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The Outlaws Season 3 Episode 4 Recap

The episode opens with Burgess (Ricky Grover) getting The Dean/Liam Matheson (Claes Bang) up to speed on what he has been doing. In a flashback, he attacks Smiley “Smiler” Marshall (Rhys Yates) from behind, chokes him out, and injects drugs into his vein when Rani Rekowski (Rhianne Barreto) arrives. She races over to Smiler on the floor. Burgess tries to attack but she comes at him with a knife. He dislodges the knife from her hand and slings her across the room. Retrieving the knife, he starts to stab her but Smiler grabs his arm. A struggle ensues and ends with Smiler getting stabbed. Rani knocks Burgess out. He wakes up just in time to see Rani racing away in Smiler’s car. He later finds out Rani is living with Ben  (Gamba Cole) in Bristol. Smiler’s body is located in a shallow grave in the woods. During a search of Ben’s place, Burgess places the knife with Rani’s prints in a bag where a police officer later finds it. The Dean scolds Burgess for not taking care of Rani and Christian Taylor/Malaki (Charles Babalola).

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At the farm, Rani delegates John Halloran (Darren Boyd) and Myrna Okeke (Clare Perkins) to stake out The Dean’s house. Diane Pemberley (Jessica Gunnings) says a high-end architectural firm renovated the house several years ago. Lady Gabriella Penrose-Howe (Eleanor Tomlinson) volunteers to speak with someone at the firm. Gregory Dillard (Stephen Merchant) explains how a mobile phone periodically saves your location which is how he learned about his wife’s affair. Myrna tells them about Sean (Patrick Robinson) asking her to marry him and considers dumping him. John assures her that they will adapt to each other. Gabby questions if The Dean has a hard drive.

Christian utilizes a driver’s license under the alias, Benjamin Eastfield to gain access to The Dean. The police are looking for Christian after he escaped from witness protection. Christian offers to not testify against The Dean in exchange for Burgess leaving him alone and information stored on his hard drive. The Dean reluctantly agrees to wipe his hard drive in the presence of Christian after he is released. They strike a deal.

Diane accompanies Gabby to the architect firm acting as her bodyguard. She frisks the architect (Joe Coen) and asks him to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Gabby claims The Dean recommended the firm. He is surprised Gabby mingles with The Dean. She admits to snorting drugs and drinking alcohol. The man initially declines to discuss The Dean’s new security system until Gabby and Diane start toward the exit. Elsewhere, Ben and Rani share an awkward encounter. They are discussing The Dean when Tori (Silvia Presente) unexpectedly shows up with a bag of groceries. Rani seeks refuge but is soon found out. Ben is trying to explain what is going on when Christian approaches. He introduces Tori to Rani’s new boyfriend, Christian. Rani greets him with a kiss and escorts him into the house.

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In court, Spencer (Tom Hanson) gives Greg a huge smile. Greg suggests Gabby find a find solicitor because he is hopeless. She says he just needs someone to believe in him and that she does. Greg says before Gabby’s mother died, she made out a will and requested 4m pounds to be given to Gabby. He says The Earl (Richard E. Grant) misappropriated the funds to support his lavish lifestyle. The Earl claims the inheritance was invested in Gabby’s future. He says Gabby had started drinking and drugging heavily, so he maintained control of the money. He wins over the jury. Gabby calls him a liar. Spencer is thrilled.

Rani tells Christian that she still has feelings for Ben. He questions if she just doesn’t want him to be with Tori. She claims to miss him and asks for his advice. He suggests telling the truth and leaving it up to Ben. Elsewhere, John informs Ruth (Amanda Drew) of his and Hilgard’s (Gerard Horan) plan to vote out John Halloran Senior (Ian McElhinney) as CEO. No longer interested in what he has to say, she shuts the door in his face.

Myrna tells Sean about dealing drugs and stealing money from a drug lord. A short time later, Sean packs his bags. In court, Spencer asks Gabby to confirm her signature on withdrawal documents. She says it is her signature but denies knowing what it was she was signing. The Earl’s solicitor runs Gabby until she becomes irate. While waiting on the verdict, Gabby tells Greg that The Earl put the family estate into her trust to keep her stepmother, Vivian, from getting it. Greg asks if she ever signed it back but she doesn’t remember.

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Doris (Patricia England) tells Rani and Ben that Smiler’s wife, Josie Campbell (Chanel Waddock) is planning to relocate to Portugal. Holding a box of jewelry from Smiler’s locker, Rani suggests it is Josie’s nest egg. Doris notifies Burgess that Rani and Ben en route to Stansted Airport to find Josie. Elsewhere, Helgard calls John to tell him that the board voted 50/50 to remove John Senior and his vote will seal the deal. Sean asks John if he believes that will solve anything. John believes it will make him happy. Rani and Ben are at the airport looking for Josie.

