Collins Until I Kill You ITV

Until I Kill You Series 1 Episode 3 Recap

Healing – The episode opens with Delia Balmer (Anna Maxwell Martin) on life support at St. Paul’s Hospital. She wakes and is extubated. At the police station, WPC Jane Barker (Lucy Thackeray) is appointed a family liaison officer for Delia. She arrives at the hospital a short time later to find Delia responsive but unable to talk. Utilizing a communication board, Delia asks about John Sweeney (Shaun Evans) whereabouts. Barker says he is on the run but Serious Crime is doing everything in their power to find him. Delia becomes anxious when she tells her that John knows where Leah (Amanda Wilkin) lives. She declines to let the police contact her family. She wishes to be dead.

Delia is transferred after a staff member reported seeing someone who looked at John at the hospital. Leah gifts her a ballerina figurine for Christmas. In Delia’s statement, John repeatedly hit her with an axe before stabbing her in the chest with a knife. A short time later, Barker hands Delia’s statement to the lead detective. She reluctantly agrees to take a few days off.

During a phone conversation, Delia asks Stewart Balmer (Cory English) if her parents would visit her if they knew about the attack. He says probably not and offers to come in their place but she declines. Elsewhere, a work van picks John up. During the ride, he draws an insect with a face that looks like Delia.

Imelda and Delia until i kill you

Barstock Police receive a postcard from John in Germany. It reads, “Delia Balmer is an evil witch who met with a nasty axe.” Barker arrives at the hospital with a bouquet of flowers. Delia is sitting in a chair with a new hairstyle. Barker apologizes for not visiting her before informing her that John is in Germany. Later, Delia is transferred to a women’s refuge. She insists on walking to her room without assistance. Aylin (Pinar Ogun) explains how the emergency and safety features work in her room. Seeing a Peruvian painting, Delia tells Aylin about her extensive travels. Once alone, she accuses Barker of not caring about her welfare, only her statement. Delia blames the police department’s negligence for her attack. Barker later requests to be removed as Delia’s liaison officer. The lead detective urges her to not take anything Delia says personally and she will receive a commendation for her work. When DC Collins (Steve Edge) asks about Delia, Barker snaps at him.

Leah tells Delia that Janice says she can keep her job at C and Westminster. Delia refuses to nurse people when no one cares about her. Leah assures her that she cares about her. Delia’s cast is removed. She has a nightmare and pulls the emergency alarm. Aylin finds her in a panic and comforts her while she cries. Later, Delia removes to come out from under the bed. Aylin urges her not to let John win. Delia says he won when he killed her and repeatedly curses him.

Delia moves into a flat with a garden. Leah informs her that she and Manuela are relocating to Exeter. Delia asks if he has something to do with John. Leah admits it made her paranoid.

1998 Finsbury Park, London – John rents an apartment in Finsbury Park under the alias, Joe Johnson.

episode 1 until i kill you john

Two Years Later – David (Kevin Doyle) offers to take Delia home. Delia refuses to accept the offer until Enid (Pameli Benham) vouches for him. He pulls up in front of her flat and insists on carrying her packages to the door. He invites her out for coffee. Later, David pours Delia a White Russian cocktail. She says it is kind of him to help the local seniors. He claims to have chauffeured celebrities, including Marc Bolan when he was younger. Over dinner, he tells her about his children. A short time later, he walks her home. After a kick kiss on the cheek, she says her ex-boyfriend left her severely injured after he attacked her with a knife and axe.

Paula Fields (Debbie Brannan) rings the doorbell and asks for Teddy. John says he doesn’t live there and insists she join him for a cup of tea. She reluctantly accepts. He introduces himself as Joe.

Six Months Later – Delia tells David that she has been offered a grant to go back to school. She asks if it is stupid of her. He expresses how proud he is of her and embraces her. Later, she is studying when David stops by with a new bike for her. He invites her to accompany him on a trip to Madrid. She embraces him. Elsewhere, John draws a picture of himself when the police raid his flat. Delia learns about John’s arrest. He was booked into HMP Wandsworth.

DC Christine Webb (Laura Morgan) informs Delia and David that John has been renting a flat in Finsbury Park for several years. She says John is a suspect in the murder of Paula Fields who was found in Regent’s Canal. Delia complains about the police not taking her allegations about John killing Melissa seriously. With no evidence tying him to the murder, the police want to charge him with the near-fatal attack on Delia in 1994. Frantic, Delia says the judge will release him and he will kill her.

John Sweeney Until I Kill You ITV

Delia takes her anger out on David. He urges her to reconsider her decision to not testify against John. She says they only care about his victims, not her. He angrily tosses their dishes in the sink. She walks to her flat where she has a flashback of the vicious attack. A short time later, she returns to David’s flat and tells him that she will testify about John.

Old Bailey October 2001 – David accompanies Delia to court. After gulping down several miniature bottles of alcohol, Delia enters the courtroom. She dares John to speak to her. The Court Usher (Brendan Purcell) approaches to take her oath. She angrily shows the court her injuries from John’s attack. The Judge (Gerald Tyler) intervenes. Delia mockingly swears an oath on the Bible. She has an outburst and must be removed from the courtroom. At a local diner, Christine warns her that if she refuses to testify, John will be paroled. The episode ends.


Until I Kill You Review

Delia moves on with her life. She goes back to school and meets soft-hearted David. Everything is going well until John is arrested. The police suspect he murdered a local woman named Paula Fields but without evidence, they cannot charge him. Delia is pressured into testifying against John in the 1994 attack that left her clinging on for life. She drinks heavily and has an outburst on the witness stand. Christine and David are tasked to get her to testify or John will be a free man once again.

The episode deserves a 5.8 out of 10. Get more Until I Kill You recaps here. Support Reel Mockery by donating. Learn how advertising with us can help build brand awareness. Join our newly established forum to discuss the latest TV shows and movies.

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