episode 6 woman in the house perfect family

The Woman In The House Across The Street From The Girl In The Window Episode 6 Recap

As the sixth episode begins, Anna (Kristen Bell) wakes up in the morning and finds herself alone in bed. She wonders whether she is hallucinating again. Once she gets out of bed, she goes into the kitchen where she finds Rex (Benjamin Levy Aguilar) cooking. She says she has never been with a bad boy before. As for Rex, he has never been with a good girl before although he thinks he can get used to it. Rex reveals he is preparing French omelets and the secret is how you whisk the eggs. He explains you have to whisk them slowly before cooking them low and slow. Anna tries to talk dirty to him by asking if he does everything low and slow, but the comment flies over his head. He tells her she is good at being sexy though.

s01e06 woman in the house anna

A knock at the door interrupts their romantic moment. When Anna checks the door, Detective Lane (Christina Anthony) motions for her to come outside. She waits with Lane as officers storm inside to arrest Rex for the murder of Chastity Linkous. Rex keeps saying he is innocent and didn’t do anything. He tells Anna the same as he is led by her. Lane tells Anna he did do it and she is lucky he didn’t do it to her too. Neil (Tom Riley) watches from outside his house before Emma (Samsara Leela Yett) comes out and joins him. Carol (Brenda Koo) looks at Anna while shaking her head. After they go inside, Lane tells Anna that financial crimes had been investigating Rex and Chastity for a while so they were listening to their phone conversations. A forensics team checks Neil’s house during this time.

When they found Chastity’s body, Lane got instructions to come here and apprehend Rex immediately. Anna still can’t believe Rex killed her. Lane plays her some of the recordings in which Rex threatens to kill Chastity. She asks Anna not to tell anyone she played that for her before saying she wanted her to know what type of man she had hiding in her pantry. Since Anna didn’t know he was a killer, she didn’t do anything illegal. Instead, she was just being stupid by playing detective. Anna wonders why Rex didn’t kill her too. Detective Lane suggests he might’ve wanted to roll around in the hay with her a little bit first. Anna gets upset when she realizes she might’ve slept with a killer. When Anna asks about the texts Rex showed her, Lane speculates he had her phone and sent the texts to himself and Neil.

detective lane woman in the house recap

Lane gets a call confirming they found blood on the floorboards in Neil’s house. Before she leaves, she tells Anna to get on with her life. Anna wonders how in the heck she is going to do that. Once she is alone, she starts by pouring out the bottles of wine she has left. She also flushes the pills and replaces the upholstery on her chair. She moves the chair around to ensure she isn’t going to be staring out the window all the time. Then, she gets a call from Sloane (Mary Holland) and agrees to get a mani-pedi with her because both have something big to say. Anna is surprised to learn that Sloane is already outside. At the salon, Sloane wonders if they’ll do a Dateline on Chastity’s death. Anna hopes not because she just wants things to go back to normal whatever that might be. She apologizes to Sloane for not being the best friend despite the fact that Sloane stayed with her when she was at her worst.

When Sloane gets to her thing, she reveals Graham and Prine is opening a gallery in SoHo. They want to meet with her to determine whether she is the right person to run the gallery. While she doesn’t have the job yet, she thinks will be moving to New York. Sloane asks if she has talked to Neil. Anna admits she hasn’t because she isn’t sure what she’d say. She feels bad for him. Sloane tells her to look on the bright side since it means Neil is single now. As Anna returns home, she asks Buell (Cameron Britton) to help her open the door since her nails are wet. He opens the door for her before Anna notices he has a nail sticking through his palm. Buell calmly pulls the nail out of his hand without flinching. She takes him inside so she can treat the wound on his hand. He apologizes for her nail polish and thanks her for taking care of him.

episode 6 woman in the house recap

Buell admits she is nothing like his mother. As for his father, he has some pretty hard stories about him, but he’ll save that for another day. He walks over to the fridge and says Elizabeth (Appy Pratt) sure was special. Anna reveals it is going to be her birthday tomorrow. Buell says he remembers before leaving. The following day, Anna goes to Elizabeth’s gravesite and finds a note from Douglas as well as the turtle stuffed animal they could never get before. She suspects Elizabeth was worried about her the last time she was here since she was in a bad place, but she believes she is going to be okay now. Soon, Neil and Emma walk up behind her and say hello. She learns they were at the cemetery for Lisa’s burial. Neil says she was a criminal although she didn’t deserve what happened to her.

He goes on to say Emma is the reason they’re here since she only knows someone she cares about is dead. He hopes it’ll bring her closure. Anna asks if there is anything she can do. Once Neil responds by saying what, they simultaneously say she could build a time machine and go back in time to change things. Neil apologizes for the restraining order although Anna admits she would’ve done the same thing. He learns it is Elizabeth’s birthday so he tells her happy birthday and says she has one heck of a mom. Emma walks over to say hello after getting permission to do so. As they prepare to leave, Anna grabs the casserole dish and tells Emma she wants her to have it. She says life is for the living and so are casseroles. Neil invites her over to share it with them tonight.

tom riley actor woman in the house

She says she’d like that before telling her daughter happy birthday one more time. Meanwhile, Detective Lane arrives at the scene and is shown the possible murder weapon they missed before. At home, Anna prepares to paint a picture while looking up and seeing that a storm is heading her way. She insists it is fine since she is inside. Then, she begins painting. Once she finishes and signs the painting, she hears a knock at the door. Detective Lane is there with Officer Spitz and they want to come inside to look around. Spitz looks around while Lane tells Anna they’ve released Rex because he had an airtight alibi. CCTV footage proves he was at Wild Bill’s on the night of the murder. Anna begins wondering who else might’ve been responsible as Spitz calls out that Lane might want to see this. When they enter the room with Spitz, he is holding Anna’s palette knife while saying it looks exactly the same.

episode 6 painting woman in the house

Lane reveals they found a palette knife close to Chastity’s body so they’re pointing the finger at Anna. Once Anna asks why she’d kill her, Lane argues she wanted what Chastity had. Lane says she wanted Chastity’s perfect family before Spitz finds an odd painting with “the perfect family” on the top. The painting shows Anna cuddling close to Neil and Emma. She questions when she painted that because she can’t remember doing it. Lane bets she doesn’t remember a lot of things she does before recommending getting a good attorney. Anna claims she doesn’t need a good attorney because she didn’t do anything. Lane invites her to come down to the station to answer a few questions. Neil and Emma watch them leave the house and enter the patrol car. Anna swears she didn’t do it. We see a few quick flashbacks of Anna stabbing something with the palette knife.

episode 6 woman in the house perfect family


The Woman In The House Across The Street From The Girl In The Window Review

Just when Anna believes things are turning around for her, she becomes the primary suspect in Chastity’s murder. Law enforcement found a palette knife near Chastity’s body leading them to believe Anna was responsible for her death. Detective Lane also found evidence that Anna might’ve been obsessed with Neil and Emma.

Now, Anna is going to have extra motivation to find out who killed Chastity since she needs to clear her name. The scenes with Buell were oddly interesting although they’ll likely lead nowhere. It really isn’t bad if you don’t take it too seriously. The episode scores a 6 out of 10. Catch up with previous recaps of The Woman In The House Across The Street From The Girl In The Window on Reel Mockery here. Learn how to support Reel Mockery by following this link.

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