The Split Season 2 Episode 4 Recap

the split tv series 2 episode 4 nathan

As the episode begins, Hannah Stern (Nicola Walker) wakes up in the middle of the night and heads downstairs. Once there, she looks through pictures of herself and Nathan until the fox appears outside and distracts her. After the intro, Hannah, Nathan (Stephen Mangan), and Liv (Elizabeth Roberts) head to the school. Hannah and Nathan learn about Liv sending the naughty picture to Mr. Lopez. She has already admitted that Lopez did not show any indication that he wanted those pictures. They agree that it won’t happen again but the principal wants to make sure everything is okay at home. Liv says everything is fine. After they had back to the car, Nathan says Liv has a crush before confronting his wife with the pictures of herself and Christie at the party.

Hannah pretends her argument with Christie was about work and nothing to worry about. She leaves so she can speak with Fi Hansen (Donna Air) about the upcoming meeting with Richie (Ben Bailey Smith) and his attorney. Fi is afraid that Richie is going to take the kids now that he has moved to a hotel. Fi is told that they’re trying to get her rattled so she needs to hold her nerve. When Hannah makes it to work, she finds out that Ruth (Deborah Findlay) is taking photos. She is invited to join in on the photos but Hannah doesn’t want to take pictures. Hannah says she is not rattled about the 360s but Ruth doesn’t believe it. We join the others for the 360s seconds later.

Tyler (Damien Molony) explains that every employee will be reviewed by a colleague. Nina (Annabel Scholey) tells Hannah that she feels like she is going to throw up. Nina is asked if she told Christie (Barry Atsma) about the abortion. After the meeting ends, Maggie (Ellora Torchia) tells Hannah that the Gibson couple is there to see her about the adoption case. Hannah tries to apologize to Christie but he isn’t quick to accept her apology. Christie is angry that Hannah kept the pregnancy and abortion from him. He believes the child would’ve been theirs but Hannah isn’t sure about that. Meanwhile, Nathan looks at the pictures and contemplates what is going on but he is interrupted when Chloe enters.

They begin preparing for the upcoming hearing. As they walk along, Nathan asks Chloe how she would open the hearing. Then, Chloe asks about the party. She is impressed that Nathan and Hannah have stayed together for 20 years. Meanwhile, Nina and Hannah chat with the Gibson couple about adopting a child. Hannah says there is a distant family in the child’s family who has been raising concerns. That could create problems moving forward. Hannah explains that they’ve been able to get through those hurdles and they’ll do so again. Since the child has been through a lot, there may be questions about stability. During this time, Zander (Chukwudi Iwuji) asks Christie about Hannah and their relationship.

After that, Christie and Hannah go to Melanie’s workplace. While they wait, they chat about Christie’s 360. They chat with Fi shortly before Melanie arrives. They meet with the others in a room moments later. Hannah makes sure everyone not involved is escorted out of the room. Hannah and Christie explain that they’ve made a few amends to the child custody agreement. Melanie isn’t willing to budge and Richie (Ben Bailey Smith) says it is madness. He says he’ll hire a nanny if he has to be away but he will try to stay home more. A deal is arranged for Richie to take the kids that night. In the hallway, Hannah promises Fi that her kids won’t be taken away from her. Meanwhile, Melanie tries to convince Christie to come work with her.

He says he’ll give it some thought while Fi tells Hannah that she, Richie, and the nanny made a sex tape. The tape was on the nanny’s phone. She doesn’t want to go to court since that would bring the information to light. Later, Hannah asks Maggie how her 360 went before telling her that she cannot support her promotion. She tells Maggie that she’ll be a great lawyer but she has a long way to go. Before Maggie leaves, she asks Hannah about the meetings with Grayling so Hannah says they didn’t go anywhere. Maggie says things to show that she knows about the affair. Ruth and Ronnie join a party so she can accept an award of sorts. Hannah hangs out with Nina and Nathan is there with Chloe. Nathan tells Ruth that the rumor is she is the only candidate before Chloe tells everyone about her first day in court.

After that, Nathan speaks with Christie and asks about the bickering at the party but he doesn’t get an answer. Zander gives a speech before Ruth takes the stage and speaks to the group. Ruth accepts the reward before joining Hannah. Tyler tells Nina he is trying to figure out what caused her to like people so much. Rose (Fiona Button) chats with Ronnie and James. Ruth returns with Ernest. Outside, Rose tells James that she can’t just ask Ronnie if she is her dad. She has sent off the DNA test and is waiting for results. James doesn’t care. Nathan gets drunk and escalates things with Christie. Hannah steps in and pulls Nathan aside to prevent things from worsening.

