The Lost Flowers Of Alice Hart Series 1 Episode 1 Recap

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The episode opens in a flashback with young Alice Hart (Alyla Browne) and Chem Hart (Charlie Vickers) whistling through a blade of grass. Alice traces the scar running along the palm of his hand. Agnes Hart (Tilda Cobham-Hervey) tells her about the night she was born. Alice asks why they do not have other family members. Agnes claims it was always just them. Chem tells her that another baby will soon join their family. Agnes and Chem slow dance to “Let’s Stick Together” by Bryan Ferry” before Alice joins them. Later, Alice yells good to Chem as he drives away. After some fun time on the beach, Agnes reluctantly agrees to take Alice to town. The next morning, Alice goes to town by herself after Agnes refuses to get out of bed.

Library, Librarian Sally Morgan (Asher Keddie) introduces herself to Alice when she notices bruises on her arms. Alice overhears Sally on the phone telling Police Officer John Morgan (Alexander England) that Chem’s daughter’s arms are covered in bruises. She returns home to find Chem on the phone. Agnes whispers for her to run. As she starts to flee, he forcibly grabs and pushes her into a room. Later, he sets the brush (possibly crop) on fire.

Agnes hurriedly puts a long-sleeve shirt on Alice as Police Officer John Morgan pulls up in the driveway. Agnes and Chem downplay Alice’s bruises. After speaking with Alice, John leaves her with some library books. Sally watches from the police cruiser.

While reading “Fire Gods Myths & Legends,” Alice daydreams of setting Chem on fire while he sleeps. Agnes and Chem are away for a prenatal visit when Alice searches the shed for the elements needed to start a fire. She accidentally knocks a lantern onto the floor, causing the shed to go up in flames. She rushes to her bedroom and hides under the cover. John calls Sally to inform her of the fire at the Harts.

Sally arrives at the hospital as Agnes is being moved to a room for monitoring. She enters a room where a body bag is on a gurney. She and John visit Alice in the room where their daughter, Gemma died. Agnes succumbs to her injuries at 10:15pm. Chem died in the fire.

The Fire Chief (Stephen Anderton) informs John of there being two separate fires, one of which started in the shed. The fire that started in Alice’s bedroom killed Chem. He suggests kerosene was the accelerant. John finds Chem’s mum, June Hart (Sigourney Weaver) in what is left of the burnt shed.

A palliative care nurse (Olivia Pigeot) suggests Alice can still hear in her unconscious state. Placing a “Butterfly bush” in Alice’s hand, June says it symbolizes second chances. Dr. Harris (Andrew McFarlane) says Alice’s trachea injury was probably from being choked. The 25-week-old baby boy is in a Sydney neonatal unit but his prognosis is not good. June asks when Chem’s body can be buried. John tells her that it could take months for the coronial inquest to be complete. She says the last correspondence she had with Chem was a strange message that suggested he had a child. Sally calls June a “cow” before asking what will become of Alice and her brother. John promises to investigate Agnes and Chem’s past to find an alternative next of kin.

June breaks down when she arrives home. She informs Twig (Leah Purcell) of Chem and Agness’ deaths and Alice being in a coma. Twig is at the dining table when her daughter, Candy (Frankie Adams) asks who died. As June packs Agnes’ belongings, Twig tells her that she cannot erase Agnes and their granddaughter, Alice like she did Chem. June says Alice’s best hope is to stay away from their family.

Sally reads Alice the “Selkie Story.” In a dream, Alice and Toby are playing with a stick. She and Agnes read the “Selkie Story” when Chem brings her a writing desk that he handcrafted with her favorite flowers. When Alice embraces him, he is pleased. Back to the present, Alice wakes up while Sally is reading. Sally informs her of the fire and the death of her parents. She promises to take care of her. Alice weeps.

Two Months Later – Alice stares at the Buttery bush when Sally says someone left her a gift. She removes the lid to discover Harry Potter novels. Sally assures Alice that she will love her bedroom, backyard swing, and their house by the sea.

Twig plants trees for Agnes, Chem, and the baby when Candy approaches. Kneeling on the ground, Candy runs her finger along the scar running along her palm.

