Jade Charlie The wives Channel 5

The Wives Series 1 Episode 2 Recap

As the second episode of The Wives begins, Jade Glover (Katie Clarkson-Hill) makes out with Charlie. Beth Morgan (Jo Joyner) hides and snaps pictures of a document using her phone. Sky Morgan (Catriona Chandler) tells Natasha Morgan (Angela Griffin) and Sylvie Morgan (Tamzin Outwaite) that she misses her mom. They promise Sky that none of them will ever forget Annabelle (Christine Bottomley). Natasha believes Charlie (Jamie Bamber) just wants to be happy again. Beth listens to Charlie as he tells Jade what he wants to do. She almost gets caught when Charlie opens the door. Beth manages to escape moments later. Charlie hears her phone ring and decides to investigate. After the intro, Beth joins Sky and the others outside.

the wives s01e02 beth

In private, Beth tells Natasha and Sylvie about breaking in using Sky’s key. Beth is convinced Jade had something to do with Annabelle’s death. She shows the picture she snapped of Jade’s purse which contains tons of euros and Annabelle’s birth certificate. Beth questions what Annabelle was doing walking along the edge of a cliff alone. She goes on to say Jade and Charlie have been together for two years. They were seeing each other while Annabelle was still alive. Beth says something doesn’t feel right and she’s going to find out what it is. Natasha returns to Sean Morgan (Jonathan Forbes) who reveals someone has been in touch. It’s someone he borrowed money from. He says it’s not a loan shark. Natasha tells him to just block the number since they can’t find them. Sean breaks down and cries knowing he got them into this terrible situation.

Sean will call Frankie or Charlie and ask them for a loan or a job. Charlie approaches Sylvie outside. He has a proposition for her that involves money. Charlie is going to sell the apartment. When the assessor comes, he wants them to tell him it’s worth a bomb. Charlie wants Sylvie to work her magic and he’ll pay her in return. She seems to agree to help. Charlie asks her not to mention this to the others so he has time to talk to Sky. Natasha and Sean have lots of whisks they intend to sell. She suggests selling their place as well since it should be worth a fortune. Natasha pleads with him to speak to his brothers. She’ll work on moving the items. Next, Sean watches Charlie and Frankie Morgan (Ben Willbond) play tennis. Sean learns Charlie and Frankie are heading back soon. Frankie says they’re having a problem with a payment for the business.

Sean believes he can help. The account belongs to a supplier, yet it doesn’t appear that the supplier exists. Tom isn’t communicating either. Charlie interrupts because he needs to tell them the truth about Annabelle. Natasha manages to sell the candles. Charlie warns Frankie and Sean that they cannot say anything about this to the women. He explains that Annabelle spent a lorry-load of money because she was gambling. Annabelle set up the account to take money out of the business. Charlie thought he could get her to pay it back before she died. He can pay it back once her will is sorted. Charlie says Annabelle’s dad put her inheritance into a trust because he knew what she was like. He can’t get any of it unless he has the death certificate. Charlie tells them he’s put the apartment on the market. Sean offers to look into the books to see if anything can be done.

He agrees not to say anything about it to anyone else. Beth approaches Jade and tries to spend time with her. When Jade says she’d rather be alone, Beth makes Natasha follow her. Sylvia tags along too. They watch Jade meet Charlie who has the bag full of money. The women follow Charlie who meets a man and gives him the money. Charlie gets something in exchange. He turns around. The women are concerned he might’ve spotted them, but it doesn’t appear he did. They run into Charlie as they’re walking away. They briefly talk until Charlie leaves. He notices Sylvie’s phone ringing before he goes. Later, Beth looks at the picture of Charlie with the man. She messages the girls asking what Charlie is up to. Luca Vella (Louis Boyer) visits Sylvie who says her sister-in-law is struggling. Sylvie tells him about Annabelle who supposedly fell and was swept out to see.

Jade Charlie The wives Channel 5

Luca remembers the incident. Sylvie admits they didn’t talk about it once. Sean returns and learns Natasha managed to sell some things. He tells her that Charlie needs to return to sort out some of Annabelle’s things. Charlie has asked Sean and Frankie to go with him. When Sylvie is out of the room, Luca checks her phone and sees the pictures of the man with Charlie. He tells Sylvie he needs to get to work and he runs some bars in town. A group of men visit the guy Charlie met and barge inside his home. Luca is with them, but he doesn’t go inside. The next day, Sylvie calls Beth to say they need to talk about the pictures she sent. Beth is going to see and question Charlie. Sylvie urges her to think of the fallout and create a plan for this. They agree to meet. Natasha warns Sean they have less than 500 quid in their account.

