The Longest Night Season 1 Finale Recap

The Longest Night Season 1 Episode 6 Recap

The show begins with Simon Lago (Luis Callejo) and Hugo Roco (Alberto Ammann) on the prison rooftop. Simon warns Hugo of what will happen if he doesn’t call his friends.

2015 – Simon repeats the same routine every morning before heading to work. He sticks his hand in a pot of boiling water. While wrapping his hand in gauze, a woman suggests he see a doctor. He pretends to go for coffee but returns to stab her to death.

2021 – Simon opens a package found on his doorstep. A man who has tape over his mouth is tied to a chair in the other room. The package contains a cellphone that Simon utilizes to make a call.

Guards The Longest Night Netflix

Back to the present – Lennon (Jose Luis Garcia Perez) orders his men to set up a barricade and shoot anyone caught leaving the prison. He informs Richi (Fran Berenguer) that Hugo’s daughter, Laura Roca (Maria Caballero) is being held. Richi questions who ordered the kidnapping of Hugo’s daughter if Simon never made any calls or knew it would be Baruca.

Dr. Elisa Montero (Barbara Goenaga) informs Bastos (Xabier Deive) that Dr. Emilio Espada (Adolfo Fernandez) was shot by Cherokee (Daniel Albaladejo). He suggests she hide Guillermo Roca (Ivan Renedo) and Alicia Roca (Zoe Arnao) before the inmates turn on each other. She tells him that Espada wouldn’t be dead if he did his job.

Diego (Jean Cruz) and Willy (Cesar Mateo) encounter Simon and Hugo while looking for Macarena Montes (Sabela Aran). Simon claims to have shoved Montes off the roof to stop her from handing him over. Hugo and Diego restrain Willy from attacking Simon. Bastos informs Hugo of Sara Oliver Gomez (Laia Manzanares) being a former Baruca inmate. Diego says Sara installed jammers to interfere with the landline.

Manuela The Longest Night Netflix

By the time, Bastos makes his way to Red Block, Lennon and his men are cutting through the door. Bastos suggests they open the door, shoot, and immediately shut it back. The plan is aborted when they see guards being held hostage over the other side of the door. Several guards are shot before the door closes.

Cherokee informs the other inmates of their escape route through the gym bathroom floor. Lupe (Laura Baena) asks if someone walked the escape passage. Nuria (Lucia Diez) asks what’s the plan once they are outside. Cherokee tells them it will be everyone for themselves. Carmelo (Jose Alias) assures them that no one is being forced to escape. Cherokee orders Manuela Monoz (Cecilia Freire), Sara, and Carmela to go with him. Jeringa (Javier Badalo) says he is in. Javi (David Solans) warns Bastos is armed.

Sara tells Rey (Pablo Alama) that they need to escape if he still wants her help. When he questions Cherokee’s escape plan, she warns him they will be killed.

Sara The Longest Night Netflix

Rosa (Elisa Matilla) and Chema Lopez (Paco Marin) receive an order to shoot Lara if Simon doesn’t contact them by 1am. Chema reminds her that they have never heard of Simon. She assures him that he will call. He warns no one will die at their hands.

Hugo asks Bastos about his children. Bastos tells him that Elisa and the children are hiding somewhere. Pincho (Simon Ramos) approaches while the guards discuss Simon. Diego looks up at Pincho just as he shoots the bird before fleeing. Willy works on a vehicle while Bastos leads Simon away.

Simon The Longest Night Netflix

Javi tells Nuria that he killed six of his friends.

Cherokee is with Espada when Carmelo suggests they not waste another minute. Espada warns the guards will not allow them to escape. Cherokee orders him to wait 30 minutes before leaving the room.

Rey shows Sara his gun. Lupe tells Cherokee that she is staying behind. Nuria and Ravi agree to escape. Manuela describes what Cherokee did for her as “beautiful.” He promises to protect her.

As Bastos restrains Simon, Hugo warns there is little time to waste. Bastos asks if he received a complaint against him. Hugo admits to filing the report. Bastos asks why. Hugo offers to make it disappear if he frees Simon. Bastos tells him that the roof can be reached from Green Block. As Hugo prepares to leave, Simon tells him that Valentino is waiting on his call. After a brief discussion, Hugo runs out of the room.

Cherokee The Longest Night Netflix

Pincho tells them there are six guards and Hugo. Cherokee reminds him there are more inmates than guards. When Rey and Sara leave the room, Jeringa orders them to stay. Rey knocks him out before fleeing. Cherokee gives Manuela a gun as the inmates rush out of the room.

