episode 4 finale origin flowers in the attic corrine christopher

Flowers In The Attic: The Origin Finale Season 1 Episode 4 Recap

The Martyr – As the finale of Flowers in the Attic: The Origin begins, Olivia Foxworth (Jemima Rooper) talks about how a house can be a palace or prison. A house can also be alive because only something alive can cause so much destruction. She is shocked when she looks through the keyhole and sees Christopher (Callum Kerr) having sex with Corrine (Hannah Dodd). Her heart nearly stopped at that moment because Corrine shared more blood than she knew with Christopher. Olivia interrupts to say they’ll discuss this in the drawing room once they get dressed. She runs into Malcolm (Max Irons) who says she doesn’t look well. Olivia quickly blames that on burying a body. He leaves moments later. When Corrine and Christopher join Olivia, Corrine apologizes for what she had to see.

finale flowers in the attic origin olivia

Olivia says she saw nothing because it would be impossible for her daughter to make such a foolish mistake. Although Corrine says she loves him, Olivia is adamant that Christopher won’t touch her daughter. Once Christopher says they’re in love, Olivia says they can’t be since it is against the laws of nature and God. Corrine reminds her that she never believed in God. Olivia says you don’t have to believe it to fear it. Corrine says they should talk about God and how the Roman Gods loved everyone regardless of sex. Olivia asks if she has any idea what Malcolm would do if he found out about this. She warns her that she won’t get any of this if he finds out, but Corrine says it is a risk she is willing to take. Olivia says there is something they don’t know so they don’t know what Malcolm is capable of.

She tells them about their blood ties and the fact that they’re half-siblings. Olivia finally tells them that Alicia gave birth to Corrine. When asked about an affair between Malcolm and Alicia, Olivia says their relations were not mutually agreed to. Alicia didn’t have a choice but to abandon Corrine to them because they didn’t give her one. Olivia says they helped protect her name and Christopher’s name. She thinks being a Foxworth still means something because of what they did. Olivia argues that they cannot mention what happened or what was said tonight. Christopher agrees to leave so Olivia can talk to Corrine alone. She tells Corrine that she is her heart and she has done everything in her power to keep the secret of her birth from the world because she loves her. Corrine leaves without saying anything before returning to Christopher who asks why she is there.

finale flowers in the attic recap christopher corrine

Corrine admits she doesn’t care what her mother says. She doesn’t love him like a brother. Christopher confesses that he loves her too before they begin making out. Corrine wants to run away tonight, but Christopher isn’t sure how they’d survive. She thinks they can figure all of that stuff out later. Christopher knows what it is like to have nothing so they’re going to need a plan if they’re going to do this. Corrine tells him to start packing. She goes to Malcolm’s room where she finds Garland’s last will and testament. Malcolm interrupts to ask what she is doing only for Corrine to ask the same question. She now knows that his father left half of everything to Christopher. Malcolm says his father wasn’t of sound mind when he wrote that, but Corrine reminds him that he never saw a doctor. She argues that Christopher could’ve used the money for school or to help his mother when she saw sick.

Malcolm asks if he should’ve given it all up so she should grow up like some peasant girl. He goes on to say half is half of what he deserved because he kept the businesses running, put up with his father’s incompetence, and suffered when his mother left. Corrine can see why she left if he acted like this when he was a child. He picks up a lamp and contemplates throwing it at Corrine but throws it to the ground instead. Christopher grabs a shotgun while Olivia goes to investigate the noise. Corrine asks if it felt good like it felt good when he stole from Christopher. She wonders if he kept the will to remind himself he is strong enough to steal from a child, but Malcolm says he does everything for her. Although she doesn’t believe it, Malcolm asks about all the dolls, clothes, and horses. Corrine believes true love is more than just things.

