tv show Sullivan's Crossing episode 7 waterfall andrew maggie

Sullivan’s Crossing Season 1 Episode 7 Recap

Second Chances – As the seventh episode of Sullivan’s Crossing begins, Maggie (Morgan Kohan) and Andrew go to the ceremony for Roy who has passed away. They hear Lola Gunderson (Amalia Williamson) crying and asking what she is going to do without him. Andrew (Allan Hawco) tells Maggie that he’ll be outside in case she needs him. Frank (Tom Jackson) tells Maggie that Edna is going to need some time to get over this. He says he is sorry how she left things with Sully. After the intro, Sully (Scott Patterson) approaches Maggie outside. He admits they all thought Roy was doing so well.

lola tv show sullivan's crossing episode 7

He hopes they can smooth things over and speak later. After Maggie leaves to find Edna, Andrew speaks to Sully who learns they’re staying at a bed and breakfast. He wanted to be there for Maggie and get to know his fiancée a little better. Andrew asked her to marry him and he thinks she’ll accept. It is just hard for her to focus on anything else right now with the lawsuit lingering in her future. Andrew tells him about the new house he bought and how it even has an in-law suite for Sully. Maggie tells Edna (Andrea Menard) that she wanted to be there for her like she has always been there for her.

Edna admits it was terrible finding Roy like that. No one was with him in the end so it reminded her of Frank being out there in the woods. Edna decides to go see if Rob needs a hand. Cal Jones (Chad Michael Murray) approaches Maggie to say it is hard to believe Roy is gone. Cal hopes he wasn’t afraid. He was a little worried when he didn’t t hear from her after the deposition. Maggie confesses it didn’t go very well. Cal tries to comfort her before Andrew interrupts. Sydney joins them and says she has heard a lot about Andrew. Cal excuses himself as Andrew stays and speaks to Sydney. She has to leave when Finn (Zayn Maloney) begins arguing with another kid.

series 1 episode 7 sullivan's crossing harry sully

Connie (Lauren Hammersley) speaks to Maggie and Andrew. Connie mentions the shooting. Andrew reminds Maggie that she never said anything about that. Maggie claims she tried to call him, but he was heading into surgery. He questions whether there is anything else she isn’t telling him. Lola speaks to the group about Roy. She talks about how Roy made a new friend in Cal and how his visits made such a difference. Lola thinks everything will be okay because she has all of them, including Sully who has been like a father to her. After the ceremony, Lola reveals there is tons of paperwork because Roy didn’t leave a will. Sully suggests asking Cal to help her out.

Andrew and Maggie are invited for drinks. Finn continues fighting with another boy although he blames the boy. Rob (Reid Price) and Sydney speak to him. Finn says he was bugging him and he wants to go home. Sydney agrees to take him since Rob still has to clean up. Maggie approaches Rob to say he is doing a great job with Finn. She wishes she’d had that type of support when she was growing up. Rob doesn’t know what he’d do if he didn’t have Sydney to help. Lola approaches Maggie to ask why she is there when she barely knew Roy and never liked her. She accuses Maggie of doing something to hurt Sully whenever she comes back. Meanwhile, Cal remembers being with his wife when she was sick.

season 1 episode 7 sullivan's crossing cal

She admits she wants him to move on and find someone who’ll make him happy after she is gone. As they walk through the woods, Maggie tells Andrew that he wanted her to show him what she loved about this place. Rob finds Finn eating cake at the café. In private, Sydney tells him that Finn was really upset when they got back. Rob believes she is rewarding bad behavior though. She argues it was a mistake to take a child to a wake after he lost his mother. Sydney goes on to say he just needs to spend some time with his dad. Rob sits down him with while Rafe (Dakota Taylor) enters to speak to Sydney.

He wonders if he did something wrong since she hasn’t been responding to his texts. Sydney takes Finn to go hit some balls. Rafe asks Rob for advice since he believes Sydney has been ghosting him. Rob tells him to dial it back and let Sydney come to him. He thinks most women like a challenge. Lola meets Cal and gives him the chessboard since Roy would’ve wanted him to have it. She talks to him about she feels lost right now. Cal says Roy told him a lot about what she had been through and how she worked hard to get back on her feet after the accident. He believes she is tougher than she might think. Lola never thought of it that way. Roy also mentioned that the person who hit her was never caught.

s01e07 sullivan's crossing ctv cal and lola

Lola explains that she couldn’t remember anything when she came out of her coma. She used to pray they’d catch that person so she and her mom could put it behind them. Lola believes whoever did it is long gone by now, but Cal might be able to help her sort out the will. Cal says that really isn’t his expertise, but he can make a few calls. Frank tells Edna they should make sure everything is in order just in case. She thought about visiting his cousins in Alberta so she wouldn’t be alone. Edna thinks family is important and asks whether he can put the past behind him. He seems willing to try. Maggie tells Andrew about her favorite place when she lived there.

