no escape tv show episode 6 gary sweet actor

No Escape Season 1 Episode 6 Recap

As the sixth episode of No Escape begins, Colonel Justin Reyes (Jake Macapagal) gets ready while his family sleeps. He hears an update about the boy’s case on the radio until he tells the driver to turn the radio off. Reyes arrives at the protest as people call for justice for Danilo de la Cruz. Joseph (Narayan David Hecter) is stuck in the crowd nearby. Reyes helps Kitty (Rhianne Barreto) up when she gets separated from Joseph. He escorts them away from the crowd and reminds them that this is not a place for tourists. In the present, Denny (Sean Keenan) speaks during a funeral for Aaron.

tv show no escape s01e06 lana

Lana (Abigail Lawrie) looks back at Justin Reyes during the speech. After the intro, Michelle (Colette Dalal Tchantcho) and the others manage to get the boat moving thanks to the wind. Lana goes to the cabin to check on Kitty. Seconds later, Lana notices that Aaron (Jay Ryan) is trying to get rid of Joseph’s stuff. Aaron wants to get to Palau and sail on with no more incidents. Lana says this is wrong. In Kitty’s cabin, Lana tells Denny that they’re gone as soon as they’re on dry land. He claims he’ll come as well. They learn that they’re dropping the anchor here because Palau is in sight. Aaron is going to take the tender and Lana can stay and look after the boat because she doesn’t have a passport.

Denny offers to stay and keep an eye on them if Aaron doesn’t trust them. Aaron wants him to go so they can create a paper trail for themselves. In the present, Emma approaches Reyes to ask if he really thinks Denny is lying. The way they feel about Aaron’s death is the way he feels about Danilo de la Cruz. That was the last funeral Reyes went to and he remembers Joseph and Kitty being there. Reyes asks her about staying at the property and whether she is in a relationship with Dennis Winbourne. After Emma says no, Reyes asks why she was waiting in Townsville. He wonders if it has something to do with the diamonds on the trawler.

Peter Winbourne (Gary Sweet) comes over and tries to get rid of Reyes because he is asking questions at his son’s funeral. In the past, Reyes learns about the murder of the weed dealer and receives descriptions of Lana and Denny. Back at the station, Dizon returns with the bag while Reyes starts cross-referencing the descriptions. In the present, Denny tells Lana that she has to ignore them. She thinks Reyes knows stuff though. She tells him about the bullets coming from a revolver which is what Aaron had. Lana is just trying to understand what happened. Denny claims the bullets came from Aaron’s gun because they took it out of his hand after they killed him. Then, they ran the others out and used it.

emma and reyes episode 6 no escape

Lana says he didn’t tell them that. Denny admits he didn’t go into every gory detail, but he can tell her how they died if she wants. He knows she finds it hard to trust people. Lana thinks she was hoping he was lying because Kitty would still be alive. Denny wants to know if they’re together. Lana says yes. In the past, Denny leaves The Blue with his brother and the others. Kitty and Lana are left behind. Lana wants to leave and get off the boat. She suggests swimming to another boat although Kitty says it is too far. Lana finally tells her that she and Denny have had the diamonds all along. Kitty begins freaking out as Lana prepares to jump in the water. Lana jumps in before encouraging Kitty to follow behind her.

Kitty doesn’t want to do it. She begins blaming herself for killing Joseph and saying she is a bad person. Lana asks her to throw down the ladder, but Kitty refuses to do it. Lana yells that she’ll meet her in Townsville before swimming away from The Blue. Lana makes it to the other boat. Colonel Justin Reyes tells Chief Inspector Sarah Craven (Susie Porter) that Emma came to him because she was worried that Denny was lying. He asks if she finds it odd that a gang of men would only use a small revolver to carry out a massacre. Susie says they don’t get a lot of gang-related massacres there so she isn’t sure. Reyes says Joseph is also missing before they argue about Denny’s statement.

Susie says he is the son of a Supreme Court judge. Reyes receives a call from Dizon who says they got a possible match on the girl he saw in the church. Reyes looks at a picture of Kitty before being told it is from a red list alert. Two girls in the UK are wanted for suspected murder. Dizon suspects the alert was only sent to them. Denny checks on Lana in the morning. They have sex. When she goes out with his family, she is asked what Reyes wanted to know about. Peter says she did the right thing calling him over. Reyes would love nothing more than to shift the blame to them. He told them about her friend on The Blue. They don’t think there is any point in dredging up the past.

episode 6 no escape tv show denny and lana

Lana excuses herself and notices that Reyes is following them. He says it must be nice to be around people so rich and powerful. Reyes only cares about getting justice for Danilo de la Cruz. He asks if they were the ones who took the ransom from the trawler in Sagisag. Lana claims not to know what he is talking about and says she already told the truth. In a flashback, Lana and Kitty have Christmas dinner with their mother who wants them to confess. Lana can’t believe they’re still doing that. Lana lashes out at their mother by calling her a bully. Their mother tells Lana she would’ve abandoned her if she gave birth to her too. Their argument gets physical until the mother is pushed down.