After searching through the 40-something boxes of files, Greg is unable to find a deed that shows Gabby signed the family estate back over to The Earl. Spencer warns of what losing Gabby’s case will look like for Greg. A new settlement offer of 500K pounds is now on the table. Greg rejects the offer and walks out of the meeting.

At the airport, Rani shows Ben a photo of them when they were in high school. Josie refuses to talk to them until Rani reveals Smiler’s phone. Burgess races toward the airport. John drops Sean off at the airport. Sean urges him to reconsider. John claims Myrna stole drugs to save her friends’ lives. Sean says she also plans to break into a drug lord’s house. John says she wants to stop him from hurting the people that she loves. Josie weeps while watching Smiler’s video. She tells them that the hard drive is evidence of The Dean’s drug operation. Burgess enters the airport. Rani asks if Smiler knew where The Dean’s safe was located. Rosie says it was concealed behind a horse. Ben spots Burgess. Rani races to catch up with Rosie to give her the jewelry box. Spotting Rani, Burgess orders the exits locked. Ben unknowingly blocks one of the doors with Sean’s suitcase. Rani narrowly escapes before Burgess reaches the door. Sean retrieves his bent suitcase while Burgess frantically orders the doors to be opened. Rani and Ben speed away from the airport.

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In court, Gabby pulls Greg away from the counsel table. He tells her that there is no evidence of her deeding the estate to The Earl. She orders him to accept the settlement offer. He pleads with her to believe in him. Back in court, he asks The Earl if he transferred the estate to Gabby’s trust to protect it from Vivian. Spencer presents the deed to the judge. Gabby confirms it is her signature on the deed. Greg apologizes to Gabby before seeing the date, August 7. The Earl insults Greg’s rental suit. Greg asks if Gabby’s mother died on August 4. The Earl doesn’t remember exactly. Greg says The Earl had Gabby put into a mental institution when her mother died. He says if Gabby was not deemed of sound mind, the deed is null and void. Irate, The Earl admits Gabby was not of sound mind and angrily says she is sick in the head like her mother. He tells Gabby that her mother was a drug addict who took her own life and calls her an ungrateful “b**ch.” Greg holds Gabby’s hand.

The Dean’s house is guarded by armed guards and dogs. The Dean’s wife emerges from the house and gets in a vehicle. Myrna and John pursue the vehicle until he comes to a stop. The Dean’s wife exits the vehicle and goes inside. Myrna listens as John reads Sean’s book about pushing people away and becoming lonely and isolated. The Dean’s wife returns with their two children. In court, the judge awards Gabby her family estate valued at 25m pounds. The crowd cheers. Gabby embraces Greg. A short time later, Spencer complements Greg. Gabby tells The Earl that he can remain living at the estate because she loves him.

Outside Halloran & Son – John hears a news report about Gabby winning her case against The Earl. He listens to Gabby’s speech about her relationship with her father from here on out. She says her happiness is down to her. A short time later, Hilgard calls for a vote of no confidence in John Senior. John votes the motion down. Hilgard reminds him that he asked him to do it. John accepts the blame before walking out of the board meeting. Elsewhere, Sean returns to Bristol to propose to Myrna again. Myrna says yes and embraces him.

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John arrives at Effie’s (Evelyn Temple) birthday party. John Senior tells Ruth that John didn’t have the guts to vote him out. John hugs and forgives him. Irate, John Senior denies doing anything to him. John says he forgives him again and walks out. Ruth tells John that she is proud of him and invites him over for dinner. He accepts.

Ben tells Rani that her kissing Christian felt weird. She starts to tell him something but Tori interrupts. Elsewhere, Christian tells Burgess that someone would pay a lot of money for The Dean’s hard drive. Burgess accepts his deal with a stern warning.

Greg tells Rani that the judge is going to throw out The Dean case and he will be released tomorrow. He says they are all dead. Elsewhere, The Dean laughs like an evil jester.


The Outlaws Review

The Earl wins over the judge and jury. Greg is ready to throw in the towel until he learns the Penrose-Howe estate was placed into Gabby’s trust fund during The Earl’s divorce proceedings. If Gabby had never deeded the estate back to The Earl, he could win the case. The Earl presents a deed in court. Greg is sure he lost the case until he sees the date is two days before Gabby’s mother died. The judge awards the estate to Gabby who agrees to let The Earl stay there.

John is determined to remove John Senior as the CEO of the family business. Gabby’s speech about her father urges him to reconsider. John Senior insults him in front of Ruth. John tells him that he forgives him. Ruth is so proud of him that she invites him to dinner.

Sean is ready to give up on Myrna until John tells him that everything was to protect her friends. He proposes again and this time, Myrna accepts

Greg is frantic when he learns The Dean’s case will to be thrown out. The Outlaws have 24 hours to get the hard drive and save their lives.


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