Class Of 07 Season 1 Episode 3 Recap

episode 3 class of 07 amazon amelia

Dumb Dumbs – As the third episode of Class of ’07 begins, Zoe (Emily Browning) and the others begin searching for Sandy. She reminds Saskia (Caitlin Stasey) that they’re searching for someone they know isn’t there. Genevieve (Claire Lovering) finds human feces so she suspects Sandy is hiding in the school and coming out to use the bathroom. She is told that everyone has been doing number two there since the plumbing died. Saskia tries to convince Genevieve that it is best to stop looking for Sandy. Instead, they need to focus on finding a way to live up there permanently. Renee (Emma Horn) and the others begin sobbing.

They question whether they’re giving up on everyone by focusing on their survival. Genevieve refuses to stop looking for Sandy because she wants to believe someone is out there looking for them too. Saskia decides to implement a mandatory emotional release hour for everyone. She urges them to give themselves a moment to fall apart for an hour a day. Saskia says they’ll never survive this if they don’t let it out. In a flashback, Amelia (Holly Simon) is told that she won’t be returning to the school and instead will be going home. Sister Bicky suggests having Zoe help her pack up her stuff, but Amelia says they’re not really friends anymore.

Saskia begins interviewing the women to find out what they’re good at. Amelia (Megan Smart) tells her that she farms peanuts. Saskia admits she has big plans for her. Then, Saskia splits them into two groups. Amelia is put in charge of the innovation and research division. Saskia asks them to find a way to generate electricity by tonight. The other group is the infrastructure team and they’re going to be digging toilets. Teresa (Sana’a Shaik) remains on food and Zoe is the student council rep. Saskia gives them a pep talk and urges them to get to work, but Genevieve isn’t happy with her role. She is going to look for Sandy. Once they’re alone, Saskia tells Zoe that Sandy’s story is going to need an ending. She wants Zoe to convince Genevieve.

Zoe tries to write a letter in Sandy’s handwriting. Amelia comes into the library to see what she can find out about electricity. Zoe tries to help, but Amelia doesn’t want her help. In a flashback, Amelia tries to tell Zoe that she is leaving but doesn’t really get the chance. Phoebe (Steph Tisdell), Tegan (Bernie Van Tiel), and Renee are too hungry to figure out how to make electricity. Amelia offers to find them some food if they’ll please get to work. Outside, Saskia urges Sarah K (Rosaleen Cox) and the others to dig. Megan (Chi Nguyen) wonders if Saskia is going to dig or just say positive stuff. Genevieve continues looking for Sandy nearby. Amelia tells Saskia that she doubts they’ll have it solved by tonight.

Saskia tells her to take her time, but their team won’t be eating until they generate electricity. When Amelia argues that isn’t the way to motivate people, Saskia reminds her she wants her to lead. Saskia knows she has been taking pills. She doesn’t know what messed her up so badly. Saskia says this school messed her up in ways she couldn’t imagine. She will never forgive her for asking her to return to the person she left behind. After planting the letter, Zoe finds the oar in the water and it has been partially damaged. She has to find a way to hide it. As Genevieve continues looking for Sandy, she realizes that she won’t be able to hold it for much longer. She finds an empty toilet, but there is no water or toilet paper.

Amelia tries to get food from Teresa who says she can’t give her anything because of Saskia’s order. However, Teresa has been curious about that secret stash of junk food they used to keep in the board school manhole. According to Teresa’s little cousin, the tradition still stands. When Amelia tries to get the hidden food, she finds a wild animal that scares her. Zoe finds her hanging from the ceiling and offers help, but Amelia says she is good. Genevieve runs to the chapel to pray to help her take a crap at the school. She is shocked to find a working toilet in the back room. Saskia checks the toilet hole and tells Megan that it needs to be deeper. Laura tries to get out of being a gronk.

Zoe interrupts Saskia to tell her the PR strategy has been planted, but she found a broken oar. Zoe says they both killed Sandy. Saskia warns her that she is dispensable. She instructs Zoe to make the oar disappear or take the hit alone. When Amelia makes it back, she finds that the others are ready to eat the rat. She stops them. Zoe attempts to deal with the broken oar. Amelia interrupts to say she needs her help because Saskia is starving the nerds. Amelia pleads with Zoe to ask Saskia to let up, but Zoe says she can’t do that. She comes back and hits Zoe in the chest. Although Amelia accuses her of being selfish, Zoe reveals she is building her a boat.

They begin arguing about the past as Zoe says she should get over that she was friends with Saskia. Zoe claims she tried to maintain their relationship. She’ll have to stop blaming her for what happened to them. Zoe thinks she should just come out and say Danny knocked her up or her parents went broke. Amelia doesn’t tell her why she was removed from the school. Amelia goes back to the classroom where she finds Tegan missing and Renee doing Phoebe’s brows. She sits down and starts crying. She tells them that they’re not going to eat until they make electricity. Later, they show Saskia how they’ve managed to turn on a light bulb. Megan and Tegan carry the statue in and claim this place is haunted.

Genevieve reads the letter Zoe wrote. It claims Sandy found her purse and took a rowboat to leave. They share a toast to Sandy and Sister Bicky who said this group would never amount to anything. As Genevieve and the others begin singing the school’s song, Zoe asks Laura what she wanted to say earlier. Zoe steps away as Laura says she actually works as an electrical engineer. Genevieve reads the letter alone while Amelia cries in her room. Phoebe approaches Saskia to show her Sandy’s bag. She reminds Saskia that she said Sandy wouldn’t go anywhere without her bag.


Class Of ’07 Review

Aspects of this episode were very good, especially the scenes that focused on the conflict between Zoe and Amelia. The power dynamic of the group is also interesting since that will develop into something bigger as the series progresses. The humor remains hit-and-miss considering some viewers will enjoy it while others will absolutely hate it.

It could probably be described as “cringe” more than laugh-out-loud humor. The soundtrack is enjoyable and the songs seem to match the mood of the scenes well. This isn’t a show for viewers looking for something serious though. If it wasn’t for the humor and juvenile dialogue, I’d probably be able to get into Class of ’07 a lot more.

On the other hand though, this could be what some viewers like the most. The story is easy to digest and there is just enough substance to leave viewers wanting to know what will happen next. The episode scores a 6 out of 10. Recaps of Class of ’07 are available on Reel Mockery here. Want to support our independent website? Find out how to do so here. Learn more about advertising on Reel Mockery at this link.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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