Bastos takes a picture of Ruso (Roberto Alamo). While removing his handcuffs, Bastos reminds him of their deal to make his complaint go away. They head to where Simon is being held.

Willy and Hugo get the truck started.

Bastos takes Ruso to Simon. He tells him that Simon killed Montes. When Bastos refuses to convince Cherokee to free Sara, Ruso alerts Lennon to his bringing Simon out when the Red Block door opens.  Lennon orders his men to put the guards in front of the door for their own protection.

Hugo The Longest Night Netflix

Ruso orders Willy and two other guards to the floor while Bastos opens the door. Bastos tries to help a pregnant Raquel (Paula Morado) but Lennon demands her to get down. Lennon threatens Simon before asking who knew he was in Baruca. Hugo mows the attackers before heading to the exit. Bastos and Willy flee the area. Lennon turns around to find Simon has disappeared.

Bastos and Willy encounter the inmates. After knocking Bastos out, Cherokee retrieves his keys when of Lennon’s men start firing. The inmates flee while one Lennon’s men attack Cherokee. Hugo rushes up the stairs.

At 12:57pm, Rosa hurriedly gags Lara while Chema tries to convince her to stop.

Lennon’s men head in Hugo’s direction.

Lara The Longest Night Netflix

Chema tells Rosa it is time to contact the police. Rosa points the gun at Lara’s forehead when the phone rings. When Chema answers the phone, Hugo says, “Valentina is waiting.” Lara has a heart attack. Hugo listens to the phone ring while having a flashback of Lara at the hospital.

Six Hours Earlier – Chema and a young girl are watching TV. While the girl picks up her bike, Rosa retrieves a box from her doorstep. She opens the box to find two syringes and a vial of medicine inside a wallet, a cellphone and a handgun. After retrieving a message on the phone, she rushes out the door to find the young girl missing.

Back to the present – Lennon finds Hugo on the roof. After removing his mask, he assures him that if he’d known, he would’ve found Lara. Hugo reminds him of how they killed three guards. Lennon accuses him of deceiving the inmates and guards before hitting him. Hugo asks why they didn’t want Simon to meet with the judge. Lennon threatens to kill him when the police arrive. Hugo claims the police have no idea cops were involved in the attack. Lennon orders Ruso to lock down the prison.

Manuela finds Espada hiding in a corner.

Lennon The Longest Night Netflix

Ruso orders his men to lock down the prison. Shocked, Willy says he pulled it off.

Elisa and the children secure a hiding place.

The client (Alejandro Tous) informs Lennon of Chema’s suicide. He tells his wife (Paula Garcia Sabio) that there was an attack at the prison.

When a masked man discovers Elisa’s hiding place, Simon strangles him to death.

Raquel goes into labor.

Lennon assures Hugo that no one was aware Simon was being sent to Baruca. Hugo suggests someone is helping him.

Chema performs CPR on Lara. A photo of the client, Rosa, Chema, and Hugo appears on the screen as the episode comes to an end.


The Longest Night Review

The disappointing finale is a product of amateurish writing, producing, and editing.

It turns out, Hugo was behind the prison break. The reason is not clear-cut. It appears, he was feeding information to someone, possibly the client or Valentina. Probably the same person who ordered Lara to be killed. He had a connection with Chema and Rosa, so why would they be willing to kill Lara?

There was no urgency to save Lara, just petty chitchat not worth mentioning. Hugo sacrificed his children to accomplish what? Whether intentional or unintentional, he makes all the wrong decisions to keep Lennon from getting his hands on Simon. In the meantime, Lara is on the verge of being shot and Ali and Guillermo are scared and alone inside the prison. Elisa showed more concern for Hugo’s children than he did.

I am confused as to why the inmates would go through the trouble of building an escape route and not utilize it when the opportunity arose.

Another question I have is regarding Espada’s admission of guilt. Was he really guilty or just admitted guilt to spare his life? This we will never know.

The finale left more loose ends than ever. I think the writer(s) tried to tackle more issues than there was enough time for. Everything was thrown into the mix and never addressed throughout the season.

I do applaud the actors for their wonderful performance. They did a fantastic job with what they had to work with.

What role did Sara play in the prison break?

The plot was a great idea, it just wasn’t properly executed. The finale deserves a 5.5. Get more The Longest Night recaps here. Support Reel Mockery by clicking the link.

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