Filomena and Licisca episode 6 the decameron

The Decameron Series 1 Episode 6 Recap

A Stony Brook Away – As this episode of The Decameron begins, Neifile (Lou Gala) and Panfilo (Karan Gill) talk about his sexuality. Panfilo asks what they should do today. Neifile just wants to talk about everything. Misia (Saoirse-Monica Jackson) goes to Sirisco (Tony Hale) to ask for his help. Sirisco learns about Ruggiero’s death. Misia admits this was for loyalty to Pampinea. Sirisco urges her to look at what she’s done. Misia reminds him that he invited Ruggiero. Sirisco claims Pampinea is a demon who made her kill. Misia claims he’s just jealous before calling him a peasant. Sirisco goes outside and yells at all the ungrateful people that he won’t return to the villa.

Dioneo The Decameron Netflix

Sirisco takes Matteuzzo with him when he leaves. Licisca (Tanya Reynolds) hangs out with Filomena (Jessica Plummer). They make fun of a pope and sing until two men jump out of the woods and grab them. Stratilia (Leila Farzad) plays with Jacopo (Aston Wray). Stratilia tends to Tindaro (Douggie McMeekin). He admits he stalked her because he was going to confess his love. He tries to get up only to crash to the floor. Stratilia has to go to work so she leaves Jacopo in charge. Misia finds Pampinea (Zosia Mamet) throwing Panfilo’s things outside. Misia tells her that Ruggiero will not be bothering her anymore. Pampinea wants to get rid of Panfilo and his wife. Misia asks about Tindaro. Pampinea agrees to let him stay. She suspects something is wrong. Misia admits she’s feeling a little strange given the murder.

Pampinea seems to know nothing about the murder. She claims it was an act of self-defense against an agent of Satan. Pampinea says they should never think about it again. Instead, they should look to the future with the child because she doesn’t need a husband. Licisca and Filomena try to convince the bandits to let them go. Licisca admits to Filomena that she killed one of them. She agrees to kill them with Filomena’s help. Filomena distracts Martuccio and his partner. Licisca hits one of them with a rock. The monk’s knights arrive and kill the bandits. Sirisco walks alone with his pet. They decide to go for a swim. Once Sirisco enters the water, Matteuzzo flies away. Sirisco seems depressed. He floats face down in the water until Arriguccio (Dustin Demri-Burns) saves him. Arriguccio remembers him because he supplied the villa with fertilizer.

They walk together. Arriguccio says the world can feel lonely. Sirisco suggests he’ll go to Venezia since he can’t return to the villa. Arrguccio invites him to join him for a drink. He takes Sirisco to his people and introduces him. Sirisco learns that no one is in charge there. Tindaro tries to teach Jacopo how to use a gladius. Jacopo hits him a few times. Tindaro asks if he’s ever held any weapon. Jacopo says they can’t go to the villa because the nobles hate them. Tindaro says he doesn’t. Panfilo tells Neifile that he never really believed in God. Neifile never found the answers. She is happy she got to ask the questions with him by her side. Filomena and Licisa are held captive by the monk’s knights. They’re taken to a place where men are strung up. A man questions them before saying there are no signs. They’re taken past the wall.

Fortuna and Sirisco The Decameron

They’re taken to the monk who says they’re there to save them. The knights were once mercenaries in the service of Genoa. When payments failed, their loyalty did as well. God has helped them find their way. The monk claims the church and clergy have betrayed God’s plan. God has handed down his punishment. The plague gives them the opportunity to reshape society into one that promotes holiness and order. They will build a world where survival requires the piety God demands. Licisca and Filomena go along with the monk’s ideas. They claim they’re off to be sexless nuns. The monk wants to know more about the villa. When they don’t provide him with what he wants, the monk wants them taken to the punishment cells. Filomena says Licisca killed an evil cardinal named Agnolo for God.

