John Senior The Outlaws Amazon Prime Video

The Outlaws Series 3 Episode 2 Recap

The episode opens with Gregory Dillard (Stephen Merchant) and John Halloran (Darren Boyd) digging a hole to bury Marshall “Smiler” Smiley (Rhys Yates) body. Greg questions how Anne-Marie (Jessica Boyde) will take it. John demands he not tell her. Greg fears she will break up with him if she finds out. John says a quick prayer. Myrna Okeke (Clare Perkins) says they are bad people. John believes they buried their guilt along with Smiler’s body. Elsewhere, Christian Taylor/Ben (Gamba Cole) eavesdrops on Rani Rekowski’s (Rhianne Barreto) phone conversation. She threatens someone if they do not clear it up. When he enters the room, she lies about talking to her bank. He asks why she agreed to meet with Smiler. She claims he said The Dean (Claes Bang) will kill her and her friends when he gets out of prison. He asks why she took Smiler when she fled. She says he promised her intel that would keep The Dean from getting paroled. Smiler says, “Flop, sponge, knee, 209” before dying.

In a flashback, young Myrna (Nadia Violet Johnson) makes Molotov cocktails. Young Sean (Brett Curtis) pleads with her to not do it. She reminds him of the man severely beaten. He asks her to go with him to Canada where they can continue to push for change. She gives him an alternative to support her or leave. He walks out. Back in the present, Sean (Patrick Robinson) offers to extend his visit, so they can spend time together. Myrna invites him to stay with her.

Lady Gabriella “Gabby” Penrose-Howe (Eleanor Tomlinson) attends an AA meeting. She speaks about her impending infertility, her mother’s suicide, and her estranged father. She has two months to get pregnant or be childless. Elsewhere, Kelvin Archer (Adrian Lukis) informs The Earl (Richard E. Grant) that Gabby filed a lawsuit against him, alleging he squandered her $4m inheritance from her mother. He suggests a settlement offer. Spencer (Tom Hanson) informs him that Gabby’s solicitor, Greg earned a law degree from the University of Smethwick, a former carwash. Anne-Marie listens to Greg’s voicemails. He warns her that the moussaka is spoiled. Spencer tells The Earl that Greg lost a lawsuit against John Halloran Senior (Ian McElhinney).

Spencer The Outlaws BBC

John Senior votes against a 40-grand HVAC system for his company. The other board members insist air conditioning is vital in the summer months. John assures them that the Ukrainians have no problem working in the heat and will gladly replace any worker who walks out on the job. John urges him to reconsider. John Senior teases him about his Uber job. A short time later, John is meditating in his car when Hilgard (Gerard Horan) approaches to ask him to speak to John Senior. John refuses. Elsewhere, The Grant asks what are the odds of his winning the case. Archer warns him that they will drag his name through the courts.

Diane Pemberley (Jessica Gunning) installs a camera in the supply shed. Stan (Harry Trevaldwyn) asks if it is illegal to film someone without their consent. She claims to be following up on DS Selforth (Kojo Kamara) lead. Elsewhere, Myrna makes room in her closet for Sean’s clothes. He lays a copy of “Why Marx was Right” by Terry Eagleton on the bedside table. She places her copy on top of his.

Rani The Outlaws Amazon

Greg barges into the room to find Gabby and Sarah (Chelsea Edge) making out. He exits and reenters to split up the two lovers. He proudly gives Gabby the new settlement offer, a quarter of a million pounds. She reminds him that her mother left her $4m and refuses to accept the offer. He has never taken a case to court and urges her to reconsider. She says it costs a lot of money to raise a child. He asks if Sarah is on board with having a baby. She promises to tell her at the right time. He suggests looking into Sarah’s background.

At City Farm, Stan and Diane watch live camera footage inside the supply shed. Greg tells John that Smiler’s lifeless body kept him up all night. Diane suggests he is referring to his sex life. Myrna admits to being concerned about Rani. Ben complains about doing Rani’s dirty work. Diane believes they are talking about her. Ben thought he was in love with her. Diane tells Stan that Ben has been eyeing her since they first met. Greg enters the shed and breaks down sobbing. Stan suggests her tight uniform drives men crazy. A short time later, Ben tells Greg, Myrna, and John that Rani said The Dean was going to kill them when he gets out. Myrna believes it is payback for letting Sean move in. Ben says Smiler claimed to have intel that could keep The Dean inside indefinitely and he said, “Flop, sponge, knee, 209” before dying. Utilizing the What3Words app, John learns that “flop, sponge, knee, 209” refers to a London storage facility that requires Smiler’s thumbprint to access. Myrna, John, and Myrna panic. Diane tells Ben that it would never work between them but promises to send him a nudie. She orders Ben and Greg to not fight over her.

