marie winter suicide wentworth s08e02

Wentworth Season 8 Episode 2 Recap

As the episode begins, we join Marie Winter (Susie Porter) who is escorted by Linda Miles (Jacqueline Brennan) to see her lawyer. Along the way, other inmates harass Marie. Once she arrives, she learns that her deal is not going to happen because the suspect is now dead. Marie offers them more scumbags but they’re not willing to cooperate with her. Dominic says she is looking at life behind bars. As she is escorted back to her cell, she sees Ruby (Rarriwuy Hick) in another room so she stares at her. Linda reveals that Ruby’s parole is coming up soon and reminds Marie that hers isn’t. Rita (Leah Purcell) asks her lawyer about Ruby and is reassured that everything is okay. Next, Vera (Kate Atkinson) prepares to take her baby for a ride.

She has to move the trashcan from behind the vehicle and this gives someone time to steal the car and baby but that doesn’t happen. Back at the prison, Reb Keane (Zoe Terakes) reunites with Lou Kelly (Kate Box). Lou comes up with a plane to get a phone so they can make money. Ruby approaches Allie (Kate Jenkinson) and Boomer (Katrina Milosevic) in the cafeteria and tells them about seeing Marie. When Lou enters the cafeteria, Boomer jokes about her finger. Lou tries to get a phone from another inmate. She is told that it’ll cost a thousand. Vera arrives moments later and tells everyone about the new industries program that she is going to oversee. They’re going to experiment with a call center at the prison that will provide market research to various businesses.

There are many volunteers since they will get extra money to spend. Vera leaves with Will (Robbie Magasiva). Jake (Bernard Curry) approaches them and lets them know that Marie is still demanding a meeting but Will doesn’t want to speak to her. Vera takes it upon herself to meet with Marie. Once she arrives, Winter tells her that she wants to return to general and she believes Allie is going to protect her from the others. Vera returns to Will’s office and he suggests coming clean to Ann Reynolds (Jane Hall). Vera doesn’t think that would be a good idea. Vera says they should stick to the original plan of denying everything if Marie makes any accusations. Vera places a call and confirms that she wants to make a statement to the police. Marie meets with investigators and gives them a tip but it has nothing to do with Will.

Vera finds out about it and agrees to tell Will immediately. Detective Kanellis and Detective McKenna visit Will and tell him that Marie is claiming Ruby killed Danny. Ruby is questioned moments later. She is asked about the tattoo on the back of her neck. They check and find that she tried to burn a tattoo there. Meanwhile, Vera and Will realize this is why Marie has been trying to return to general. Ann confronts Will in the hallway and wants to know why there are so many officers protecting isolation. They argue back and forth until the detectives arrive and ask Will to see Mitchell’s prison file. Will tells them they’ll need to get a warrant first. While they’re gone, Will speaks with Ruby and tries to convince her to tell the truth but she doesn’t.

Ruby goes to Allie and tells her about everything including the tattoo. During this time, Will checks Ruby’s file and finds out about the tattoo she had when she entered the prison. Meanwhile, Lou and Reb try to find ways to make money from inside the prison. Reb lets other inmates bet on the pea in the cup game. We see a flashback of Lou teaching Reb how to cheat the game. Boomer notices and doesn’t like what she sees before we jump over to Vera who is visiting the nursery. Ann catches up with her and asks her to go out for a drink but Vera doesn’t accept the offer immediately. She doesn’t have a babysitter and Jake conveniently enters so he can say goodbye to the baby. That night, Jake agrees to watch the baby while Vera goes out for drinks with Ann Reynolds.

They make it seem that someone is watching the baby from a distance. We jump back to the prison in time to see Boomer warn Allie about Lou Kelly trying to bring drugs into the prison and start a crew. Allie promises to talk to her about it but Boomer believes she needs to be rougher than that. Will pulls Ruby from her cell so he can confront her about the tattoo on her neck. Ruby has no choice but to come clean so she tells Will that Danny’s death was an accident. After learning about the rape and such, Will returns to his office and watches as Marie looks at pictures of her son. Throughout the night, Vera checks on the baby while having drinks with Ann. They chat about Jake and other things. Meanwhile, Jake reads to the baby.

