American Horror Story Season 11 Episode 1 Recap

Multiply Thy Pain – The episode opens in the Furman Building in Brooklyn Heights. A hand wraps around Anna Victoria Alcott’s (Emma Roberts) waist. She grasps the hand before waking to see an intruder in her bedroom. A pursuit begins and ends with the intruder disappearing down the emergency stairs. Shutting the security door, she alerts the police. The call seems to be going nowhere when she sees a torn embryo photo and blood splatters on the carpet. She drops the pieces to see her hands covered in blood before grabbing her stomach and screaming.

Anna and Dexter American Horror Story FX

One Week Later – Anna receives a call from Dexter Harding (Matt Czuchry) warning her that she will be late for their appointment at the clinic. She says the egg retrieval is at 9am. He reminds her that she needs to arrive an hour early. Anna claims to have validated the appointment three times. Dexter warns that they will need to restart the cycle if she doesn’t get there ASAP. Later, Anna is leaving her apartment when she sees a woman staring at something on the ground. A closer look reveals a nest with a bloody bird hatchling. En route to the clinic, she looks up to see a billboard featuring “The Auteur” with her photo. After taking several photos, she continues on her way.

Riverside Fertility Clinic – An anesthesiologist (Barry Anderson) injects Anna with a local anesthetic, “twilight anesthesia.” Once alone, she asks Dexter if he loves her, even though, she is broken. He assures her that infertility is neither of their faults. Strapped to an operating table, Anna falls asleep. Later, Dr. Andrew Hill (Denis O’Hare) tells Anna that he retrieved nine embryos. He says she will be prescribed progesterone suppositories to prep her uterus for the embryo transfer. During the discharge, Anna complains of pain. The nurse (Anisa Benitez) assures her that “achiness” is normal. After ignoring a call from Siobhan Corbyn (Kim Kardashian), Anna walks toward the exit when she encounters Io Preecher (Julie White) who says, “You are her.” The receptionist scolds Preecher while Anna escapes outside where she sees a woman watching her. When Dexter arrives, she informs him of seeing the woman. He suggests she is Dr. Hill’s patient.

Talia American Horror Story FX

At a restaurant, Anna voices concern about the FET. Dexter assures her that they will get pregnant. Later, after inserting the progesterone suppository, Anna pulls out an extremely long hair.

Siobhan has a heated phone conversation with someone about Anna’s press day. Anna refuses to autograph a photo from 15 years ago. Siobhan assures her that she will receive updated photos from fans as time goes on. Anna claims it isn’t something DeDe ever asked her to do. Siobhan reminds her that she terminated DeDe before informing her of Andy Cohen’s (self) interview request. Anna excitedly agrees to fit it into her schedule. Siobhan gives her a “Summer’s Day” Anna doll to sign for a fan. After initialing the doll’s body, Anna accepts Andy’s interview request when Siobhan notices the doll sticking out of her bag. Anna denies it was her. Later, Siobhan and Anna discuss their IVF journeys.

While walking the dog, Anna accuses Dexter of not wanting to discuss his wife, Adeline who died in an accident. He says it was never meant for them to have children before plucking a spider out of her hair. Upon returning home, Dexter finds Anna’s progesterone suppositories on the counter. She assures him that she returned them to the refrigerator last night. She asks if Yvette came today. He says no.

Preecher American Horror Story FX

At a restaurant, Theo (Zo Tipp) and Talia (Juliana Canfield) briefly discuss Anna’s new film. Talia informs Anna of her and Dexter’s new nearly sold-out show and new artist, Sonya, who looks like Adeline. Talia expresses how she feels Adeline’s spirit when Anna excuses herself. During a phone conversation, Anna questions if Dexter is in love with Adeline. She tells Siobhan that she may never live up to her. She voices concern about giving birth to a spider because her eggs are old. Siobhan vows to help her raise her “spider baby” like it is her own when Talia approaches to apologize. Anna assures her that it is okay. Talia complains about a “whining” child at a nearby table. She rants about children being a big responsibility and contributing to global warming. Talia hands Anna a tube of red lipstick. A squeaking noise draws Anna’s attention to a woman in a nearby stall. She returns to the dining where Dexter has Dr. Hill on the phone. Dr. Hill announces that two of their embryos are developing. He schedules their embryo transfer for Thursday. She urges him to delay the procedure till Friday to accommodate for her Andy Cohen interview.

While Dexter sleeps, Anna looks online for information about Adeline Harding/Sonia Shawcross (Anabelle Dexter-Jones) online. She finds a photo of Adeline and Dexter with several nasty comments about her. Realizing her calendar has been compromised, she resets her password. The next morning, she calls Dr. Hill to request the date for her embryo transfer be changed because her calendar was hacked. He moves the procedure back to 10am. She sticks up a Post-It note to remind her of the appointment.

Andy Cohen Show – During the interview, Anna believes she sees Preecher in the audience. After the show, Siobhan tells Anna that Time 100 gave them a “maybe.” Anna finds her doll sitting on a shelf. Siobhan suggests the doll is making a comeback. Anna reminds her that it is discontinued. Siobhan suggests it is available on eBay when Anna tosses the doll in the waste basket.

Anna American Horry Story

Anna discovers her photo and a nasty comment about her having a baby online. She recalls her encounter with Preecher at the infertility clinic. Upon returning home, she believes someone is there. Grabbing a knife, she sees a woman’s reflection in the blade. The Post-It note on the refrigerator is torn in half. Frantic, she calls Dexter who is at the opening for his new show. She promises to be there. While getting dressed, Anna utilizes Talia’s red lipstick.

Upon arriving at the opening of Dexter and Talia’s new show, Anna is bombarded by paparazzi (Kareem Fathalla, Adan Olmeda, and Ari Barkin). She sees the strange woman. Inside, she is looking at an art piece when Sonia approaches her from behind. Sonia claims to have utilized her own menstrual blood before complimenting Anna’s red lipstick which she never wears. Anna is startled when Dexter touches her shoulder. He urges her to go outside with him. She assures him that she is okay. He says this is his night.

Dr. Hill shows Dexter and Anna a photo of their embryo. During the embryo transfer, Anna dreams of Preecher and her lips stitched closed. Preecher leans over to place her bloody mouth over Anna’s. Anna wakes up to find Dexter at her bedside. He says their embryo watches while she rests. Anna wakes up to find someone in her room. The intruder escapes. Her red hands pick up Talia’s lipstick. A calendar alert pops up on her phone. The 11am slot has a note that reads, “Look in the mirror.” “Don’t do it Anna” is written in red lipstick on the mirror. The episode ends.


American Horror Story Review

Season 12 is a powerful infertility story. Women unable to get pregnant may relate to Anna’s story. Of course, Anna’s story is embellished in hopes of triggering the fight-to-flight response.

The pace is at times painfully slow. The camerawork is low-tier while the dialogue is hit-and-miss. Emma Roberts’ performance is believable.

Season 12 validates the quality of the series is in a steady decline. The first episode is bland and boring. It may be time for FX to cancel the series.

The episode deserves a 5.5. Get more American Horror Story recaps here. Support Reel Mockery by donating. Our onsite advertising builds brand awareness, click the link to learn more.

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