Kwame Those About to Die Peacock

Those About To Die Season 1 Episode 10 Finale Recap

Let The Games Begin – The finale begins with Viggo (Johannes Haukur Johannesson) and Kwame (Moe Hashim) at the arena gearing up for whatever challenge lies ahead. In the stands, Titus (Tom Hughes) comments on Domitian’s (Jojo Macari) anxiety and says that their subsequent trip to Ostia might do him some good. Tenax (Iwan Rheon) rushes off after hearing the comment which leads to him discovering Berenice’s (Lara Wolf) body and note.

While Nica (Mia McGovern Zaini) and Cala (Sara Martin) are turned away from the arena, Kwame and Viggo learn that they will be fighting each other, to the death. With the help of Woola (Theodore Max Gravina) and several of his associates, Cala and Nica manage to get into the arena just as Jula (Alice Ann Edogamhe) and Ahren (Daniel Fiamengo) are brought in as encouragement.

s01e09 those about to die domitian

Tenax is on his way out of the arena just as Manilius (Davide Tucci) arrives and dispatches orders to find and kill him. Elia (Goncalo Almeida) briefly says goodbye to Gavros (David Wurawa) and Ferox when he receives word about Jula being used as leverage against Kwame. He arrives just as Viggo is about to kill Kwame. Kwame not only manages to turn the fight around but he inspires the spectators to begin a ‘live’ chant. Unfortunately, it does little good because Titus orders Viggo to be killed in the end. When Kwame reluctantly kills Viggo, it inspires the spectators to begin the ‘wood sword’ chant. This time, Titus does heed the chants and grants Kwame freedom. Much to everyone’s surprise, Kwame takes the wooden sword and gives it to Jula.

While the guards continue their search for Tenax, Cala orders Elia to take Jula to Tenax’s apartment and wait for her return. Outside the arena, Jula tells Elia that she bears his child. By this time, Titus and Domitian’s transport to Ostia has arrived. After Titus lets Domitian know that he isn’t requesting, Domitian orders Ahren’s death. Kwame is outraged but unable to do anything.  It is merely seconds later when Titus learns of Berenice’s death and becomes outraged, ordering her to be taken to the palace.

When Manilius eventually locates Tenax they briefly trade insults and words about betrayal before Tenax ultimately slays him. As this takes place, Carpo (Felix Lampert) finds and releases the lion, which kills him. Tenax is in the process of confronting Cala about her betrayal when the lion finds them. Kwame leads it to the fighting pit where it wreaks havoc on the remaining spectators. Tenax meets with what’s left of Manilius’ men to broker a deal.

Antonia Those About To Die Peacock

By the time Kwame lures the lion into the gladiator pit and kills it, Titus and his regime arrive in Ostia to question the Fleet Navigator (Nicolas Van Beveren). It doesn’t take the Navigator long to admit everything once Porto (Adrian Bouchet) promises his family protection.

Titus is in the process of having Domitian thrown from Tarpeian Rock at the conclusion of the Conviction Senate when Tenax shows up with a group of soldiers. Porto fights valiantly and even apologizes to Titus with his last dying breath. Titus hands over his weapon without much resistance but simultaneously insults Domitian while offering the soldiers a better bargain.

No one dares make a move. After Tenax suffocates Titus, he pledges his loyalty to Domitian. Domitian addresses the soldier for the first time to tell them to leave. Once alone, Domitian orders Tenax to clean up the mess and spread the word that Titus died of natural causes. One of the soldiers is then told to ride ahead and schedule a Senate meeting while Kwame and Linza (Maria Muisa De Crescenzo) burn Viggo and Ahren’s bodies.

At the Senate meeting, Domitian wastes little time quashing the rumors about Titus’s death and immediately follows that up by telling the committee that the income for the amphitheater will not be going to the five factions as Titus promised. Leto (Vincent Riotta) stands in protest but sits back down after realizing he is alone. The rest of the meeting goes this way with the addition that Titus’s body will be brought before the committee for those who wish to personally examine it. Everyone pledges loyalty to Domitian.

Viggo Those About to Die Peacock

Cala briefly meets with Jula and Elia to reluctantly give her blessings for their life together. Rufus (Michael Maggi) interrupts with Tenax’s request for a meeting. During this meeting, it is revealed that Tenax will be serving as Domitian’s Aedile Ludi as well as the fact that he knows of her betrayal. He tells her that he will take no pleasure in killing her but doesn’t have a choice. She tells him that she believes he believes that but doesn’t bargain any further for her life. She simply tells him that with his new position, he will need someone he can trust to fill his old role. On those accounts, she has never lied or misled him.

He doesn’t give her a response but letting her live is enough of an explanation. The episode ends will Tenax narrating very briefly about the things he’s done and will do in the future. Killing an emperor was merely the first step.


Those About To Die Finale Review

Not a horrible finale but extremely weak. Far too much effort was spent on Kwame and Viggo’s conflict. I get the fact that this and the subsequent scene with the lion was supposed to be poignant and powerful but it failed by all accounts. Everything felt anticlimactic, including Titus’ death. The whole revelation of Jula’s pregnancy and her and Elia’s proposed life together made things even worse. I must say I was taken by Cala’s betrayal of Tenax and did find that somewhat intriguing. For that, I’d have to give the episode a 5 out of 10.

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