In the present, Lana hides the key to her locker in the fish tank. Kitty lets the ladder down when Aaron and the others return to The Blue. She has to tell Denny that Lana is gone. Denny says they’ll have to go after her if she goes to the police. Heinrich (Elmo Anton Stratz) tries to calm Denny. Aaron wants to be ready to move out since the fuel boat should be there shortly. Denny searches the cabin but finds nothing. He finds a note from Lana saying she is sorry. Denny rips it up. In the present, Denny swims while Lana watches from the balcony above. She calls Kitty and hears a phone ringing nearby. Lana finds Kitty’s phone in a drawer in Denny’s phone before she is told the coffee is ready downstairs.

Denny tells her that they could get out of there if they had some cash. He suspects she still has the diamonds. Lana asks about the last thing Kitty said to him. Denny claims Kitty was talking about her while they were making dinner. She was saying how much she missed her. He says there is no way he could’ve salvaged any of the bodies at all. Peter tells Dennis to put some clothes on because Chief Inspector Craven is there. Sarah explains that they’re having difficulty identifying the Jessica Davis who made the distress call. They haven’t been able to match the description to any of the people who are on the missing persons list. Denny says she wasn’t with them long although she was British.

no escape tv show episode 6 gary sweet actor

Emma insists she didn’t know her. In a flashback, Lana and Kitty worry about their mother after her fall. Lana contemplates calling for help but ends up putting the phone back down. Kitty says she didn’t mean to. On The Blue, Kitty gets drunk while Aaron and the others talk about what they’ll do when they finally get back. Denny thinks they can go back to how it used to be. Michelle goes to Kitty’s cabin to check on her. Kitty writes “I confess” on the door and begins freaking out. When Michelle asks her what she wants to do, Kitty says she can’t keep running. Michelle tries to get her to open the door so they can talk about this face to face. Kitty says Denny knows.

Michelle knows she must miss Lana so she says she is sorry she abandoned her. She insists she cares. Michelle enters the room and says Lana was wrong to leave her, but Kitty admits it didn’t happen like that. She also confesses to pushing Joseph. Michelle tries to keep her calm. Heinrich sees Michelle walk away with the knife. In the present, Lana tries to sneak around in the middle of the night and get the phone. As she walks away, Peter asks if she is a smoker. Lana says she just wanted to go for a walk to clear her head. Peter calls that dangerous as an attractive woman like herself. He doesn’t want her to feel like a prisoner so he opens the door for her. Peter tells her to call when she wants to be picked up.

no escape tv show episode 6 kitty

On The Blue, Heinrich approaches Kitty because he heard what she said about Joseph. He says Joseph couldn’t have died how she thinks. That night, he carried Kitty into the cabin himself before it happened and she couldn’t even stand up. Joseph was still alive on deck at the time. Heinrich leaves to get some sleep before he has to be on watch all night. Kitty confronts Denny to ask why he said she pushed Joseph when she didn’t. When Denny shuts the door, Kitty realizes it was him. Lana visits Reyes in the middle of the night because Denny is lying about everything. She worries he is dangerous so she wants his help. In a flashback, Dizon and Reyes arrest some of the BLF gang members. Reyes tells them they were sloppy and left their fingerprints.

He asks if Navarro gave them a name for his contact on the yacht. They show him a picture of Navarro with a blonde guy. Reyes is going to find this man and his girlfriend before taking back what they stole. In the present, Reyes tells Lana that she doesn’t have to worry anymore. He wants to know everything.


No Escape Review

The sixth episode of No Escape had a lot of revelations although the effectiveness may depend on the viewer’s personal perceptions. The episode before the finale should really do more and deliver more of a bang. Viewers should be eager to watch the last episode immediately. Unfortunately, it feels like there should be more to No Escape after the sixth episode.

The pacing has always been sluggish, but that was worse in this episode since it was likely the longest of the series so far. The series is really mundane at this point despite being watchable. There are no real suspense or edge-of-your-seat moments because it has been impossible to care about any of the characters.

The core of the story has the potential to be very interesting so the novel was likely good, but being stretched thin to create a 7-episode series made it too tedious. Viewers with unwavering patience may enjoy reaching the end just to see how everything played out on The Blue and who was responsible, but it’d be easier to give up after an episode or two.

The episode scores a 5 out of 10. Recaps of No Escape are available on Reel Mockery here. Want to support our independent site? Find out how to do so at this link. Learn more about advertising on Reel Mockery here.

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