david gates dentistry the irregulars episode 2

The Irregulars Episode 2 Recap

As the second episode begins, John Cooper (Ansu Kabia) returns home and learns that his son’s tooth has finally fallen out. John tells his son that he should hide the tooth under his pillow so the tooth fairy will come, take the tooth, and leave money behind. William (Ameen Mustapha) goes to sleep after placing the tooth under his pillow. Maggie (Muna Otaru) checks on her son in the middle of the night and finds his mouth bloody and his teeth missing. After the intro, Bea (Thaddea Graham) tries to steal items from the market. Officers find out before Bea is knocked to the ground by the shopkeeper. She gets a visit from John Watson (Royce Pierreson) at the jail because he has another job for her.

john watson tv show the irregulars

He believes she’ll help since she can’t find other means of employment. Bea says she steals because her friends and family need her to do so. Watson argues that all killers on the way to the gallows say they did it out of necessity. Bea admits they don’t want to work for him, but Watson claims she doesn’t have a choice since a judge will send her to a workhouse otherwise. Meanwhile, Leopold (Harrison Osterfield) tells Daimler (Edward Hogg) that Louise is at the palace and he has decided to spend the next few days with her. Daimler isn’t sure he should let him change his routine, but Louise (Nell Hudson) enters and promises Leopold will be okay with her. When they step outside, Louise says she won’t help Leopold sneak from the grounds.

leopold louise the irregulars episode 2

She suspects he is going after a girl and warns him to be careful. Watson tells Bea about the young victims who are losing their teeth. Two of them have agreed to be interviewed. Watson has checked the police logs and found sightings of a ghost lady on the night in question. Bea asks him about Jessie’s assumption that people are getting strange powers from somewhere. John doesn’t talk about it and only encourages her to focus on the case in question. He admits there are things at play that are far beyond her comprehension. Watson tells her that she doesn’t have a right to know and he’ll have her dragged back to a cell if she enters his house again. When the conversation ends, Bea tries to convince Spike (McKell David) to break into 221B but he isn’t eager to do that.

bea the irregulars episode 2

She demands Spike either help with the case or break into Watson’s home. Jessie (Darci Shaw) agrees to help and says she should since John Watson picked them because of her powers. Bea reluctantly lets Jessie come with her before telling Billy (Jojo Macari) to interview the victims. Billy reminds her that they all agreed they wouldn’t work for Watson again. He follows her outside and says he wouldn’t let John take her to the workhouse, but Bea isn’t sure he could stop it. Billy tries to tell her something important. He can’t because Leopold interrupts. Leopold offers to help them once again. Bea wants him to help with the interview or not help at all. Billy and Leopold are surprised by Bea’s attitude.

jojo macari actor the irregulars episode 2

Meanwhile, two young girls talk about the tooth fairy taking their teeth. Another girl hears them and prays to God that her tooth doesn’t fall out. When she finishes the prayer, the tooth falls out. The young girl gets a visit from the tooth fairy. She rushes to her mother and finds her mouth bloody. Jessie decides to split from her sister because she doesn’t need Bea to hold her hand. She notices a young boy who smiles at her and rushes in the other direction. She follows him and tries to talk to him. As she approaches the young boy, she passes by a sign belonging to David Gates Dentistry. Leopold asks Billy if he is angry at him for some reason, but Billy doesn’t answer. Billy tells him to be quiet for a minute before asking the receptionist at the Hippodrome about Laura and Carla Machin.

leopold billy the irregulars episode 2

They meet Carla (Harriet Turnbull) and Laura (Emma Cunniffe) moments later and learn that a demon took Carla’s teeth. Leo is surprised to hear that Carla did not leave a tooth under her pillow and instead lost her last baby teeth a couple of years ago. Billy asks a question and learns that the demon took all of Carla’s adult teeth. Jessie follows the young boy to a woman before she is invited inside. Once they go in, Jessie asks the woman if the boy is her son. She turns around and blasts Jessie with smoke that knocks her down. Before Jessie passes out, she notices that the woman is wearing what appears to be a wedding dress. Spike goes to work breaking into 221B. It only takes her a few seconds to pick the lock and step inside.