series 1 episode 4 flowers in the attic recap

Malcolm admits he wanted to give her so much money just before Olivia interrupts to see what is going on. When she learns about Corrine breaking into the safe, she says she thought they had an understanding. Malcolm demands to know what they’re talking about. Once Olivia says it is nothing, Corrine says it is the most important thing in her life. She confesses that she is in love with Christopher and they’re going to get married. Malcolm gets mad before storming out of the room. Olivia and Corrine begin worrying about Christopher. Malcolm approaches Christopher as the shotgun hits the floor. He begins choking Christopher and holding him against the wall while telling him he’ll kill him like he killed his father. Olivia and Corrine arrive and tell Malcolm to stop. Olivia shoots the gun, but that doesn’t stop him. Corrine hits him over the head to stop him. Nella (T’Shan Williams) and the family hear the chaos from their home.

They rush downstairs while Malcolm calls Christopher a coward like his father. Corrine tells him about the will, but Malcolm throws it into the fireplace. Christopher says his mother died because she couldn’t get proper medical care and his dad wasn’t a coward. Malcolm is. Corrine says he isn’t just a coward since he is also a murderer and rapist. Once she says she knows what he did to Alicia, Malcolm realizes that Olivia must’ve told her. He attacks her and tries to go after the others, but Nella and her family enter to stop him. Corrine is told of it. She tells her father that everyone sees him and they know he doesn’t have any love in his life. She wonders what he is if she is a sinner. She mentions that Celia (Evelyn Miller) is Malcolm’s other daughter. Corrine yells that everyone knows he has to force himself on people like the beast he is. Malcolm slaps her across the face.

season 1 episode 4 flowers in the attic chris corrine

Malcolm says so be it if she doesn’t want his love, but she won’t have his money either. After she calls it Christopher’s money, Malcolm warns her that she won’t be part of this family if she does this with him. Once things calm down, Olivia tends to Corrine’s wound. Corrine knew what he was doing to her for all those years but didn’t say anything. Olivia admits she never wanted to share that burden with her. The important thing is that she is safe now. Christopher points a handgun at Malcolm while reminding him that he raped his mother, murdered his father, and hit Corrine. Malcolm tells him that he isn’t a suitable match for his daughter. He can’t love her because he doesn’t really know her. Malcolm says he doesn’t know who she really is and she hates him because he knows. He calls Corrine a beautiful, selfish girl who got rid of her own child last year.

Malcolm grabs the gun before saying he owes him some money so it is about time they made a deal. Olivia tells her daughter that they’ll figure something out, but it isn’t possible to include Christopher. She can’t support her falling in love with someone of her own blood. Christopher interrupts to ask for a moment with Corrine so he can say goodbye. He spoke to her father and has decided to leave because she hasn’t been honest with him. Malcolm tells Olivia that the truth can be more powerful than any weapon. Once he knew Corrine was no more than the common ho, he was happy to take the 10 grand for his silence. They begin arguing about Olivia not being her mother. Olivia reminds him that she shed Steiner’s blood for her and that is love. Malcolm suggests they’re not so different after all. Olivia freaks out when she finds that Corrine has taken all her belongings.

christopher finale origin flowers in the attic

She realizes that Corrine is gone. Everything she had worked for had been taken from her. She was gone now that all three children were gone. Months passed without a word from Corrine. Malcolm offers to give Grace (Rawdat Quadri) a ride into town. Although she accepts the offer, Olivia yells for her not to get into the car with Malcolm. Nella brings a letter from Corrine who says she can no longer live under the same roof as her father. She won’t come back as long as he is alive. Olivia goes to the library inside to read a book about motor vehicle mechanics. She takes it with her. Later that night, she uses the book to tamper with Malcolm’s vehicle.

