s07e02 recap grantchester melanie

Grantchester Season 7 Episode 2 Recap

As this episode of Grantchester begins, Will Davenport (Tom Brittney) wonders what he is doing since he is in love with someone who is engaged to someone else. He asks God for guidance before meeting with Maya (Ellora Torchia) who thought she’d never see him again. Will begins scolding her for not telling him. Maya says she didn’t come here to be punished. She tries to walk away, but Will stops her to say he has never felt like this about anyone. He admits he brought her here to say goodbye because it was never going to work. He is wrong though since they go inside to have sex while Geordie Keating (Robson Green) has to cover his ears in the other room. Cathy (Kacey Ainsworth) attends a meeting for the Carmichael company.

s07e02 grantchester church will

An advertisement featuring Melanie Carmichael (Kirsty Besterman) is played for the group. She tells everyone she is incredibly proud of the ad and the plan to sell Carmichael products at each Swinnertons cash register. They want all customers to leave with at least one of their products. She is interrupted by a man who tells her she has a phone call. Once she grabs the phone, Clive (Ryan Early) tells Cathy they’re getting paid a pat on the back for this. Although Cathy complains this is going to be a lot more work, Clive thinks she’ll be okay since she can talk a nun into a negligee. Melanie rushes out of the room. Will tells Maya to leave Elliott. They fantasize about going off to Rome. Will talks about getting married and having kids although Maya prefers dancing.

They’re interrupted when they hear someone talking outside. Will goes outside where he finds Bonnie Evans (Charlotte Ritchie) trying to do a handstand. He is introduced to Bonnie and Ernie (Isaac Highams) before Geordie comes out and explains she is Jean’s girl or Cathy’s big sister. Geordie is her favorite uncle although there isn’t much competition because the others are drunks. When Geordie learns she is helping Cathy with the kids, he is surprised that she needed help. Cathy said Saturday was Geordie’s day with them, but she also said he’d forget. Maya manages to escape the house while they continue talking. Bonnie reveals her husband is in a grave in Croydon. Bonnie and Geordie thought Cathy would mention she was staying.

series 7 episode 2 grantchester bonnie

Once they go inside, Geordie complains about Cathy needing help with the kids. Will is confident he’ll get Cathy back. He is asked who the girl was and whether it was someone to help get his mind off of Maya. Will says it was something like that. Geordie encourages him not to fall in love. A call from Larry (Bradley Hall) alerts Geordie to a 999 call of a man in distress. Geordie agrees to buy Bonnie and the kids ice cream so he can leave the kids with her. Next, they arrive at the scene where they find Melanie cleaning up a red substance that looks like blood on the steps outside. Melanie tells them her husband came home early from work and cut his hand on a letter opener. They go inside to talk to Lester Carmichael (Rob Pomfret) only to find him dead with the phone in his hand.

Melanie begins breaking down as she insists he only cut his hand. Once she is removed, Geordie wonders why a man who is bleeding death would call for the police instead of his wife downstairs. Will approaches and offers to help Melanie tell their children, but they don’t have children. She says they’re actors and horrid little brats. She quickly tries to clean up the ashes on the ground before Will can see them. He finds that they’re statements or bills. A pellet is pulled out of Lester’s neck as Geordie speculates it hit his carotid artery and he bleeds to death when he lies down because it moves. Will asks why they’d beat him if they were going to shoot him.

s07e02 recap geordie grantchester

Elliott Wallace (Michael D. Xavier) runs into Will moments later and makes sure he is leaving. Once he continues on his way, Geordie suggests the weapon was no ordinary gun. Miss Scott (Melissa Johns) is going to lunch so Geordie asks her to run an errand at the toy shop too. Geordie retrieves a toy gun which he suspects is the murder weapon. He shows it to Melanie as well as the partially burned bank statement for her husband’s business. Although it is in her husband’s name, Melanie says the business is hers and he liked controlling the finances.

