series 1 episode 1 abbie ryan the catch

The Catch Season 1 Episode 1 Recap

As the first episode of The Catch begins, Ed (Jason Watkins) panics when he sees an abandoned boat in the distance. He begins calling for Josh before flipping it over only to find it empty. He comes back to reality when Bob (Ian Pirie) asks him if he is fine. Ed tells him to get it in before looking at a picture of Josh. After the intro, Abbie (Poppy Gilbert) tells Ryan (Aneurin Barnard) she can’t believe he wants to do this. She is convinced they’re going to love him. As for her dad, he’ll be out on the boat so they’re going to save him for later. Ed learns from Bob that they’re being undercut by the Pendricks and the restaurants no longer want their fish.

channel 5 the catch episode 1

Ed wants to confront the Pendricks, but Bob stops him because he wants to make a few more calls first. Abbie’s mom Claire (Cathy Belton) gets ready to meet Ryan. It will be four months tomorrow. When Claire asks about her plans to visit Australia, Abbie says she can’t if she doesn’t get the grant. Ryan talks to Phyllis outside. She says she moved there before they came to look after her and lock her in. When they yell for Ryan, Phyllis admits she doesn’t understand what is going on. Abbie takes Ryan inside so she can show him the drawings she made when she was a kid.

He learns about the ship Ed sailed on. They also look at a picture of Josh on his 10th birthday. Ryan tells Claire he is sorry for her loss. Ed worries the Pendricks will force them out of business and buy their boat for cheap. Abbie approaches and learns that they’ve lost the restaurants. Claire and Ryan join them moments later. Ed seems surprised when he is introduced to Abbie’s new boyfriend. They go to a nearby restaurant where Katz (Jade Jordan) greets them. Abbie tells her dad that Ryan was in the army so they’ll have something to talk about. Once they sit down, Ryan confirms he is living in a motel until he finds something permanent.

He tells them where he grew up and his dad’s favorite place. They learn that his parents died in a car crash. Ryan offers to pay the bill, but Ed wants to take care of it. When he approaches Katz, he is asked whether Abbie is going to change her mind about Australia because of Ryan. He doesn’t think so since she has had her heart set on it since she was a little kid. Ed tries to put it on the tab only to be forced to pay. He has to get the card from Claire to pay for it. Once he returns to pay the bill, he learns that Ryan has already covered it for them. Ryan doesn’t think Ed likes him. He says they need to get along because he has fallen for his daughter.

abbie and ryan s01e01 the catch

At work, Ed tells Bob about it. He is worried about Abbie because she sees the best in everyone. Bob reassures him that it won’t last before they notice their net has been cut with a knife. Ryan takes Abbie to a house he is thinking about buying if she’ll move in with him. Ed and Bob approach Pendrick (Paul Sparkes) and accuse him of cutting their net. Bob is told it looks like Ed is losing the plot again. While looking at the house, Abbie mentions that she is going away at the end of summer. Ryan tries to find out why she wouldn’t want to live there with him. Ed learns that a young boy’s boat capsized before he was pulled out of the water.

He freaks out and argues with George briefly. Ed remembers trying to save Josh. Abbie tells Ryan that her dad has been incredibly protective ever since Josh died. Ryan doesn’t think she should stop living the life she wants just because something happened in the past. Claire sits with Bob after hearing about the argument. Bob thinks she deserves some time to herself. Ed apologizes to George because he got it wrong. George asks why he always thought the worst of him and he thought he wasn’t good enough for Abbie. George accuses him of lying about it, but Ed thinks he saw him with another girl. Ed says that is in the past. George suggests he can ruin her new relationship too.

Ed asks if he has met Ryan. Abbie tells her mom she is still going if she gets the grant and she isn’t pregnant. Claire says Ryan seems great even though Abbie doesn’t think her dad believes that. Claire thinks he was just having a bad day. Ed learns that Ryan has done two tours of Afghanistan and got a medal for bravery. He has recently been promoted to senior area manager at one of the biggest recruitment companies in Europe. Ed notices that George has a picture of Abbie saved on his own. George insists he has been meaning to change that. Ed says there is something about Ryan so George offers to find out more. Abbie plays cards with Phyllis before Ed joins them with beers.

tv series 1 episode 1 the catch josh

He tells Abbie about seeing George who saved a boy’s life. They briefly talk about Ryan before Ed steps away to take a call. George tells him that he searched and searched. He’ll send him what he found. Claire tells Ed he should come with her like he used to. She tells him that Abbie loves Ryan, but Ed doesn’t think Ryan is who he says he is. This Ryan didn’t exist before 2008. Claire suggests he could’ve lied for many reasons. Ed wonders if he is running away from something. Claire thinks Abbie has stayed there longer than she should’ve and she only stayed for them.

