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The Perfect Couple Season 1 Episode 6 Finale Recap

The Feels Better – The episode opens with Greer Garrison Winbury (Nicole Kidman) watching a video of Tag Winbury (Liev Schreiber) announcing their troubled marriage. She tries Enid Collins (Adina Porter) again but there is no answer. As the video plays in the background, Tag asks how many women have framed their husbands for murder. Greer informs Enid of Tag’s publicity triage and suggests they meet to discuss their plans. Amelia Sacks (Eve Hewson) if having breakfast when Benji Winbury (Billy Howle) arrives for coffee. She asks if he has a headache. He denies being drunk last night. Greer conducts research online about addiction. Abby Winbury (Dakota Fanning) as Thomas Winbury (Jack Reynor) is preparing to go for a run. He stuffs what appears to be drugs into his pocket. She tells him to have fun. Greer is surprised to find Benji and Amelia together in the kitchen. After asking Benji to leave, Greer asks Amelia is Merritt Monaco (Meghann Fahy) used drugs. Amelia says no. Greer says a high level of barbiturates was found in Merritt’s system. Nantucket Chief of Police Dan Carter (Michael Beach) and Detective Nikki Henry (Donna Lynne Champlin) arrive to take Greer to the police station for questioning. Greer agrees to go with them.

Abby finds Tag sitting on the sofa while the police remove boxes of evidence from the house. Will Winbury (Sam Nivola) demands Tag do something to stop the police from taking Greer’s computer. Tag tells him that it is out of their hands. Abby suggests notifying Greer’s PR team. Benji suggests calling a defense lawyer, Will asks why if she is innocent. Tag urges him to prepare for his impending race. At the Sand Dollar, Thomas complains about Tag refusing to give him a loan. Isabel Nallet (Isabelle Adjani) insists he repay her because she bought a new house in Aix-en Provence. He agrees once he gets his trust fund when an incoming call from Abby pops up on his phone. Jogging in place, he answers the phone and claims to be on his way back. Isabel listens as he says the police confiscated her computer. At the police station, Nikki and Dan question Greer about her relationship with a career criminal and hitman, Broderick Graham. She claims to barely know him. Dan explains their theory that she hired Graham to kill Graham and got Shooter Dival (Ishaan Khattar) to pay him, so he could claim diplomatic immunity as a defense. Greer assures them that she and Shooter had nothing to do with it. Dan and Nikki exit the interrogation room. Greer flips Graham’s mug shot over.

Thomas The Perfect Couple Netflix

Benji is on the phone when Abby asks if Thomas has returned. He denies knowing and tells whoever he is talking to on the phone to send him his phone number. Will complains about the reporters blocking the gate. The reporters bombard Tag with questions as he makes way for Will. Thomas curses at the reporters. Tag reminds him that he is being recorded. Abby snaps at the reporters as well. Thomas thanks her. A TV reporter (Tim Estiloz) tells his viewing audience that the Winburys aren’t cooperating. Irate, Abby scolds Thomas for having sex with Isabel, instead of being with his family. As she walks away, he denies the allegation and professes to love her. He races to catch up with her. Amelia is shocked by a TMZ report about the police being suspicious of Greer. Karen Sacks (Dendrie Taylor) denies wanting to be in Greer’s company but doubts she is guilty. Amelia agrees with her and questions how Merritt had barbiturates in her system. Karen has a strange look on her face. Bruce Sacks (Michael McGrady) urges Amelia to not jump to conclusions.

Greer flips Graham’s police report upright as Dan and Nikki reenter the interrogation room. Dan asks why Graham has repeatedly called her house in the past four days. Nikki suggests Graham was trying to reach Shooter who wired him $300k. Greer claims Graham, an old associate, was in desperate need of money and since she didn’t have the money on hand, Shooter loaned it to her. Placing the Winbury phone records on the table, Dan points out a 3:08am call from her office to Graham’s hotel room. Greer initially claimed to have gone to bed at 1:30am. Greer gives them her I-don’t-know look. Elsewhere, Shooter receives a call from B Train. Uncle Dival (Ravi Kapoor) confiscates his phone and demands he wait until they know more about the evidence. Back at the police station, Greer says Shooter is like a son to her. Dival returns Shooter’s phone when B Train calls back. Amelia tells him that she needs to focus on herself right now.