She admits he made a few hefty withdrawals in the past few weeks. Geordie asks if she shot him because he was using her savings as his own personal piggy bank. When she says she loved her husband for the most part, Will finds that odd. However, she insists it isn’t odd if you’ve been married. Then, she reveals she was at Swinnertons department store when Lester called to say he cut his hand. She promises she put Lester in bed and he was fine when she left him. Every girl on the shop floor can prove that she was at the department store like she said. As Will and Geordie approach the department store, Will encourages him to keep his distance and be respectful. After entering the store, Geordie finds Cathy smoking and talking to Clive.

jack and leonard s07e02 grantchester

They send Clive away before Cathy tells them Melanie was here around ten this morning and she left after taking a telephone call. Geordie and Cathy get into an argument about her taking up cigarettes to impress Clive. He also accuses her of bringing Bonnie in so she can go out gallivanting. After a brief argument, Geordie agrees to keep the kids tonight. At The Cherry Orchard, Sylvia Chapman (Tessa Peake-Jones) serves guests with help from Leonard (Al Weaver). When they’re alone, Jack (Nick Brimble) asks Leonard whether he has noticed anything odd about Sylvia. Leonard says on a daily basis, but Jack believes there is something else going on because she is distant and rude.

Although Jack believes she is having an affair, Leonard doesn’t think she would do that since she is worried about breaking commandments. Jack shows him her diary that he stole. While she claims she is going to bingo, she puts the initial DW in her diary and she keeps getting phone calls from a man. He complains that Sylvia won’t even kiss him anymore. She interrupts to say she is going to bingo this afternoon and abruptly leaves without letting Jack kiss her. Melanie is brought back in for another interview because she lied about the call. The switchboard operator told Geordie and Will that the call came from a woman instead of a man. They want to know who they’ll speak to when they call that number.

series 7 episode 2 leonard grantchester recap

Melanie gives them the name of Betty Rose (Rebecca Lacey) and 23 Sefton Avenue. Outside of that address, Will insists this requires a delicate touch so he goes in alone. Will speaks to the boy outside before going in with Betty. When he tells her it is about Lester, Betty suspects he recommended her. She asks him what he’ll have and she isn’t talking about a drink. While Geordie waits outside, he watches a man and woman kiss as the man leaves one of the homes. Will tries to confirm that she wasn’t having an affair with Betty. She says there is no need to be jealous because there is more than enough Betty Rose to go around. Geordie bursts in as Will tells her Lester is dead. They search the other rooms and find more women. Outside Velma Sawyer (Boadicea Ricketts) admits she has never been arrested before.

She asks whether she can bring her son, Ted (Ace Gill), with her. Since they have no other choice, Geordie agrees to put them in his car. He asks what kind of mother brings up her kid in a brother to which Will says the desperate kind. Larry says they should question the maid, but Geordie breaks the news that there is no maid. Leonard tries to muster up the courage to ask Sylvia if she is having an affair. He watches a man approach the house, knock on the door, and go inside with Sylvia. Meanwhile, Betty tells Geordie and Will that Lester comes here because he likes to be punished. Geordie admits that would explain the bruises. Betty reveals she had a drink with him after his spanking and he was moaning about his wife like they always do.

season 7 episode 2 grantchester will bonnie

In a flashback, he complains about his wife holding onto the purse strings too tightly when a shot is fired and the glass is broken. His hand was bleeding and that caused him to get faint. Betty insists it was only a cut so she phoned his wife instead of an ambulance before showing them where he was sitting. Geordie finds glass on the ground by the chair. They go outside where Will theorizes that the pellet went through the drink and into Carmichael. Geordie finds the gun among other toys below him. At the station, Ted says Betty gives him presents him his mommy works. Velma describes herself as Betty’s cleaner. He claims he wasn’t playing with the gun this morning because Betty sent him to get sweets.