He knows his proposal took her by surprise and it might not have been the right time to ask. Andrew just can’t wait to start their life together. He calls it an opportunity to start a family since he has been thinking about kids. She can go back to her career after since people do it all the time. Frank approaches Sully and tries to get him to hang out for the day, but Sully refuses. Tom joins Jackson for lunch at the café. They talk about the separation and Tom’s mother. Tom called in a favor with a recruiter who has agreed to help prep Jackson’s application. Jackson has been thinking about taking another year off though.

Andrew gets back and speaks to Frank about the waterfall. Frank is surprised she took him there since she always kept that place a secret. He tells Andrew how Maggie would come back covered in dirt. Andrew can’t believe that because Maggie hates dirt. Frank says she was always relaxed and happy when she lived there so Andrew suggests she has changed a lot since then. Edna tells Maggie that she and Frank have decided to book a last-minute vacation to Calgary. She is worried about getting everything ready. Edna suggests Maggie can stay and take care of the store, but she has to get back to Boston. They talk about the lawsuit and Maggie’s blowup with Sully.

tv show Sullivan's Crossing episode 7 waterfall andrew maggie

At the bar, Andrew learns more about Frank being shot. Rafe thinks Cal and Maggie had been at the dance together. Andrew asks about Cal being a troublemaker. Rafe says he is a great guy and everyone loves him. Maggie speaks to Cal about Andrew who is likely eager to head back to Boston. Cal hopes she’ll keep him posted so he’ll know how it is going. He asks her to say goodbye before she leaves. Cal joins the others as Andrew recommends gambling for money. Andrew learns that Cal is a lawyer. Frank talks to Sully about Andrew and his proposal. Sully admits Andrew reminds him too much of Walter. He questions whether he should’ve fought harder to keep Phoebe there.

As the game continues, Lola says hello to Tom and Rafe at the bar. Rafe agrees to dance with her. Tom tells Connie that they need to talk in private. They argue about Jackson applying for the academy. Connie recommends letting Jackson make up his own mind. She doesn’t want to have this conversation in front of their friends. Tom says okay although he reminds her that they’re not done talking. Sydney gets jealous about Rafe dancing with Lola so she decides to cut in. Lola sits next to Cal who is in an intense game with Andrew. When Cal wins, Andrew gets upset and orders another scotch. Cal tries to walk away while Andrew attempts to convince him to play another game. Cal offers to give him the money back.

episode 7 sullivan's crossing lola and cal

Andrew throws it at him and says he wants to win it back. Maggie asks Andrew what is going on before Cal says they’re done here. Andrew says they’re not done until he says they’re done. Andrew claims he knows exactly what is going on there while Maggie tries to get him to go back to the motel. Andrew tells Maggie that he saw the texts from Cal. Maggie can’t understand why he is doing this. Andrew says he has done everything he can to make her happy, but she just keeps pushing him away. When he asks if she loves him, Maggie pauses so he suggests she can’t even say it. As Andrew tries to leave, he nearly knocks Maggie down.

Then, he punches Cal. Andrew apologizes and says he is leaving. Before he goes, he tells Maggie that he is done because she had made it clear she doesn’t know what she wants. She knows where to find him if she ever figures it out. Maggie goes to Sully’s house to ask if she can stay there. She tells him what happened and how Andrew went back to Boston. Once she finds out that he painted over the mural, she becomes distraught.


Sullivan’s Crossing Review

The seventh episode of Sullivan’s Crossing really took the drama to a new high with the passing of Roy and the possible breakup of Maggie and Andrew. The story is a little predictable since viewers can likely predict what is going to happen in the long run. Certain aspects of the storyline were probably predictable from the first episode so that is something viewers will have to contend with. The performances from the leading cast are good enough to add a sense of realism to the series.

There seems to be real chemistry between Morgan Kohan and Chad Michael Murray so it’ll be good if and when they’re thrown together. The soundtrack is good while the camerawork and other basics are spot on. Sullivan’s Crossing does exactly what it needs to do to be a fun, serious romance drama that many fans will enjoy.

There have been a few hiccups so far, but I’ve mostly enjoyed every episode of Sullivan’s Crossing to date and look forward to the rest of the season. While it isn’t for everyone, individuals who like these types of soppy shows will enjoy Sullivan’s Crossing. The episode scores a 7 out of 10. Previous recaps of Sullivan’s Crossing are available on Reel Mockery here.

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