Karen becomes frantic when she finds some of her medicine missing. She yells for Bruce. Enid, Brad (Troy Iwata), and Hyacinth (Jeanine Mason) barges into Tag’s office against Gosia’s (Irina Dubova) persistence. Enid asks where is Greer. Tag says she had business in town. Hyacinth reads a news report about Greer being a person of interest in Merritt’s murder. He says Dan is trying to make a name for himself by ambushing Greer and confiscating her computer. Brad brushes off Greer being questioned by the cops because Tag’s recent revelations are more pressing. Enid recalls selling Tag and Greer as “The Perfect Couple” and urges him to get some rest. At the police station, Nantucket Deputy Carl (Nick Searcy) delivers Graham to the interrogation room. Looking at Greer, Graham denies any wrongdoing. Carl puts a chair next to Greer for Graham. Graham claims the $300k was a gift. Greer urges him to stop. He blurts out that he never blackmailed anyone. Nikki and Dan sarcastically document his statement. At the Nantucket estate, Tag works on his statement to the press. He promises to sign into a rehab in Malibu but Hyacinth insists he go to New Haven. Thomas claims it is a dump. Benji suggests reading his statement without the alcohol. Tag drains the glass and sits it on a nearby table.

Tag The Perfect Couple Netflix

Graham asks for immunity if he agrees to talk. When Shooter arrives, Greer insists he not be interviewed before blurting out that Graham is her brother. She claims to have been paying off his gambling debt for years. Graham admits to being connected to the Turkish criminal organization. Dan releases Shooter, Greer, and Graham. A short time later at the Nantucket estate, Greer introduces her family and Enid to Graham. Everyone is shocked except for Tag. Seeing Graham eyeing their Monet painting, she says it is fake. She tells them that the police believed she hired Graham to murder Merritt. Tag explains his plan to sign into a rehab. Brad and Hyacinth suggest blaming Dan’s eagerness. Tag assures her that their lives will return to normal. She refuses to continue living a lie. She admits to meeting Tag while she was working at a bar as an escort. Graham set her up on dates with men and she had sex with them for money. Tag was one of her clients. He denies paying her for sex. She argues that he paid for her services three times. Seeing Brad recording, Tag snatches his phone away. Greer wants him to record everything because she is done with the lies. She exhales in relief. She promises Enid that her new book will address everything and be fantastic. Bruce pulls Amelia outside to tell her about Karen’s missing euthanasia pill. Later, Karen explains everything to Dan and Nikki. Dan confiscates her pill bag. Benji and Amelia claim Thomas has a habit of stealing pills. Karen admits to getting the pentobarbital pills from a man at her support group. Amelia comforts her.

Amelia accuses Thomas of stealing Karen’s pill and giving it to Merritt. He repeatedly shoves him. Dan transports Thomas to the police station. Abby asks what Thomas did. Benji praises Amelia for making him laugh before professing to have loved her. Abby wipes out the drawer where Thomas stored his pill stash. In a flashback, Thomas takes the pentobarbital from Karen’s medicine bag. Back in the present, he admits to stealing Karen’s pill but never gave it to Merritt because he thought it was Oxy. He cannot remember where he put it. Dan warns him of what will happen to him and his parents if they can prove the phenobarbital in Merritt’s system is his fault. Thomas says Isabel’s name before admitting this is all his fault. He claims he tried to make the pregnancy situation go away. Thomas took his grandfather’s gun and found Merritt on the beach later. He was going to scare her and tell her to get rid of it, but Isabel showed up and stopped him. Thomas tells Isabel that Merritt is going to mess everything up. Isabel doesn’t think it’s going to end well for her. Thomas claims he decided to go home. He is convinced Isabel did it because it was all about money. Thomas owes her a couple of million and she knows he’s going to get his trust fund when the youngest sibling turns 18.

