hannah the split episode 6

The Split Series 1 Episode 6 Recap

As the episode begins, Hannah (Nicola Walker) sits on a bridge and contemplates life. Then, she heads on her way and returns home. She finds the her daughter and her boyfriend trying to cook. Hannah is not happy to see them back together. Hannah runs into Nathan (Stephen Mangan). Nathan asks where Hannah has been. He admits he has tracked her phone. Nathan explains that he just wants to talk. Hannah becomes angry with Nathan. He admits he knows what he has done. He insists he might not have been all of his making. Nathan insists that he is not Oscar (Anthony Head). Hannah jumps in the bathroom, turns on the shower and ignores him. Meanwhile, Rose (Fiona Button) and James (Rudi Dharmalingam) prepare for their wedding.

hannah the split episode 6Ruth (Deborah Findlay) gives Rose a rundown of her schedule for the day. At work, Hannah speaks with Christie (Barry Atsma). They chat briefly. Hannah speaks with Zander (Chukwudi Iwuji) about the McKenzie case. Zander suggests working with Nathan on the case. Hannah doesn’t seem interest, but she has no choice. Goldie (Meera Syal) gets her wedding ring cut from her finger. Larry tells her that she is now free. She meets with her husband’s new mistress. They argue and Goldie is told to settle. She is told that Davey will kill her. Oscar’s new woman comes to visit him. Meanwhile, Hannah learns that Nathan is on his way. At work, Nina chats with Ruth. Ruth reveals that people have been asking her about the sale of the firm. She admits she doesn’t want to sell anything. Nathan and Hannah begin working on Goldie’s house.

goldie the split finaleThey chat about the way the marriage broke down. Hannah uses the opportunity to poke at Nathan. Goldie admits she had sex with Davey (Stephen Tompkinson) just a few days ago. Outside, Nathan scolds Hannah for attacking him through a client. Hannah suggests she’ll find someone else. Nathan admits he doesn’t like Christie. Nathan tells her not to call Mark, because Goldie will lose with him. Christie prepares for his case. Zander speaks to his team about the upcoming McKenzie divorce case. Hannah learns about the rumor that Ruth could be selling her business. Christie is put in charge of the law firm’s US expansion. Hannah isn’t happy with the decision. Maggie (Ellora Torchia) finds her in the bathroom. She explains that Max has found something on Davey.


nina the split finaleHannah asks for a few minutes. Nina and Ruth speak about Maya’s arrival. Ruth explains she just received a call from Reed. Zander speaks with Hannah about the Davey case. He gives her advice to pass along to Ruth. He explains that Ruth needs the McKenzie case to go her way. Hannah insists she has no intention of going easy on Ruth. When Hannah heads home, she spots Christie out drinking with the others. Rose, Hannah and Nina discuss sending an invite to Maya. Hannah is asked to make a speech. She isn’t interested. Hannah returns home to find Nathan asleep. She takes off his glasses and puts up his paperwork. Nina spends the night with Rex Pope (Mathew Baynton). She tells him why she takes stuff.

christie the split episode 6She admits she is waiting for someone to stop her, but nobody ever does. In the morning, everyone prepares for Goldie’s case. Hannah speaks with Goldie again. Hannah shows Ruth the next evidence against Davey. Goldie’s children arrive. They plead with her to settle and let it go. Nina pleads with Hannah to help the Defoes. Nina returns to Davey. She encourages him to give Goldie everything she wants. Ruth tells him to start talking right now. Ruth speaks with Hannah. She explains that Davey and others could be facing criminal prosecution. The children have also been exposed. In the end, both parties agree to settle. Goldie does so to protect her children. Goldie still gets a lot of money, property and a spot in the company.

the split recap finaleHannah speaks with Goldie briefly. It is clear that Goldie is satisfied with the agreement. Hannah’s law firm celebrates the win. Christie leaves and Hannah follows. Christie admits he is going to miss the view. Hannah explains that she has been with Nathan forever and she cannot leave him. She insists she couldn’t go it again with anyone else. Christie suggests that she’ll never know if she doesn’t try. Hannah speaks with Zander. She admits she thought changing her name would make it okay to leave the old firm. She explains that she cannot sit by and watch the company be destroyed. It is clear that she wants to leave the firm. Rose begins prepared for her wedding. There are only 12 hours left.

nicola walker the splitJames tells the preacher that he’ll kill him if anything happens with Rose again. Hannah meets with Ruth. She tells her that she cannot go with Reed McCulvey. She explains that Noble & Hale will buy them out. She admits that they’ll take Nina as a partner. Ruth will be forced to step down. The company will be named Noble, Hale and Defoe. Later that night, Nathan speaks with Hannah. She tells him that Christie is leaving. Nathan apologizes and admits he is going to regret what he did for the rest of his life. He wants to be together tonight. They spent the night together awkwardly. The wedding day finally arrives. In the end, Rose requests that Ruth walk her into the chapel. Ruth walks her down the aisle and the couple are wed. The celebrations continue into the night.

hannah ruth the split finaleHannah dances with Nathan. The girls also sing together. Hannah embraces Oscar. Ruth gives a speech. Hannah speaks with Ruth about her wedding day. Ruth tells Hannah that she is playing a dangerous game. Hannah promises that she is not like her father. Nina leaves with Rex. Hannah and Nathan are left alone. He tells her that he loves her. He senses that she is going through something. He tells her to sort it out and please come back. Nathan takes the kids home. Early in the morning, Hannah visits Christie. She gives him a kiss. They head inside together and the door closes. They wake up together. Hannah gets a call from Nina. Something has happened to Oscar. She learns that he has passed away. Christie tries to help Hannah. She encourages him not to go to Chicago.


The Split Review

The finale of The Split was pretty satisfying. There were a few things that I found disappointing though. First and foremost, the conclusion to the Goldie and Davey divorce was a little too quick and easy. I also thought that Oscar’s death was a little cheesy. Nevertheless, the finale was good. Hannah took the leap of faith and decided to sleep with Christie. It appears that she is going to dive into a full on affair with him.

I am excited that the show has been renewed. There is plenty that can be done with it from here. I enjoyed the finale. It scores a solid 8 out of 10. Catch up with previous recaps of The Split right now.

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  1. Christine Bradley says:

    Loved episode 6. Hannah deserves a love affair with Christie after so many years. Nathan doesnt deserve her. Cant wait for the next series. Is it fair for Hannah to ask him not to go to Chicago? What does Hannah want to do now after Oscar’s funeral? She should have married Christie instead of doing the right thing and marrying Nathan. The first adult relationship for both of them should not have lead to marriage. Is Liv Christie’s child? So many questions to answer.

    • ReelMockery says:

      Agreed with everything. Good questions. The show has many potential storylines to follow. Now sure about Liv. Didn’t think about that actually! That would be a big twist for sure.

  2. Anna tkaczuk says:

    Can’t wait for series 2. Wow! Emotional rollercoaster. Can’t wait for more of Christie and Hannah

  3. John says:

    I just watched this. What did Davey do with the pension fund and his children’s names?

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