Wentworth Season 8 Episode 3 Recap

wentworth season 8 episode 3 allie novak

At the beginning of the episode, protesters wait outside Wentworth for the arrival of activist Judy Bryant (Vivienne Awosoga). Allie Novak (Kate Jenkinson) and the others watch the news and learn about the British hacktivist Judy arriving at Wentworth. As Judy arrives, Geoff Spencer shows her a card and tells her that he’ll tell her side of the story. Judy is escorted into the prison before mugshots are taken. Ann Reynolds (Jane Hall) tells Will Jackson (Robbie Magasiva) not to look past Judy because she is a troublemaker in the UK as well. Ann wants to make sure that Judy doesn’t have contact with the outside world. After that, Boomer (Katrina Milosevic) welcomes Judy to Wentworth.

She joins Ruby (Rarriwuy Hick) and Allie. Judy is introduced to Allie and learns that she is top dog. Judy says her stay is only going to be temporary because the judge is only trying to intimidate her into giving up her sources. After that, the women go to the cafeteria and decide that the food isn’t worth eating. Allie speaks with Linda (Jacqueline Brennan) and learns that they’re dealing with a new supplier. Allie sits down and speaks with the others. Judy suggests going on a hunger strike until the prison officials change the meals. Meanwhile, Reb Keane (Zoe Terakes) takes a shower and gets her period. Lou Kelly (Kate Box) finds Reb in her cell and learns what has happened. She has been off testosterone for so long that her period has returned.

Lou encourages her friend to go speak with the governor. Marie Winter (Susie Porter) has recovered from her physical injuries. Greg Miller (David de Lautour) tells Will that she is going to need more help from a psychological standpoint. As for Will, he wants Winter shipped to a secure psychiatric facility. Reb stops Will in the hallway and tells him about her problem. Ann interrupts and asks Will about Marie being transferred but she doesn’t like that idea. She doesn’t want to let their golden goose leave. Lou catches up with Reb and gives her testosterone that she got from Zaina (Louisa Mignone). Reb is happy but she is worried because it might be tainted or something. After that, Judy sits down with Tony Cockburn (Peter O’Brien) from the National Security Organisation.

Judy denies stealing anything but Tony says she hacked but Judy denies that. She says she only uploaded the information she was given because the Australian people deserved to know. Judy knows that Tony hasn’t found her laptop just yet and they won’t be able to prosecute her until they find it. Tony says he is going to get what he wants before Judy heads back to her cell. She approaches Ann and tries to make a formal complaint against Tony but Ann won’t help since the threats were verbal only. Allie returns to her cell and finds Judy ransacking the place trying to find a bug. They speak about the hunger strike. After that, Allie holds a meeting with the other prisoners. They discuss the hunger strike and argue back and forth. Eventually, everyone agrees to stick with it.

Next, Ann speaks to Will about the six month supply of testosterone her ordered. Will admits he approved it this morning but Ann doesn’t approve. Will’s decision is overturned. Reb learns about it moments later. Greg Miller speaks to Marie and asks if she is ready to talk about her suicide attempt. She says she was a failure as a mother and failed to hold onto the woman she loved. She also failed to escape the prison and to avenge her son’s death. Marie wonders what could be worse than that. Lou surprises Reb in the hallway to let her know that her brother has come through and will send a shipment of testosterone through the food supply. Ruby visits with her father while Allie and the girls prepare for their hunger strike.

Miles tries to order them into the cafeteria but the prisoners refuse. Judy tells Allie that they need to up the ante and get the story out there. She believes Allie can do that through the call center and Boomer can create a distraction for them. Ruby meets with her father and tells her something bad. She cries in her cell after the meeting ends. Will tells Ann about the hunger strike and she believes Judy is behind it. Will says they’ll get hungry eventually and will eat. Boomer sneaks into the cafeteria and eats some of the food. Ruby joins Allie in the call center before Vera Bennett (Kate Atkinson) checks on them. Boomer has trouble with her work. Vera checks on her until Boomer gets sick and vomits. The distraction gives Allie enough time to call the journalist and let them know about the hunger strike.

