Six Four Season 1 Episode 4 Finale Recap

series 1 episode 4 six four jim mackie

As the finale of Six Four begins, Chris O’Neill (Kevin McKidd) waits for Michelle (Vinette Robinson). He notices people are coming for him so he tells her they need to go. As they flee, Chris begins telling Michelle about Annabel Wallace who is the daughter of the Justice Minister. Michelle ends up beating up one of the guys before they escape. Gordon Byrne (Alex Ferns) tells Jim Mackie (James Cosmo) to pull himself together because they wanted this for Julie and Gary. While Jim stays with Annabel (Iona Anderson), Gordon goes out to find a signal so he can call Robert Wallace and get him down there.

Robert (Richard Coyle) takes the call and is told to come alone. Riyaz Mansoor (Taqi Nazeer) learns the call is coming from Galloway which means nothing to the Wallace couple. In private, Pauline Wallace (Frances Grey) urges Robert to tell them what he knows about Julie or she will. Robert insists they can’t say anything to anyone because of what they’ll do. He promises he is taking care of it. They’re interrupted and told that the coordinates relate to an old lead mine roughly 30 miles from the school. Pauline tells Shereen Rahman (Nalini Chetty) that Robert is a good man before thanking her for her help. Michelle tells Chris that one of them should be home in case Olivia comes back.

Chris knew about the bag that she had in case she had to bug out. Michelle confesses she was worried something would come back on her. After Chris mentions she taught Olivia how to disappear, Michelle says she did that in case anything happened. She tells him that the dad’s name is Piers and he’s a criminal. Piers is dying. The police find the silver Volvo they’ve been tracking. Philip suggests the car wanted to get noticed since it has been giving them trouble at every turn. After being told Gordon’s name, Philip excuses himself. Bill Martin (Brian McCardie) and his men try to find Chris O’Neill because he might know where Annabel is. The person he is speaking to on the phone tells him about Gordon Byrne.

Gordon and Jim discuss Annabel’s injuries with Jim suggesting they need to call an ambulance. Jim starts having doubts that he can do it. He also reminds Gordon that the journalist was supposed to be there. Gordon tells him he’ll have to try to record Robert on his phone so they can give her everything later. Chris and Michelle continue talking about Olivia and how they’ve been lying to her all her life. Michelle forces him to stop the car so she can get out. Chris thinks she needs to tell Olivia who her dad is, but Michelle refuses because he is a criminal. Chris says they have to tell the truth now because he has let things go for too long. He claims he has tried to be the good guy.

Michelle asks if he was being a good guy when he did what he did to her. She accuses him of betraying her and Olivia. Chris doesn’t understand why she just didn’t tell him the truth. Michelle says everything happened so far. She doesn’t think they should’ve got together although they did. They were right at the start of something and she got pregnant. Michelle felt trapped and she didn’t want to be the one to spoil things. They hug. Chris admits he doesn’t think Olivia is coming back anytime soon. Michelle says they should go find this girl instead. Robert learns about the car and how it was a decoy of sorts. Philip (Andrew Whipp) says Jim Mackie is another possible suspect.

Robert is asked about having information that Julie Mackie is dead. Robert denies it and claims this is an attempt to discredit him. He gets Pauline to say that Annabel lies before saying he needs to get there so he can meet whoever is behind this. Robert understands the risk involved and he is willing to accept it. Gordon tells Jim that he sent a message to the journalist’s burner phone, but he has to get to the RV regardless. Before Robert leaves, he reminds Pauline not to say or do anything. He arrives and gets instructions for the meeting while Bill Martin and his men break into the station to look for Gordon. Bill finds the stuff Gordon left. He leaves a man behind in case Gordon comes back.

Gordon goes back inside. When he learns that Annabel is awake, he immediately begins checking on her. He admits he sent her messages pretending to be the teacher and kidnapped her in the forest. After Annabel asks why he is helping Jim, Gordon says he was one of the police when Jim’s daughter went missing. It had a terrible effect on someone he was very close to. As a result, he wants her father to pay for what he did. When she asks who it was, Gordon says it was someone he loved very much. His name was Gary. He tried to do the right thing but was murdered. Gordon is also helping Jim because he deserves justice and Gary would’ve wanted that. Robert calls Philip to tell him to remember what is at stake here.

Michelle tells Chris to let her out because you don’t march through the front door when you don’t know what you’re walking into. When Chris stops in front of the house, Gordon comes out to confront him. Chris says he is looking for Jim Mackie so he is told he better come in. He goes in and checks on Annabel before Gordon pulls a gun on him. Gordon says he isn’t a police officer anymore. Chris shows him the phone he got from Sam and says he needs to find Jim Mackie. Gordon says he has gone to meet Wallace. The police watch on video as Robert enters the building to speak to Jim Mackie. Jim wants to know why he didn’t tell him about Julie being dead, but Robert claims not to know what he is talking about.

Jim thinks he knew they killed her whenever they broke into his house. He asks how he could betray him and Joyce when they were friends. Jim reminds him that he said he’d do anything to help find her. He asks where she is buried. Chris tells Gordon that a man named Stephen Bryce killed Jim Mackie’s daughter. Gordon thought Bryce killed Gary, but Chris reveals he said he didn’t. Chris goes on to tell him everything that Bryce said about being paid to break in and steal a document from a safe. Julie wasn’t supposed to be there. She panicked and he tried to stop her. Julie fell and hit her head. The people Bryce was working for needed time to get rid of the body so he was forced to call the house to make it look like a kidnapping.

