The Split Episode 3 Recap

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As the episode begins, Hannah (Nicola Walker) gets in touch with Maggie (Ellora Torchia) from the health clinic. She is told about the case involving Jaynie Lee (Tamara Lawrance). Hannah’s daughter gets the pill and some condoms. Hannah instructs her to use the condoms every time. Nina (Annabel Scholey) speaks with Ruth (Deborah Findlay). Ruth is snooping on Hannah. Goldie (Meera Syal) runs into her husband’s new girlfriend at the hair dressers. After a brief argument, Goldie says goodbye to the woman’s son. Hannah finally makes it to the office. She goes over the list of assets from Goldie’s case. The initial hearing goes well for Hannah’s team. Davey (Stephen Tompkinson) looks terrible for trying to hide assets.

Ruth warns him that he better come clean outside. He is told to send as much paperwork to Hannah’s law firm as possible. That will keep them bogged down. James (Rudi Dharmalingam) and Rose (Fiona Button) meet with Oscar (Anthony Head). James shows off his grandmother’s wedding ring, which he has given to Rose. Hannah attends a party. She watches her mother and Christie (Barry Atsma) from the balcony. Then, she chats with Nina. Nina tells her about Oscar’s wish to sell the firm. Christie speaks with Hannah before she leaves. She scolds him from trying to get a booty call from Nina. He makes a suggestion that Hannah came to the firm for him. Hannah makes it home in time to say goodnight to the kids. Nathan (Stephen Mangan) explains that the man child is upstairs. Nathan is not happy that Liv got the pill without his permission.

Hannah makes a comment that makes it sound like their marriage was a mistake. The following day, Rose visits the church. James arrives late. Hannah meets with Jaynie at the office. Jaynie is told that Nathan is going to helping. During the meeting, Jaynie reveals an email that her ex sent. She isn’t worried about the money. She wants to keep her embryos. Christie encourages her to give up the fight. Hannah and Nathan suggests settling the finances first. Jaynie sides with Hannah and Nathan. Rose loses her wedding ring. Ruth interrupts. Ruth learns that Oscar wants to walk Rose down the aisle. She is not happy. Hannah returns home to a night of family fun. Rose returns to the church. The pastor helps her search for the ring. Rose tells him about the wedding film she is making. She admits there are lots of differences between herself and James. The ring is finally found. Rose hugs the pastor and grabs his crotch. She apologizes and runs off.

Jaynie pleads with Elliot (Griffin Stevens) to do the right thing. Elliot is questioned during the hearing. We learn that Jaynie has been very generous to him financially. He is asked why he promised Jaynie that she would have children after her cancer treatment. He admits he thought she was going to die. Jaynie rushes out. She tells Hannah and the others that those children helped her get through the therapy. She stops the proceedings in hopes of getting the embryos. She gives Elliot the money that he wanted. Hannah is forced to tell her boss about the case. They both agree that Nathan is a great solicitor. She is also asked about Christie. Hannah is told that Christie needs to get back on his game. Davey’s documents arrive at the office. Oscar visits Hannah’s home. Nathan cannot stop him from coming inside. Hannah learns about some interesting deposits Davey made. Nathan calls Nina for help. Hannah calls Goldie, who is writing on a birthday card. Hannah asks her about the bank account, which goes back about 10 years. Goldie abruptly ends the conversation.

Nina arrives with alcohol. When Hannah leaves, she tries to avoid Christie. He gets to her anyway. Hannah brushes him aside and rushes home, so she can deal with her dad. She finds them playing outside. Nathan and Nina have joined them. Hannah eventually joins in too. Goldie visits her husband. He confirms that the boy belongs to him. Oscar reads to Hannah’s son. She agrees to take him and Nina home. Nathan speaks with Nina. He insists women just don’t like men. He explains that Hannah barely tolerates him and they do not have sex. He almost kisses Nina, but she stops him. Then, Nina leaves with Hannah. Nina joins Rose in bed. Hannah takes Oscar home. She learns that Oscar had been writing letters over the years. However, Hannah never received them. She rushes to her mother’s house and searches for the letters. She eventually finds them. She insists that Oscar didn’t dump them. He dumped Ruth. The girls look through the letters and gifts together.


The Split Review

This episode of The Split was definitely the best yet. The girls learned that things weren’t as they seemed. In fact, they were entirely different. Ruth had been hiding Oscar’s letters and gifts for years. Now they know the truth. Will that create chaos at Ruth’s law firm? Goldie also learned that Davey has a child with his lover. Things are going from bad to worse. This episode was great. It scores an 8 out of 10. Catch up with previous recaps of The Split now!

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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