Leonard watches as the man touches Sylvia’s hand before leaving. He rushes inside and finds Sylvia sitting on the couch having a drink. He turns off the music and asks whether she is having an affair. She calls him a silly boy before revealing he is her doctor and she is poorly. Sylvia has been poorly for a while now so she is frightened. At the station, Melanie says her husband would say he was going to play golf, but she knew that wasn’t true. Betty claims lust is the last reason anyone visits her girls while blaming unhappiness, loneliness, and boredom. Douglas (David Boyle) admits it is nice to have some company. Betty claims sex isn’t the problem in this country. The problem is the shame we attach to it.

series 7 episode 2 grantchester will geordie

She blames that on the church while complaining God won’t love you anymore after you’ve sinned and you’ll have a one-way ticket straight to hell. Sex is the worst sin of all. When asked about Lester, she says he came for revenge. Melanie admits he didn’t like her making more money than him while Velma says men as all pathetic. Betty says men are incapable of fidelity before Melanie repeats that about her husband. Geordie says women have killed for less so he asks whether Melanie used some of her cash to hire a hitman. She makes it clear it would’ve been silly to hire a hitman and give him a toy gun. Melanie has a business to run and a funeral to arrange so she wants to leave. On her way out, she asks Geordie whether he believes it could be anyone but her. He admits marriage tends to be the cause of all of life’s strife.

She says she loved him despite it all. Will sits with Betty and insists he knows more than she thinks. He tells her about a girl he knew while she claims women confound him. She says his lot put women in boxes so they’re either Madonna or Mary Magdalene. Although Will says he isn’t like the other vicars, Betty says they all claim that. Miss Scott tells them there are no fingerprints on the gun because it was wiped clean. On the glass, there were two sets. One was Lester’s, but the other set did not belong to Betty. They check the paperwork and learn she was released on bail half an hour ago so it was likely Velma. Leonard tries to find out more about Sylvia’s condition.

season 7 episode 2 grantchester sylvia

She needs to see a consultant since he sent her for tests. Leonard asks whether it has something to do with womanly things before she nods. She confirms it is something below the belt. Sylvia reveals there was blood in her womb and she’ll get her results tomorrow. Leonard tells her that Jack thinks she is having an affair and would rather know the truth. Sylvia asks Leonard to come with her instead. Will and Geordie arrive as Velma tries to leave town with Ted. They tell her it was her fingerprints on the glass and she was in the room when Lester was shot. Geordie suspects she already knew her prints were on file. Once she sits down, Velma says her ex was a bastard. He kept a gun next to his bed and she just couldn’t take it anymore although she only wanted to scare him.

They wonder if she had enough of Lester and had him shot, but she refutes that since Lester was kind to her and gave her things. He offered to set her up with a place and put Ted through school. Velma insists she is good at sex and the money is good. Geordie asks how Betty took it when she found out she was leaving. When Betty is interviewed, she confesses she was fuming. Although Velma wasn’t her property, she wasn’t Lester’s property either. She suggests Lester would’ve got bored of her and moved on to another woman. Betty lied about being in the room with Lester to protect Velma. Geordie suggests she did it to give herself an alibi, but Betty is adamant she wouldn’t shut a man in her own establishment.

season 7 episode 2 grantchester recap velma

Will excuses himself when he sees Elliott kiss Maya on the cheek. Betty confirms she doesn’t have a list of her clients because she needs plausible deniability for moments like this. As they watch Will pull Maya into a side room, Betty says he is tortured for a vicar. Will asks Maya to leave him before they begin kissing. When Elliott nearly enters the room, Geordie tries to stop him. Once they step away, Will tells Maya he can make her happy. He tries to kiss her, but she worries he’ll see them. Will isn’t sure that would be a terrible thing. She encourages him to just enjoy what they have before leaving. Will sees Bonnie and the kids. He goes to Geordie who asks him what he is playing at since Elliott is his boss. Bonnie enters with the kids, but Geordie didn’t say they could come this early.

