actor alessandro borghi devils episode 3

Devils Season 1 Episode 3 Recap

As episode 3 begins, Massimo (Alessandro Borghi) talks about war and it enriching the rich before we see a short video of Gaddafi. Then, we jump over to the Central News Agency and they watch a video of mass graves outside Tripoli. They agree that Gaddafi is a butcher and many finally get what he deserves. The video is posted and Obama takes to the stage to condemn the use of violence in Libya. Massimo says war can be waged with money as well and the casualties aren’t always counted on the battlefield. He is allowed to see his wife’s body and he tells the medical examiner he believes she was murdered. Massimo suggests someone might’ve intentionally given her an overdose, but there is no way to prove it. In a flashback, we see a fight between Massimo and Carrie that likely led to their break-up.

max episode 3 devils tv series

After the intro, Oliver Harris (Malachi Kirby) returns to the New York London Investment Bank and receives his pass before heading inside and upstairs. He talks to Massimo’s gang and tells them about it being his first day before Paul (Harry Michell) warns him to watch his back around here. Alex Vance (Chris Reilly) tells Paul it is time to go so he says goodbye to the others and walks out with his belongings. Oliver is friendly with the others but they shun him. Meanwhile, Dominic Morgan (Patrick Dempsey) speaks at Edward’s funeral. After the funeral, Nina (Kasia Smutniak) approaches Massimo and tells him that Dominic told her about Carrie. She says she is worried about him, but he says he is fine. Then, she warns him that trying to retaliate against the bank would be a bad idea.

gaddafi tv series devils episode 3

Massimo is approached by Detective Inspector Victoria Bale and DS Winks. They want to know if the deceased and Massimo were rivals for the same job, but Massimo doesn’t want to talk there. Alex interrupts to let Massimo know Dominic wants to speak to him. He offers to speak to the detectives at the office before meeting with Dominic. He gives Massimo his condolences before questioning whether it was Massimo’s fault for blowing up the Davenport deal or his for not seeing the hole Ed was digging. Before Massimo goes, Dominic tells him to let the dead go or it’ll eat him up inside like it has Nina. Sofia Flores (Laia Costa) is waiting for Massimo when he returns to the parking garage so she can complain about their pub meeting. She wants to know what he found out about Ed, but Massimo doesn’t want to talk about it now that his wife has passed.

sofia devils tv show episode 3

He blames her passing on the bank. Oliver works while Eleanor (Pia Mechler) and Kalim (Paul Chowdhry) argue about Paul being fired. Eleanor tries to make Oliver move desks and she tells Kalim she isn’t being any tougher on Oliver than Massimo was on her when she started. Next, Daniel Duval (Lars Mikkelsen) is asked about Assange and his organization. He talks about going after financial institutions and hedge funds while Eleanor tries to find out more about Carrie. Despite going to all three agencies that serve the club, nobody knew Carrie. Massimo wonders if they are lying. She offers to stay the night with him but Massimo says he wants to be alone. Daniel contacts Sofia and tries to pressure her into making a move on Massimo. The call ends when Eleanor leaves and Sofia approaches Massimo. She apologizes about before and wonders if Carrie’s death had anything to do with Ed’s. She claims she knows why he died.

tv show devils episode 3 eleanor

They go inside and Sofia claims it wasn’t Gaddafi’s decision to kill all of those people. She tells him about the LIA. They’ve collected a lot of emails from the LIA and many from a Libyan finance executive named Samir el-Maghrabi. It is believed he is being corrupted by the New York London Investment Bank. They’re setting up some kind of deal and only know the name of the person Samir has been working with. She claims that person is Dominic but Massimo doesn’t believe it. Sofia also believes Ed was a part of it and couldn’t live with blood on his hands. There is supposed to be a meeting between Dominic and Samir tomorrow in London and Sofia believes their proof will be there. As for Carrie, Sofia believes she was a smokescreen to distract Massimo from Ed’s problem.

massimo s01e03 recap devils

Daniel finishes his conversation with the journalist. He claims his donors and supporters are not in any danger. The following day, Massimo meets with his team and asks them what they have on NYL and LIA. Kalim checked with compliance and all of the assets owned by LIA are on a restricted list before Massimo tells them about Dominic’s upcoming meeting. Massimo wants Paul or Jason to short the ones they find on the list even though compliance says they can’t trade them. Oliver proves he knows about the dark pools, but he doesn’t understand the LIA stuff. Massimo believes it might be the reason Ed turned down the position and was ultimately killed. Eleanor reveals that Dominic’s office has reserved two dozen girls for a private function tonight and she believes she can find out where. Oliver asks Massimo why he doesn’t go to the police and he quickly finds out why that would be a bad idea.

kalim eleanor devils episode 3

He tells Oliver not to worry because they’ll likely suspect him first. Then, he steps into the other room and speaks with the detectives. They ask if Oliver was at Stuart’s house the other day but Massimo doubts it. He invites them to his office but they don’t have any more questions so they leave. Massimo meets with Sofia to tell her the dinner is being held at a hotel in London. He isn’t sure he can get in there and Sofia isn’t willing to give up her source in Libya. Sofia wants to go and says she’ll put herself in danger. Massimo agrees and gives her information about the motel. Next, we see a news report about Gaddafi and whether his removal will be good or bad for America. Oliver wants to go out for lunch but Eleanor tells him to look around. That tells him he should never leave the compound. She offers to make an exception this time as long as he gets her a triple shot latte.