When Nella comes out, Olivia tells her that she just forgot something in the car earlier. Nella reveals she always wanted to live in New York City because she wanted to be a singer since she was a little girl. She was always afraid to leave her family and felt she needed to be here to protect them. She wanted to do the same thing more times than she can count but couldn’t face her God if she did. Nella thinks Olivia has good inside too. She asks Olivia not to do it like this because Samuel’s cousin is the driver. The police would think it was one of them and she doesn’t want to wake up with one of her boys hanging from a tree. When Olivia goes back inside, she uses a pair of snips to destroy the portrait of Malcolm on the wall above her. She looks at the banister above her and decides to do something with it. In the morning, Malcolm walks to the edge and sees the painting.

episode 4 flowers in the attic origin malcolm

The banister breaks causing him to crash to the floor below. Nella reaches him first before Olivia walks over to tell her that she’ll call a doctor. She makes sure that the handsaw she used burns in the fireplace before anyone can find out. Later, Doctor Curtis (Peter Bramhill) tells her that Malcolm’s hemiparesis has not improved after six months in the hospital. He will likely never speak again or regain sensation in his left side. Once she learns his mind is perfect, she suggests this is better than death since he’ll know she is in charge. She tells the doctor that she is the only one who can give him the comfort he deserves. Christopher and Corrine move into a rundown apartment for the time being. She turns on some music and asks for a dance. Christopher calls her Mrs. Dollanganger and says it would be his honor. Although she may never get used to that name, he is glad they will never be able to find them this way.

Olivia throws a party for Nella since she is going away. After Nella thanks her for making her family safe, she receives train tickets so she can visit once she becomes a big star in New York. Nella sings a song for them. After the party ends, Olivia meets with a group of men that came up from Richmond. Once Malcolm is wheeled into the room, she tells everyone that she’ll be replacing him as acting president of Foxworth Industries. Malcolm begins moaning because he is angry, but Olivia says he is just having another fit. She asks the servant to take him to his room. After he is taken out of the room, Olivia admits the doctor doesn’t know if or when he will recover. She is told they’ll need Malcolm’s final approval on their yearly tax filings. Olivia says they’ll need her approval and they don’t have it right now. After the meeting, Olivia goes to Malcolm to tell him about her extraordinary afternoon.

olivia grace s01e04 origin flowers in the attic

She encourages him to learn how to mask his feelings. She has become a master of that after living with him for the past 20 years. Olivia tries to get him to sign paperwork that will give her control of Foxworth Industries and threatens not to feed him if he doesn’t. He tells her where to go. She takes him to his mother’s room where she begins destroying her stuff. Olivia warns him that there will be consequences for not doing as he is told from now on. He manages to wrestle her to the ground, but she quickly overpowers him until he punches her and begins choking her. She grabs a figurine and uses it to hit him in the head to save herself. Christopher and Corinne move into a new house that he can afford because he is a doctor now. They also have a baby named Chris. Corrine is surprised to say it, but she wishes her mother was here to share this with her. Olivia wakes up Malcolm to make him sign the papers. She tells him she won’t be needing his signature again since she controls the business before stepping on his wrist.

Olivia knew she was lost without her children. She needed someone or something to remind her of what is good. She writes to John Amos (Paul Wesley) to get him to visit. Once he arrives, she explains that she found herself in a dark place after Corrine and Christopher left. He says some darkness is to be expected because of the loss. She believes she might’ve brought some of it on herself. She should’ve found a way to open her heart to Corrine and Christopher, but John says no because it cannot be. He says Corrine picked a path of moral corruption. If she contacts her, she could be pulled into a life of sin. He believes whatever happens to her now is God’s way of punishing her. Olivia admits it feels like a punishment for not having her in her life. John argues some people would ask if she has done something that deserves punishment. God doesn’t ask for perfection and only asks for repentance.

flowers in the attic origin episode 4 finale

She’d like to repent and be forgiven. John gives her a bible. Olivia reveals she prayed for forgiveness for the first time in her life that night. She also prayed that Malcolm would be saved, for Mal’s spirit, for Joel’s safety, and for Corrine’s return. Nearly a decade passed and prayer brought her peace, but it didn’t bring her children back. Corrine talks to Christopher about how exhausting it is being a parent and how her mother was an expert. He suggests going on vacation in August. Corrine doesn’t think that is going to be possible since she is pregnant with two more babies. Mr. Woodruff (Geoffrey Newland) visits Olivia who admits she has never done anything like this before. She asks if she should pay now or later. After she says her husband can never know, he assures her that he has many clients who are the wives of distinguished men. He operates discreetly.