Diane The Outlaws Amazon

Gabby tells Sarah that she has two months to decide if she wants a baby. Sarah reminds her that they have been together only three weeks. Elsewhere, Diane tells DS Lucy Haines that Selforth was asking questions about her, The Dean, and Rani. Haines declines her offer to go out for a drink.

Greg and John are struggling to remember where they buried Smiler’s body. Myrna asks if he said anything to Anne-Marie. Greg assures them that he can trust her but John disagrees. John tells them that he and Ruth (Amanda Drew) are separated. Greg says if several board members agree, they can force John Senior out. John shoves him backward on top of Smiler’s grave. Greg vomits while John angrily saws off Smiler’s thumbs when a dog walker (Ross Hatt) approaches. While the man calls the police, Greg lures the dog away with food to give them time to flee. Elsewhere, Sarah tells Gabby that she doesn’t want a baby. John makes a brief stop at home to promise Ruth that they will start being happy tomorrow.

Lucy confronts Selforth with Diane’s allegations. Laying her burner phone and Swiss bank account documents on the desk, he says it was Gaffer’s orders. She assures him that she has nothing to hide, grabs the evidence, and leaves. Elsewhere, John tells Hilgard that he is willing to vote John Senior out.

mural The Outlaws Amazon Prime Video

Forensics process the crime scene where Smiler’s body was found. Haines identifies him as The Dean’s man, Marshall Smiler. DS Tony Burgess (Ricky Grover) says he was an informant. He shows them CCTV footage of Rani driving Smiler’s car. In the prison yard, Big Dave threatens The Dean if he doesn’t close up shop. A short time later, Strickland (Nicholas Rowe) informs him that the Columbians, Jonas, Bowers, and Mullen have taken their business to the Albanians. The Dean says a serious threat will result in confessions. The police raid Ben’s flat. Selforth asks where he was last night. Ben claims to have been at home. Seeing the police, Rani flees when an officer finds a knife covered in blood.

At the London storage facility, Myrna and John utilize Smiler’s thumbprints to access locker #209. They discover a cellphone and a box of jewelry. Utilizing Smiler’s thumbprint, John opens the phone to find a video. Smiler informs his girlfriend that he is going to ask the Brainbox. He says if they can boost The Dean’s hard drive, it will be the end of him.

Diane testifies at The Dean’s trial. The Dean claims The Outlaws placed drugs in his car. Diane says they were in her sight at all times. Strickland reminds her that she was trapped in the porta-potty for 11 minutes. She denies the allegation. The attendees laugh at her nicknames. She holds back her tears. Elsewhere, Anne-Marie informs Greg of her decision to give Graeme a second chance. Elsewhere, Myrna tells Sean after he left for Canada, she set the police station on fire and a cop died. He says she made a mistake and should forgive herself.

Stan Amazon Prime Video

Greg informs Spencer that Gabby has refused The Grant’s settlement offer. Laughing, Spencer demeans Gabby and Greg. Hearing everything, Gabby grabs the phone and gives him a mouthful before ending the call. She tells Greg that Sarah left her. At the police station, Burgess questions Ben about Smiler’s death. Ben says Rani never killed Smiler. Burgess tells him that Smiler’s blood and Rani’s prints are on the knife found in his flat. Ben gets to go home because there is not enough evidence to charge him. Elsewhere, John tells his Uber passenger, Strickland, that he will get his job back on Monday. Strickland accuses John and his friends of setting The Dean up.

In disguise, Rani meets Greg and Ben outside the police station. Ben says her DNA was detected on the murder weapon. She claims Burgess murdered Smiler, not her. Ben and Greg don’t believe her. Elsewhere, Strickland asks John if he and/or his friends would go to court and say Rani, Ben, and Haines planted the drugs in The Dean’s car. John says that is a lie. Strickland warns him that The Dean will kill his family if he refuses to testify in his defense. Elsewhere, Rani pleads with Greg and Ben to help prove or innocence. The episode ends.


The Outlaws Review

Rani goes on the run after her DNA is discovered on the knife utilized to kill Smiler. John and Greg are forced to dig up Smiler’s body and cut off his thumbs. Smiler’s coded message leads to a storage unit in London. Myrna and John utilize Smiler’s thumbprints to open the unit where they discover a phone. A video reveals Smiler’s plan to boost The Dean’s hard drive which would keep him getting paroled.

Sarah wants nothing to do with a baby. The Earl offers Gabby a settlement deal of a quarter of what her mother left her. She declines the offer against Greg’s advice.

After John Senior declines to invest 40 grand into an HVAC for his manufacturing facility, Hilgard figures it is time for him to go. He asks John to speak to his father but he refuses. John attacks Greg when he suggests the board members force him out. He tells Hilgard that he will vote to have John Senior removed from the board.

Anne-Marie gets back together with her ex-husband.


An improvement from the first episode. The jokes aren’t always ha-ha funny but clever nonetheless. New revelations make the story more intriguing and worth watching. The episode deserves a 5.8 out of 10.

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