White House Farm Episode 5 Recap

white house farm s01e05 recap

As the episode begins, we see Julie (Alexa Davies) sitting in a vehicle by herself. Jeremy Bamber (Freddie Fox) jumps into the vehicle seconds later and tells her he has the money. We find out that he stole the money from the family’s caravan park. We learn that it is 5 months before the murders. Jeremy takes Julie out to party and they run into Sheila (Cressida Bonas). Jeremy leaves Julie to deal with Sheila. The women go to the bathroom and Sheila struggles to roll a joint because the injections make her hands shake. Julie finishes it for her before they share it. When they return to the club, Julie notices that Jeremy is with Tracey Brown (Amy McCallum). She doesn’t like that but Jeremy doesn’t make things easy on her either. He makes a job about having an affair with Tracey.

Julie threatens to tell on him so he asks where she would be if he is locked away. After that, Julie and Jeremy drive to Fallworth Manor before Jeremy says it should burn down with his parents inside. Julie thinks that would be a shame since the old house is beautiful. Jeremy says they’ll have to find a different solution then. Next, we see Julie speaking with Stan (Mark Addy) and Mick (Scott Reid) in an interview room. She explains that she thought Jeremy was joking but he wasn’t. We jump back again and hear Sheila screaming. They go upstairs and find Frankie (Stewart Scudamore) trying to deal with Sheila’s tantrum. Jeremy tells him to call Colin or her parents so they can help.

Julie wants to help but Jeremy wants to get a stiff drink as soon as possible. Later, Julie meets with Jeremy at the farm. They smoke and chat about Sheila’s mental state. Jeremy says Julie shouldn’t feel sorry for her. He also claims his parents are giving Sheila his inheritance money. Next, we jump forward to August the 6th of 1985. Julie receives a call from Jeremy who says tonight is the night. He explains he had dinner with them so it is the perfect time. Around 3 AM that night, Jeremy calls again to say everything went well and that she shouldn’t worry. In the present, Julie tells investigators that she remembers Jeremy’s words.

She remembers it was about 3:15 because her flatmate complained about the call. Jeremy calls again around 5:30 to say the police were going to pick her up. She is picked up and told that there has been a serious incident. She tells the officer that Sheila had been acting strange all week. When Julie meets with Jeremy, they embrace. He returns to her moments later to say that the investigators believe everything they’ve been told. Back in the interview room, Julie is asked about Jeremy saying he was going to kill his parents for a long time. She insists she thought he was joking. She never thought he would carry out the murders.

She asked him straight out if he did it. He said he tried killing rats but he couldn’t. As a result, he hired someone to do it for him. She claims Jeremy hired a mercenary named Marcus McBride (Tom Christian) to kill his family. She says Jeremy paid him 2,000 pounds for the job. Jeremy told Marcus how to get into the house and where to find the guns and ammunition. She says you can rattle the window and it’ll make it seem that the window had been locked the entire time. Jeremy said Marcus told him that he shot the boys in their bed first. They were sleeping and didn’t suffer. Marcus turned his attention to Nevill and June. Nevill tried to fight back so Marcus panicked and shot him in the head 7 times. Then, Marcus made Sheila lie down and kill herself.

She did without putting up a fight since her whole family was dead. When she killed herself, Marcus put the Bible on Sheila’s chest. She tells them about Jeremy’s reasons for having everyone killed. He thought the kids would be raised damaged because of Sheila so he thought he was doing Colin a favor. Stan and Mick speak in private about Marcus but they haven’t heard of him. Stan admits it is incredible and some of the details were incorrect. Nevill wasn’t shot seven times and Sheila didn’t shoot herself in the bed. Stan explains that details are going to change since they went from Marcus to Jeremy and then to Julie. Stan tells Taff (Stephen Graham) before the two women speak with Julie together. Taff doesn’t understand why she didn’t come forward earlier. She says she was scared that Jeremy would hurt her. She promises everything in her statement is the truth.

Jeremy and Marcus are tracked down and brought to the station. At the station, Jeremy is immediately told about Julie making a statement. He says that she is lying and he denies disliking his sister or parents. He is asked about stealing money from the Oceanair Caravan Park and he confesses to that one. He says he wanted to prove a point that the security at the park was worthless. He also admits to knowing Marcus but says he didn’t hire him to kill his parents. Marcus is questioned next and he tells investigators that he went to Libya to work as a plumber. He denies Jeremy ever talked to him about killing his parents. He doesn’t know why someone would lie about him but he once had it off with one of Jeremy’s earlier girlfriends.

He wonders if this is Jeremy’s way of getting back with him. He says he was with Joanna Nudd on the night in question. Jeremy writes a note to Julie and convinces the police officer to pass it along to her. Mick tells Stan that Marcus’s alibi checks out. Stan suggests Jeremy did it himself then. Taff gets the note and learns that Jeremy and Julie have broken up. He suspects this is the reason Julie is speaking out against Jeremy now. We return to the day when Jeremy called Tracey and Julie argued with him about it. We see that she was worried Jeremy was going to leave her. He tries to comfort her in the bedroom before asking for one last shag. She agrees before trying to smother him with a pillow. Julie says she wants Jeremy to feel what she feels.

Jeremy says it doesn’t make him happy to be like this. He suggests going away to India since nobody likes him. This turns the tables and Julie begins feeling sorry for him. He gives her 400 quid or so and tells her to go on a nice vacation with Sally so she can forget about him. Julie promises Stan and Taff that this wasn’t the reason she decided to come forward. Taff leaves before Stan tells Julie that her story has holes. He believes Jeremy killed his parents but there isn’t much he can do. Next, Ann Eaton (Gemma Whelan) visits Colin (Mark Stanley) to tell him about Jeremy being arrested and Julie giving a statement against him. Colin can’t believe Jeremy would have anything to do with the murders. Meanwhile, Jeremy is released and Tracey is there to pick him up.

Stan tells Mick that they should keep an eye on him. Sheila watches Jeremy on the news while Jeremy and Brett (Alfie Allen) try to sell Sheila’s dirty pictures to a journalist from The Sun. In the morning, Brett tells Jeremy that The Sun refused their offer and ran with a story that is negative for Jeremy. They go out so they can buy a newspaper while Colin reads the story for himself. He is angry at himself for believing Jeremy. Colin believes Julie must’ve known for a long time. Meanwhile, Julie tells Sally (Millie Brady) that Jeremy probably hates her now but Sally doesn’t know why she cares. Their conversation is interrupted when Colin arrives outside. Julie says she can’t face him and she begins panicking.

George Harris (Sean Gilder) speaks with Taff and Stan about the murders still showing up in the newspapers. Taff says that the case is closed since Julie’s statement was full of lies. Stan refutes that and says Jeremy is the killer. George says he wants to see every detective on the case immediately. Jeremy and Brett decide to go on a trip while George listens to all of the detectives and their thoughts about the case. Besides Taff, all of the detectives believe Jeremy is responsible for the murders. George puts Ainsley in charge of the investigation. We see that Jeremy and Brett have boarded a boat as the episode ends.


White House Farm Review

White House Farm is a bit slow and I think it would’ve been better with only 4 episodes. Also, I am not sure I can believe everything I see and hear. I wonder if the writers took liberties with the show in hopes of controlling the narrative. Nevertheless, the show has gotten me interested in learning more about the murders at White House Farm. I can’t wait to finish the show so I can find out what happened and what others believe.

The episode was a bit better and I am glad that the next one is the finale. It scores a 7 out of 10. You can find previous recaps of White House Farm on Reel Mockery.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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