Ruth asks Nina if the father of the baby knows. Christie begins calling Hannah encouraging her to tell Nathan about the affair. Nathan notices Hannah checking her phone several times. Hannah goes upstairs and gives Nathan a cup of water. She encourages him to come down for dinner before he asks who called her. She claims it was the client Grayling before entering the bathroom. Nathan checks her phone and listens to the voicemail from Christie. He tells her that she should listen to the voicemail and take the caller’s advice. After that, the family searches for their animal outside. Hannah approaches Nathan and he believes it is tit for tat.

She admits she had sex with Christie once or twice. Nathan doesn’t want her to play it down by saying it means nothing since she has a long relationship with Christie. Hannah tries to smooth things over with her but Nathan isn’t willing to accept it yet. Hannah sleeps on the couch before the kids wake her up. Nathan gives the kids money before he finds the keys Christie gave Hannah. He sticks them in his pocket. Nina rushes to work but she is late for her meeting with Zander and Tyler. During the meeting, Nina tells them that she is pregnant and Zander is happy to hear it. Richie shows up to take the kids and Fi isn’t thrilled to see them go.

After that, Ruth meets up with Zander. He tells her that he wants his law firm to be the leading firm in the nation. He explains that he can’t invite her back since she never really left. She is taken to her new office and told to help them find the big cases. Ruth is excited to be back. Hannah and Christie meet with Fi and the nanny. She is told about the sex video and they explain that they can take out an injunction to prevent the video’s release. She says she never send the phone to anyone but Richie sent it to himself and she says faces are clearly visible on the recording. Richie’s face is shown a few times but not as much. Fi confesses that they had done cocaine that night.

The nanny tells Fi that Richie treats her really badly. She says Richie has abused other women and he won’t get away with it this time. Fi storms out of the run and Christie follows her. Hannah asks the woman how many there were. Chloe asks Nathan if he wants to talk about it while he looks at the keys. Nathan says he has been living with a woman who he believes loves someone else. He gets angry and knocks the papers off of his desk. Next, Hannah tells Nina that they’re there for moral support. However, their clients are not showing up and the panel will not wait. Nina is only getting voicemail while calling them. Nathan goes for a walk by himself.

He goes to a flat and puts the key inside. It opens the door and he steps inside before looking around. He finds items belonging to Hannah. After that, Hannah returns home and tells Maggie to contact the Gibsons and ask them why they didn’t show up. Nina thanks Tyler for not telling Zander. He tells Nina about meetings for his problem and he invites her. The Gibsons finally show up and Hannah meets with them immediately. They begin apologizing immediately. Hannah shuts them up before scolding them for not showing up. She tells them that they’ll have to get another lawyer. Hannah returns to her office and we see that she is very angry.

She goes to Christie’s office and tells him he wasn’t ready. She selected Nathan and she is sorry but she did it. That is why she won’t tell him about the night before the wedding. She pleads with Christie to stay quiet about it as well. Ruth asks Christie about something but he doesn’t want to do it today. Nathan grabs Christie outside and tells him that he has done damage to their relationship. He explains it is about his children and love. Nathan hits him in the face once and asks what he ever did to him before Tyler breaks it up. Ruth comforts Hannah back inside while Christie tends to his wound. Maggie finds Hannah crying and tells her that Zander was looking for her. Maggie agrees to shut down the computer while Hannah leaves with her family.

Maggie goes through the emails and finds the sex tape from Carrie Scanlon. Christie finds Fi outside and finds out that Richie closed her account. Hannah returns home and finds Nathan working with Liv. Christie’s keys sit on the counter along with her book.

The Split Review

I’ve really liked The Split and most episodes. This one got better as it carried on. However, I’ll say that the show is going over-the-top with the agendas and those decrease the believability of the show to some degree. I think it would be better if it focused more on the two main cases or storylines and less on the side stories. For instance, I am not sure why they felt the need to throw the Gibson couple in there. It felt like an unnecessary side story and it took time away from Nathan and Hannah.

Now that Nathan knows about the affair, things should pick up. What is going to happen with their marriage? Will they be able to salvage it or will Hannah bite the bullet and change her mind about Christie? The episode was pretty good despite a few hiccups here and there. It scores a 7 out of 10. Previous recaps of The Split can be found on Reel Mockery.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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