Beecham House Episode 4 Recap

episode 4 beecham house star of agra

At the beginning of the episode, John Beecham (Tom Bateman) wakes up to a surprise as Chandrika (Pallavi Sharda) walks into his room. John tells her that she shouldn’t have come here but she says that he cannot deny their connection. Beecham confesses that his heart is overwhelmed when he looks at Chandrika. She returns the favor but John isn’t sure what he can do about it. Violet (Bessie Carter) wakes up Henrietta (Lesley Nicol) in the morning and tells her that she intends to return home. Henrietta is worried that John has too many women to contend with.

Henrietta does her best to convince Violet to stick around because she will be the last woman standing. Next, we see Prince Akbar. His mother tells him that he was only a boy when his father’s sight was taken from him. The Prince is told that they should never allow another attack on their sovereignty. His mother tells him that she wants him to have a future where he bows down to no one. They’re worried that Castillion (Gregory Fitoussi) will not be able to protect them from the British so they intend to build their own army. The Prince’s mother says that she will fun it.

Ram Lal (Amer Chadha-Patel) and Maya (Trupti Khamkar) are concerned that Chanchal (Shriya Pilgaonkar) is going to get herself into trouble with Daniel. Moments later, John enters the room and tells Daniel (Leo Suter) that he needs to get dressed for their meeting with the royals. John tells August that he has to leave. When he returns, they will celebrate. Henrietta, Violet, and the others prepare for the upcoming meeting at the Emperor’s palace. John meets with the Emperor (Roshan Seth) a short time later. During that meeting, Violet speaks with Margaret Osborne (Dakota Blue Richards). Violet stirs up trouble by saying that John is unscrupulous because Chandrika went into his room last night.

John is given the license to begin trading. The Emperor tells him that the Empress loved her gift and he honored his word. Vijay gives him the license. John and the others celebrate the occasion back at home. John becomes concerned that something might have upset Osborne. Baadal (Viveik Kalra) enters and tells John that he has a visitor. Baadal says that the man’s name is Ishpreet Virk. John is surprised to find out that it is the Prince. John is given a huge diamond which is one of Shah Alam’s royal jewels. John is tasked with selling the Star of Agra. It cannot be out that the royals are selling the diamond or their reputation will be destroyed.

John steps inside and speaks with Samuel Parker (Marc Warren) about the offer. Samuel learns that Prince Akbar wants John to sell the diamond. The Prince is tired of people saying his father is a puppet and he wants to stand up to the Company. Samuel believes that they should sell the jewel and be done with it. Daniel enters and he has a different opinion. He suggests that they should return the diamond so they do not get into trouble for stealing it. In private, Daniel tells John that he does not trust Samuel. Meanwhile, Maya tries to talk some sense into Chanchal regarding her relationship with Daniel.

After that, John pays a visit to Margaret in hopes of smoothing things over. Margaret is angry. She tells John that she had a fiancé who could not control himself and she does not want another one. John asks him to come with him so he can put an end to the misunderstanding. Samuel goes to Castillion to plot against John. Samuel wants to get John caught so he can take him back to England. Meanwhile, Daniel receives a letter telling him that his injury leave is over. He is forced to break the news to Chanchal. She becomes upset and tells Daniel she he has ruined her. She claims that the others were right all along.

Moments later, Chanchal speaks with the chef. He goes off on her and she ends up sobbing. Baadal checks on her later and asks if there is anything he can do. She asks if he can make time go backwards. Daniel goes to his mother and tries to convince her to stop using opium. She isn’t willing to do that until he changes his ways too. John returns home and begins telling his family and the others about his past. He explains that he saved the Indian couple from the thieves and ended up getting shot. After he was shot, the people he saved cared. He saved Chandrika, her sister Kamlavati (Saiyami Kher), and her father.

He learns that the dad’s brother was responsible for the attack. John develops a relationship with Kamlavati and they end up having a baby together. John is told that he needs to take the boy and Kamlavati to a safer location because the brother, Devji Rao, will strike again. John does as he is asked. One night, their new home is attacked and John’s wife is killed. John explains that they decided to send out a message that August had been killed in the attack so he would be left alone. John is told that the boy is the future of the kingdom. If he lives, the kingdom lives.

John is told that he should admit to being the boy’s father but nothing more. He should claim to be seeking a fortune in trade. Back in the present, John tells Margaret that he hopes this answers her questions. She apologizes to him. He apologizes for not telling the truth much sooner. Henrietta is surprised that her grandson is going to be a Maharaja.


Beecham House Review

I am glad that we’ve finally learned the truth about John Beecham’s history. We have two episodes left and Samuel Parker is still trying to destroy his friend. The Star of Agra storyline was initiated but it took a backseat to the revelation of John’s history. I would assume that this would consume most of the next two episodes. I am not sure the series will get another season. However, I don’t believe Beecham House is nearly as bad as the scores say.

The episode was okay. I’d give it a 7 out of 10. Catch up with previous recaps of Beecham House before you leave!

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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