Bonnie sends the kids into his office while explaining Cathy went to The Priory Arms and it had something to do with a chap called Clive. Once she leaves, Geordie warns Will that there will be consequences and not just for him. Will joins Bonnie and admits he doesn’t like Clive. Bonnie doesn’t either because he has a weak chin. As they walk around outside, Bonnie says she hasn’t seen much of Cambridge since she has been here. Will shows her the chapel which he claims is the only thing. She asks what happened between Cathy and Geordie. He admits there were several things although she always thought they were the perfect couple. Then, she asks about the girl and quickly finds out it is complicated because she is engaged. Will asks if she feels elated one minute and guilty the next.

s07e02 recap grantchester melanie

She does since she is a mother. He thinks he loves her even though he hasn’t told her yet. Despite being married, Bonnie isn’t sure she has ever been in love. At 18, you think you’re in love. They find it odd that they’ve covered love, sex, and shame in just two conversations. Geordie approaches Miss Scott and gives her money for a drink while recommending The Priory Arms. She asks why since there is always a reason. Cathy hangs out with Clive while insisting they should go on strike for equal pay. Clive says he is only thinking about kissing her. She reminds him she is married, but he thought it was over. He tells her she should be grateful he even noticed her since she is not really a catch with four kids and no husband. She tells him to bugger off. As he leaves, Miss Scott arrives.

She joins Cathy and introduces herself as Jennifer. They complain about men. Cathy knows she works at the police station. Scott admits Geordie is one of the good ones because he speaks to your eyes instead of your bosom. Jennifer says Clive looks like a bosom-talker. Cathy puts two and two together and realizes Geordie sent her to spy on them. Although Cathy says that is low, Jennifer claims it is a stupid act of a man who still loves his wife. After Sylvia prepares for Geordie and Will, Leonard enters to ask if she is ready. He claims they’re going to buy doilies for the café. They repeat that several times before leaving. Will tells Geordie not to say it because he feels awful already. That convinces Geordie that he has already fallen for her.

s07e02 recap grantchester cathy

He calls Will a poor sod. At the station, Geordie tells Miss Scott they need to have a little chat. He is surprised to see his wife there. Although he says he can explain, Jennifer isn’t sure he can. Cathy and Will agree that he owes her and Miss Scott who asks for a two-hour lunch break on Monday afternoons. Cathy reveals they’re starting their own union called Women Workers of Cambridge and will be fighting for equal rights and equal pay. Then, Geordie learns a witness came forward to say they saw Mrs. Carmichael helping her husband out of the car at home.

Another woman was with her. Geordie and Will suspect that was Betty Rose and both of them were in on it. When they’re brought to the interview room, they’re accused of working together to get rid of Lester. Melanie says Betty helped her get Lester home since it was best for both of them that he wasn’t found injured at her establishment. Betty says they have businesses to protect. Geordie doesn’t believe that. Betty says men make up a story that works for them regardless of the facts. Will realizes men come to Betty because she sells them a fantasy. She admits men as gullible. Will thinks Lester was because he really thought he had a future with Velma and he suspects someone else bought into the fantasy too. As they step out of the interview room, Will says the men had feelings for Velma because of the ring.

melanie betty s07e02 grantchester

Betty called Swinnertons at 10:15 so Lester was shot not long before that. Lester’s session with Velma overran since the girls usually book an hour from 9 to 10 and so on. The next client might’ve seen the two of them together and it could’ve ended his fantasy. Douglas arrives with flowers to surprise Velma only to be arrested by Geordie. Velma admits she isn’t his girl and never was. Mr. Ford (Henry Everett) calls for Sylvia to enter his office. He asks if she wants her son to accompany her so Leonard gets to go with her. Sylvia admits there is a little pain before Mr. Ford confirms there is a tumor in her womb. Treatment for this type of cancer is radiotherapy and a hysterectomy after that. She has no questions and instead thanks the doctor. Douglas tells Will and Geordie that it wasn’t pretend or just about the money.

