanjeev Bhaskar) and the others. She explains that the witness saw Matthew Walsh nearby and an Asian man getting out of a car to chase after him. If there were shouts, the woman was likely too far away to hear them. The woman turned and didn’t see anything else so everyone could’ve exited the vehicle. Cassie goes through the questions she has regarding the case. She puts Fran in charge of talking to the two other original witnesses while Murray (Jordan Long) is given letters from Matthew’s older brother Clive. She wants to track him down. DC Jake Collier (Lewis Reeves) is going to the lab to check on the key fobs in hopes of finding the rest of the victim. Kaz is asked to check the career histories of all four of the suspects.

fran actress carolina main unforgotten s04e03

She welcomes Karen (Pippa Nixon) back before saying she and Sunny will try to talk to Liz and Fiona today and the others tomorrow. Cassie warns the team that they’ll need to move fast or the investigation will die. Seconds later, Fiona calls about the exchange forms they signed and asks if the money has gone through yet. She asks if he can stop it if it hasn’t been moved yet. He doesn’t understand so she explains they have a personal situation and need to stop the payment. Fiona claims they need a few days to sort it out before the man says he’ll look at it and check back. Then, Cassie calls Murray and asks him to get authority for mobile phone records. She wants to see if they have heard about Matthew’s body and if they’ve contacted one another. Sal (Michelle Bonnard) contacts Sunny encouraging him to take tomorrow off because they’re moving house.

fiona unforgotten s04e03 recap

Since they’re short-handed, Sunny says he’ll ask the moving company to add an extra guy to the team to make up for his absence. Dean (Andy Nyman) and Marnie Barton (Lucy Speed) prepare for the party. Marnie gets off of the phone and announces she has sold the last table to Terry Fuller and he is bringing some brokers. Mark calls Fiona and tells her he just had a call from her freaked out solicitor about her wish to withhold her deposit. He confirms it went out last night before trying to find out what is going on. They agree to meet at his flat around 6:30. Next, we see Ram Sidhu (Phaldut Sharma) sitting in his car watching Lucy. When she walks by, he gets out and follows her to her apartment. He puts his foot in the doorway to stop her from shutting him out. Eugenia stops Liz who admits she hasn’t had time to think about money.

unforgotten s04e03 liz

Liz says her mother has asked that Eugenia not bring her daughter to work with her because she makes a lot of noise, but Eugenia says childcare is very expensive. Liz says she’ll come back in a day or two because it is not a good time. Then, Liz looks outside and she is surprised to see Cassie walking toward her home. Fiona reads about Elizabeth on her computer when she hears Sunny arriving outside. Cassie tells Liz about their possible historic murder and the murder victim Matthew Kieran Walsh. Liz says she thinks she saw it on the news the other night before Cassie shows her a picture of Matthew. We see a quick flashback before Liz says it doesn’t ring any bells. She is then asked about Robert Fogerty. She denies knowing him as well. Cassie tells Liz about Robert training at the same facility as her and asks her to take another look.

cassie liz interview unforgotten season 4 episode 3

Nevertheless, Liz still denies knowing Robert Fogerty. Cassie tells Liz about the four other probationers from Hendon who were in Fogerty’s vehicle that night. She makes it clear that they know one of the people in the vehicle was Liz before Liz questions whether she is a suspect. Eugenia listens as Cassie says no and they’re only trying to establish a chain of events. Cassie offers to send it to Professional Standard if Liz would prefer. She says she didn’t want to interview Liz in a station formally since that might be tough on her. Sunny sits down with Fiona and shows her a picture of Robert Fogerty immediately. She says he wasn’t a friend, but she remembers Robert from the course. She says it wasn’t a tight-knit group before wondering if Sunny is trying to catch her in something. Sunny wants to ask her about three names.

susan lynch actress unforgotten s04e03

He starts with Dean Barton and Fiona says she doesn’t recall his name. Ram Sidhu is next. Fiona remembers him vaguely and says there was a Sikh lad in their group. She doesn’t remember Liz either. Then, Sunny takes her back to the night of her passing out party before Liz Baildon admits she remembers Ram and training with him. She knows Ram has done excellent work in Vice, but she claims she has no recollection of a car ride with him or any of the others. She isn’t saying it didn’t happen, but she doesn’t remember it. Cassie tells her about Fogerty being arrested and losing his entire career for drink driving that night. That statement jars something loose and Liz says she remembers now. Liz admits she thinks she drove Rob’s car back after he was arrested and Cassie confirms it. Liz goes on to say she dropped the others off, left Rob’s car at his place, and walked home.

