s01e07 anna woman in the house

The Woman In The House Across The Street From The Girl In The Window Episode 7 Recap

As the 7th episode begins, Detective Lane (Christina Anthony) leads Anna (Kristen Bell) to the interrogation room and says she heard something interesting from her neighbor, Carol Sullivan. Carol told the detective that Anna threatened her with a palette knife, but Anna denies that. She claims she thought Carol was harassing her handyman when she confronted her and forgot the palette knife was in her hand. Carol also said she saw Anna talking to Chastity on the day of the murder and it looked like a confrontation. Anna explains that Chastity was throwing away some markers she had given to Emma because she didn’t like the way they smelled. She argues she wouldn’t kill someone over markers.

s01e07 woman in the house anna

Lane asks why she would kill someone before an officer enters to take Anna’s fingerprints. He walks her through the process while placing her fingerprints on the fingerprint card. He says he thinks it is easier to fingerprint people during autopsies because living people put too much pressure down on it. Once he finishes with her fingerprints, he leaves. Anna asks if she can go. Detective Lane quickly pivots and asks why she likes painting flowers. Anna admits she didn’t always paint flowers. When she first started, she painted the type of stuff that tourists usually buy. Her first success was created by accident because she was bored and painted her dog as Mona Lisa. Although she had success putting peoples’ dogs into masterpieces, she eventually got burned out. She had basically given up painting until she was pregnant with Elizabeth.

She was showing signs of early labor so she was put on strict bed rest. A nurse brought in a beautiful bouquet of flowers. As Anna stared at them, she felt a passion she had never felt before and knew she had to paint them. Buell and Douglas built an easel that enabled her to paint from her hospital bed. For the next three months, she stayed in the hospital bed and painted the whole time. It was the best work she had done until Elizabeth came. Anna stopped painting once Elizabeth was killed by Massacre Mike. Detective Lane admits that would’ve made her so angry. Anna says nice try because she isn’t going to say she was so angry that she murdered someone. When Lane offers to let her get an attorney, Anna insists she doesn’t need one since she hasn’t done anything. Lane questions whether she did and just doesn’t remember doing it.

paintings woman in the house episode 7

Anna listens to her 911 call when she told the operator about the murder across the street. Lane doesn’t think she sounds like someone who is in their right mind on the recording. She tells Anna about a man who bashed his wife’s head in after taking sleeping pills and alcohol together. When he woke up in the morning, he had no idea he was the one who did it. Soon, another officer arrives and tells Lane that the prints were a match. Anna is handcuffed and the booking process begins. Once she is placed in a cell, she has flashbacks of stabbing Lisa. Before long, Douglas (Michael Ealy) shows up with a flashlight and tells Anna to take his hand. He leads her out of the jail and directly to a wedding where he says it is a second chance at love. She believes it is her chance, but another woman is standing at the altar as Anna gets pulled backward. She runs up, grabs a sword, and slices the woman’s throat.

Anna wakes up in the cell once the nightmare is over. In the morning, she thanks Sloane (Mary Holland) for bailing her out. Sloane pleads with her not to flee the country since she’ll be out $500,000 although Anna only wants to flee to her bed. Then, Sloane tells Anna that she owes her some type of explanation since she had to take a loan out against the gallery. Anna would like an explanation too because none of this makes sense. Just because she was obsessed with the woman and family doesn’t mean she killed Chastity. Sloane has suspicions especially since Anna’s fingerprints were on the murder weapon. Anna complains that she needs a friend right now. Sloane reminds her that they’re friends before agreeing to drive her to Mexico if Anna asks her to. Anna is adamant she has nothing to run from because she didn’t do anything.

episode 7 anna painting woman in the house

Anna promises she’ll be fine alone by herself so Sloane drops her off moments later. Neil (Tom Riley) visits to say he saw the police over here earlier and learned from one of them that she has been charged with murder. He has a gun which he threatens to use if Anna comes near him or Emma. Once he leaves, Anna closes the door, sulks there, and ends up falling asleep. She wakes up when she hears a storm outside. She realizes the wine is all gone causing her to scream in the kitchen. Then, she hears something upstairs and decides to investigate after grabbing a knife. When she tries to pull down the attic door, a red substance begins dripping down from above. After a flashback of her stabbing again, she drops the kitchen knife she grabbed earlier. She rushes to her phone to call her therapist who says he is with a patient. Anna blurts out that she might’ve killed someone.