He is adamant that she loves him. As Will says it must’ve shattered the illusion seeing them together, we see Douglas watch them through the window. He hears Lester tell Velma about the property he was going to rent for her and her son. He picked up the gun and shot him although Geordie doesn’t think he intended to kill him. Douglas admits he only wanted to hurt him. Only Lester knew he was drying, but by that point, it was already too late. Geordie says it was all for a relationship that didn’t exist. Douglas keeps saying Velma is his girl and she loves him. Betty is told what happened and that she is being charged with running a house of ill repute. She asks them to tell Velma to look under the crinoline lady on the mantle. Before Will leaves, she asks whether he fell in love with the harlot from Biarritz he mentioned earlier.

grantchester s07e02 douglas

He says he thought he did. She says he has likely been chasing that ever since. Melanie continues with her advertisements, Jennifer and Cathy work together, and Sylvia scrubs furniture at home. Velma finds a roll of money where she was told to look on the mantle. When a man arrives, she tells him business is closed before leaving with her son. Maya meets Will at the bar and apologizes saying she couldn’t get away sooner. She says they should pretend they’re in Rome, but Will says she is never going to leave him. He can’t pretend anymore. Maya convinces him to stay a bit longer, but he leaves a few minutes later.


Grantchester Review

The episode of Grantchester had a little bit of everything including humor, romance, and drama, but some aspects were better than others. I am still not sold on the romance between Will and Maya because it happened too quickly. They barely knew each other, and we barely knew Maya. I would’ve liked to have seen more relationship-building before they were thrown together. At the very least, it should’ve happened in the middle of the season with some courting.

It is hard to get over the thought that it is like a teenage fling more than a legitimate relationship despite Will throwing himself into it with full force. The investigation was a bit messy, but I think it was put on the backburner anyway. The twist at the end was good though. The series is starting to focus more on the main and recurring characters such as Cathy, Miss Scott, and Sylvia. There were plenty of humorous scenes as well so it was pretty good overall.

I look forward to seeing what happens and hope everything works out for Sylvia. The season of Grantchester is tackling a lot of big stories at once making it very ambitious. The episode scores a 7 out of 10. Recaps of Grantchester can be found on Reel Mockery here. Find out how to support Reel Mockery by following this link.

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  1. James Luther says:

    I took a a week to watch all of 1883, which was amazing BTW and I realize you watched and reviewed it weeks ago so I won’t try to get in on that conversation now. But I’m back, focusing on UK programming, and catching up first with Grantchester eps. 2 and 3.

    Again I am glad to see the program returning to its roots. Aside from Will’s cringeworthy pining over Maya it was as good an episode as others from previous seasons. And the added aspect of Mrs C being I’ll just adds even more good drama to ot.

    What is Will anyway? He’s hardly a good Vicar. He drinks, smokes, has lots of sex, and pretends to be a police inspector. I’m an Anglican in America and cannot imagine our own Vicar, Father Darrell, doing any of this. Or maybe he does and I just don’t know about it.

    And I may not be a Casanova but I do know that having sex with a woman twice then telling her that you will grow old together is hardly the right move. Jeez Will… couldn’t you see she was just in it for the sex? Why ruin it?

    • ReelMockery says:

      Welcome back. Good to hear you liked 1883. I really need to go back and watch Yellowstone since everyone seemed to love it. The last Grantchester episode was one of the best in a long, long time. Genuine humor and emotions with a surprising investigation. Crazy how long the show has managed to remain mostly consistent.

      Will’s relationship was so farfetched because people really don’t just get married after sleeping together twice, or do they? He was obviously well taught by his predecessor.

      Ipcress File was fairly enjoyable if you run out of things to watch and The Split’s 3rd season will be starting in a few days I believe. So much going on, I can barely keep up!

      • James Luther says:

        I’ve committed myself to watch Yellowstome next. My mom, and sister both say it is the greatest but my sister claims it is “mean spirited” and violent. Just the kind of show I like. I generally have not bought into hype over American shows until I took a chance on Ozark, which actually lived up to all the hype. And now 1883, which also lived up to the hype. My mom did say it takes about 2 or 3 episodes to really kick off. 🙂

        • ReelMockery says:

          Same here. I usually expect the least from American shows until I am proven otherwise lol. There have been a few good series over the years, but so much drivel in between.

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