As a result, they’re sentenced to death. Pampinea says treats with Leonardo and the baby. She says nothing can stop them now until Tindaro scares her. He tells Pampinea about Jacopo. Pampinea sees something in the child that convinces her he could belong to Leonardo. She tries to send Tindaro away. Once Tindaro leaves, Pampinea tries to get answers from Jacopo. He can’t tell her anything about his father. His mom told him that he looked like his father once. Pampinea is happy when she learns that Stratilia called him a no good who*ing rat. She says he sounds like a horrible person. Jacopo says he’s not a horrible person. He just didn’t want them to live in his villa. Pampinea is worried about that. She tells Misia that Jacopo is the son of Leonardo. Pampinea wants to go to Jacopo’s home to investigate.

She claims Jacopo is the baby because there is no baby in her womb. Sirisco speaks to his new friends about leaving the villa. He quickly finds out that they’re starving. Sirisco suggests they should go back to the villa and take their food. He tells them to follow him. Filomena asks Licisca how she can be so brave and whether she’s afraid of death. Licisca hasn’t been afraid since Eduardo died. Now, she can see a different side of everything. Licisca believes this side is hell. She isn’t sure she’d be leaving anything behind. Licisca apologizes for pushing Filomena off the bridge. As they are led to their deaths, Filomena reveals that they are sisters. The executioner begins sneezing. Filomena and Licisca have help escaping although Licisca is shot by an arrow.

Tindaro The Decameron Netflix

During the chaos, they steal a horse and escape. The monk tells his men to stop firing arrows at them. Stratilia finds Pampinea in her villa. Pampinea alleges she used black magic to seduce Leonardo. She says Jacopo will live the life of luxury he deserves from now on. Neifile tells Panfilo they need to make arrangements for him. She tells him to go to Ruggiero and make things official because he deserves the villa. Panfilo says he’s nothing without Neifile. She urges him to secure his place for both of them. Panfilo finds Ruggiero dead. Stratilia and Pampinea run back to the villa to get Jacopo. Pampinea and Misia end up attacking Stratilia who yells for Jacopo. Panfilo returns to Neifile and claims Ruggiero signed the villa over to him. She suspects he’s lying. Panfilo lies with her and comforts her. Neifile admits she’s so scared.

Licisca complains that Filomena knew they were sisters, but treated her terribly for many years. Stratilia is tied to a tree outside because Pampinea believes she’s a witch. She reminds Pampinea that she never met Leonardo. Sirisco and his new group run into Licisca and Filomena. Tindaro finds out what’s going on with Stratilia. Pampinea claims she’s bewitched him before Misia shows him the profane items they found. Stratilia rushes to marry Tindaro. He rushes toward Pampinea and gets punched by Misia. Sirisco and the others arrive just before the fire is started. He yells at everyone to help Stratilia. Panfilo hears Jacopo screaming. Stratilia is scared. Filomena grabs Misia and tells her she can’t burn people. Panfilo tells everyone that Neifile is gone but they ignore him.

Filomena and Licisca episode 6 the decameron

Sirisco accuses Pampinea of being a witch. She gets away when Panfilo yells at them. They still ignore what he said.


The Decameron Review

The sixth episode of The Decameron had some surprisingly strong moments between Panfilo and Neifile. Sadly, those moments were scattered between absurd scenes that took away from any emotional impact. Nevertheless, Panfilo and Neifile’s story may be strong enough to satisfy some viewers.

The story may be getting too complicated compared to how it was in the earlier episodes. It was pretty simple with fewer characters and a basic story. Now, the series is adding the group Sirisco ran into and a whole religious army of sorts. It just feels like overkill compared to how silly the series has been from the onset.

The addition of Jacopo is corny considering how much that’s been done recently. That revelation was clear as soon as the boy was introduced. Nevertheless, Tindaro and Stratilia’s relationship is at least somewhat entertaining. The series is dumb and it lacks any purpose, but that may be the point for some viewers.

This can easily be watched in the background without missing anything important. After all, it probably won’t matter in the long run anyway. The episode scores a 5 out of 10. Recaps of The Decameron can be found on Reel Mockery here.

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