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The Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 4 Recap

Eldest – As this episode of The Rings of Power begins, Galadriel (Morfydd Clark) still hasn’t received word from Lord Celebrimbor (Charles Edwards). Elrond (Robert Aramayo) tells her they should take the Axa Bridge. At the High King’s urging, Elrond agreed to make her First Lieutenant, but he wants to make sure she does his bidding. They find the bridge destroyed. Galadriel believes Sauron was responsible. Camnir is asked about other paths they can take. Camnir (Calam Lynch) says they can go south through the Hills of Tyrn Gorthad. Galadriel has a vision and tells the other there is evil in those hills. She believes Sauron wants them to go that way so they should take another path. Elrond decides to take the team south anyway. The Stranger (Daniel Weyman) searches for Nori Brandyfoot (Markella Kavenagh) and Poppy Proudfellow (Megan Richards).

Adar rings of power s02e03

He runs into a goat farmer. The Stranger asks him about the stars above his hills before losing his paper. Moments later, the Stranger gets entangled in a tree. Nori and Poppy wake up and don’t know where they are. They have to flee when they see a man on a horse. Merimac (Gavi Singh Chera) asks where they came from. They suspect he stole the water he’s carrying. Merimac tries to get away from them and prevent them from coming to his village. He tells them they’re about to meet The Gund who is their dwell leader. Merimac tells them the four rules. Before long, they enter the village and learn that they’re among Stoors. Gundable Earthauler (Tanya Moodie) complains about Merimac bringing them to the village. Poppy ends up arguing with her and tells her to be nicer to him.

Nori tells them about the Stranger and their journey. Gundable believes the only wizard is the Dark Wizard. She makes her people tie up Nori and Poppy. Brank (Yasen Yates Atour) speaks to the Dark Wizard (Ciaran Hinds) about the Istar who is already more powerful than they expected. They’re searching for Poppy and Nori. Brank swears they’ll be captured soon enough. The Wizard tells him to let the Harfoots be his sole concern. He will see to the Istar himself. The goat farmer saves the Stranger and reveals they used to call him Tom Bombadil (Rory Kinnear). The Stranger takes a bath before being told to join Tom once he’s finished. He asks Tom if someone is with him because he heard a woman singing. Tom says no. Tom asks what he was hoping to find under the stars. The Stranger was hoping to find his friends.

Tom tells him how this place used to be green. They talk about the tree. The Stranger asks Tom if he can teach him magic. Tom tells him a wizard’s staff is like a man. It’s his to wield already if he proves himself worthy. Today, he’s proven that he’s not ready. They soon learn that they’re not alone. Tom says the stranger is not the first Istar who has eaten honey by his fire. The dark wizard was there many years ago. Now, he controls much of Rhun. He may team with Sauron to get even more control. The Stranger learns it’s his task to face them both. Elrond, Daemor (Oliver Alvin-Wilson), and the others travel through Tyrn Gorthad or the Barrow-downs. One of the men sees eyeballs in the darkness. He tells Galadriel he thought he heard a song or the memory of a song. They find the group the King possibly sent to warn Celebrimbor.

nori tv show rings of power finale

Galadriel says they must leave. Daemor is grabbed and dragged away. Galadriel and the others are approached by Barrow-wights. They soon realize that the Barrow-wights are invulnerable to their weapons. Elrond leads them elsewhere to get weapons as Galadriel is dragged away. Elrond saves her and gives her a weapon. Elrond explains the lore says only the blades they were buried with will return such creatures to rest. Isildur (Maxim Baldry) and others search for Theo (Tyroe Muhafidin). Arondir (Ismael Cruz Cordova) is surprised that the Wildmen left all their weapons. Arondir tells Isildur that Theo has survived much worse. In the morning, they talk about raiding their camps. Arondir doesn’t think this was done by mortal men. Estrid (Nia Towle) tells them they should look north. They begin gathering water and provisions. Arondir asks Estrid about spending time among the Wildmen.

