Ember The Jetty BBC

The Jetty Series 1 Episode 2 Recap

The episode opens with Riz Samuel (Weruche Opia) doing a podcast on Charles Darwin’s expedition to the Galapagos Islands in 1835. Darwin found the wildlife unusually tame because they lacked human interaction. He called them Naïve Prey.

Detective Constable Ember Manning (Jenna Coleman) stares at a photo of Malachy (Tom Glynn-Carney) and Amy Knightly (Bo Bragason). Hannah (Ruby Stokes) asks why she is bothered by the photo. Ember says Amy disappeared after the photo was taken. A short time later, Ember informs Riz of Miranda Ashby (Shannon Watson) having her baby but warns that neither of them may survive. Riz says Miranda’s attacker will not be prosecuted. Ember vows to make sure that doesn’t happen if she gives up the other girl’s identity. Riz refuses to tell her. An article about Amy’s disappearance catches Ember’s eye. Riz immediately shuts her laptop. Ember denies knowing Amy, even though, they attended the same school. She says Amy’s parents may have bought a life insurance policy for her. Riz questions why the police never searched Hap Lake after an eye-witness came forward saying Amy was there on the day of her disappearance. Mrs. Cawdor criticized Amy’s sexual promiscuity. Riz scoffs at the idea of Cawdor writing Ember a letter of recommendation for UCAS. Ember defends Cawdor.

ember episode 1 recap the jetty

In a flashback, Amy is dropped off at Caitlin’s (Laura Marcus) house. Caitlin urges her to keep it down while helping her up the stairs. Back in the present, Hitch (Archie Renaux) goes in to talk to Sheena (Georgina Rich). Ember requests Amy’s 2007 file only to learn her rank isn’t high enough to remove case files from Central Records. A short time later, she arrives at the hospital to find Ellis Ashby (Ross Thompson) with Miranda’s baby and Sheena. Seeing Ellis dote on the baby, Hitch questions if he is the father. Sheena refuses to talk about what happened to Miranda. Ember has a flashback of young Hannah (Effy Buckles Jones) with Malachy.

Ember and Sylvia (Amelia Bullmore) browse through photos of Malachy and young Ember Manning (Connie Jenkins-Greig). Ember questions why Sylvia never intervened when an adult Malachy wanted to date her teenage daughter. Sylvia reminds her that she just turned 17. Ember tells her about Riz’s investigation into Amy’s disappearance. Sylvia says hopefully Riz will expose Amy’s father, Russell (Elliot Cowan). Ember asks if she has been talking to Amy. Sylvia claims Malachy is okay with her dating again. Over breakfast, Ember tells Hannah that they need to do something with Malachy’s ashes. She drives Hannah to school in Malachy’s car.

episode 1 the jetty bbc recap

In a flashback, Joan (Clare Calbraith) tells Caitlin about her former flamboyant roommate, Danielle. Caitlin doesn’t understand where Joan is going with the story. Back in the present, Ember informs Casey (David Ajala) of her decision to end his therapy sessions. She invites Arj (Matthew McNulty) to join her and Hannah in scattering Malachy’s ashes. He teases her about Casey. She assures him that their relationship was on a professional level.

In a flashback, Amy warns Caitlin against telling anyone about Malachy. Back in the present, Ember urges Lawley to consider reopening Amy’s case. Lawley complains about Riz investigating Amy’s disappearance. Ember pretends to know nothing about it. Lawley promises to talk to Morgan about Amy’s case. A short time later, Ember and Hitch are outside a diner when they see Hannah, Jules (Miya Ocego), and Chloe Nina Barker-Francis). Ember confronts them about wearing make-up. The girls brush off her concerns when they see a girl arguing with Ellis. Ember races to the hospital to tell Sheena that she was wrong about Miranda’s attacker. Brad (Dominic Coleman) reminds her that she is not supposed to be there.

Ember convinces Riz to let her help investigate Amy’s disappearance. Riz doesn’t want the police to reopen Amy’s case. Someone reported seeing Amy at Hap Lake on the day of her disappearance but there is no witness statement. Riz says it was Ali Mohammed’s (Amer Nazir) and shows her the note with “FF.” Ember says he is a Frequent Flyer, someone who frequently calls the police station. Ember returns home to find Hannah playing Malachy’s guitar. She claims to have intentionally gotten pregnant with Hannah.