If Tag and Merritt had a kid, the trust would automatically reset. Plus, they’d have to split it four ways instead of three. When Isabel is brought in, she asks if they’re morons. She believes they’re sniffing around the wrong corners. Isabel gave Thomas a lot of money. Anyone who expects to be paid back by someone like him is an idiot. Isabel claims beautiful women only kill for position and power. Dan soon finds out that Isabel was having sex with Thomas in the back of a cab. Nikki asks the others to look at the maid interview with her. Gosia says Abby bosses her around. She also mentions that Thomas didn’t sleep in the bed last night. They know Thomas and Isabel were at the Sand Dollar. Nikki wonders why Abby was lying. In the interview, Gosia says she told Abby she washed the glass but didn’t.

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The morning they found the body, Nikki was talking to Abby in the kitchen and she was washing a glass. Abby seemed very nervous. Nikki questions whether that was the glass the barbiturate was in. They believe this was all about money. Dan asks about the Tallow found on the hair shaft. Thomas gets upset and questions whether he’s actually under arrest. Abby is questioned. Nikki tells her they’re almost done processing. She asks Abby if she knew that Isabel loaned Thomas money. Abby knew he was managing her investments. She is told that Thomas owes her like two million dollars. They keep talking about Isabel who will supposedly take whatever she can get. Nikki asks about Thomas coming to bed that night. Abby says he did. Once Thomas joins them, Nikki asks them questions about that night and when they went to bed.

Thomas complains as they leave. He goes back and tells the others about the interview and how he believes Isabel was responsible. Benji explains everything to Amelia. Dan interrupts to say they need to perform another sweep of the property. They arrest Abby for Merritt’s murder. Abby yells for Tom to do something for once in his life. In a flashback, Abby watches Thomas leave with Isabel. Abby sees Merritt walking on the beach. She puts drugs in orange juice before approaching Merritt. They complain about men. They agree to have a cool swim before bed. Abby holds her head under the water. In the present, Amelia watches Abby as she is taken away. Tag realizes what is going on. He tells Greer that it never occurred to him once that she might actually leave him. Greer tells him to stay there because she was going to write the next one from the city anyway.

Tag tells her she’s going to kill it. Amelia leaves later. Isabel arrives and asks about Thomas who is inside. Will hangs out with Chloe and tries to get his phone back. Gosia smokes with Tag. Isabel still looks for Thomas. She finds him outside and attacks him for blaming her. In London six months later, Greer tracks down Amelia who is working in a zoo. She says she’s written something new, but she’s not giving it to her publishers without Amelia’s blessing. Greer admits she was angry until she started to think about things. She says she was jealous. She’s written it all down. If Amelia doesn’t hate it, she should call her.


The Perfect Couple Review

The finale of The Perfect Couple was pretty much as expected, a big nothing burger. The whole thing is void of any emotions and common sense. The characters are some of the dumbest viewers will find. It’s a toss-up whether the suspects are dumber than law enforcement. The ultimate conclusion makes little to no sense because there’s no evidence and the motive is lacking.

The series was far too long considering how shallow everything was in the end. Many of the characters could’ve been eliminated without missing anything. Shooter and his on-off with Amelia was a waste. In fact, Amelia was pretty much a wasted character as well. Abby was the perfect culprit because the character added so little to the story, but there needed to be some sense of motive there. Broderick was a complete waste of time as well.

The dancing scene for the intro and outro certainly doesn’t fit the overall feel of the show. There needed to be at least one character to cheer for and there wasn’t through six painfully dull episodes. The camera needed to be moved back a bit instead of performing a nasal endoscopy on each character in every other scene. It’s unfortunate that this wasn’t better because the potential was definitely there.

However, it fails on every level and leaves a sense of emptiness despite being centered around a murder investigation. This didn’t need six episodes so it surely doesn’t need another season. The finale doesn’t make this a justifiable watch and only muddies the waters more.

This would’ve been better without the murder. Then, the idiotic cops could’ve been removed and more time could’ve been spent on developing the characters, their relationships, and their fallout. It scores a 4 out of 10.

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