meredith and farlow jamestown

Jamestown Series 2 Episode 6 Recap

As the episode begins, Silas (Stuart Martin) and Henry (Max Beesley) confront Sir George Yeardley (Jason Flemyng). They eventually speak with the council. George comes up with a scheme to distract the citizens. He tells them that the Spanish are headed their way. Mercy (Patsy Ferran) finds Massinger (Tony Pitts) acting erratic. She helps him out. An eclipse happens. This causes the locals to believe that something bad is on the way. James Read (Matt Stokoe) is told to construct weapons as quickly as possible. Verity (Niamh Walsh) wants to help. The gates are closed and the town prepares for battle. Massinger arrives with Mercy.

mercy jamestown series 2 episode 6Pedro (Abubakar Salim) volunteers himself and Meredith (Dean Lennox Kelly) to watch the city at night. Nicholas Farlow (Burn Gorman) makes sure that Meredith remains sober with a swift hit from his cane. Mercy takes Massinger to Christopher (Ben Starr). He tries to treat the man’s condition. That night, Farlow gives Meredith advice for guarding the town. During the guard, Pedro and Meredith spot Castell or his corpse. Alice (Sophie Rundle) is awaken by a scream in the middle of the night. She steps outside and spots maggots beneath her feet. Mercy sees Samuel in the window. She screams. Jocelyn (Naomi Battrick) wakes up and finds Samuel’s ring on the pillow beside of her. In the morning, Jocelyn speaks with Christopher about the incident. Temperance (Claire Cox) interrupts.

meredith and farlow jamestownShe wants to know about the ghost. George enters. He admits that he doesn’t believe it. Outside, Meredith makes up a tall tale about the ghost. Redwick (Steven Waddington) doesn’t believe it. Pedro volunteers them for night watch once again. Alice asks Pedro what he saw. He admits that he saw Castell, but it wasn’t him. It was just his corpse. Henry and Silas confront George. They make it clear that they’ll chat about the tobacco after the Spanish are dealt with. Chacrow (Kalani Queypo) tries to convince his chief that it is finished with Silas. He insists it is far from over. Alice tells Jocelyn about what Pedro said. Jocelyn wants to know what the wedding ring meant. Alice tells Jocelyn about her own personal experience with ghosts. Silas and Henry turn their attention to Massinger.

alice jocelyn jamestown series 2 episode 6They threaten Massinger and want to know whether he was involved with the stolen tobacco. George enters and stops it. Massinger goes crazy and is arrested. Alice helps Jocelyn perform a ritual, which should stop Castell from rising again. That night, Maria (Abiola Ogunbiyi) speaks with Jocelyn. Then, she runs into Alice outside. Chaos breaks out in the town. James Read runs into Alice and Maria. He takes them back to Jocelyn’s house. James Read comforts Jocelyn. Meanwhile, Temperance confronts George about his lies about the Spanish invasion. He takes the letter and burns it. In the morning, many of the townsfolk try to flee. George stops them. He insists their Christian beliefs will overcome. Temperance says a prayer, while Chacrow listens from outside.

jamestown series 2 episode 6 georgeVerity makes a sword. James shows her how to use it. He explains that the sound of a man, who has been killed with a sword, is difficult to forget. Chacrow speaks with Silas and the others. That night, Alice tells Jocelyn that they should summon Samuel and help him, but force him to leave. James speaks with Jocelyn. He ponders whether sleeping with Jocelyn has caused Samuel to return. He admits he would be ready to face any demon for that. She admits she would like to whisk him away into the night away. Pedro and George guard the city. Pedro spots Castell, but George doesn’t. Then, George confronts Massinger. He wants to know whether he was involved in the ship theft. Temperance and Farlow interrupt Jocelyn and the others. Farlow explains that there is a way to determine who killed Samuel.

massinger jamestown series 2 episode 6Samuel’s body is dug up. They believe that the killer’s hand will bleed, if it touches the body. Massinger is told to touch the corpse. He does, but his hand doesn’t bleed. He encourages Jocelyn to do the same. Before she can, a cannon fires in the distance. It is only the captain. The others believe that George lied about the Spanish invasion. Jocelyn tells Mercy to get her the rosary beads. Jocelyn touches the corpse. He hands does not bleed. Massinger is instructed to touch it again. Jocelyn puts the beads in his hand. This time, his nose beings to bleed. Everyone believes that he is guilty of murder. Christopher tells Jocelyn that the bleeding was caused by Massinger’s collar. She denies being involved. Massinger is hung by the neck.

jocelyn christopher jamestownSomehow, he doesn’t die. After everyone leaves, he grabs Verity by the leg. She stabs her sword through his throat. James Read comforts Verity once she returns to town.


Jamestown Review

This episode of Jamestown was a little bit cheesy with the ghosts and stuff. Nevertheless, it was good. Massinger finally got what was coming to him. However, I am still skeptical that he killed Samuel. In fact, this episode almost made it seem like Jocelyn was responsible for his death. Could she be hiding something? It is also clear that Jocelyn has feelings for James Read. How far will that go?

Silas and Henry are growing more and more suspicious of George. I can’t wait until he is called out on his lies. The episode was pretty good. A 7.5 out of 10 is deserved. Catch up with previous recaps of Jamestown now!

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  1. DianeJ says:

    I personally would like to see Verity & James Read together. They would be a power couple.
    Jocelyn is manipulative & I don’t get the attraction but….

  2. LJH says:

    Badly written article. Does nobody proof-read anymore? And the name is SAMUEL, not Simon!

    • ReelMockery says:

      No, I don’t proof read. I don’t have a team to back me up. I am writing these in between work. Barely have time to get them posted let alone reread them. I have started using Grammarly but I am sure these will still have errors along the way. Everything on this site is 100% done by me. Guarantee I’ve socked a thousand hours into writing these recaps. Until you do it, you’ll never know how “easy” it is.

      Sorry if that offends you. Nevertheless, you should be able to get the gist of it. You obviously knew who/what I was talking about. So, I would assume the recaps would be helpful despite a few errors here and there. Thanks for the comment.

  3. TK says:

    I just watched this episode & I’m CONFUSED. If Jocelyn put the rosary into Massinger’s hand (or on the corpse), didn’t she just incriminate herself as a Catholic?? Why was she ok with the town seeing her with them after hiding them for so long?

    • ReelMockery says:

      Oh man, this seems like a really great question that I wish I could answer immediately. Unfortunately, I can’t right now because I can’t remember everything that happened with this show. Has been a year or longer since I watched it I think.

      Will go back and try to figure out her reasoning if I get time to do so. Hopefully, someone else will answer that question first though. Thanks for stopping by!

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