Vikings: Valhalla

Viking: Valhalla Season 1 Episode 2 Recap

Viking – The show begins with Jarl Estrid Haakon (Caroline Henderson) staring out at the city. Leif Eriksson (Sam Corlett) Freydis Eriksdotter (Frida Gustavsson) if she feels justice for her killing. She feels justice and cleansed. He believes they will kill them. Disagreeing, she starts to repeat with her father said when Leif interrupts by saying he doesn’t know this world anymore. She is left with only one option to trust Jarl. He is sure war will break out if Haakon sets them free. Kattegat will be burnt, and Haakon’s people will be killed by Christians. He is proud of Freydis for doing what she did.

Leif and Freydis are brought before Haakon to be sentenced. Jarl starts by asking if Freydis has proof of Magnus Gunnarsson “Gunnar” (Leifur Siguraarson) raping her. She asks if they believe she put the cross on her back. Olaf Haraldsson (Johannes Haukur Johannesson) says any of her lovers could be responsible. She assures him the Gods know the truth. Someone in the crowd screams, “False Gods.”  Jarl Gorm (Julian Seager) responds by saying the Christian God is a false God.

Vikings: Valhalla

Haakon demands silence before speaking about past laws that permitted victims to revenge their attackers. She says times are different, proof is now needed. Freydis suggests a trial by combat, the Gods will protect her if she is being truthful. Laughing, Olaf questions if Freydis is going to fight him. The crowd laughs. Jarl reminds him of being Freydis’ accuser. She asks if he is afraid. Turning to King Canute (Bradley Freegard), Olaf accuses Freydis of robbing him and everyone else of a valuable arsenal, Gunnar. He pleads with King Canute to make Freydis give her life for what she has done. The crowd roars.

Harald Sigurdsson (Leo Suter) tells the crowd, Olaf’s argument is excellent because Gunnar strengthened their strategy. He believes his brother may have a better solution, making Freydis give up her brother. Leif is introduced to the crowd as the son of Erik the Red, the Great Berserker. Harald boasts of Leif’s helmsman skills, how he drove his ship through a deadly storm to Kattegat. Leif will be forced to fight for Freydis’ life by joining Canute’s army. Jarl awards Freydis to King Canute. She asks Leif if he accept the terms. Upon agreement to accepts the terms, Freydis is taken away.

Vikings: Valhalla

Former Danelaw, England – King Aethelred “The Unready” (Bosco Hogan) speaks about an order that called for the extermination of all Danes living on the island. On the same day, a Norse group burnt down the sanctuary of God in retribution. The sanctuary of God has now been restored to its original state. Earl Godwin (David Oakes) gives acknowledgment to a vicar to open the church doors. Coughing periodically, Aethelred believes Godwin is keeping something from him. Godwin tells him about the rumors or a potential Viking invasion. Aethelred swears at the nobles for telling him the Norse wouldn’t attack because they were fighting amongst themselves. Godwin assures him he did the right thing. Aethelred knows the Vikings want to put his head on a spike.

Harald gives Leif his father’s ship. Leif acknowledges it is a good ship. He hopes to be the king of Norway in the future. King Canute’s order to raise the banner gets a cheer from the crowd.

Vikings: Valhalla

Harald visits Freydis who is unhappy with his recommendation to have Leif join King Canute’s army. She reminds him about their previous discussion of why she came to Kattegat. Harald questions who took advantage of who. She believes he could’ve helped her. He admits to being amazed by her. She asks, what is the purpose of this visit. He tells her they will probably be away from Kattegat for about five months. She smiles when he tells her there are people to say goodbye to.

Freydis gives Leif a bearhug. She promises to make sacrifices to their God for his safety. She hugs Skarde (Edward Franklin), Liv (Lujza Richter), and Ulf (Sam Stafford) as well. She gives her necklace to Harald. Johan (Jaakko Ohtonen) and Tomas (Robert McCormack) introduce themselves to Leif and his crew.

Gorm and Arne (Paaru Oja) inform Leif of their knowledge of his father. Gorm complains to Harald about the Christian’s prayers. Harald says your other option is to swim a long distance. As the men get aboard, Leif orders them to put their weapons in a barrel. Gorm refuses to give up his knife. Leif assures him the only reason to carry a weapon on a boat is to kill someone. Harald is the first to put his weapons in the barrel. Arne and Gorm follow in suit. The barrel is sealed as Gorm appears to be satisfied with something in his armor. Leif is concerned about Gorm. The ships set sail.