She says she was hiding. He asks about the wound on her neck. Estrid claims she fell asleep near the fire. Arondir grabs her and discloses the burn. He explains that the Wildmen do it to hide the Mark of Adar. As they travel, Isildur accuses Estrid of using him all this time. They stop and Arondir tells them that Theo wasn’t taken by men at all. Theo wakes up and finds himself held captive with Hagen (Gabriel Akuwudike) and Ammred (Murray McArthur). Isildur ends up getting stuck in mud. Arondir attempts to free him. They both go under. Estrid is left alone. She manages to help them. Arondir kills the monster that he decides to call supper. Gundabale tells Nori and Poppy that they’re going to be cast out at sunrise. She learns that Sadoc was their leader’s name. Gundabale tells her there is a story that there was a Stoor that wasn’t like the others.

He promised to find the Suzat and send someone back to get the others. Nori suspects this means Harfoots have been there before. Gundabale questions whether Nori is there to lead them back to the Suzat. Nori doesn’t think Rorimas ever found the Suzat. They don’t have a home. They’re warned that riders are approaching. Before long, Gundabale is confronted by Brank. He wants to know about the Haroofts. Gundabale refuses to tell him anything. Galadriel tells Elrond she believes following the ring may be their only path to victory. She can see everything they stand to lose if they fail in the task before them. Elrond’s father saw that one day Celebrimbor’s life would be in his hands. Galadriel knows there will be more painful sacrifices. She has a vision. She asks Elrond to put opposing Sauron above all other considerations even her life.

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Elrond refuses to make such promises. He promises that defeating Sauron comes before all else. They’re interrupted because the others have heard drums. Isildur removes Estrid’s cuffs. She takes his sword and says forgiveness doesn’t come to folk like her. Estrid believes they’ll cast her out sooner or later. Arondir aims his bow at her. Isildur promises not to let them cast her out. Arondir sees feathers and yells for Estrid to drop the sword. She’s knocked to the ground. Arondir tries to stop the tree from attacking. Winterbloom asks if he’s used an ax on a tree. Arondir admits he has so Winterbloom and others come after him. He says the sword is for killing words and not trees. He is told there was an army of orcs maiming and murdering as they marched. The spilling sap and burning branch called to them from afar. Winterbloom alleges Arondir is no different than them.

Arondir asks for forgiveness. He says they will see to it that the trees of this wood are left in peace. Theo is returned to Arondir. Isildur checks on Estrid. Hagen rushes over when he sees her. Isildur seems upset that they’re back together. Theo thanks Arondir for coming and keeping his promise. Arondir must find the orcs and possibly confront Adar. He invites Theo to come with him. Theo says he has promises of his own to keep. The orcs march together. Elrond and the others believe they’ve found Adar. Elrond wants to warn the High King before their host sails for Mordor. Arrows are shot nearby. The orcs shoot arrows at a horse before continuing on their way. One of Elrond’s men is hit. The orcs hear him. Borzag (Kai Martin) and the others approach. Galadriel manages to heal Camnir. She offers the ring to Elrond. Then, she confronts the orcs alone.

Galadriel kills a few and takes the horse. Elrond and the others continue. Elrond tells Camnir she sacrificed herself to save the ring. Galadriel is knocked from the horse and confronted by Adar (Sam Hazeldine).


The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power Review

This episode of The Rings of Power was a bit tedious from start to finish, but it improved near the end. The series has definitely become too bloated and ambitious. That’s clear enough from the constant jumping back and forth while leaving characters out of entire episodes. The problem is that only a few of the characters are actually intriguing and they’re getting less attention than ever and their intrigue is quickly dwindling.

It’s probably going to get worse when all the characters and side stories are crammed into single episodes. There should be more focus on what has actually worked and what is genuinely interesting. Sauron could be a major force here, but the character wasn’t even in this episode. When Sauron is present, the character is too weak.

The series is likely bloated because the writers are trying to tick as many lore boxes are possible. In return, the ticked boxes just feel flat and have little to no emotional impact. It’s just too much and many of the characters are just there to be there. The episode was watchable, but I wouldn’t expect any thrilling, edge-of-your-seat moments here.

It scores a 5 out of 10. Recaps of The Rings of Power can be found here. Find out how to support our independent voice at this link. Learn more about advertising with us here. See what others are saying here.

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