Yeong Ha The Frog Netflix

The Frog Series 1 Episode 2 Recap

Who Will Come Knocking On The Door Of My Destiny? – Episode 2 begins possibly in the past with Ha Si-hyeon sneaking out of the cabin while his mother, Yoo Seong-Ah (Go Min-Si) prepares dinner. She will soon call for him and while they are sitting down to eat together he will ask when his father is coming. She enigmatically tells him when he finishes his plate and gives him a big smile. As soon as he returns the smile, the footage cuts to Seong-Ah covered in blood or possibly spaghetti sauce, playing Yeong-Ha’s (Kim Yoon–Seok) record.

Before being rushed out the door by her eager daughter, Yoon Bo-Min (Lee Jung-Eun) spends several minutes printing out maps. After dropping her daughter off at soccer practice and reminding her that the sitter will be picking her up, the maps will take Bo-Min through various areas in town. Her brief journey will ultimately lead her to the isolated road leading to Yeong-Ha’s cabin resort. She will never make it to the cabin because she nearly gets into a head-on collision with him. Although they stop to briefly converse, the interaction is very informal and they do not exchange any personal information. He does notice the portable police siren in her windshield and she offers him a disposable tissue for the cut on his hand.

Yeong-Ha’s next visit is to Yong-Chae (June Yoon) who is still in the process of sleeping off the hard night of drinking. He will only wake long enough to learn that according to Yeong-Ha, the guests are still there. After he returns to his sleep, Yeong-Ha visits the rental cabin, but it appears entirely undisturbed, except for the record covered in blood. Yeong-Ha doesn’t get long to interrupt its meaning because shortly after discovering it, Yong Chae interrupts with the announcement of food.

A very brief interaction at the station between two young officers will reveal that Bo-Min is the new Captain. An even later conversation between the same two officers will further reveal that Bo-Min’s solving of several publically popular violent crimes has earned her the nickname, ‘It.’ In addition to this, Bo-Min has apparently chosen her new role.

Yeong-Ha will share his bewilderment about the clean state the rental was left in but Yeong-Chae doesn’t appear to think too much about it. He claims that all tenants usually clean to a certain point. Yeong-Ha doesn’t stress the point any further but he will later steal the SD drive from the camera Yong-Chae hangs from the rearview mirror of his vehicle. Yeong-Ha will apparently see something that shakes him to the core when later reviewing the footage.

In a possible flashback, Koo Sang-Jun (Yoon Kye-Sang) returns home to find Seo Eun-Gyeong (Ryoo Hyoun-Kyoung) fast asleep or at least pretending because she will eavesdrop on his phone call with their young son, Koo Gi-Ho (Choi Jung-Hoo) moments later. Koo Sang will spend the rest of the evening drinking with his brother, Park Jong-Du (Park Ji-Hwan) where it will be revealed that he blames himself for what happened at the hotel. In addition, he fears that it will lead to closure, despite Park Jong-Du’s assurances that it won’t. Yeong-Ha is having an equally difficult time with whatever he saw from the security footage. Even though a bit more of the footage is shown, it doesn’t appear to show anything incriminating. Despite that, Yeong-Ha nearly phones the police but stops at the last second to ask himself if he is just imagining things.

The next few scenes will be of Yeong-Ha scouring the rental cabin from top to bottom. It’s unclear whether or not this is before or after the incident but he will be later shown taking the soiled laundry to the Laundromat and ordering the attendant to put a rush on it. It appears that he plans to wait but the attendant’s notice of two missing towels sends him racing back to the rental. His search will be sidelined by the unexpected arrival of Bo-Min, who is now officially attired. Along with formally introducing herself, she leaves her contact card. Later day, he will take a box of random items, including the record and towels to the woods and burns them in a barrel. He will ultimately decide to keep the record but thoroughly cleans it before returning it to his collection.

As the seasons pass, it appears the incident never escalates beyond this. The same cannot be said for the Lakeview Motel, where in another possible flashback, Park Ji-Hwan learns that his assessment of the incident was not entirely correct. Once the establishment adopts the nickname, ‘The Murder House,’ it’s merely the beginning of the end at least that appears to be the case for Koo Sang-Jun. Seo Eun-Gyeong doesn’t feel and doesn’t have a problem making that feelings known when Koo Sang-Jun approaches her with the prospect of selling the motel. She practically accuses him of being overly sensitive and too caring about his reputation. The verbal jousting will continue for several minutes more but it isn’t until Park Ji-Hwan gets involved that things escalate to a physical level.

A year after the incident, Koo Sang-Jun not only sells the motel but appears to adapt to an entirely new lifestyle, even taking a job at the local lumber plant.  Seo-Jun Gyeong appears to change very little and the rumors remain as fierce. Bo-Min who was working as a young officer at the same station that she is now captioning develops an interest in the incident and begins documenting everything.

As Yeong-Ha returns from the market, he will receive word from his daughter, Jeon Ui-Seon (Roh Yoon-Seo) and Song Ji-Su (Nam Ji-Woo) that they are expected to arrive in half an hour. Their brief chat also reveals that Yeong-Ha will be meeting Ji-Woo’s parents as well that evening over dinner.

Yeong-Ha will attempt to burn off his nervous energy for the next half hour by checking and rechecking to make sure everything around the cabin is in order. Much to his surprise and way before the half-hour mark, he receives a visitor, Yoo Seong-Ah. He addresses her as if meeting her for the first time and this is where the episode concludes.


The Frog Review

As confusing as things probably sound, I’m actually starting to put the pieces together now. I was completely lost after the premiere and although I wouldn’t go as far as to say I’m in tune now, I would say I have a much, much better understanding. Most of the scenes involving the Lakeview Motel have to be in the past because the establishment no longer exists. In addition, it appears that Bo-Min began her illustrious law enforcement at this area’s very station.

The Lakeview case affected her somehow, but it’s unclear whether it was just being involved or if there is a deeper connection. Things are still kind of confusing with Ha Si-hyeon. I feel like he’s going to play an important role but there is very little mention of him. I am also unsure how much time has passed since the Lakeview Incident but I assume these are all things we’ll learn together. I was really impressed with some of the emotional scenes, especially Seo-Jun and Koo Sang-Jun’s fight and his subsequent breakdown.

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