season 3 the Mallorca files recap max miranda

The Mallorca Files Season 3 Episode 1 Recap

All That Glitters – As the episode opens with Max Winter (Julian Looman) watching a news report about Alberto Alvarez’s (Julio Perillan) invention, a solid gold compass, that is now the target of the biggest treasure hunt in Mallorca. During an interview, Alvarez disputes claims of his Golden Legacy being a scam and attributes it not being found to his unsolved puzzle. The interviewer (Vanessa Castro) asks about threats to his life. He plays down the threats and assures her that his puzzle is solvable. Max receives a call from Miranda Blake (Ellen Rhys). He informs her of his father, Thomas Winter’s (Philippe Brenninkmeyer) impending visit. She asks what is the purpose of his visit. He says Thomas wants to meet his future daughter-in-law. Thomas is unaware of Max’s relationship with Carmen. When he mentions The Golden Legacy, Miranda insists it is a hoax. He disputes her claim and suggests it is hidden on the left sideof the island. He imagines Alberto assuring him that it is hidden in Mallorca. Max forgets about Miranda on the phone. A short time later, a masked man forces Alberto into a white van in front of the TV station.

The abductor puts a 24-hour deadline on Alberto’s life unless he gives up the Golden Compass. Miranda tells Max that Alberto’s phone is turned off. Max says Alberto claims only he and one other person knows where it is buried but he never identified the individual. Alberto’s house is surrounded by the media when Max and Miranda arrive. Felipe Alvarez (Federico Trujillo) and Reyna Alvarez (Elena Saurel) deny knowing about the threats on Alberto’s life until they watched his interview. They claim Alberto accused them of stealing 50 euros from him about six months ago. Still living at home, Reyna is an inspiring actress and Felipe is a paid video gamer. Felipe sarcastically says Alberto is disappointed in them. A search of Alberto’s office turns up Golden Legacy clues which impress Max. He imagines himself and Miranda swapping the Golden Compass for Alberto. Miranda yells his name to bring him about to reality. She tells him that Edmund Burgess threatened to file a multi-million-euro lawsuit against Alberto but didn’t. He happily sticks Alberto’s Golden Legacy notes in his pocket, claiming it is evidence.

Thomas The Mallorca Prime Video

Thomas scolds Max for not picking him up at the airport. Max tells him that he is working on a missing person case. Thomas is none too happy when he learns Max has to return to work. Max hurriedly picks up trash in his car which he blames on Miranda. Thomas assumed he was dating Carmen, not Miranda. A short time later, Max tells Miranda about his meeting with Thomas who thought he was dating her. They fill Ines Villegas (Maria Fernandez Ache) in on their progress. Max pushes a board filled with Alberto’s Golden Compass notes and a map in her office. He shows her an area on the map where he believes the Golden Legacy is hidden. Miranda points out that the area is around 900 square kilometers. He says Alberto left a clue near Es Pontas. Ines says that is a rock in the sea. Miranda refuses to believe any of it is real.

Max and Miranda take a boat out to the rock in the sea near Es Pontas. After locating a Mallorca flag, they discover eyes engraved into two rocks. Following the direction of the eyes, she finds a rock with a unique engraving. Their boat floats away from the island which she immediately blames on his knot. They wave down an approaching boat. Ned (Michael Jibson) and Barbara (Caroline Sheen) pull the boat to the shore. Ned asks if they found the clue. Miranda claims it is six. He says they have already found seven clues but refuses to help solve the puzzle and rescue Alberto, even though, they are the police. In 19 hours, Alberto will be dead.

Max returns home to find Thomas engrossed in a new report about missing Alberto. Christian (Denis Schmidt) tells him about his and Thomas’ boring three-hour visit to the Military Museum. Thomas claims to have enjoyed it before saying Alberto utilized the Alberti cipher and the next clue is cannons. The Military Museum has four cannons. A short time later, Miranda tells Max that Alberto utilized his own three million euros to acquire the gold for the compass. He questions how Alberto could afford it on a teaching salary. Later, they question Felipe and Reyna about a 6000-euro cash withdrawal from Alberto’s bank account. Filipe defensively denies knowing anything about the money. Miranda suggests only Alberto knows where the Golden Legacy is hidden. Max assures them that they will find the compass. Upon leaving, Miranda confronts Max about his promise to find the compass. He claims to have wanted to give them hope.

