Maggie Teacup Peacock

Teacup Season 1 Episode 1 Recap

Think About The Bubbles – The series begins in the forest surrounding the Chenoweth Farm where a dog watches a bloodied and frantic lady babble tyrannically while using a stone to cut the zip tie binding her wrists. Before cutting herself free, she is briefly startled by an intense droning noise.

The footage eventually drones out and switches to the top floor of the main house at the farm where Maggie Chenoweth (Yvonne Strahovski) has just trapped a wasp on the window in a teacup. Despite his initial hesitation, she eventually convinces Arlo Chenoweth (Caleb Dolden) to come over and listen to the insect stirring within. Using a piece of paper she prepares the cup for transport. Arlo refuses her offer to join but requests that she release the insect so he can watch from the window. On her way outside, Maggie will very briefly and silently acknowledge both Meryl (Emilie Bierre) and Ellen Chenoweth (Kathy Baker).

Outside Maggie immediately encounters James Chenoweth (Scott Speedman) who is coming from the hayloft. He confirms that the animals are still acting up before asking if she’s made peace with his mother, Ellen. She has not but promises that she will. James apparently wants to talk about their relationship as well, but Maggie has no interest at the moment. After turning her attention back to Arlo and releasing the wasp, she makes a brief stop by the stables to note that the two horses are acting strangely as well. At the same time, Arlo has followed one of the small goats into the woods.

As promised, Maggie settles her dispute with Ellen while they work together to prepare dinner. The apology will suggest that Ellen has just recently moved in with the family to help James. Although Maggie claims it’s not the problem, Ellen believes that her marijuana prescription for tremors was the source of their conflict.

It isn’t until dinner is ready that Maggie notices Arlo’s absence. Ellen mentioned hearing someone going outside but was too busy with the cook to pay it any real attention. James doesn’t appear concerned and thinks Arlo is hiding so he can jump out and surprise him, something he’s apparently been doing as of late. The search is momentarily sidelined when the Chenoweth’s neighbors come barreling into the driveway with their horse trailer.

Ruben Shanley (Chaske Spencer) wastes little time explaining the hectic entrance while Valeria Shanley (Diany Rodriguez) apologizes for the interruption. Maggie thinks nothing of it and is more than willing to offer her services. James doesn’t appear very happy with the disturbance and his expression likely indicates that there is much more to it than the interruption. Despite that, he turns his attention to finding Arlo while Ruben and Maggie get Scout to her clinic.

By the time James gets everyone settled inside, Maggie has determined that Scout’s injuries are nowhere near as bad as they look. She even offers to use the opportunity to teach Ruben a bit about stitching. The mood takes a complete 180 when she realizes she somehow missed the wooden stake sticking out of his neck.

Arlo is still MIA but James uses the search opportunity to ask Valerie if she said anything to Ruben. She tells him that she would have said something if she did but that’s as far as the discussion goes for the moment thanks to the abrupt arrival of Meryl. Meryl asks if they should be getting worried, Valerie tells them about a phone call she received earlier from Donald Kelly (Boris McGiver), looking for his missing dog. According to her, the Kelly’s dog Duke never leaves Claire’s side. James maintains his positive outlook and orders Meryl to find Nicholas Shanley (Luciano Leroux) and search the back while he and Valerie search the front.

A brief scene will show that Arlo is still following the goat through the woods. He’s completely lost and frightened by now but appears physically fine. His fate is left hanging when the scene ends with him encountering the rambling woman from the opening scene. The footage abruptly changes to Meryl and Nicholas who are now also in the woods. Nicholas appears much more interested in impressing Meryl but their fate is also left hanging when they encounter what sounds like a snarling animal.

While Maggie and Ruben work on removing the wood from Scout’s neck, James and Valerie continue their search for Arlo. As they search their conversation confirms that he and Valerie had/are having an affair. Maggie apparently knows he was sleeping around, but not with whom. Other than sharing a story about the time he and Maggie thought they lost Meryl their conversation doesn’t go much further thanks to Nicholas and Meryl, who have managed to find the goat and Duke. They are eventually scared back to the house by a distant snarling.

When the footage returns to Arlo, he’s lying on the ground with the crazed woman crouching over him. She leans over him and opens her mouth as if passing on a parasite. Although nothing comes out of her mouth, the whites of his eyes abruptly flash a yellow tint before returning to normal.

Luck would have it that James and the search arrive at the main house at the same time as Ruben and Maggie. Maggie is immediately troubled when James says that he hasn’t found Arlo but will. She’s even more troubled when he realizes he’s holding a bat. Before he can explain himself the Kellys pull into the driveway. Unfortunately, the Kellys have seen Arlo but they did spot a large, vicious-looking dog, which is why they are there. Although James appears grateful for the warning, he doesn’t like the fact that Donald is holding a gun. They will briefly argue about this before Arlo shows up rambling like a madman. As he works himself into a frenzy and collapses, the rambling lady is attacked in the woods by some creature.

The episode ends with a mysterious man in a gasmask pulling up several miles from the farm and painting a line down the road.


Teacup Review 

Having only watched one episode that explained very little, I feel that it’s a bit hard to offer a succinct review. What I can say, however, is that the series did a good job of presenting the mysteries and twists. Oftentimes, a series that has twist after twist, only makes things confusing and drawn out. I didn’t get that with the series. I felt that it was offered effectively. The shorter runtime probably had a lot to do with that.

It was nice to see both Yvonne and Scott back on the screen. Despite not having seen them in years, I immediately recognized them. Yvonne was incredible in Revenge and Scott was a standout on Felicity. I’m not a huge fan of the creature/alien aspect of the series and the series has its fair share of problems but I feel there is all kinds of potential here. I’d give the first episode a 5.7 out of 10.

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