June places a bouquet of flowers in Alice’s hospital room while she sleeps. She is sitting in the car when Sally invites her to join them. June declines the offer before rolling up the car window. Imagining Agnes is in the hallway, Alice follows her to the ocean where a wave engulfs her. She lays on the pavement weeping when June approaches. She realizes her face is an image of the statues in the shed. Back to the present, Sally returns to the hospital room to find June feeding Alice a pastry.

Alice listens to Sally and June discussing an agreement. June reminds her that there is no signed agreement. Sally accuses her of not wanting Alice. John says as the next of kin, June has authority. June tells Alice that she is taking her to Thornfield. Sally assures Alice that June will take care of her. Alice embraces her.

An attorney calls Sally to inform her that Agnes changed her will before she died. Agnes described June as being “unfit” and “unwilling” to care for their children. She nominated Sally as the children’s guardian. John points out that Agnes did not know them.

June assures Alice that she will never allow anyone to hurt her as Chem did. She later asks Twig if they can keep Alice safe before heading outside with a loaded shotgun. Alice peeks in to see if John is asleep before going to the attic. She searches through the boxes for a statue of a baby reading a book. She nestles the statue like a child. Alice looks out the window as the episode closes.


The Lost Flowers Of Alice Hart Cast

  • Young Alice Hart (AAlyla Browne)
  • Alice Hart (Alychia Debnam-Carey)
  • June Hart (Sigourney Weaver)
  • Chem Hart (Charlie Vickers)
  • Agnes Hart (Tilda Cobham-Hervey)
  • Sally Morgan (Asher Keddie)
  • John Morgan (Alexander England)
  • Twig (Leah Purcell)
  • Candy (Frankie Adams)
  • Baby Joshie (Clancy Hollis)

The Lost Flowers Of Alice Hart Synopsis

Alice Hart lives with an abusive father, Chem. Alice’s pregnant mum, Agnes appears to struggle with depression. On some days, she doesn’t get out of bed, leaving Alice to care for herself. While Chem is away, Alice convinces Agnes to take her town. The next morning, she refuses to get out of bed. She sets out on her own, ending up at the library. Sally calls her husband, John who is a police officer to tell him that Alice’s arms are covered in bruises. Overhearing the conversation, Alice returns home to find Chem has returned a day earlier. He beats her while Agnes is left helpless. John visits her the next day with some library books.

Enthralled with “Fire Gods Myths & Legends, Alice searches the shed for the three elements of fire when a lantern falls to the floor. Sally is notified by John of the fire inside the shed and house. Chem didn’t survive and Agnes later succumbed to her injuries. An investigation determined kerosene was utilized to start the fire inside the house.

Alice’s grandmother, June has no interest in taking Alice or the baby boy if he survives. Sally and John who lost their daughter, Gemma, agree to take them. Dr. Harris is concerned about the damage to Alice’s trachea which he contributes to strangulation. Once Alice is ready to be discharged, June shows up to take her home.

Alice is in June’s care when Sally learns Agnes appointed her the children’s guardian. John is confused as to why she would nominate Sally but she did deem June “unfit.” June promises Alice to keep her safe but she later questions if it is possible. Twig’s daughter, Candy, and Chem have similar scars on their palms.

The Lost Flowers Of Alice Hart Review

The pace is like watching paint dry. The poor editing alters the flow of the storyline. The scenes become jumbled together and confusing. It doesn’t help there are unexplainable time gaps between scenes. The final draft of the script should be flawless but instead is a complete mess.

Young actress, Alyla Browne should be commended for a job well done. She carries the show from start to finish. The entire cast did a fabulous job bringing their characters to life.

The show is not for the faint at heart. Grasping child abuse alone is difficult, watching it transpire even through a fictional portrayal is more so. This could explain why there are so few films and TV series that depict child abuse. Whatever the case, it is brazing to take on such a difficult topic.

The episode deserves a 6. Get more The Lost Flowers Of Alice Hart recaps here. Support Reel Mockery by donating to our site. Our onsite advertising builds brand awareness, click the link to learn more.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.


  1. Only a man would describe the pace of this sensitive, beautiful series as akin to watching paint dry. Stick with Fast and Furious. More your speed.

    1. lol! Would you be shocked if a woman actually wrote the recap and review for episode 1 because I’ve got news for you. It should’ve been cut down to 40 minutes and maybe 4 – 6 episodes.

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