Gordon says Gary send him and Wallace a copy of the call. He thought Robert Wallace was someone who could change things and help Jim, but he was wrong. Jim Mackie tells Robert that he wants him to go public with the recording Gary McLean sent him. The recording and Jim’s evidence prove that Robert is a murderer. Jim claims he had Gary murdered because he sent that recording. There were also emails about MI5 attempts to infiltrate the party to stop independence. Jim could’ve gone to the police because they had been leaked from the security services. Their agent was meant to split the SNP and his code name was Six Four. Robert tries to convince him that he is crazy.

Jim says the kidnapper mentioned him by name on the recording. He thinks Robert must’ve ordered the burglary since he is Six Four. As Michelle sneaks around, Gordon asks Chris if he knows what the documents were in Mackie’s safe. He explains they were MI5 emails about Robert Wallace and a plan to use him to stop independence. Gordon was going to give the reporter a copy of the recording and emails. Michelle bursts into the room and interrupts. She tells Gordon he needs to put the gun down and let Annabel go, but he can’t do that since he needs to give Jim more time. Michelle says he doesn’t have time because Bill Martin’s men are there.

Chris wants Gordon to come back with them, but Gordon says he is ending this. Gordon gives Chris the thumb drive with all the evidence on it. He tells Chris it is up to him if he wants the truth known before agreeing to let Annabel go. As they try to leave, Bill Martin confronts them and says Annabel is coming with him. Gordon tells Bill they want him because he is the one who knows everything. Robert tells Jim that he is the one who is pushing for independence. Jim thinks he is trying to destroy everything they worked so hard to build. Robert reminds him that they went out for a meal the night Julie disappeared. He says Julie was supposed to come too. Jim believes Robert is Six Four. He begins getting into the bag when Robert mentions that they had an argument that night.

Robert accuses him of killing her since she’d still be alive if she had come that night. When Jim tries to give him the dress, he is shot. Bill hopes Gordon really didn’t think he’d get away with this. Gordon says not for one minute before pulling a gun on Bill who says killing them won’t bring Gary back. Gordon knows and he just wants to see Gary again. He shoots and kills himself. Robert tells Jim he is sorry just before he collapses. Later, a news report reveals Robert Wallace has been appointed deputy first minister. Chris and Michelle get ready at home. He hasn’t decided what he wants to do yet. Michelle says he doesn’t have to go if he doesn’t want to. Chris wants to go since he thinks he needs to see Philip. Once they arrive, Chris and Philip decide to talk in private.

Bill tells Michelle he hopes Chris isn’t bitter. He says they did well. Michelle says no thanks to him. She reminds him that Chris isn’t the only person who knows. Bill says everyone else is in house and all on their side. He talks about the teacher getting his debt paid off while Annabel is just happy to be home. He just needs to know that Michelle and Chris are happy. He’d hate for Chris to do anything to wreck his brother’s career. Michelle says Chris is fine before walking away. Chris tells Philip that he asked him not to lie. He plays the phone call for him. Bill tells Gary that they did not get this call. Philip says he made one mistake by picking up the phone when he shouldn’t have.

He doesn’t think he deserves his life and career to be over just because of one mistake. Chris tells him that Robert should face the consequences since he was responsible for Julie’s death and Jim’s death. He learns that Robert got to Philip after he got the recording from Gary McLean. Philip doesn’t want to know what was in the documents. When Chris says he does, Philip tells him to keep his mouth shut. If they know, they will come after him and the people he loves. Philip says it is sometimes better not to know the truth. Chris says it is about what Philip is going to do. Philip is either one of the good guys or one of them. Chris gives him the thumb drive with the evidence before leaving with Michelle.

At home, Michelle tells Chris that he did the right thing. Chris says the rooms are all the same including Julie’s and Gary’s. They’re untouched. Michelle says they didn’t come back, but Olivia will come back. Chris reveals Olivia would only come back if they sorted themselves out. Michelle thinks they should do that.


Six Four Review

The finale of Six Four will leave viewers guessing since so many doors were left open. It is hard to know exactly what will happen because there will likely never be another episode to fill us in. At the very least, the finale provided details about Julie’s murder, what caused it, and how Robert Wallace was involved. It also closed the door on Jim Mackie and Gordon Byrne since both are dead.

The way this ended is a bit frustrating since no one was punished except for those who were trying to punish the right people. The ending may allude to the idea that Philip O’Neill will use the evidence to bring Robert Wallace to justice, but that is hard to imagine considering the stakes involved. Truthfully, the finale was probably the weakest episode of the series because the others felt like the story was at least going somewhere.

Unfortunately, it didn’t. There was no sense of justice and Olivia never returned home either. On the plus side, the performances were good throughout the series and the soundtrack was the highlight of the show. Since Six Four is only four episodes, it is hard to be too upset about four wasted hours, but it is best to go into the finale with lower expectations.

The finale scores a 5.5 out of 10. Recaps of Six Four can be found on Reel Mockery here. Learn how to support our independent site at this link. Find out more about advertising on our site here.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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