The Lost Flowers Of Alice Hart Season 1 Episode 2 Recap

tv series lost flowers of alice hart

Wattle – As this episode of The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart begins, Agnes Hart (Tilda Cobham-Hervey) tells Clem (Charlie Vickers) and the others to be careful out on the boat. Alice yells goodbye to her mother. June Hart (Sigourney Weaver) calls Alice’s name before Alice notices that her covers are wet. June wants her to get up and get into the shower. Twig (Leah Purcell) gets her some clothes. Twig and June discuss whether it is going to be good to have a child on the farm or whether they’ll screw up another one.

Twig says every day is a chance to start over. She wonders if they should put Agnes’s room back. June doesn’t think they should since she doesn’t know Agnes was there. Alice comes in with her dress on seconds later. Alice is introduced to Stella (Renee Lim), Myf (Dalara Williams), May (Bree Bain), Rosie (Amy Kersey), Vlinda (Helana Sawires), and Boo. Candy Blue (Frankie Adams) comes in and says hello. She makes a toast and welcomes Alice to Thornfield. June takes Alice outside and tells her about Thornfield which was started by her great-great-grandmother, Ruth. It could be Alice’s one day. While June shows her how to cut the flowers, Alice remembers being with Agnes.

John Morgan (Alexander England) learns that Agnes wanted the will amended to include her unborn child. Sally Morgan (Asher Keddie) believes she must’ve thought she was in danger. John wonders why she’d name these two people guardians when she barely knew his wife. June Hart told him that she didn’t know Agnes. John needs copies of the will because he’ll have to update the coroner. Sally asks Mr. Wheeler what it’d take for June to be declared unfit to be Alice’s guardian. He says it could be for health reasons or drug and alcohol dependence. A criminal record could do it as well. June tells Stella that Paddy is out of jail.

Alice walks into an old building nearby. June catches her and tells her to never come in there again because it is dangerous. A young Clem is shown looking inside. June goes through a box of items belonging to Agnes and Clem. Candy suspects Alice’s dad never told her about Thornfield or her. She reveals she is Alice’s aunt although not by birth. June and Twig found her by the river and took her in. Alice notices a scar on the palm of her hand. Candy offers to show her the path to the river, but she has to go straight there and come straight back. Once Alice walks down there, she finds names carved into a tree nearby. It looks like one name has been scratched out.

Alice remembers being on the boat with Clem who asks her to do the hula. He seems to get upset when she can’t do it on the boat. In the present, Alice hears someone calling her name and sees something in the water. She remembers Clem pushing her out of the boat. In the present, Oggi (Luc Barrett) pulls Alice out of the water. He says he used to live there when his mom was a flower. Now, he lives in town behind the diner. When Alice goes back, she hears Candy and Twig talking about her. June can’t believe Candy let her go to the river by herself. Once they find her, Alice begins panicking. They try to calm her and tell her that they’re not going to hurt her.

At the police station, John looks up June in the system. He finds multiple incidents of violence. He receives the files as well as Agnes’s original will. John speaks to Sally about Agnes naming her guardian. He has found out that they knew each other two years ago, but Sally claims they didn’t. She says Agnes came to Gemma’s funeral although she didn’t really know her. John asks if she knew what was going on with Clem back then. Sally says there were hints, but she didn’t know for certain. She didn’t tell him certain things because she didn’t think they mattered. John says there are things in June’s history although he describes it as complicated. Twig tells June that she spoke to Alice’s nurse at the hospital.

Alice has had these sorts of panic attacks before. Dr. Harris thought Alice should be in therapy for PTSD and anxiety. He also suggested drugs. Candy goes to the diner where Oggi’s mom tells him to go do his homework. Paddy (Jeremy Lindsay Taylor) speaks to her and learns she is making deliveries. Sally gets a drink. She is told she might have a shot now that she is in the will. McCormack tells her about June’s interesting record which has many assaults. Brooke Jansen (Emma Lung) tells her that they had a call at the hospital and Alice had another panic attack. Paddy wants to get to know Candy a little better. In the morning, Alice finds a note from Oggi saying he didn’t want to get her into trouble.