Vikings: Valhalla

London – Emma of Normandy (Laura Berlin) is told about Aethelred’s failing health. King Aethelred’s doctor (Barry McKiernan) suggests his condition may be contributed to the rumors of a Vikings attack. Prince Edmund (Louis Davison) is by his father’s side when she enters the room. Aethelred assures her the Norse are coming to avenge their people’s death. He hands her terms to present to the Norse when they arrive. He suggests trying gold because it generally makes this listen. Laying the terms to the side, Emma refuses to bargain with the Norse. He asks her plans. She says they will fight. Edmund will be sent to Mercia to summons Eadric Streona’s (Gavin Drea) army to London. Aethelred warns her that Eadric will attempt to claim the throne. She agrees, but Eadric won’t do anything until the Vikings are defeated.

He asks if her brother in Normandy will agree to help them. She says not until we help ourselves. He describes the mess he left her a nightmare. She reminds him of her being a Norman.

Vikings: Valhalla

The Viking ships continue toward England. Gorm asks Leif if this is his first raid as a Viking. Leif describes his father as a Viking raider and Berserker. Gorm tells him his father killed a lot of men. Harald asks why his father went to Greenland. He says his father was killed when there weren’t any raids. Gorm warns him the first killing is difficult. Leif shrugs his concerns off because he believes killing a man is not different than an animal. Gorm assures him man is the worst because he fights back. Leif responds, saying polar bears fight back too.

London: Roman Fortifications – Godwin arrives at the castle, where the king’s military is being moved into the old city. Goodwin and Emma discuss her plans. She assures him, the Roman’s fortress choice is the best site for Aethelred’s military operations. He tells her about the rumors of the fortress being haunted. She refuses to believe it. Turning toward him, she says her expectation of the Norse is to behave like him. She informs him of her plans to send him and Edmund to Mercia to ask Streona to aid them. He doesn’t believe she is fond of him. She warns him of the consequences if Streona refuses the aid. England will be lost.

Vikings: Valhalla

Emma gives Edmund the last orders before he leaves for Mercia. He is to refuse aid if Streona has conditions. She suggests he not be drawn into negotiations with Streona. Edmund is concerned Aethelred will be dead before he returns from Mercia. She assures him he will be king upon his return, but only if he can successfully convince Streona to join their cause.

The Vikings discuss the bridge built by the Romans. Someone warns them if Aethelred and his people decide to escape, they will utilize the bridge. Olaf assures him the bridge cannot be torn down because he was Aethelred’s advisor when it was erected. He suggests they come in from the south as no Vikings have ever done before. Harald warns them about the land being marsh. King Canute asks how he knows Aethelred will not be expecting them to raid from the south. Olaf boasts he convinced the king it would be impossible to raid from the south. A storm is coming in. Leif orders the sail to be lowered. A verbal argument breaks out because a Christian Viking tripped a Pagan Viking. Leif orders the men to take a seat.

Vikings: Valhalla

Gorm accuses Leif of taking the Christian Viking’s side inside of Nori’s. Leif calls Nori a liar before giving an order for the men to row into the storm.

Freydis and Haakon visit the market, where they meet Hrafna (Dawn Bradfield). She asks Freydis if she would like to burn a sacrifice for someone. She says for her brother. Hrafna suggests she burn a branch from a sacred tree in Uppsala. Haakon assures her the branch is not from The World tree, but a tree near Odin’s temple. She says the tree is tree year-round. Freydis trades her bracelet for the branch. She asks Hrafna why she sells Christian crosses. She claims to have been born to the old ways. Haakon explains the importance of Kattegat for the trade industry. Her grandmother is an African. She met her grandfather in Alexandria before they traveled to Kattegat. Their son is her father, a great warrior.

Vikings: Valhalla

Freydis sacrifices the special branch from the market when Haakon enters the room. She assures Freydis, her brother and friends will be watched over by the Gods. She tells her about Christians ordering her husband to convert from the old way. He was tortured when he refused to heed their orders. The Christians thought they would utilize him as an example to encourage others to convert to Christianity. She says it did the exact opposite.