oliver episode 3 devils

Kalim is worried because you only get one big screw-up. He wonders if the Libya thing is going to come back to haunt them. He doesn’t believe Max is thinking straight and is lashing out against Dominic and the bank. A happy Oliver goes out and returns before he is confronted by the detectives. They accuse him of taking the laptop and he asks if Massimo told them that. He denies it and asks if he needs a lawyer. They warn him that lying to an officer is a serious offense before arranging for Oliver to see them tomorrow. Sofia sets up a camera and prepares to infiltrate the escort agency, but Max is worried that they’ll have ways to detect the camera. Max calls Jana and tells her he is Nicolas from Butterfly Escorts. He lies and says they canceled the whole event. Then, he tells Sofia to be careful. She enters the hotel and is referred to as Jana.

sofia episode 3 devils

She is asked to give up her cellphone and sees that they’re using metal detectors. She leaves her bag behind and passes through the metal detector. She begins flirting with a guy immediately before asking him to hold her wine. Alex watches from above as Sofia steps outside and grabs her bag. Then, a man stops her and asks her what she was doing in there. She tells him she was with her date Samir el-Maghrabi. Samir arrives and whisks Sofia away from the guard. Oliver’s lady friend goes on and on about smelling alcohol on Tyrone’s breath when he got home, but Oliver is too caught up in his own problems to listen. She gets his attention and he tells her about having to meet with the police. She believes guys like Massimo only care about money and screwing people over. Samir finishes working and tells Sofia it is time to play.

massimo and oliver devils

They go to a private room and Samir is very rough with Sofia. Moments later, Sofia finds herself tied to the bed. She leaves later and Massimo asks what happened, but she doesn’t want to talk about that. Instead, she wants to know if Massimo can identify one of the guys at the party and he can. He identifies the man as Chris Bailey and says he took over for Ed. They discuss the Pall Mall Club and Dominic possibly selling the LIA shares. Max encourages her to put the photos on her website and she agrees to do so. She promises she is okay before we see a flashback and see that she drugged Samir. The following day, Eleanor learns from Kalim that Oliver is speaking to Max in private. Massimo gives him advice and encourages him to get a proper tie. Oliver tells him about the meeting with police before Massimo claims they can’t know he took it.

daniel duval devils episode 3 recap

Massimo warns him that they want to use him to build a case for himself. Then, he gets the laptop from Oliver and tells him to do what he thinks is right for him. Sofia contacts Daniel and wants to make sure the photos are uploaded to the website promptly, but he is worried it would hurt their credibility. Daniel makes it clear that the photos will go live when he pulls the trigger. When the call ends, Sofia calls Hilary Mason with The Guardian and Oliver makes it to the police station. Bale and Winks question him about their question yesterday and denies taking a laptop. He says he has answered their question before the interview ends immediately. Seconds later, another worker finds Ed’s laptop. Dominic gives a speech to Chris, Samir, and the others. He says they’re going to proceed with the details of the sale.

dominic morgan devils tv series

Chris is asked to give a bit of background on the fund before that happens. Alex interrupts Dominic to show him the photos that just landed on The Guardian’s website. He learns that Hilary Mason is the reporter on the story. Meanwhile, Max and the others watch a news report about Dominic’s possible relationship with Muammar Gaddafi and the bank’s shares drop 10%. Eleanor tells Max she hopes he knows what he is doing. Dominic speaks to Margaret about the news and he offers to take care of it. Daniel calls Sofia and criticizes her decision and says Dominic knew he was going to meet with Hilary. She tries to contact Massimo who returns to the office so she can watch Dominic’s press conference. He claims he has been working with Samir to ensure that Libya has a free, democratic, and prosperous future.

actor alessandro borghi devils episode 3

Eleanor says she isn’t going to take Max’s side anymore. Dominic goes on to say that Samir has been secretly disassociated from the Gaddafi regime. Then, American and French military jets begin launching attacks on Gaddafi’s army. Daniel meets with Sofia and accuses her of being obsessive with revenge against Dominic, but she denies it. He says she made Dominic look good by ignoring his orders and he wonders what Max thinks of this. Daniel belittles her and says he’ll need to reassess her value to Subterranea. Margaret calls Dominic and admits she is impressed with the way he handled the situation. Next, Max and the others attend Carrie’s funeral. When it ends, Dominic tells Max he knows about him shorting LIA shares and says he isn’t the enemy. Then, he says he has already lost one son and doesn’t want to lose another.

After that, authorities find video of Max arguing with Ed and his laptop is discovered. The postmortem report indicates that Ed’s arms were out to protect him from impact and that is how he broke his arms. They agree that Ed was likely pushed to his death and they suspect Max now.


Devils Review

Although I think Devils is getting better with time, I still think it has a long way to go. I appreciate them touching on historical events but they downplayed the whole Libyan situation in this episode. It could’ve gone into greater depth instead of quickly brushing over the details.

I am also concerned that they’re making things far too easy for Dominic, and doing so eliminated the purpose of the episode. Shouldn’t there have been some type of payoff for Massimo and Sofia after they put so much effort into spying on Samir?

Then again, there are nine episodes in total so this is likely going to happen a few more times before anything damaging to Dominic happens. Still, this was likely the best episode of the season and it could get better from here on out too.

I am still having difficulties with some of the characters’ names and have a lot to get done today. As a result, this recap will not be proofread or examined for any minor mistakes. Please forgive that and let me know if anything is inaccurate. The episode scores a 7.5 out of 10. Previous recaps of Devils can be found on Reel Mockery.

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