Olivia wants him to investigate her daughter. While getting a portrait painted of her, Olivia talks to John Amos. She takes him outside because she has something to show him. It was built shortly after the main house was completed but hasn’t been used for generations. She says the building is now John’s as a way to thank him for helping her and staying with her. As they go into the chapel, John says nobody will be able to hear them praying. Later, Woodruff returns to tell Olivia that Corrine is going by the name Corrine Dollanganger now. Chris is a doctor of obstetrics. He shows Olivia a picture of their house in Pittsburgh. She also sees pictures of their wedding and children. They’re so charming that the locals have started calling them the Dresden dolls. Olivia thinks they’re using that to remind her of her part in her family’s sin. Over the next five years, she thinks she became strong enough to overcome that sin.

episode 4 finale origin flowers in the attic corrine christopher

Corrine gets a visit from the state police with shocking news. Amos gets a call at Foxworth Hall and pretends to be Mr. Foxworth. Olivia enters and learns that Christopher is dead after a car accident. She tells Malcolm before asking John for his help. Olivia believes what has happened with Corrine was caused by Foxworth Hall and she might know how to fix it. They begin removing items from the home so they can focus on faith, devotion, and repentance. Olivia burns the mirrors, rugs, and a bunch of other items. Many of Corrine’s belongings are taken from her home. John tells Olivia that God is proud of her. Nella returns for a visit after learning about Christopher’s death. She suggests they could’ve sold the items and sent the money to someone who needed it, but Olivia calls it a sacrifice. Nella is introduced to Amos who learns she is a big star in New York City now. Nell says she is if you count playing a few Harlem bars as being a star. Amos does not.

When John leaves, Olivia says he is not accustomed to guests. Nella asks if it is because she looks like this. Olivia wants to have dinner with the family. As for Malcolm, he will remain in his room where he has been since Nella left. Olivia finds that Malcolm’s mobility has improved. She offers to say grace with him, but he doesn’t seem interested. Just before dinner, Olivia receives a letter that seems to worry her. They talk about Joel. Olivia hasn’t heard from him in a while although it seems like every letter can be from a different hemisphere. Samuel and the others tell her that Joel is with Harry in Tangier.

finale origin flowers in the attic nella

They’re going to see the pyramids next week. Amos admits he cannot imagine that. When they ask about Corrine, Olivia begins crying. She tells them about the letter she received saying Chris was in deep debt when he passed. They suggest Olivia can fix that, but Amos argues that she is not going to support that jezebel. He thinks Corrine should suffer for her sins. Nella can’t believe he thinks it is God’s will for one of his children to starve. Amos doesn’t believe they should question the lord’s will. They continue arguing while Nella says they shouldn’t judge Corrine’s choices. Amos doesn’t think he needs to explain himself to her before asking Olivia to let Corrine reach the depths of despair so she’ll know how much she needs her. Nella tries to convince Olivia otherwise as Amos says he has had enough of this. Corrine sends a letter to the Foxworths. Olivia gets the letter and tells Amos he was right since destitution brought Corrine back to her.