Goodwin joins Edmund by the campfire. He believes his brothers were supposed to be heading to Mercia, not him. After they died, he was left with the responsibility of being the king. Edmund has doubts he is king material. Goodwin asks him to explain further. He tells him doubts are part of having courage. Failure is his greatest fear. Goodwin tells him to trust his instincts when the time comes.

Vikings: Valhalla

Leif and his ship are missing after the storm. Olaf pokes fun at Harald about the missing Greenlander. Harald asks if he tires of staying stupid things. Laughing, he likes to rub it in his face when he makes mistakes. King Canute questions why Harald trusts Leif. Harald is intrigued with Leif’s courage. King Canute assures him courage doesn’t run short among the men. He boasts how Leif believes in his personal abilities, which he believes is rare.

Tamworth Castle Mercia, England – Streona offers Aethelred 1,000 horses and 5,000 men. He warns Edmund about the dangers of sending them to London. Edmund asks why. He believes the Vikings will go through Mercia to reach London. Edmund says Emma disagrees with the theory. She believes the Vikings will raid from a different direction. Streona asks what Aethelred believes. When Edmund doesn’t speak, Goodwin assures him Aethelred is well. Since Emma is a Norman, she is the best person to build England’s defense against the Vikings. Streona reminds him of what happened to his father. Goodwin denies he is his father.

Streona believes Aethelred is leaving England’s fate in the hands of an advisor, boy prince, and foreign queen. Edmund tells Streona he will not forget his refusal to help Aethelred when he becomes king. Streona agrees to aid them in fighting the Vikings. Smiling, Edmund looks at Goodwin.

Some of the men are concerned about the position. Grom accuses him of getting them lost. Leif denies they are lost. Grom calls him a liar and blames his Gods for getting them lost. Birger (Frank Blake) tells him he is acting like a frightened child. When Grom stands up, Leif interrupts, asking what gives him the impression they are lost. Grom says there are no lands. Leif disagrees because the sky says they are going west, and the birds say the weather is getting better and land is nearby. Grom asks him about the other boats. Leif says this boat is his responsibility, not the others. He orders the men to row. When Birger laughs, Grom slashes his throat, with his ax. Liv runs to Birger, but it is too late.

Grom dares Leif to kill him. Leif tells him that is the same thing a polar bear thinks before he is killed. A fight ensues. Leif stabs Grom through the heart. Leif demands he tell his men what he sees before the knife is removed from his chest. Struggling to speak, he says England. Leif removes the knife and asks who wants to be next.

Edmund asks Goodwin what Streona was saying about his father. Goodwin says his father utilized 24 of the king’s ships for his own greed. He was sentenced to prison, where he died. Edmund questions why Aethelred choose him as his advisor. He says Aethelred never blamed him for his father’s misdeeds. He tells him the truth, unlike his nobles. Edmund orders the man to listen. He is now the king of England.

Freydis sees that Haakon has returned her weapon. Haakon tells her she will need for pilgrimage. She has ordered her to be sent to Uppsala, where she can seek her destiny. Freydis is confused. Uppsala is considered the Viking world’s most sacred sight. The Vikings worship there every nine years. Haakon wants her to see if before the Christians destroy it. Freydis leaves for Uppsala.

Kent England – When King Canute and his ships reach England, a ship is waiting. He orders the horn to be sounded. As they approach, they discover Grom and Birger’s bodies inside the boat. Harald gets a closer look by climbing aboard the boat. He approaches Leif and whispers, “Viking” in his ear as the episode comes to an end.


Vikings: Valhalla Review

The Vikings have landed in England after battling through storms and religious strife. With Grom out of the way, will the conflict between the Pagans and Christians continue? One thing is for sure, the religious strive has already cost the Vikings two valuable warriors.

It is questionable why the queen believes the Vikings will raid from the south, the same route, Olaf suggests they take. Olaf is not to be trusted. Are these two in cahoots together or do they just think alike since the queen is a Norman.

The wardrobe and acting are spot-on.

More focus is being geared toward religious strive among the Vikings. At this rate, the audience will forget about the main purpose of the show, which is revenge.

The show is a bit dull at times. The only signs of a storm were a lightning strike, clap of thunder, and rain. The next thing we see is Leif’s ship has separated from the others. The trip to Mercia was also dull. It may have something to do with the budget. Maybe the cast could have been reduced to make the show more exciting.

The episode deserves a 6.5. Get more Vikings: Valhalla recaps here. Support the ReelMockery team by clicking the link to learn more.

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