juliette diana discovery of witches

A Discovery Of Witches Finale Recap

As the finale gets underway, Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode) finds Juliette (Elarica Johnson) choking Diana (Teresa Palmer). Matthew asks about Gerbert. Juliette cries out that Matthew abandoned her. She threatens to make Diana bleed. Matthew tells Diana that it is going to be alright. He obeys Juliette’s wish and gives Diana a kiss. Juliette explains how Gerbert (Trevor Eve) sired and groomed her. She claims she has no value now. Matthew apologizes to her. She throws Diana to the side and scratches Matthew across the neck. She stabs him in the stomach too. Diana casts a spell and kills Juliette. Matthew tells Diana that he searched for her his entire life. She tries to use her powers to save Matthew.

diana juliette discovery of witches

She is told that there will be a price for saving Matthew. She is given a knife and told to give him life. Sarah (Alex Kingston) sees something that disturbs her. She calls for Emily (Valarie Pettiford). Marcus (Edward Bluemel) and Miriam (Aiysha Hart) arrive in time to see Diana giving Matthew her blood. Marcus isn’t sure that it is going to work. Diana agrees to pay the price whatever it is. Matthew bites her on the neck. Moments later, Marcus works on Diana. Dominico (Gregg Chillin) visits Gerbert. He pretends to know nothing about Juliette’s disappearance. Gerbert insists that they need to find Matthew. Dom tells him about Satu (Malin Buska). Gerbert visits her almost immediately.

juliette diana discovery of witches

Satu confesses to letting Gerbert’s witch go. She admits that Diana might be even more powerful. Satu claims that Baldwin (Trystan Gravelle) is keeping her there because she is dangerous to him. She asks if he wants to know why. Miriam speaks with Matthew about Diana. She wants to perform more tests. Matthew agrees to ask Diana about getting more tests. Diana wakes up. They speak about Juliette and Gerbert. Matthew admits he is worried about Peter Knox (Owen Teale) and the Congregation finding them. He suggests time walking and hiding somewhere in time. Baldwin travels to the Congregation. Baldwin decides to reconvene the Congregation to decide the fate of Satu.

greg chillin discovery of witches

He calls Matthew and tells him that his time is running out. The house gives Matthew a poppet. Diana admits it is something that witches use to cast spells. She finds an earring on it. It belongs to Matthew’s mother. Philippe gave it to her, but he lost it hundreds of years ago. Ysabeau (Lindsay Duncan), Marthe (Sorcha Cusack) and Hamish (Greg McHugh) gather some belongings. Hamish prepares to visit Matthew and Diana. Diana and Matthew try to figure out where to go. Matthew wants to know how to return from the past. Emily explains that it will be harder the further they go back in time. Diana begins training right away. She eventually gets it right. Gerbert visits Peter. He tells him about the prophecy. He claims that it must be Diana. They scheme together to get Baldwin removed from the Congregation.

matthew diana time walking discovery of witches

Hamish arrives and meets Diana. He has Nathaniel (Daniel Ezra) and Sophie (Aisling Loftus) with him. Sophie tells her all about Agatha and the figurine. It is the white queen. Matthew admits he lost it in a chess match a long time ago. Sophie tells them about her parents being witches. Sophie and Nathaniel decide to settle in. Matthew tells Diana that the chess piece was in the same place as the earring on the same night. They speak about Hallows Eve coming up in six days. It might help them time walk. Marcus and Nathaniel get along very well. Sophie hangs out with Emily and Sarah. Sophie tells them about her bad dreams. Nathaniel gets a call from his mother. She tells him to be careful and that she is returning to the Congregation. Diana contemplates whether she can take them back 25 days.

miriam a discovery of witches

It works. They’re unsure whether they made it to the right night. Matthew dances with his mother. Gerbert and Knox speak about Philippe setting up the Congregation. Gerbert is confident that they’ll be about to oust Baldwin. Diana and Matthew return to the others. Matthew tells Hamish that he intends to give up his sport as Grand Master. He believes the brotherhood could use some new energy. The Knights have to take on the Congregation. Matthew admits they may never be able to return from the past. Hamish speaks with Matthew. She isn’t worried where they’re going. Hamish tells her that Matthew won’t be the same man where they’re going. Satu’s power begins to return. Peter wants to stand united behind Satu. The Congregation members return. Matthew gives Nathaniel advice. Diana thanks Sophie for the statue.

Hamish tells Matthew to return with the Book of Life. Satu goes on trial. Satu speaks out about Baldwin protecting Diana. The Knights of Lazarus is mentioned. Everyone begins turning on Baldwin. Gerbert demands that he step down right away. Agatha reminds him that they do not use force in this chamber. Agatha wants to vote. They decide to recess to discuss it further. After a break, the votes are cast. Dominico votes with Baldwin. The motion is dismissed. Peter demands to know where Matthew and Diana are. Dom tells Baldwin that he will be hearing from him. Baldwin thanks Agatha. She tells him that he owes them a debt. Diana and Matthew say goodbyes to Emily and Sarah. Samples are taken from Diana again.

Marcus and Miriam are the last to go. Matthew gives Marcus a gift. Marcus is made Grand Master. He doesn’t want to do it. Matthew reveals that Philippe made him promise that the brotherhood would never be run by Baldwin. Matthew tells him he is the only one he can trust with the job. Diana plays around with her magic. Then, they shut off the lights and prepare to leave. Baldwin calls Matthew and tells him to go now. Gerbert knows where he is. Gerbert and the witches arrive outside. Matthew and Diana are oblivious to the threat. Satu, Peter and Gerbert approach the house. Matthew wants to go to 1590. Satu tries to break the spell on the house. The door opens. Diana turns around and it appears the she is alone.


A Discovery Of Witches Review

I have one minor pet peeve with A Discovery of Witches and I noticed it in this episode and the last. The episodes are only roughly 45 minutes long. Yet, there are scenes that are drug out for a few good minutes. In the last episode, it was the sex scene. In this one, it was Matthew dancing with his mother. This isn’t a major problem, but it definitely irked me. If the show was a full 60 minutes, it would be different. Either way, the finale was very effective. It accomplished some stuff. Mostly, it was effective for ensnaring the viewer.

Who doesn’t want to catch season 2 and find out what happens next now? Too bad there is going to be a long wait until the new season is available. Until then, the finale scores an 8 out of 10. Previous recaps of A Discovery of Witches are available on Reel Mockery.

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  1. John Manzione says:

    I’m surprised that no one noticed that in the present there are no candles in the room when they start to time walk, but when Diana turns around at the last second of the end of the episode there are candles directly in front (back?) of her. She made the jump, but is Mathew there as well? Probably. Hopefully.

    Great show, looking forward to the next 2 seasons.

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