Ember attends a therapy session with Casey. Later, she and Hitch visit Amy’s mother, Imogen (Anna Wilson-Jones). While Hitch detains Russell, Ember tells Imogen about Riz investigating Amy’s disappearance. Imogen claims Russell’s life insurance policy cover the death of a child. She was out of town when Amy disappeared. Ember asks if Russell could have hurt Amy. Imogen says she took her passport. When Russell enters the house, he tells them that Amy went out between 5pm and 8pm with a friend, not Caitlin and he reported her missing the next morning. Seeing abrasions on his hands, she asks what happened. Imogen attributes it to Japanese knotweed. They went to court to have Amy declared dead but they believe she may still be alive.

amy the jetty s01e01 recap

In a flashback, Caitlin is with Amy when Russell arrives home. Amy calmly urges her to not worry because she is invisible. Russell can be heard arguing with Tony about money. They go upstairs and Amy starts to undress when Diane, a real estate agent, pulls into the driveway. A short time later, they see Russell and Diane having sex. Amy starts playing the piano. Diane races out of the house. Russell scolds her. In the present, Ember intrudes on retired Superintendent Roy Needham’s (Philip Whitchurch) game to ask him about Amy’s case. When he refuses to speak to her alone, she asks why there wasn’t a search of Hap Lake when an eye-witness reported seeing Amy there. Once alone, she claims to be a journalist. He claims to have no recollection of the case. She reminds him of his close friendship with Russell. He claims the eye-witness had a history of reporting sightings for the reward money.

Mohammad tells Ember and Hitch that he told the police that he saw Amy at Hap Lake on Friday night. He says they said she disappeared on Saturday. He admits to getting physical with one of the cops. He claims to have seen her Friday night and two hours later, a black car sped away. A short time later, they find Russell angrily breaking up concrete with a sledgehammer. She asks why he waited until Sunday to report Amy missing when she disappeared on Friday. He says Mohammad is lying. She accuses him of leaving Amy at home alone because he was having an affair. He admits to finding Amy’s passport and pleads with them to not tell Imogen. Ember demands he tell her soon before returning to her car. She intervenes to stop Hitch from posting her discovery on social media. Later, she frantically searches a room for the photo of Malachy and Amy when she receives a text from Riz alleging her laptop was stolen. She barges into Hannah’s room to find her with Troy (Ruaridh Mollica). She escorts Hannah into another room and asks if she has seen the photo. Hannah says Chloe sent the photo to a podcaster. Irate, Ember blurts out that the photo was taken on the night of Amy’s disappearance. She curses at Troy and orders him to leave. Hannah decides to go to Sylvia’s.

mack and amy episode 1 the jetty

Ember fills Morgan (Ralph Ineson) in on Amy’s case. He says Riz’s petition to search Hap Lake has gone viral. She warns of what will happen if Amy’s body is found in the lake. She accuses Mr. Ryan (Adam Astill) of hiring a private investigator. He denies the allegation. Frantic about the photo, she repeatedly calls Riz who isn’t answering. In a flashback, Caitlin gives Amy a St. Christopher pendant for protection. Amy kisses her before they dance. Back in the present, an intoxicated Ember takes a selfie and sends it to Casey. Hannah approaches and warns her that Sylvia is outside. Ember hurriedly disposes of the beer bottles. During a séance, Sylvia says Amy is near the jetty. Believing Sylvia is not a real seer, Ember leaves.

In a flashback, Amy barges in where Malachy and his co-workers are spraying for Japanese knotweed. Arj warns them of the danger. Grabbing Amy by the arm, Malachy scolds her for coming to his workplace. When Caitlin intervenes, he walks away. Amy rips off her St. Christopher pendant and pursues Malachy. Caitlin retrieves the pendant. Back in the present, Sylvia appears to suddenly wake up from a trance when Ember receives an urgent text from Hitch. A short time later, she arrives at The Jetty to see Riz in a body bag.


The Jetty Review

Filler scenes and repetitive flashbacks hamper the development of the plot and flow of the story. The episode drags out for what seems like forever. The cast is just going through the motions. The protagonist is one-dimensional and lacks the much-needed charisma and ingenuity to urge viewers to get emotionally involved.

The plot lacks originality. It is just another British crime drama with a different spin on it. The cast is oversaturated, more than half have one to two lines. Present-day and flashbacks mesh together due to poor editing. The episode deserves a 4.2 out of 10.

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