Ruby asks about Boomer before Allie says she had to go to the hospital because they think she might have salmonella. She’ll be okay though. Allie realizes that something is wrong with Ruby and she finds out that her dad has cancer and is dying. That night, Marie has a nightmare. She wakes up and screams for help. Marie speaks to Greg again in the morning. They chat about life threatening events before Marie tells Greg about her experience. Ann receives a call about the hunger staff and that doesn’t go well. Will meets with the women outside so she can tell them that Boomer is okay and they’re going to change food suppliers. Lou and Reb realize that they’ve been screwed again since they won’t be able to smuggle the testosterone into the prison.

Ruby calls her father and says she wants to see him again before he goes home. Judy approaches Allie and asks for her help dealing with her laptop. She wants Allie to call and tell him where he can find the laptop. Moments later, Lou meets with her brother Travis Kelly (Jackson Gallagher) who has smuggled testosterone into the prison. He is nervous but hands it to her under the table. Jake (Bernard Curry) doesn’t seem to notice but he catches Reb in her cell with it moments later. He promises not to put Lou in the slot but he gets rid of the testosterone. Allie returns to Judy and tells her that she couldn’t make the call because Linda was watching her too closely. Marie takes the sedative which Greg prescribed her before imaging Danny is standing outside of her cell. Ann finds Judy writing a letter to her father. Judy believes she is getting out soon but Ann says that might not be happening.

The man from the NSO called and wants to see her again. Boomer returns and celebrates with the others before Judy interrupts and accuses Allie of betraying her. She goes off on the others. Then, we jump to Marie speaking with Greg. She says things have changed and she saw Danny. Marie says she knows what she needs to go now so she retracts her statement against Ruby. Next, Ruby meets with her father to tell him that Rita was the good girl and she was the troublemaker. He learns about Rita being an undercover cop and going into hiding. Reb is still angry because she cannot get her testosterone. She gets sick and collapses in the hallway before being taken to the hospital. Judy gets another visit from Tony who has found the laptop and has proof that it belongs to Judy. He plays her the recording of her conversation with Allie about it.

Tony demands to know her sources but Judy isn’t willing to budge. She learns that she is going to be charged with terrorism because the laptop contains plans to blow up a local military base. It also has large Bitcoin transactions but Judy denies everything. Judy tells Lou that Reb went into some type of a shock before she returns to her cell and searches it. On the bed, she finds the vial for the testosterone that she got from Zaina. Ruby heads outside and joins Allie and Boomer. Judy joins them moments later and apologizes since she knows they didn’t squeal on her. Judy spots Ann walking with Tony and she blames everything on Ann. She walks to the fence so she can scream at Ann as the episode ends.

Wentworth Review

Why oh why did the writers feel the need to take the Judy Bryant name and use it for such a lame character? The original Judy got a bit annoying too but at least she seemed authentic most of the time. The new Judy is just straight up lame since it is really impossible to believe the story line that they’re trying to feed us here. Furthermore, I am already over Reb and her testosterone. Just give it to her already and let it go. There are more important struggles to watch unfold.

It was strange that Vera mentioned the call center last episode and it was immediately up and running this episode. The longer they decide to keep Wentworth around, the more people are going to hate it. It isn’t getting any better. In fact, each episode is getting more outlandish and unrealistic. It is getting to the point that I really have no empathy for any of the characters but I hate a few of them. I hate them in the sense that they’re annoying and I think the show would be better if they were killed soon.

I wish the show would stop introducing new characters with old names and focusing an entire episode or two on these individuals. There are too many characters as is. It might be time to start getting rid of them. Poor episode and I wouldn’t expect things to get any better from here on out. A 5 out of 10 at best. Previous recaps of Wentworth can be found on Reel Mockery!

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.


  1. The episode IMO wasn’t even that bad, and I feel like I need to say this as Reb is a transgender F-to-M prisoner so it should be written as ‘him” and not “her” as Lou is basically saying ‘him’ everytime they speak with guards and prisoners.

    I for one have been watching since day dot and so far I’ll be glad when its over but I don’t hate the show, I never will. The fans saved the show, and we’re getting what we are given. But I guess you’ll get too pissed off by the show to keep reviewing it eventually, lol

    1. Nah, I am going to stick with it. Used to love it like 3-4 seasons ago. But yeah, I always worry about writing him/her and offending someone. Hope that doesn’t happen.

      It takes me 20+ hours to recap one of these shows and their entire seasons. So, I don’t really have time for perfection. Loyalty is a good thing but I really lose interest in a lot of shows after a few seasons.

      At the very least, these recaps should be beneficial for anyone watching. Just ignore the reviews/my opinions at the bottom. What difference do they make anyway?

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