She can’t believe he wants to spend 300 of it going back home. Sean wants to get Tom’s old job even though he isn’t an accountant. He says they’ll talk about pay when they get there. Sean will apologize to Alice and check on Natasha’s mom while he’s there. He isn’t worried about the people he borrowed money from. Charlie grabs Sylvie and mentions the man on her balcony last night. Beth tells Frankie she’s going to the beach bar. She soon finds out that Sylvie is with Charlie so she’s busy. Charlie tells Sylvie that they have unfinished business. She says she’s there because she can make money there. Charlie tells her she’s lucky she gets half of everything. Charlie approaches Jade to tell her they can sell this place and get her that yoga studio she wanted. Jade wants to make her own money like she always has. She asks what he’s up to.

Sylvie calls Beth to tell her she can’t wait any longer. Charlie visits Frankie who tells him to keep it down since Beth is there. Once Charlie leaves, Frankie tells Beth he’s going to have to go home with Charlie. They talk about Jade. Frankie doesn’t think it’ll last the summer. Frankie doesn’t understand how Charlie keeps landing on his feet despite messing up repeatedly. He says he’d be lost without Beth. They go inside and have sex. Natasha and Sean hear them. Sylvie sends Natasha a message showing her where she is. Natasha ends up arriving with candles to help Sylvie sell the house. Frankie joins Sky by the pool. He invites her to talk to Beth about the memorial, but Sky says Beth isn’t interested. Sky and Beth discuss it anyway. Beth notices Natasha and Sylvie together outside. Later, Sylvie asks Beth about their meeting.

Beth admits she doesn’t trust her since she saw her with Charlie. Sylvie says she didn’t stick around to hear her tell Charlie to get lost. Seconds later, Charlie interrupts and talks about moving forward. He wants to say goodbye to Annabelle tomorrow and let her go. He also confirms the registry finally granted Annabelle’s death certificate. Later, Sylvie, Natasha, and Beth talk about the fact he got a death certificate. They believe Charlie will go back and get Annabelle’s money. They talk about stopping Charlie from using the death certificate. The next day, everyone gathers to say goodbye to Annabelle. Beth speaks about Annabelle who was a very special person. They say goodbye. Someone snaps pictures of them from a distance. Later, Charlie thanks Beth for organizing the event. Sky gets upset when he mentions closure.

Charlie promises it’s going to be okay and he’ll make sure his daughter is looked after. Sky comes back out to ask Charlie about the ring she found. She asks whether the ring is for Jade. Charlie admits it is. Before Jade can say yes or no, Sky throws the ring and rushes inside. Beth tries to speak to Sky who is locked in her bathroom. Charlie joins her and says he didn’t know Sky was rummaging through his stuff. Sky receives a message from “OceanMagic22” telling her she looks beautiful. She tells them she’s sad and can’t talk to anyone about it. They insist she can trust them. Sky finally comes out of the room. Beth, Sylvie, and Natasha go out later to talk in private. Beth says Annabelle told her she wanted to leave Charlie. Beth tried to talk her out of it because she was selfish and wanted to keep the family together.

Beth lets them listen to the voicemail message Annabelle left the night she went missing. Annabelle says she’s going to tell Charlie tonight and it’s over and she’s taking Sky. Beth admits she didn’t tell anyone. Sylvie believes this means Charlie killed Annabelle. They don’t want to let him get away with this. Charlie is watching them from nearby.


The Wives Review

The second episode of The Wives was okay and possibly even enjoyable as long as viewers have the right expectations. Some of the performances aren’t perfect and the story is definitely becoming farfetched. Nevertheless, the mystery revolving around Annabelle’s disappearance or death is interesting.

One issue is the soundtrack which is a bit too cheery and teeny for the overall mood of the series. An intriguing aspect of the story is the fact that the women still don’t know if Charlie did it, yet they seem ready to tar and feather him.

Based on how the series plays out, it may be worthwhile in the end. At the very least, this is a fairly easy watch that requires little to nothing from viewers. The second episode of The Wives scores a 5.5 out of 10. Recaps of The Wives can be found on Reel Mockery here.

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