fiona sunny interview unforgotten s04e03

She doesn’t remember anyone getting out of the car and loading a dead body into the trunk. Eugenia listens as Liz tells Cassie she is good. When Cassie asks about that, Liz says it is nothing and offers to show her out. Eileen (Sheila Hancock) watches through the window as Cassie walks to her vehicle outside. Eileen knocks on the floor so Liz tells Eugenia to see what she wants. Eugenia says they’ll talk Friday about her money. Fiona tells Sunny she doesn’t remember anything he describes. She explains that her father was a police officer and he said the day she qualified was the happiest day of his life. The only problem is that she hated it and she always knew she would. She knew she wasn’t copper material but did it for her father. She goes on to admit that she started drinking before getting accepted and drank more after that. She was surprised they didn’t kick her out because she drunk so much.

sunil khan unforgotten s04e03

On the day of the ceremony, she waited for the guests to leave and started drinking heavily. She didn’t stop for about three months so she doesn’t remember much about that night. Sunny shows her a picture of Matthew Walsh and she has a quick flashback of a sequence of events before saying she doesn’t remember him. Ram goes to Paul and claims he is never given the benefit of the doubt like white people who are accused of such things. He pulls out a paper and says that Lucy is the cousin of a man named Tommy Munroe who is a fully paid member of the EDF. He sent him down last year for importing 20 keys of Colombian flake. He thinks ‘Juicy Lucy’ says a few of his political inclinations and that is why she accused him. Ram plays a recording of Lucy talking about 50 quid and calling Ram a Paki slag. When he leaves, he contacts Anna (Clare Calbraith) to let her know he is on his way home. He apologizes for not being around and says his work issues have been resolved now.

unforgotten season 4 episode 3 anna

Sunny and Cassie talk on the phone and discuss their respective interviews. Sunny says he can’t stop coming to the fact that they don’t have any real connection between Walsh and the other four. They have two more people to talk to but Sunny admits they just don’t know what has happened. He wants to make sure they don’t travel down a rabbit hole before a call from Jake interrupts. Cassie finishes talking to Sunny because Jake says they were able to eliminate the writing on six of the fobs. They had garden gate, spare room, two padlocks, cellar, and one that says SSS. He searched online and found a storage unit close to Fogerty’s house called Stow Safe & Sounds. They’re shut for the night but Jake is going to check them out tomorrow. Fiona meets with Mark and says she is worried about something from the past that the mortgage company could find out about.

jake unforgotten season 4 episode 3

She is worried that the mortgage company could withdraw their money because of that. She wants to know if there is a way to change her name on the mortgage forms. She wants to use Geoff’s surname to make her name Fiona Tomlinson so her past can’t be linked to them. Mark says they can’t do that and the mortgage company won’t withdraw their loan anyway. Mark digs a little deeper and learns that Fiona has a criminal conviction and she is worried she could lose the 50k deposit. He tells her he needs to know more before he says anything money-related could lead to problems. Fiona promises it isn’t fraud before Mark says he doesn’t know if it is possible and he would be putting himself in an incredibly compromising position. She is worried they’ll lose the deposit and have to sell their house. Then, Mark asks what she would do for him in return.

dean barton season 4 episode 3 unforgotten

We jump over to the Jack Barton (Rory Averdieck) Trust party. Dean takes to the stage and tells everyone about the upcoming events before thanking everyone for coming. He thanks his son Jack and tells everyone how he has enriched his life. Later that night, Ram talks to Anna about their kid having Down Syndrome. She says there will be challenges but life can be pretty normal, but she admits pretty normal is not what she had dreamed of her entire life. She admits she wants a normal kid and grandchildren before saying she would likely resent that life. When asked, Ram says he didn’t have the same reaction. Ram wants to go through with the pregnancy no matter what. He explains he hates the idea of stopping a life just because it wasn’t perfect. In the morning, Dean tells his assistant that they were just as generous as he had hoped.