Claire knows he is under a lot of pressure with work and money right now. She argues that they need to let Abbie go. Ed is more worried about Ryan. He is warned that he’ll push Abbie towards Ryan more if he goes in guns blazing. When Abbie joins them, Ed says it is all good before walking away. Ed joins Bob and learns that something has happened on the boat. Phyllis overhears Claire talking to someone on the phone about Ed and Abbie. Bob says there is saltwater in the diesel and it could be sabotage. He can’t get it to start. Ed wonders who the heck is doing this to them. Bob argues they should buy a new engine although Ed admits there isn’t as much money as he’d like in the account.

poppy gilbert episode 1 the catch

Claire begins looking for her mom while Ed calls to find out when he can withdraw the money. He mentions the possibility of getting a personal loan on the value of the house. He knows it is owned by his mother-in-law, but his wife and her brother have power of attorney. He is told he’ll need both signatures. Claire calls Abbie to tell her Phyllis is missing again. Katz lets Bob watch security video that shows George walking toward the boat with a bucket. Claire catches up with Abbie and Ed just before they see Phyllis in the distance. She nearly walks off the edge, but Ryan manages to stop her. Back at the house, Ed gets Ryan something to drink and thanks him for helping.

He reveals that Phyllis said she was looking for Josh. Ed suspects he is lying about not being there with his dad before. He eventually asks why Ryan changed his name when he was 18. Abbie says his parents didn’t die in a car crash. Ryan explains that his dad died when he was young so he barely remembers him. As for his mother, she couldn’t handle it and ended up killing herself. When he was 18, he decided he needed a fresh start. Ed mentions that Abbie was looking for a fresh start in Australia. He gives Abbie money he had put aside only to learn that she isn’t going because she has made plans with Ryan. In private, Abbie tells Ed she knows he doesn’t like Ryan.

He believes she is giving up so many opportunities, but Abbie says she hasn’t lost anything. Ryan has to stay in his job for a year before they can go together. She asks her father to give Ryan a chance. He asks if this means they’ll finally get their dining room back. Abbie thanks him. Outside, she asks Ryan to go out and celebrate tonight, but he says he has work. Once she leaves, Ryan says he has to make a few calls. He asks Ed how he knew he changed his name. Once Ed says Abbie has been lied to before, Ryan says not by him. Ryan calls someone to tell them he is free tonight. Ed listens to his conversation before Ryan leaves in a taxi. Ed gives Bob the money. Since it isn’t enough, Bob will cover the rest and get paid back later.

series 1 episode 1 abbie ryan the catch

Ed borrows his van so he can follow Ryan. He follows him into the night. Eventually, Ryan stops and talks to a street worker. Ed records using his phone as the woman gets into the vehicle with Ryan. Once Ed returns home, he finds that Abbie is already asleep. Claire reminds her that she used to wait for him to come home. Ed has a nightmare about Josh. He gets up and learns that Ryan already came over to pick up Abbie. Phyllis says they’re all going out to lunch to celebrate. Claire asks Ed to accept the decision Abbie made. George watches Bob using binoculars. Phyllis ends up staying instead of going to lunch.

Ed pulls his daughter to the side so he can show her the video he recorded. Then, he goes to the table to confront Ryan. He eventually says he was with Sergeant Rebecca Slater who saved his life. When he learned she was working the streets, he thought it was time to save her life. Ed doesn’t want to believe it. Ryan asks if he wants him to show him pictures of them together in Afghanistan. Ryan gets upset and leaves the table while Claire scolds Ed for doing that. Ed thinks about Josh when he leaves. Abbie has shots with Katz. Later, Ed gets on the boat and finds a candle and a picture of Josh. There is also a picture from the Navy.

episode 1 the catch killer

When he hears something behind him, he grabs a knife to defend himself. Someone has written the word “killer” on the floor.


The Catch Review

The opening episode of The Catch creates an interesting story with multiple possibilities are this point. The series is based on a novel by T.M. Logan so those familiar with the story may feel differently than those who are not. However, there seems to be a handful of potential outcomes for the story so it may or may not be predictable after the first episode.

Besides Ed having to worry about Ryan, he also has problems with the business and the possibility that George is sabotaging the boat. The story is more complex than it may seem even though it is straightforward and easy to digest. The performances are great, especially Jason Watkins who is very convincing as the concerned father.

The soundtrack helped up the intensity during tense scenes such as when Ed was following Ryan. Ultimately, the opening episode was good enough to warrant finishing a few more episodes just to find out what happens. It scores a 6.5 out of 10. Recaps of The Catch will be available on Reel Mockery here.

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