death and nightingales tv series

Death And Nightingales Episode 2 Recap

As the episode begins, Beth Winters (Ann Skelly) watches as Mercy gets a vet to check out Albert the pig. Moments later, Liam Ward (Jamie Dornan) rides by on his wagon. They give each other a nod. Mercy speaks with Beth about killing their poor creatures. Albert is ultimately slaughtered. Blessing harasses Mercy. She fights back and escapes his grasp. Blessing (Martin McCann) blocks her in and plays with himself. Mercy throws blood on him and runs for it. Mercy (Charlene McKenna) complains to Beth about Blessing. After the intro, Billy Winters (Matthew Rhys) gets a visitor at the mine. It is Maurice Fairbrother.

ann skelly death and nightingales

Maurice speaks with Billy in private about Irish-American plots to bomb England. He explains that the dynamite has been stolen closer to home. Maurice suspects that Liam could be involved. He reveals that an associate of Ward was arrested in possession of dynamite. Some of the sticks were marked with the name of Billy’s quarry. Maurice won’t say why Ward hasn’t been arrested. Billy tells Maurice that he is not fond of informers. He shows him the door. Before he can leave, Maurice shows Billy a copy of a complaint lodged by Catherine (Valene Kane). The complaint alleges that Billy punched his wife and locked her outside in the middle of Winter.

billy winters death and nightingales

Maurice puts pressure on Billy to help. Billy refuses. Maurice begins talking about Beth. Maurice makes it clear that he knows about Beth seeking refuge with Mercy. Billy becomes angry and throws Maurice out of his office. Mercy and Beth work together. They sit down and relax. In a flashback, Beth asks Liam if he is worried about stealing. He explains that it is not stealing. They’re just taking back what was taken from them. He tells Beth that Billy owes him for the beatings and humiliations. Mercy tells Beth that they’re living a life of slavery. Beth tells her that she is going to miss her when they do part. Mercy asks her where she could be going. Beth quickly changes the subject. Mercy asks again.

liam ward death and nightingales episode 2

Beth promises that they’ll talk later. Billy returns home. Beth learns that one of the workers will be seeing Percy French with Billy. Dummy McGonnell interrupts their picnic. Beth gives Dummy food and drink. On the way back, Beth tells Mercy that she will be learning and not coming back. Mercy tries to convince her to stay. Beth insists she would be happier elsewhere. She admits it has something to do with Billy touching her. Mercy quickly realizes that Beth is running off with a man. Billy rings the bell and yells for them. He gets into the whiskey cabinet and begins drinking. Billy asks Mickey about them. He tells Billy that he just saw Mercy up on Feenan Hill.

death and nightingales matthew rhys

He tells Billy that Mercy was alone. Billy speaks to his painting of Captain Winters. He curses Mercy’s knight in blue, Shanley. Mercy returns and learns that Billy has been shouting for her. Billy tells her to come into the dining room. Mercy is asked about Beth. She tells Billy that she has gone for the cows. She also tells him about Blinky Blessing and Albert. Billy speaks to her about death and the Bishop. Billy reminds her of everything he has done for her and her family. Billy wants to know what Mercy has been saying about him outside of the house. He accuses her of lying about him. Mercy denies everything. Billy demands Mercy take her bags and leave with her brother. Billy joins Mickey seconds later.

maurice death and nightingales

Beth tends to the cows. She runs into Constable Shanley. He tells her to speak with Mercy. She learns that Mercy has been kicked out. She admits to saying things that she shouldn’t have. Beth tells Mercy to ask Shanley who told Billy. Beth gives Mercy the necklace back. Billy and Mickey continue on their way. The Bishop speaks with Billy. The Bishop tries to stop Billy from drinking. Beth watches as Mercy’s carriage drives away. Liam meets up with her. They speak about Billy’s activities. Beth tells Liam that she refused the ticket so she would have time to prepare the bromides. Beth admits she hasn’t prepared them just yet. Liam tells her to use all of them. She seems hesitant to do so. Liam tells her the entire plan.

charlene mckenna death and nightingales

They set up a meeting place too. Billy drinks while Beth prepares the concoction. Maurice tracks down Billy again. He tells Billy that Beth knows Liam. Billy learns about Beth staying the night at his shack. Billy gets angry and runs him off. Billy makes a fool out of himself. Billy speaks to the Bishop about Maurice. The Bishop tells him he might be able to help. He tells Billy not to concede. He suggests there can no peace until the British army is gone. Billy tells the Bishop he will never become a part of them. Billy explains that he will never become a convert. At this point, it is clear that Billy has little interest in Percy French. Beth finishes everything.

mickey death and nightingales

They try to keep Mickey out of the event. Billy makes sure he gets inside. Billy gives him the ticket and doesn’t go to the concert. Mickey explains he wouldn’t want to go on his own. He is invited to have a drink with Billy. Later that night, Beth sees a wagon in the distance. She goes inside and watches from her window. A drunken Billy talks nonsense outside. He begins crying and asking God what he did. Eventually, Billy heads inside. Beth sneaks around. She finds her father at the table preparing to eat. He talks about his big night. Beth gives him the water when asked to do so. Billy drinks it down with his alcohol. He comments about the mustard on the sandwich. They speak about Percy. The conversation turns to Beth’s real father.

death and nightingales tv series

Billy complains about Catherine for duping him. He admits to loving her. He explains that Catherine didn’t know who the father was. It was two possible men and she loved neither. Billy reveals that he only gave Elizabeth her name. He tells Beth that she is all he cares about now. Billy begins asking questions. Billy tells her to kiss him goodnight. She kisses him on the cheek. Billy stumbles for his bed. He falls near the stairs. Billy asks Beth if she is honest. He wonders whether she could deceive him. Billy finally makes it upstairs.


Death And Nightingales Review

This episode of Death and Nightingales was a bit slow. I really thought Billy would have been poisoned much earlier in the episode. Still, the acting was very good. The story wasn’t half bad. The final scenes of the episode were very intense. Having not read the book I am not sure what to expect next. However, I hope the finale will be explosive and satisfying. Until then, this episode scores a 7.5 out of 10. Catch up with previous recaps of Death and Nightingales now!

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