Dave Tires Netflix

Tires Season 1 Episode 2 Recap

Windows Of Opportunity – The episode begins with Will (Steve Gerben) telling Kilah (Kilah Fox) that she’ll now have to smoke out back because of customer complaints. Despite Will’s best attempts, it doesn’t take Kilah to guess that it was the wheelchair lady who made the complaint. Thanks to the sudden arrival of Desiree (Victoria Harrington) and her urgent need for a quick oil change, Will doesn’t have to spend much more time defending his decision.

Things do not go well for Will when he approaches Arnold (Bob Senkewicz) with Desiree’s urgent request. Will not only has to demand he get the oil changed within the hour but he also has to issue a verbal warning after several racial slurs. Shane (Shane Gillis) only makes matters worse when he claims he can guess anyone’s race by the type of car they drive.

As the workday progresses, Shane’s attention is called to the front of the shop where his friend George is waiting (Francis Ellis). Will spends several minutes eavesdropping listening to George brag about his business and peak physical condition before Dave (Stavros Halkias) interrupts. After a quick introduction, Dave draws Will to his office to discuss business.

Shane Tires Netflix

Elsewhere, Kilah joins Cal (Chris O’Connor) at the rear of the shop for a cigarette. Miles (Dave Johnson) from the neighboring bistro soon joins them and immediately launches into a tirade about the slacker college kids he works with. It’s not long before Kilah and Cal throw down their smokes early just to get away from Miles’ tyrannical raving.

Moving on from boasting about his physique, George is now sharing photos of his hot Polynesian wife and Infinity with Shane. Shane is stunned when he not only learns that George rakes in $200,000 a year selling windows, but offers him a position.

Will is equally shocked when he learns that his shop’s numbers don’t justify having three mechanics on staff. Without even considering it, Will chooses Arnold but Dave refuses the offer, claiming that he needs someone faster. In an attempt to retain Shane, Will talks him down as a troubled employee but does too good of a job. George later asks Shane to come work for him when he overhears Dave and Shane arguing about the relocation and his poor performance. At one point Shane attempts to defend himself by mentioning Will’s lack of sales over the past two months.

While Kilah attempts to sneak in another cigarette, Dave confronts Will about his lack of sales over the past 2 months. This eventually leads to Dave attempting to show Will how to make an upsell to a customer who is already buying 4 new tires. As Dave fails to close the deal, Kalih finds the newly designated smoking area Miles-free until she lights her cigarette. Later, Dave blames his inability to close the sale on Will because he and Shane were arguing nearby. After several minutes of debating, Dave realizes that Will hasn’t given Shane a quarterly performance review and orders him to do so now while he’s present.

Will Tires Netflix

The performance review quickly spins out of control and wildly off-topic. At one point, Will becomes so caught up in emotion that he admits to lying about Shane’s performance to keep him at the shop. They soon apologize to each other and even Dave admits the moment is nice, but tells Will that he still needs to be in Belmont first thing Monday morning.

After the meeting, Shane accepts George’s offer but appears to immediately regret his decision when he learns that work starts at 4:30 am. Learning that he’ll be making even less than he is at the tire shop is the deal breaker and he tells George that he’ll have to reconsider the offer. Meanwhile, an extremely upset Desiree enters Will’s office and claims she’s now been waiting two hours for an oil change. The discovery gives Will the encouragement he needs to fire Arnold but when he goes to do so, he finds him deceased, lying under a vehicle.

The episode ends with Dave announcing that Shane can remain at Will’s shop while Shan turns down George’s offer. Despite the refusal, he and George depart amicably.


Tires Review

I certainly was not expecting Arnold’s death. The episode wasn’t horrible but it wasn’t great either. Despite the incredibly short runtime, it felt as if it was slogging along at times. I did enjoy the bit with the intrusive neighboring bistro worker and how Kilah and Cal wanted to avoid him. I’d have to give the episode a 5 out of 10.

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