the irregulars tooth episode 2

Spike finds a letter to Watson and quickly reads it. The letter says something about the members of the Golden Dawn. Spike hears someone downstairs and tries to escape the house. Instead, he hides under the bed. Someone enters, takes off their shoes, and sits on the bed above him. The person vomits on the ground near Spike but he manages to stay quiet. Jessie begins waking up as Bea tries to track her down. Bea sneaks up behind the tooth fairy and stops her from taking Jessie’s teeth. Billy goes to John Cooper and is promptly told not to talk to his son. John insults Billy and they nearly get into a fight. John talks about being in the army and Billy explains he is only on the streets because his dad was in the army too. They leave without answers.

billy and john the irregulars s01e02

The tooth fairy is tied to the chair while Jessie and Bea discuss her magical abilities. Bea opens a door nearby and finds something strange while Spike tries to escape Watson’s place. He finds what he calls a sex dungeon but it isn’t. Instead, it has an Ouija board and other items. Bea and Jessie find an Ouija board and ask the tooth fairy about it. Jessie wonders if she should read her mind but Bea doesn’t recommend it. Jessie grabs her arm and we see the woman using an Ouija board to communicate with her dad. Something changes her as she uses the Ouija board. Jessie grabs her arm again and we watch as the woman discovers something disturbing nearby.

tooth fairy jean the irregulars episode 2

The tooth fairy attacks Jessie and they begin struggling in her world. Then, we see a flashback of Bea taking up for Jessie at the workhouse. When she comes back to reality, Jessie tells Bea she thinks Jean Gates (Sheila Atim) is trying to get revenge on someone who she believes caused her father’s suicide. Billy stops and tells Leo exactly why people do not like him. He claims people treat them like crap, and that Leo’s life has become so posh and so rich he is bored. He suggests Leo thought it was fun to hang out with poor people. Leo denies it all, tells Billy he knows nothing about him, and grabs his leg. Leo shows Billy his leg and pleads with him not to tell anyone else. Billy sits down with him and Leo admits it isn’t just his leg. When Leo was born, the doctor told his mother he had never seen a human being so unsuited to life.

the irregulars episode 2 spike

Bill tries to make him feel better before helping him up. Jessie decides to go get the boys after telling Bea not to let the tooth fairy get into her head. Bea goes back in and Jean tells her that they’re the same. She knows they were in the workhouse and that means they lost their parents as well. Jean tries to get Bea to imagine her mother was murdered and she could get revenge on the person responsible. Bea claims she’d want to but wouldn’t. Jean doesn’t believe that though. She goes on to say that monsters make monsters. Then, she talks about her father working to build his business and put food on the table for it to be taken away. Jessie, Leo, and Billy find something disturbing. Bea steps outside, joins them, and looks at the skeletal remains on the ground.

the irregulars s01e02 leo

Leo says it looks like it’s alive before a hand punches through the ground nearby. Jessie says she was trying to bury something there when she first arrived before Billy notices the hand. A little girl climbs from the hole and the young boy approaches her. The group watches as they run away together. Billy says that was William Cooper and Carla Machin. Bea believes Jean is growing clones of people using their teeth. They go back inside and ask Jean who she is trying to kill using the clones. Bea wonders who owns the land in Balham. Leo says that would be the Duke of Winchester. He explains she would need to find a way to get past his guards if she wanted to kill him. Then, he remembers what John Cooper said about being a retired captain of the British Army.

billy and leopold the irregulars episode 2

As for Carla, the duke sponsors a show every year and there were posters in the Hippodrome. The attack will likely happen there. Jean claims they’re too late before admitting the clones do her bidding. John rides with the Duke of Winchester (Patrice Naiambana) who suggests skipping the event and going for a pint. Carla is quickly replaced by her clone. She is tied up in a back room as the Duke’s Variety Extravaganza begins. We soon see that the Carla clone has a handgun. The William clone stabs himself in the leg and gets his father’s attention. Bea tries to convince Jean that this isn’t the way to fix it. Leopold listens as Bea tells Jean that her mother died after she went crazy and wandered off into the river. Then, she changes the subject to the Duke’s young daughter.

