julien baptiste

Baptiste Season 1 Episode 5 Recap

At the start of the episode, we see the girls stage an escape attempt. One of the girls takes a piece of glass and stabs a gang member in the neck. Cristina and another girl make a run for it. The gang member enlists help tracking them down. The girls find themselves locked in. They hide from the gang. The girl begins screaming. She blames everything on Cristina. After the intro, Julien (Tcheky Karyo) and Genevieve (Jessica Raine) discuss ways to track down Edward. Julien reminds her that he did all of the work tracking down the money. Martha (Barbara Sarafian) lets Julien know that his vehicle has been discovered abandoned. She also tells them about the murder of Kim Vogel.

cristina baptiste s01e05

Julien decides to return to his family at the safe house. Genevieve and Martha discuss Edward (Tom Hollander). Martha believes there are other ways to get Constantin (Alec Secareanu). Gene calls her a drunk in front of the others. Julien finds a note from Edward in the car. It offers an apology. Niels (Boris Van Severen) chats with Genevieve. She is convinced they need to find Lina. Niels quickly finds out that Genevieve can’t take a joke. The case is driving her nutty. She promises she is usually not like this. Niels offers her out for a beer. Genevieve turns him down, because she has a boyfriend and it is complicated. They hunt for Lina. Gene tries to pay one man, but Niels stops her. They find Lina and she tries to run for it. They catch her.

constantin baptiste

Lina says she doesn’t know where Edward has gone. She claims Edward was going to give the money to Constantin. Constantin knows. He has been following her. She is allowed to leave. Genevieve wonders if she already led them to Edward. Celia (Anastasia Hille) is happy to see Julien. He tells his wife all about his troubles. Julien suggests moving to a new location again. Meanwhile, Edward lands landfall. He gets off of a boat with the bag in hand. He goes shopping for groceries a short time later. Edward goes to Clare (Clare Calbraith). Edward barges his way in. He tells her to pack her belongings. He explains that they’re in danger and need to leave. Edward shows her the money. Carl enters the room. Edward finds out that Carl as moved in. Edward tells them about the Romain gang wanting to kill them.

clare baptiste s01e05

They leave with Edward. They’re watched by an older man. Julien’s daughter is not happy that they’re going to be moving again. Edward tries to calm Sara. She doesn’t believe the gang is going to come after them. Celia asks Julien where he is going. He isn’t sure himself. He tells her about Niels being his son. He explains that he only found out yesterday. She wonders if Julien is worried he isn’t going to make it back. He promises that he’ll be back in a few days. Edward, Clare and Carl move into a new house. Edward pays in cash. Clare wants to know more about the prostitutes and the Romain gangs. Edward believes he can sort it out in a few days. Genevieve watches Constantin.

genevieve baptiste s01e05

She begins following him. He meets up with two other men. Genevieve returns to her vehicle. Constantin joins her seconds later. He is sure Edward and Lucas told her a lot about him. She asks if he has Edward. Constantin confesses he goes to see Lucas in the care home sometimes. They blame one another for putting Lucas in there. Constantin says he liked him and trusted him. He thought the others were wrong about their suspicions. They found out the truth when they followed Lucas to Genevieve’s house. She asks him about the other people he hurt. Constantin talks to her about her little apartment and her little bike. He offers to reward her for helping him find Edward. She believes Constantin is desperate for the money. She believes he hasn’t told the Serbilu brothers yet.

jessica raine baptiste

Constantin eventually leaves her. Edward prepares food. Clare offers to help. Carl takes care of the wine. Someone knocks at the door. Edward becomes frightened. He is surprised to see Julien outside. Julien tells him that his friend has been following him. Julien had a feeling Edward would want to protect his ex-wife. Julien wants to know if Edward is going to try to buy back Natalie’s sister. Julien admits he is there to try to talk Edward out of it. Julien offers to do the negotiations. Edward agrees to call Constantin and arrange a meeting. Julien calls Martha. He tells her about the progress he has made. He asks for Genevieve’s number. Martha agrees to text it to him. Martha intends to tell Niels the truth. She hopes he will forgive her.

julien baptiste

Martha tries to schedule a meet up with Niels. They agree to have breakfast together in the morning. Julien calls Genevieve and tells her they need to meet. Greg (Trystan Gravelle) is awoken by a friend. The man says Sarah wanted to come, but the kids prevented that. Greg looks at a letter from a lawyer. It includes a letter from Kim. She knew she was in danger and wanted to explain. Greg believes it is just more lies. Genevieve meets with Julien. Genevieve thought Julien was going to bring the money. She doesn’t like Edward’s plan. Julien admits he doesn’t believe it will work. Julien believes they can come up with a better solution together. Edward tells Clare that they might be there for a few more days. They speak about Edward’s father. Clare wants to know what is wrong with Edward.

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She is surprised he is basically emotionless. Clare believes it has everything to do with Lucy. He confesses that Lucy haunts him. He blames himself for his daughter’s death. Julien meets up with a boat salesman. Niels asks Martha what she wants to tell him. She tells him who his father really is. Niels is not happy that she has been lying to them for so long. He storms off. Julien prepares for something risky. Genevieve gives him a list of the names of girls who have gone missing. Julien asks about Cristina. Gene admits that the majority of them haven’t been reported. Julien meets up with Constantin. He has the money bag with him. Constantin speaks about Edward and his difficulties at the current time. Julien wants to make sure nobody else is going to be hurt.

niels baptiste

Constantin grabs the bag and opens it. He is not happy with what is inside. Julien says it is a boat. Constantin seems angry with Julien. Julien says he can give Constantin protection and a new life. Constantin threatens Julien’s wife. Julien leaves. Genevieve tells Martha and Julien that she is willing to give him full immunity. Julien agrees to call them as soon as Constantin calls. Julien thinks he understands Constantin. His violence is business and not personal. Martha confesses she told Niels the truth. He didn’t take it well. Greg finds Kim’s drugs and a notebook. He also finds a key hidden in the wall. He believes the letter was telling him about the key.

tom hollander s01e05 baptiste

He goes to a storage lockup of sorts. Inside, he finds a cardboard box in the middle of the room. Greg finds old pictures of Kim in the box. He also finds an envelope with his name on it. He grabs the box and leaves. Constantin contemplates his options. He calls Julien and asks where. Julien agrees to text him a location and gives him an hour to meet up. Constantin begins packing right away. Someone knocks on the door. Clare finds Edward reading. They speak about their daughter’s death and getting over it. He tells her that she and Carl are good together. Edward agrees to get them some alcohol. Constantin is thrown over the balcony and killed. Julien learns about his death. Julien believes Constantin was too smart to tell anyone.

Julien checks on his family. Edward buys some stuff at the store. He returns to the safe house only to find Clare and Carl dead. He grabs the knife and drives to defend himself. He is manhandled by a gang member. Edward manages to stab the man and make a run for it. Edward gets a call from Julien. He learns about Constantin. Edward tells Julien about Carl and Clare. Julien tells Genevieve. Julien believes someone has been informing the gang. He suspects Martha of betraying them.


Baptiste Review

Baptiste’s first season is coming an end. I am slightly divided. On one hand, the show is pretty good. On the other, it isn’t as good as The Missing. It is more action packed and less emotionally meaningful. I’ve enjoyed the season, but believe it could have been far better. I would watch a second season either way. This episode was okay. It scores a 7.5 out of 10. Catch up with previous recaps of Baptiste right now!

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