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Ines informs Max and Miranda that Dev Harris (Madhav Deval) rented the white fan from Budget Van. He returned it today. Max tries to explain his theory on Alberto’s puzzle but Miranda insists he focus on the case. Recalling Alberto’s photo of a boy holding a shark, Max writes Miranda a note before leaving. Later, he and Thomas go scuba diving at a local aquarium. Discovering Max’s note, Miranda goes to the aquarium. Max and Thomas strategize to solve the Roca X Yore code. Under an arch, Thomas discovers a metal chest with a number “7” engraving. Max waves at Miranda. She demands he get out. Thomas invites Max to dinner because he needs to tell him something when an angry Miranda approaches. Max shows her the 7 inside the chest. She slams the lid shut and hurriedly greets Thomas before leaving with Max to meet with Felipe. At the police station, Felipe claims Alberto told him where the Golden Compass is hidden, in case, he finds himself in danger. He says Alberto said Reyna stole money from him. Max tears open the envelope to discover a coordinates that is on the opposite side of the island.

Max digs until he discovers a metal box. He opens the lid to reveal the Golden Compass. Later, Miranda tells Max that Alberto taught Dev in school. Roberto (Alex Hafner) tells them that the compass is not the Golden Legacy but a brass prototype. A short time later, Max and Miranda arrest Dev in connection with Alberto’s abduction. Ines tells them that Alberto’s body has been found. At the crime scene, Roberto suggests Alberto died after being hit on the head, was dropped from a cliff, and washed up there. A bottle of prescription Cytoxan was discovered in his pocket. Later, Reyna and Felipe are distraught after learning about Alberto’s death. Miranda tells them that he was undergoing chemotherapy treatments for bladder cancer. Reyna and Felipe appear to be surprised by the revelation.

Miranda tells Max that Alberto sold his Bitcoin for three million euros. Edmund Burgess loaned him the money to invest in Bitcoin more than 10 years ago. He was planning to revise his will. Ines scolds Max for his scuba diving expedition because the locals believe they failed Alberto. When the police found Dev, he was in possession of 5000 euros. He claims to have liked Alberto. Miranda says he is dead. Shocked, he claims Alberto paid him 5000 euros to abduct him. A short time later, they arrive at a location where Dev dropped off Alberto. Max and Miranda discover a nice living space inside the building. Edmund Burgess is actually Ned.

Ned claims Alberto refused to share his profit from his Bitcoin investment with him. He admits to helping Alberto with his puzzle but denies killing him. Barbara gives Ned an alibi. Roberto says their house is clean. Miranda identifies the painting on Alberto’s puzzle as the “Saints Bartholomew and John with Donor.” The St. Bartholomew church in Palma was formerly called Santa Maria. Upon arriving at St. Bartholomew, Max and Miranda discover a hidden floor hatch that leads to a room where they discover the number, “17” engraved in the ceiling. Knowing they are being pursued, Max yells, “18.” Ned thanks them, locks the door, and leaves. While Max looks for a way out, a priest unlocks the door. Later, Max and Miranda visit the location where the Golden Compass is buried.

Roberto season 3 recap the Mallorca files

At the police station, Max cracks the passcode to access Alberto’s laptop. Utilizing the Serpent’s Tooth app, Max discovers a tracking device inside the brass compass. Upset over Alberto’s death, Thomas insists Max return to Munich because he doesn’t have what it takes to be a police officer. He scolds Max for not taking care of his car. Max says, “How much sharper than a serpent’s took it is to have a thankless child.” He apologizes to Thomas for letting him down before leaving with Miranda to track the tracking device. Max believes Alberto told Reyna and Felipe where the Golden Compass is hidden. Felipe turned Alberto’s coordinates over the police while Reyna kept hers. They pursue Reyna with the compass. Reyna’s vehicle veers off the road and is left hanging on a cliff. The back doors open and the Gold Compass is near to falling into the sea. Max and Miranda hold down the front of her vehicle. In a flashback, Reyna and Alberto are in a heated argument when she shoves him. He falls back, hits his head, and slumps to the floor. She hits him with the compass.

Max proudly shows Thomas a Mallorca Times with him and Miranda on the front page. Miranda compliments Max and tells Thomas that he should be proud of him. A short time later, Max and Miranda find Ned and Barbara searching for the Gold Legacy. He refuses to dig up the real compass. They pay each other a compliment as the episode ends.


The Mallorca Files Review

A typical modern crime drama. Nothing about it stands out. The story is bland, corny, and predictable.

Miranda is better than Max at everything. She is patronizing and comes off as a prude. There are moments when she is at least likeble.

The series’ strongest quality is its acting. The writing is weak, long-winded, and juvenile. Story progression is slow and tedious. The episode drags on for what seems like forever. The episode deserves a 5.5 out of 10.

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