discovery of witches s01e07

A Discovery Of Witches Episode 7 Recap

At the start of the episode, Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer) apologizes to Ysabeau (Lindsay Duncan) for bringing trouble to her house. Ysabeau tells Matthew (Matthew Goode) to be careful in Madison. She believes that Baldwin (Trystan Gravelle) will only be able to stall the Congregation for a few days. Matthew and Diana leave a few minutes later. The couple arrives in Madison. Matthew learns that the family house is haunted. Baldwin speaks with Agatha (Tanya Moodie) and the others about Diana. Baldwin claims that they’ll first need to find Satu (Malin Buska) to bring her and Diana home. Peter Knox (Owen Teale) admits that his spell work confirms that Satu is with another witch. Peter cannot say whether Diana is an ally or a prisoner.

baldwin a discovery of witches

Dominico (Gregg Chillin) has no idea where Gerbert (Trevor Eve) has gone. He is told to visit Juliette (Elarica Johnson) and find out where he is. Emily (Valarie Pettiford) and Sarah (Alex Kingston) arrive home. Diana wants to know if they knew that she was spellbound. Emily admits that she guessed it. Emily explains that Rebecca Bishop (Sophia Myles) and Stephen Proctor (David Newman) did it. Diana believes that something might be wrong with her. She is told that Knox wouldn’t wait for her to reach the appropriate testing age. Her parents wanted to keep her away from Peter. Emily promises that Diana’s parents only wanted to protect her. The house shows the group a flashback.

discovery of witches s01e07

Peter Knox manages to find Stephen and Rebecca. They spellbound Diana. Rebecca explains that she will be protected from witches that are jealous of her power. They contemplate whether they’ve done the right thing. Stephen insists that she’ll be able to find her magic again in the future if she needs it. Peter is finally allowed to see Diana. He is unable to detect her magic abilities. One day, Diana’s parents leave her with Sarah and Emily. Diana seems distraught by the revelations. She runs for it and finds a tree with her mother’s initials craved into it. Matthew comes to comfort her. He tells her that there was never anything wrong with her. Diana explains that Matthew was in her parents’ stories. The spell is somehow tied to Matthew too.

hamish discovery of witches

Emily and Sarah speak about burying Diana’s parents. Emily tells Sarah why she couldn’t tell her about the spellbound. Sarah contemplates going after Knox. Emily tries to convince her otherwise. Satu returns to Peter Knox. She accuses him of killing Rebecca and Stephen. She claims that Peter opened them up to get the power he was unable to get from Diana. Satu explains that the power was never theirs. It was always Diana’s. Peter admits that Rebecca could have led the Congregation. He claims that Stephen was secretive and selfish. Peter promises that he never intended to kill Stephen. Satu confesses that she drained her power to open up Diana. She wants the power too. Peter is confident that Satu’s power will come back with time and rest. Satu mentions the prophecy about the end of vampires and Diana. She insists they need to get Matthew away from her at whatever the cost.

ysabeau discovery of witches

Matthew speaks with Sarah about the spells for self-defense. Sarah wants Diana to learn to control her spells. Diana agrees to go back to the basics and start her training over. She begins practicing right away. Matthew checks out a box that was from Diana’s father. Emily claims that Stephen was a time walker. Dominico visits Juliette. Dom tells her about Satu and Diana. He believes that Diana is still with Matthew. He offers to let Juliette look at Diana’s files. He promises to get it for her and let her decide what to do with it. Diana becomes upset and makes herself disappear. Matthew goes after her. Diana managed to time walk. She admits she doesn’t know how she did it. Agatha visits Hamish Osborne (Greg McHugh). She tells him about Sophie wanting to speak with Diana.

satu malin buska discovery of witches

She explains that Sophie believes Diana is the savior of the demons. Gerbert and Juliette go to church. They sit near Baldwin. Gerbert blames everything on Juliette. Juliette goes against Gerbert and denies telling Satu to deal with Diana. Dom passes by a smiling Juliette outside. Matthew tries to help Diana learn to defend herself. He knocks her down and she begins bleeding. She teases Matthew with the blood. She asks him about the night at the riverbank. Diana runs from him. She manages to escape his clutches by levitating. The two get romantic. Finally, the sex romp ends. Matthew tells Diana about the two human women he loved. He told them that they would be safe with him. He believed it. She is confident that she can stop Matthew from harming her.

marus miriam discovery of witches

In the morning, Marcus (Edward Bluemel) and Miriam (Aiysha Hart) arrive. Sarah and Emily greet them. They’re invited inside. Marcus tells Sarah about meeting Rebecca at the Battle of Bunker Hill. Sarah isn’t convinced that vampires will be able to protect the Bishop land. The house gives the group a postage envelope. It is from Diana’s dad. Inside, she finds one of the missing pages of Ashmole 782. Dom encounters Satu. She runs away from him. Her magic power isn’t working. She collapses. Dom grabs her. Diana believes that her father wrote in the manuscript. Matthew wonders if Stephen is the reason Diana is the only one able to access the book. Dom tells Baldwin that he found Satu. Baldwin isn’t eager to recall the Congregation just yet.

peter knox discovery of witches

Baldwin wants to see Satu suffer for trespassing on his land. Dom decides to hold onto her for a bit longer. Diana practices with Matthew. She runs into Juliette. Juliette grabs her by the throat.


A Discovery of Witches Review

A Discovery of Witches is obviously not to be taken seriously. Still, I found it a little tough to accept the haunted, magical house. That was a tad bit cheesy. Nevertheless, the episode was very entertaining. The good story and the dynamic characters definitely overshadowed the silliness of it all. It appears that Diana and Matthew will form an army of witches, demons and vampires to fight against the Congregation. That should be pretty interesting. I can’t wait to see the showdown between Juliette and Diana in the next episode.

This episode was good despite the haunted house. It scores an 8 out of 10. Catch up with previous recaps of A Discovery of Witches right now!

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