She confesses she has been drinking and taking the pills he prescribed so she might’ve done it without remembering. Anna explains the woman in the house across the street had the life she wanted and the life she once had. The psychiatrist admits he knows her better than anyone because he was also her husband. She alleges that she killed her daughter although he thinks he is responsible for Elizabeth’s death. After they discuss it a little more, Anna agrees it is only Massacre Mike’s fault for killing their daughter. While Douglas sits with an inmate, he concurs that they shouldn’t hate each other although he couldn’t hate her anyway. Both share the blame for ruining their marriage. Douglas tells her she is going to go up into the attic. He walks her through it as she pulls down the ladder and begins climbing into the attic. Once she turns on the light, she looks down and realizes it was spilled Gamblin paint in the attic and not blood.

s01e07 anna woman in the house

Although he says she didn’t kill anyone, Anna can’t understand why she keeps having that memory of her stabbing her. She looks around and finds a painting of Chastity on an exercise bike and it has been stabbed multiple times. She remembers painting it, getting mad at Chastity’s perfect life, and stabbing the painting over and over. Then, they begin wondering about the palette knife and whether someone took it from Anna’s house. When Douglas asks if someone could’ve gotten into the house without her knowing, she looks over and notices Buell’s gloves sitting nearby. She remembers someone carrying her in from the rain outside and suspects it was Buell. Anna looks around and finds out that Buell has been sleeping in the attic. She asks Douglas if there is anything about Buell he didn’t tell her when he hired him to fix their mailbox all those years ago.

Douglas reveals that Buell was his patient before he became their handyman. He was his first patient. When he rehabilitated him, he got released early from the state hospital after he was found criminally insane. Anna learns that Buell killed his entire family with a claw hammer. She can’t believe Douglas never told her. He admits he didn’t because they needed someone to fix the mailbox and she wouldn’t have hired him otherwise. Buell still hasn’t fixed the mailbox and Anna believes he is the killer. She doesn’t know where Buell is right now. As Douglas tells her to get out of there, Anna looks out of the window and sees Buell walking toward Neil’s house with a claw hammer. She screams his name and no before the episode ends.

gamblin paint s01e07 woman in the house


The Woman In The House Across The Street From The Girl In The Window Review

The Woman In The House is drawing to a close as the truth begins unraveling very quickly. The series is silly, yet surprisingly interesting enough to remain watchable. Kristen Bell and Tom Riley have been pretty good although the latter is shown less and less now. Cameron Britton actually does well with the role he has been provided. I think it is safe to say that it would be too easy for Buell to be the killer here.

As crazy and silly as this series has been, nothing would surprise me. I am eager to see how they decide to end everything since I could see this going in many ways. The episode scores a 6.5 out of 10. Recaps of The Woman In The House Across The Street From The Girl In The Window can be found on Reel Mockery here. Learn how to support the Reel Mockery project by following this link.

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  1. Elaine MacKenzie says:

    Do u know who the real artist is? The one who painted the finished pieces.

    • ReelMockery says:

      That is a good question because I liked some of the flower ones. Tried searching for an answer but I didn’t see anything. Doesn’t appear to be anything in the credits either unless I am missing something.

  2. AMY says:

    I’d like to know about the flower paintings, too & also that paint color in her living room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • ReelMockery says:

      Getting late here. However, if I remember to do so, I’ll see if I can contact Kristen Bell on Twitter tomorrow and see if she can give us any clues. No promises because who knows if she’ll ever respond?

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