The window next to Jake and the crib is open. He gets a call from Vera and has to leave the room. The call causes the baby to cry and this concerns Vera but Jake convinces her that everything is okay. The window remains open while Vera parties with Ann. This makes it seem like someone is going to sneak through the window and steal the baby. Vera goes outside and finds Ann having sex with a stranger so she heads back home. Jake hears something through the window and looks outside. He doesn’t shut it before heading out front and finding Vera puking into a nearby bush. Vera heads inside and complains about the window being left open but Jake says he didn’t open it. He suggests Vera left it open before she left but she can’t believe that. Then, Jake calms her down and says Grace is absolutely perfect.

ann reynolds wentworth season 8 episode 2

Ann catches up with a hungover Vera at work and offers her something a little stronger before Vera thanks her for the laugh. Vera talks about Grace and how it would ruin her if anything happened to her daughter. Back in the cafeteria, Allie confronts Lou for trying to make money. Lou claims she is trying to raise money for Reb’s surgery so Allie accepts that. Boomer doesn’t believe it though. Also, Ruby is worried that she is going to lose her parole thanks to Marie snitching to the cops. Marie and the other prisoners in isolation are allowed to go outside. Goozy gets into a scuffle with another prisoner who spits on Linda. That prison is led away before Marie asks Jake about Ruby being charged. He encourages her to enjoy her time outside and not worry about Ruby.

Will looks at Marie from the window and mouths the world F*** you. He grabs Ruby’s file while Boomer decides to play Reb’s game. She catches Reb cheating and this ruins Lou’s money-making scheme. Will manipulates Ruby’s file so he can protect her from the investigators. Vera learns about it and doesn’t like what Will is doing. He tells her about his promise to Rita so she agrees to help by taking the file to the investigators. Marie learns that Ruby isn’t going to be charged so she trashes her cell. Will visits Vera and thanks her for helping him but she says she did it for Rita. She says she knows Rita beat Drago to death because Marie was trying to kill Ruby all along. Then, she wonders if Marie still has a hold on Will because he hates her so much. Will visits Marie after that.

She wants to go to general but he is only there to tell her that she destroys everyone she knows and that includes her son Danny. Boomer plays cards with Ruby and Allie that night while saying she knew Lou was up to no good. Will arrives and tells Ruby that she is off the hook since the police are not going to press charges. Lou and Reb find out that they don’t have enough money for Reb’s T. They still have time since her last shot was about a month ago. They make out before Lou promises that they’ll get everything sorted out. In a flashback, we see Lou and Reb running away from a building or something that explodes. After work, Jake offers to babysit Grace again because he loved it. Vera leaves with Grace moments later. Again, it makes it seem like someone is watching them from a distance.

marie winter suicide wentworth s08e02

Vera goes to the gas station to fill up. She wants to get Grace out but decides to leave her in the car since she is asleep. While she goes in to pay for the gas, Joan Ferguson (Pamela Rabe) decides to make her move but she is stopped by the homeless man who wants to know what she did to Kath. He says Kath disappeared before Joan showed up using her name and he demands to know what is going on. Joan leaves so she doesn’t get to kidnap Grace. When Ferguson returns to her hideout, she is attacked from behind by the stranger and left in a pool of blood on the ground. A man and his dog, Harry, find her and call an ambulance. He tells the operator that the woman was attacked but is still alive. Back at the prison, Marie is allowed to visit the exercise room.

She blocks the door and adds some weighs to the weightlifting bench-press bar. She lays down on the bench and lets the bars drop on her chest before rolling them onto her neck. Will and other guards manage to pull the bar from her neck and resuscitate her before the episode ends.


Wentworth Review

We can already tell that the writers aren’t going to take any risks this season. First, they spent the first two episodes of the new season focusing on Joan Ferguson plotting to kidnap baby Grace. I guess she is going to end up going to prison without ever getting the chance to make her move. Then again, she could escape from the hospital. Either way, they don’t need to drag the kidnapping out all season. Get it over and move on. Then, they didn’t have the courage to kill Marie Winter. We have enough villains already with Ferguson and Lou Kelly. We don’t need Marie Winter unless they’re actually going to do something with her like letting her kill Ruby but we all know that isn’t going to happen.

Wentworth loves teasing us but it rarely delivers anything substantial. Second, the show has become so unrealistic. It is hard to believe that Will would alter Ruby’s paperwork and take her out of her cell in the middle of the night. One would think he would have learned his lesson from his Marie Winter mistakes. Then, you have Lou and Reb sharing a cell together and the inmates in protection just roaming free. The writers have really dumbed down some of the characters including Ann Reynolds. I doubt the original Ann would’ve been dumb enough to head out in the middle of the night and have sex with a stranger in a busy alley.

I think the producers are trying to milk Wentworth for every little drop they can get out of it. In the end, I think it is going to end up like The Walking Dead. It’ll go on for too long and get to the point where people start losing interest or start hating it. I mean for the past few seasons they’ve been taking great characters and destroying them. Even Boomer was obnoxious and unrealistic this episode. She was a scared puppy after nearly being killed by Lou so it is hard to believe she would keep poking the bear. It scores a 6 out of 10.

You can find past recaps of Wentworth on Reel Mockery!

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