Then, she hangs out with Boo and the others. Sally calls June to ask how Alice is doing. June claims she is doing fine and asking a lot of questions. June denies that Alice has been having panic attacks. Sally tells her that a solicitor contacted them because Agnes changed her will before she died. She appointed Sally as Alice’s guardian. June wants to know more about being called unfit. Sally says she is taking steps to get custody before asking if she can speak to Alice. John hangs up the phone and asks Sally what the heck she is doing. June gives Alice the Thornfield Language of Flowers which was started by her great-great grandmother.

Alice writes a note asking if her mom was ever there. June says no. The girls celebrate Stella’s birthday and she receives a gift from Paddy. It is their wedding rings from the night he beat her and she lost the baby. In private, June tells Twig that they shouldn’t move Stella because that would put her in more danger. She is going to find this guy and get rid of him. As they research him, Candy is shocked to see who it is. She admits she saw him at the diner. June takes Alice for a ride. Sally goes to the station where McCormack tells her that there is no love lost between June and the police. She refuses to let them on her property without a warrant.

The officer says the locals out there think the farm is some sort of lesbian cult. His mate said he’d be happy to keep an eye out on her and apply pressure on June. Another kid asks Oggi why Alice can’t speak. He says she was in a fire. It burned down her house and took away her voice. The other boy says he should’ve guessed she is one of those Thornfield “retards”. Oggi takes up for her only to be hit by the other boy. Alice attacks the boy and beats him with her lunchbox. An officer pulls June over for a random breath test. When John calls her later, she asks about harassing her. June warns him that she doesn’t scare easily.

She tells him to call off his boys or she’ll have them done for harassment. Alice asks Oggi who told him about the fire. He says his mom did. Twig finally arrives to pick Alice up. Oggi receives another note from Alice saying it wasn’t an accident and it was her fault. At home, June questions what people are calling them now. Some people in this town don’t like the idea of women running a farm. John asks Sally what she was thinking going behind his back. Sally reminds him that he never told her about June’s assault. He didn’t tell her because June was the victim in every one of them. June goes to the pub to see Paddy who isn’t interested in her.

He wants her to stay away from him. June asks if he is going to hit her. June tells him that he only beats up young, pregnant girls. Paddy says he isn’t going to fall for it. John understands the guilt and he misses their daughter too. Paddy beats up June. He leaves her bloody on the ground. June goes back and carves a line in a tree. As Twig tends to her wounds, June says she got him. Stella thanks June in the morning. When Alice sees her face, June says she decided to clean out the greenhouse and got whacked in the face by a branch. John asks Sally why Clem Hart was carving their daughter. Sally eventually says Gemma was Clem’s daughter.

Alice looks through books and finds Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland. It has a message to Agnes. Clem wrote that the book reminds him of Agnes. Alice remembers Clem pushing her into the water and leaving her until she is saved.


The Lost Flowers Of Alice Hart Review

Through two episodes, The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart has an interesting premise with the potential of getting very bleak and emotional. However, it hasn’t been able to reach an emotional high at this point. One of the biggest issues right now is the pacing considering that the story is moving at glacial speeds and there are still so many episodes left.

It is also concerning that so many twists are being thrown into this already. If it goes any further, the story is going to become unbelievable. It seems like the story is building up to something and it’ll hopefully be impactful when it finally reaches its climax. Until then, it may require a lot of patience to get to the finish line.

The performances are pretty good and even the youngsters are doing a good job here. With a few tweaks, this could’ve been harder-hitting and grittier though. The episode scores a 6 out of 10. Recaps of The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart can be found on Reel Mockery here. Find out how to support our independent site at this link. Learn more about advertising on Reel Mockery here.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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