They agree to have a nice dinner to celebrate. Nella visits again before she leaves. She remembers that she thought Olivia was different and nothing like the others. Olivia reminds her that those people are part of her family. Nella argues she doesn’t need to replace one controlling man with another. Olivia tells her about Corrine reaching out. Nella says the God she knows doesn’t wait for people to suffer to help. Olivia argues with her and reminds her to call her Mrs. Foxworth, but Olivia reminds her Mrs. Foxworth is everything she didn’t want to be. Nella leaves. Later that night, Amos hears a loud noise and decides to investigate. Malcolm gives him a note saying Olivia is a murderer. Olivia is asked to meet him in the chapel. Once she arrives, he shows her the note. She admits she has been hiding sin from him. Amos wants her to let him be her cousin and confessor. She tells him about Steiner and everything that happened.

john amos olivia finale origin flowers in the attic

She also admits to causing Malcolm’s fall because she wanted him dead. Amos says she has never been more pure or beautiful in his eyes. After he kisses her, Olivia smacks him. She accuses him of judging her daughter for a sin he’d commit so easily. She won’t be violated by another man so he will leave tomorrow. Amos surprised her that night and says he isn’t going to be thrown out until he gets what he earns. He wrestles her to the bed before jumping on top of her. She grabs the letter opener and stabs him in the neck with it. Olivia manages to bury the body outside. The next day, Olivia tells Malcolm about their daughter coming home, but he says he doesn’t have a daughter. Olivia admits she was foolish to bring her blood into the walls and she would purge them of sin. Her efforts would give rise to the greatest evils Foxworth Hall had yet to see. Corrine tells her kids everything with their grandparents is complicated as they walk toward the house.

She says they must make them love us so much. They’re going to live in her childhood home, Foxworth Hall. Olivia greets them at the door and urges them to hurry up before someone sees them. She is introduced to Christopher, Cathy, Corey, and Carrie. She says they appear normal. She is glad they don’t know because it’ll make what they need to do easier. As they walk through the house, Olivia says they must discuss the terms before Corrine can see her father. She won’t talk about it in front of the kids or until tomorrow. Corrine doesn’t think she can hide away four young children. A box of rat poison sits on the table nearby. Olivia takes them to their new room before telling them they will follow her rules. Boys and girls will not sit or sleep together. She makes it clear that they will read the Bible every day and recite lines for her later. Corrine insists they only need to stay in the room until she sorts things out with her father. She says they can go for walks in the garden.

Olivia makes sure to lock them in when she exits the room with Corrine who says it was only for one night and it was for their own good. That is what she told herself.


Flowers In The Attic: The Origin Review

The finale of Flowers In The Attic: The Origin was a decent setup for the movie and series that viewers remember so well, but it was nowhere near perfect. The pacing could’ve been better. Some aspects of the story were given too much time while the story jumped forward by years near the end. Little time was dedicated to Olivia’s decision to embrace religion or even Corrine’s time with Christopher. This made it feel odd when Olivia suddenly flipped on Nella with the religious stuff. The acting and accents could’ve been much better. None of the accents were authentically southern, but that is to be expected considering most of the cast is English instead of American.

It is hard to really say whether Malcolm’s villainous nature was effectively built and represented. Those familiar with the story will already have an understanding of his actions, but the series could’ve stressed it more deliberately. It was difficult to sympathize with any of the characters except Joel and Harry but those two have been gone for a while. However, some of the actions toward Malcolm felt cheesy instead of deserving while things he did weren’t frightening either.

More could’ve been done to drive home the point that Malcolm wasn’t a good guy instead of making many things happen off-screen. Some of the scenes were a bit too dark at times since I had difficulty seeing facial expressions and such. Still, it was interesting to explore this side of the story. It wasn’t bad overall even though it could’ve been even better. Fans of the series will enjoy learning more about Olivia’s early life and her transformation.

The finale scores a 6 out of 10. Recaps of Flowers In The Attic: The Origin can be found here. Learn how to support us by following this link.

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  1. Nicole Hall says:

    I don’t get how Olivia killed John Amos if he was depicted in “If there be thorns” as an old man.

    • ReelMockery says:

      Unfortunately, it seems the TV show writers changed the course of the story by killing him off at the end of The Origin. There were quite a few changes from the show to the books from what I’ve been able to find, but this was one of the bigger ones. It is odd they decided to do this considering how big of a role Amos plays in If there be thorns. It could be that they have no intention of addressing the future. Weird regardless.

