s01e02 funny woman sky bert redwood

Funny Woman Season 1 Episode 2 Recap

As the second episode of Funny Woman begins, Barbara Parker (Gemma Arterton) performs at the club with other women. Barbara plays around with the guests and gets them laughing. During a break, Barbara talks to another woman about how she ended up working there. The woman asks Barbara about babysitting her twins since she just lives down the street. Then, Barbara learns that a man wants to have a threesome and he’ll pay double figures for it. The women end up getting into a fight. When the boss gets involved, Barbara knocks his wig off and quits. Barbara and Brian Debenham (Rupert Everett) talk about her missed opportunity.

tv show funny woman episode 2 sophie straw

Barbara makes it clear she isn’t going back before pleading with Brian to get her another job. He tells her that they want her to read for Dining In even though Beryl said they’d never pick her. She thanks him profusely. When she tries to catch the bus, she drops her script. It gets splashed by a car and the bus leaves without her. Once she arrives, she apologizes to Dennis (Arsher Ali) and the others. They want her to read the script with Clive (Tom Bateman). He explains that this is a chemistry read so they can see how well they’ll work together. The reading quickly goes off script.

Dennis thanks her and asks her to give them a minute alone. They begin discussing whether Barbara is a good choice after she leaves the room. Dennis invites her back in. When he says regretfully, she thinks they’re turning her down so she gets upset. Dennis specifies that they don’t get to make the final decision, but she is in the show as far as they’re concerned. George Parker (David Threlfall) gets a letter from his daughter telling him about her adventure so far. Aunty Marie (Rosie Cavaliero) speaks to Aiden (Kyle Pryor) at his workplace. She admits she could go to London and bring Barbara home herself.

episode 2 funny woman marjorie barbara

Before she leaves, Marie gives Aiden a note with Barbara’s address. Barbara tells Marjorie (Alexa Davies) that she is going to meet Ted Sargent (Alistair Petrie). If the meeting goes well, Dennis thinks she’ll get the job. Marjorie gives her advice for overcoming her nerves. Once she gets there, she asks Dennis whether she should be serious or flirty. He asks her not to try one of her antics. She agrees to keep her trap shut. Dennis mentions that he hasn’t gotten over losing Tony Hancock. They sit down with Ted and tell him about Barbara. Ted isn’t sure about her because the character is supposed to be the voice of reason and not the fool.

Ted asks Dennis why he thinks he’d let it rest on the shoulders of a nobody from Blackpool. Dennis says Sophie is different and the people from Blackpool might like to see themselves represented on television. Barbara says ordinary working people from the north might find her funny, but that doesn’t mean Ted should put her in the show. Eventually, Ted agrees to give Dennis 24 hours to prepare a new script for Sophie and he will attend a read-through. Once they get back, they begin working on a new script with Sophie included. Clive mentions that he can meet Cecily at the pub and knock her up.

season 1 episode 2 funny woman tony bill dennis

Barbara suggests otherwise since her dad would burst a blood vessel. She suggests her character can work at Whitehall too. Dennis says she can be Jim’s cleaner. They try to come up with a name for Sophie’s character. Tony (Leo Bill) says they should use the name Barbara. They also contemplate changing the name from Dining In to Barbara and Jim or Jim and Barbara. When Barbara returns home, she is surprised to see Aiden waiting for her. He gives her flowers and says he is making a romantic gesture. After they go inside, Aiden admits he has been drinking because he needed some Dutch courage. He is willing to offer her another chance.

Aiden asks her to come back because he can offer her more. Barbara says she finally got the chance to be on television in a comedy show like she always wanted. Aiden thinks she is living in a fantasy land because people like them don’t get on television. After he proposes, they have sex. In the morning, Marjorie finds Aiden sleeping half-naked and Barbara sleeping in the bathtub. While Dennis prepares for the read-through, Aiden wakes Barbara with a kiss. Barbara realizes she is going to be late so she rushes to get ready. She tells Aiden that things have changed now that she has seen a different world. He suspects that means a world without him in it.

series 1 episode 2 funny woman ted sargent

Bill (Matthew Beard) and the others begin worrying that Barbara isn’t going to make it. Ted gets tired of waiting so he asks Beryl (Emma Davies) to phone the other actress’s agent. Before she can leave, Barbara rushes in and explains that she still had her watch set to Blackpool time. After the read-through, Ted says he’ll inform them once he has made his decision. Barbara thanks Dennis for giving her the chance so matter what happens. In private, Tony and Bill discuss whether Barbara will get the role. Bill says they’ll have to get their normal married couple facts from somewhere if it goes through.

Brian visits Barbara at home to tell her she got the job. On her first day, she learns that Bert Redwood (Kenneth Collard) is going to be the director instead of Dennis. Bert comes in and immediately complains about the script. During rehearsals, he scolds Barbara for walking into the camera although it isn’t there. Bert ends up getting mad and storming off set. Barbara learns that the press department has organized an interview for her with Diane (Clare-Hope Ashitey). In private, Diane tells her more about the magazine she works for. Barbara finds out that she trained to be a news reporter, but it is hard to get her foot in the door.

s01e02 funny woman sky bert redwood

Diane tells her that they get access to a cool nightclub in town. She offers to take Barbara there sometime. George writes a letter to his daughter. Barbara is excited when Dennis takes her to her new dressing room. She thanks him again. Then, she learns that Bert wants to show off her shape. Dennis helps Bill and Tony with the final details of the dialogue. Polly (Rosa Coduri) interrupts to tell Dennis he is needed in the wardrobe. He learns that Barbara doesn’t like her wardrobe because she thinks characters should have imperfections. After work, George collapses. After changing her outfit, Barbara gets a tour of the set from Clive.

Bert finds out that she has changed her costume. Dennis says that was his decision. Bert doesn’t like it, but he lets it slide. He wants to focus on her top and bottom until Dennis turns off the monitor. Barbara imagines she is performing in front of an audience. Later that night, Marjorie gives her a telegram that causes her to run out of the flat. She calls Marie and learns about her father. She is told to be on the train first thing in the morning. Barbara says she can’t come because she’d be letting a lot of people down. Instead, she’ll come first thing Saturday. Marie tells her he might be dead by Saturday before the call ends.


Funny Woman Review

Through two episodes, the soundtrack has been a shining spot in Funny Woman. It really gives viewers the opportunity to relive that period while creating charming scenes even when Barbara is doing mundane things. Those scenes make up for the lack of overall charm for the series as a whole. Other scenes can be a little annoying, especially when there are just more and more hurdles for Barbara to jump through before she gets a break.

As a result, it can be longwinded at times. Due to certain changes to the story, there is a general lack of suspense and even some believability issues. Funny Woman is watchable although the content may not stick with viewers after the credits roll. With little else to binge right now, it is worth checking out for the witty performances. The episode scores 6 out of 10. Funny Woman recaps are available on Reel Mockery here.

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