bea the irregulars tv show

She warns Jean that the daughter could become a monster if she goes through with it. It works and Jean says there is only one way it can be stopped. However, she believes Bea thinks herself too moral for it. Next, the Duke enters the room and Carla’s clone shows up behind him. She pulls a gun on the Duke as Jean uses her to make a speech. Billy arrives on the carriage as the clone tells everyone about the Duke raising the rent on hundreds of people including David Gates. Billy encounters John and tries to explain that the boy is only a clone of his son. He encourages John to check his teeth while Bea grabs a weapon and asks Jean about stopping it. Jean explains the Duke’s estate told her father she’d have to pay his bill if he went to prison. Bea tells the others that they can stop it by killing Jean.

the irregulars episode 2 recap carla

Jean was only 16 at the time. She accuses the Duke of taking her father from her. Bea admits she can’t as Jean tells everyone about her father’s last note. Jean says it is better for everyone if the Duke goes before the gun is fired. John jumps in front of the bullet and protects the Duke with a soldier’s vest while Billy takes care of the gun. Jean complains and Bea realizes that they stopped the assassination attempt. Jean argues that they saved the life of a man who deserved to die, but Bea says nobody deserves to die. Leo follows Bea out when she decides to get a doctor so she can tell her he isn’t a dabbler. He explains he is there before he likes her and the others. She knows he isn’t a dabbler, but she doesn’t think they’re the same either.

the irregulars episode 2

She compares where they’ll be sleeping tonight before Jessie interrupts and says the skeleton growing in the ground is gone. Leo realizes it isn’t over. John tells Billy he is going to lock him in with the duke and his family. The others return to Jean while Billy stays with the Duke and his family. They soon find out that the new clone is the Duchess (Lucy Russell), but Billy doesn’t know. She insults her husband before stabbing him with a knife. Billy tries to help and the clone turns her anger on him. The clone tries to kill Billy so Bea contemplates killing Jean. The clone draws blood before Bea finally kills Jean and saves him. Jessie comforts Bea by telling her she didn’t have a choice and Leo agrees.

bea and jessie the irregulars episode 2

Billy confirms the Duke is fine before telling his daughter that the dead clone isn’t her mother. After everything calms down, Leo says she deserves better than this. Billy asks him how he knew so much about the duke. Leo claims everyone knows about the duke, but Billy doesn’t. He is asked if it is past his bedtime but Leo isn’t leaving this time. Instead, he sits next to Bea. Jessie has another nightmare before being transported to the linen man’s place. She complains she can’t keep having nightmares so he offers to try to do something if she’ll let him. He puts something on her wrists. When she has another nightmare, she should hold her wrist and she’ll leave it. She checks her arm and finds a tattoo of a butterfly. He wishes he was in London to help her.

the irregulars s01e02 butterfly tattoo

She tells him about diving into their minds and says the tooth fairy felt like the door to the other side was left open. She admits it felt like the power there was available to anyone. He says someone has found a way before telling Jessie about the barrier between this world and the spirit world. Usually, it is only crossed at birth and death. However, someone has ripped open the gateway and the gap will widen as long as people reach over to the other side for power. Eventually, the barrier between this world and the next will collapse and their world will cease to exist. The linen man (Clarke Peters) says he knew something had happened when he felt Jessie awaken.

david gates dentistry the irregulars episode 2

The nightmares are caused by the openings so she’ll need to find the rip. She tells her friends about the rip and possibly being able to close it. They believe the rip is somewhere in London. Spike remembers seeing a map in 221B with weird markings on it. He mentions the temple-like room he found before giving Bea the letter. Spike believes they can find the rip if they start with John Watson. Bea tries to find out more about the Golden Dawn. She meets a man named Mycroft Holmes who already knows who she is.


The Irregulars Review

Whether or not this episode was better is debatable. At the very least, I am glad the episode got right into the action. I also like that they’re diving deeper into the backstories of the main characters. I can’t lie though and I shouldn’t. I have a hard time taking some of the characters seriously especially the Bea character.

At times, I can ignore it. However, I often find myself being irked by the characters and/or casting choices. I can’t put a finger on it yet. The Jessie character is okay but it feels like Leopold is stealing the show. I also like Billy and think Jojo Macari is giving it his all for the role.

I am not a big fan of The Irregulars yet, but I generally don’t enjoy shows like this either. Perhaps that will change with a few more episodes? I may stick with it since I have little else to watch, but I don’t think many people will. The episode didn’t do a lot for me although I am fond of some of the guest actors and actresses. It scores a 6.5 out of 10. Previous and future recaps of The Irregulars will be available on Reel Mockery here.

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