  2. Moncho says:

    Fans of the books hate this episode coz they killed John Amos who’s supposed to return in If There Be Thorns. I think their probably going to redo the whole series and change everything. I think John Amos could still be alive and that Olivia didn’t actually kill him she only imagines she did coz he raped her. Or Amos is truly dead and their going to introduce a new character similar to Amos but even more sinister. I like to think that their trying to make Olivia responsible for poisoning the kids, not Corrine. Like how Olivia killed the rat and the close-up of the rat poison foreshadowing. I love soaps and you notice how whenever someone dies but they never show the dead body it’s probably coz their still alive. That’s why I like to think that Christopher is still alive. How you may ask well what if someone beat up Christopher real bad and stole all his belongings and his car, and in his haste accidentally crashes into a gasoline station and is engulfed in flames. When the cops show up they find Christopher’s ID and mistake the thief for Christopher. When Corrine arrives to identify the body she can’t coz it’s burned to a crisp. I know this is all just fanfic but I just loved their version of Christopher and Corrine. Callum Kerr and Hannah Dodd had so much chemistry as Christopher and Corrine I actually thought they would make a better Barbie and Ken than Margoe Robbie and Ryan Gosling. Waaay better! I picture Christopher waking up from a coma and having amnesia. Then a beautiful older woman driving by notices Christopher and is smitten. I picture Heather Graham in the role but with strawberry blonde hair (I just loved her as Corrine). I’m thinking Sunset Boulevard where this older very wealthy woman keeps her younger paramour in her huge mansion. So Christopher becomes a kept man. Then they attend a fancy soiree at Foxworth Hall where Christopher is introduced to Corrine and the memories slowly start to return. Christopher and Corrine lock eyes. Corrine is shocked to see Christopher’s doppelganger, she is at a loss for words. Christopher is enamored but ultimately decides to forget about Corrine coz she’s now engaged to Bart and that he’s her brother. Christopher takes it as a sign that he and Corrine are better off. So he marries the older woman even tho he doesn’t love her. She is nothing but kind to Christopher but notices his unhappiness. One day she notices in his drawer a picture of Corrine and several clippings of her. She demands to know why, so Christopher tells her all and she is in shock. She asks him if he still loves her and he concurs. Then the next day he finds that she locked herself in her bathroom. When he breaks the door he finds her lifeless in the tub. She had taken some pills and drowned. Christopher inherits everything and plots to win back Corrine. So when If There Be Thorns pulls up Corrine is now back with Christopher and they move next door to Christopher and Cathy. Christopher obviously forgave Corrine for locking their children in the attic and now plan on winning them back. Then were introduced to the new John Amos who was an associate of Malcolm’s who is deeply religious and disturbed. He ends up teaching in Bart Jr’s school and tries to start a cult. He manipulates Bart and tells him that his whole family are sinners and that they should all be punished. So with his followers they try to kill everyone. But Bart finally comes to his senses and calls the police. So basically they all move back to Foxworth Hall. I know most people are disgusted by incest I mean I’m not ok with it but imagine if this happened in real life would you throw shade at these people or treat them with kindness. Love is love. I know it’s completely different but I’m just a sucker for a happy ending. It’s supposed to be a tragedy but haven’t we already seen that version. Their supposed to be punished but I just can’t help but feel sorry for them. Sorry if this all sounds corny and stupid. I’m obviously not a writer.

    • ReelMockery says:

      You make a good point since John Amos might not be dead after all. It is hard to imagine how they’d create If There Be Thorns without the character and there are many shows that pretend to kill characters off only for then to return later. I really wouldn’t like to see Lifetime create a follow-up or If There Be Thorns using the same characters since most of them did well.

      I do agree that Corrine and Christopher were a good match! It’d be nice to catch up with some of the other characters such as Joel as well. Your fanfic isn’t bad at all. I think it could be fun and your writing is just fine. Thanks for coming by. Hope to see you again! 🙂

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