Fabian The Accident Netflix

The Accident Series 1 Episode 2 Recap

What Could Go Wrong – The second episode resumes with Emiliano Lobo’s (Sebastian Martinez) confession to David Matamoros’s (Erik Hayser). It doesn’t take long for David’s empathy to transform into anger as he assures Emiliano that he will not let them endanger the theme park project.

Agustin ‘El Charro’ Mejia (Alberto Guerra) appears cockier than ever, despite Sanoja claiming that he was lucky to get granted bail. Although Ramon ‘Moncho’ Gomez is nowhere near as lucky, David and Emiliano make him an unbelievable proposal. His initial reactions are disbelief and anger, but after seeing David’s reaction, it becomes clear he really isn’t going to have an option.

After getting out of jail, Charro’s first priority becomes Guadalupe ‘Lupita’Mejia (Erendira Ibarra). H finds her at Gabriel Mejia’s gravesite (Dhaniel Cardoza) where the conversation is just as clear as it is brief – he will do whatever is necessary to make things right.

Despite being a grief expert and Daniela Robles (Ana Claudia Talancon) bringing in a specially trained tracking dog, Gol, Fabian Vallejo (Erick Elias) grows frustrated with the lack of results. Lucia Lobo (Macarena Garcia Romero) and Brenda Campos (Valentina Zamora) have an equally difficult time but Brenda falls into a paralyzing depression and even at times refers to Mateo Campos’s (Sebastian Guevara) death as murder. Javier Serrano (Ruben Zamora) does eventually manage to talk her into going for a run which leads to bonding with Mauricio over the loss of Mateo.

Charro plots with Mauricio Campos (Giuseppe Gamba) to have Mundo killed while in jail. It immediately becomes clear that Mauricio wants nothing to do with this, but Charro is also later shown meeting with Horacio Mendez (Guillermo Nava) and paying him a large sum of money. It’s unclear whether or not Mauricio arranged the meeting.

When Yolanda Cuenca (Shani Lozano) learns about Emiliano’s offer to Moncho she practically tells him that he’s taking it. He later relays his answer to David, but when Emiliano visits Yolanda, she unexpectedly changes the terms of their agreement. She wants $20,000 pesos a month, a new house, and the exact TV from his living room. She also lets him know that she isn’t playing around.

Carla and Lucia bond over takeout Chinese while Fabian and Daniela not only pick up Paula Valleyo’s (Pau Menna) scent but find parts of the bouncy house in the woods. This ultimately leads to nothing more than disappointment.

Emiliano deals with backlash from his partners at the firm, especially Javier when they learn that he will be representing Mundo. Daniela will later learn about this from Chief Santos (Mauricio Isaac) as he sends her home. At the same time, Lucia continues to experiment with drugs.

Horacio is revealed to be a police officer at the jail where Mundo is being held. He is getting ready to attack him while delivering his evening meal when he receives news that his wife has just gone into labor. Elsewhere, Daniela returns home to find Yolanda waiting on her. After a bit of a back-and-forth arguing, Daniela practically tells her she’s dismissed from her duties and Emiliano will handle the repercussions. She will also later confront Emiliano about representing Mundo. He simply claims he is trying to do the right thing.

Alex Mejia (Sebastian Dante) remembers an interaction with Gabriel by the pool before he receives a phone call from Lucia. Their conversation is virtually unimportant and only reveals that she is high on something. This will eventually lead to him picking her up at her friend’s house and making her leave.

Right after Charro learns that Horacio hasn’t yet killed Muncho, he is verbally assaulted by Lupitia who practically blames everything on him, including Gabriel’s death. This ultimately leads to him striking her in the face. At the same time, Alex has managed to get Lucia home, showered, and fed all without his parents noticing any difference, at least until the following morning. Before that, he will spend the entire night watching over her. Javier will witness another of Brenda’s many breakdowns when she is unable to find the last piece of a jigsaw puzzle that she and Mateo were completing together.

Daniela and Fabian search the outskirts of the woods by boat and discover more pieces of the bounce house while someone posing as a defense attorney visits, Muncho in lockup. It won’t be until later and much too late when Emiliano learns about the visit from Chief Santos. By the time they get to his cell, he’s deceased. Fabian and Daniela find Paula alive but the boat won’t restart. This is where the episode ends.


The Accident Review

I am honestly surprised that I actually find this interesting. The series doesn’t have a lot going for it. From bad acting to extremely poor makeup, elementary storylines, and unrealistic scenarios, you name it, the series is overrun with it. The one thing it does have going for it is the clean cinematography. Surprisingly enough, all the scenes have a sharp, bright contrast to them. Although the episodes are a bit shorter than most traditional series, there is still an overwhelming amount of fluff; at least it feels that way to me. Despite only giving this episode a 5 out of 10, I’m interested in how things turn out.

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