dean barton interview unforgotten tv show

Cassie arrives outside and Dean notices her. He tells Claire there has been a change of plans since he doesn’t have any appointments this morning. He decides to go to Aldercroft to help them clean up. When he exits, Cassie enters and questions Claire. Fiona watches her family leave before getting ready. Sunny goes to the police station and requests to speak to Ram. Cassie tracks Dean to the site of the party while Sunny sits down with Ram who believes they’ve met before at a BPA bash or something, but Sunny isn’t a member of the BPA. Sunny tells him it is a case from when Ram was a civilian and a police probationer. Ram says they’re done and he expected between of DI Khan. Anna learns they’ll need an amniocentesis for diagnosis and that carries a small risk of miscarriage. She asks about the NIPT test. Martin Hughes (Peter Egan) hangs out with Adam Stuart (Jassa Ahluwalia).

susan lynch liz unforgotten season 4 episode 3

Martin admits Jenny has nothing in terms of money, no savings, and rents her little flat. He knows what Jenny will be doing for him in the next year or so and he thinks he is giving her a small recompense. Adam understands that and Martin knew he would. Dean looks at the picture of Matthew Walsh and we see a brief flashback of someone on the ground being kicked, but he denies knowing him. He remembers Rob though. He admits they had a few that night and doesn’t remember the car stopping before being pulled over. Then, he says he didn’t like taking orders so he quit the force. They talk about his leadership skills before Dean says he hasn’t stayed in touch with any of the others. Jake goes to the storage facility and speaks with a man who knows him and says he was a bit of a butthead. Dean asks Cassie why someone would remove the hands and head so she explains it is usually done to obscure identification. They agree you never know what someone might be capable of.

ram unforgotten season 4 episode 3

Meanwhile, Jake finds out that Robert Fogerty did have a unit at the storage facility. It was unit 224G and he rented the space for eight years. Ram uses a payphone to call someone and tell them they need to meet. Jake unlocks the lock and enters the storage unit. Ram returns home and finds Anna crying on the couch so he comforts her. Fiona approaches Liz as she tried to unlock her bike lock. Liz doesn’t like seeing her and asks if she is insane, but Fiona says they need to talk. Liz arranges for them to meet tomorrow at St. Saviour’s Park. She tells Fiona to wear a hoodie, not to drive, and pay for her train ticket in cash. Sunny meets with Cassie and tells her how Ram was cagey and prickly and has a 30-year history of being like that. He explains there were multiple misconduct issues, allegations of drug abuse, prostitute use, fabricating evidence, and more. He fought every one, said they were racially motivated, and beat them all.

jake body parts unforgotten season 4 episode 3

Cassie admits Dean was rather lovely but it might be because he has a disabled son and does stuff for charity. Cassie admits she has agendas and they don’t have any real evidence yet. She believes they’re on to something and Sunny says he’d agree under normal circumstances. He says they should sleep on it before revealing he moved in with Sal and he might need to show up a bit. Jake continues searching through Robert’s storage unit until he finds a small refrigerator. Fran runs into Cassie and tells her she had a witness who can 100% confirm that Walsh was being chased. Two men were chasing him and one called out his name. One was Asian and the other man was unusually tall. Jake calls and confirms he has found the rest of Walsh.


Unforgotten Review

I am glad things are starting to pick up. The last episode was good, but not a lot happened. The 3rd episode pushed the story forward a lot and I expect things to get even better from here on. I liked Sunny and Cassie interviewing the suspect separately since we got to see how both detectives operate. It seems all of the suspects are lying about something at this point but it doesn’t make them all murderers.

Unforgotten always has so much going on and this season has been no different. It takes an incredibly long time to slowly watch these episodes and translate them into recaps. We have to pay attention to the murder investigation as well as the lives of the suspects and investigators. Liz is getting her promotion but she is hiding something that could ruin her. Fiona is worried about a past conviction catching up with her and she contacted Liz hoping to talk. Both of them know more than they’re saying.

According to Ram, everything is racially motivated but I think it is clear he has been up to no good. This episode basically confirmed that he was chasing Matthew Walsh with a really tall guy. I would suppose that really tall guy would be Fogerty because Dean isn’t that tall. Fran’s new witness tells us that it was indeed a chase and one of the men called Matthew’s name so he was directly targeted.

Then, we have all of the stuff going on with Eugenia requesting more money, Anna contemplating an abortion, and Martin signing his house away to Jenny. I need a chance to breathe and digest everything after this episode. There is a lot to think about and I can’t wait to see what happens next. This episode of Unforgotten was very good so I’d give it an 8 out of 10. Previous and future recaps of Unforgotten are available here.

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