Tazer Supacell Netflix

Supacell Season 1 Episode 2 Recap

Tazer – The episode begins by very briefly returning to where viewers last saw the heroes. A frantic Dionne Ofori (Adesdayo Adedayo) is searching for Michael Lasaki-Brown (Tosin Cole) when he suddenly appears out of thin air. He claims that he was in the future only makes her more panicked. Andre Simpson (Eric Kofi Abrefa) returns home with his pockets full of money from the ATM and laughs while hiding it away in a box in his room.

At the moment, Rodney Cullen (Calvin Demba) appears to be the only one trying to recreate his abilities by running up a hill. Despite his failure to do so, he plops down on the curb where he meets a potential customer (Angus Stobie) smoking a joint. Sabrina Clarke (Nadine Mills) is trying to arouse Kevin (Junior Afolabi Salokun) while Sharleen Clarke (Rayxia Ojo) jokes and laughs that Sabrina knocked him out.  When sirens begin to blare in the distance, they decide to leave, with Kevin still unconscious.

Dionne’s earlier panicked state appears to have drained her and while she sleeps in Mike’s arms, he remembers a bit more from his meeting with his future self. The future Mike not only gives him Andre, Tazer (Josh Tedeku), Rodney, and Sabrina’s names but says if any of them die, Dionne will die. Later that evening, Mike unexpectedly drops in on Gabriel (Michael Salami) and tells him everything, including the date Dionne is supposed to die. Although Gabriel appears to take him seriously, he chalks it all up to pre-wedding jitters.

Mike Supacell Netflix

Tazer is about to share news of his superpowers with Skreamer (Mickira Oji) while they watch another of Chucky’s (Digga D) diss posts until they are interrupted by Twosie (Andy Thompson). Along with Tiny (Akai Coleman) and Dots (Xavien Russell), Twosie shows them another post that was just uploaded five minutes ago. In hopes of heading Chucky off, the Tower Boys mount their bicycles and race to the location of the post. Chucky and the Sixers are nowhere in sight which causes the Tower Boys to take their frustration out on Tyrone (Joshua Cameron). Tyron claims to be unaffiliated and Tazer quickly grows tired of the berating. It isn’t until Tyron is walking away, that one of the Tower Boys finds a post with Tyron and Chucky. Despite Tyrone’s head start, the Tower Boys are just about to catch up when a while mob of Sixers suddenly appear.

During the ensuing chase, the Tower Boys get separated and Tazer eventually finds himself, alone and cornered by Chucky and several Sixers. The Sixers can’t stop laughing when Tazer wields his blade and takes a fighting stance. The laughing immediately ceases when he goes invisible and starts slicing them up. Skreamer pulls up on his bike right before Tazer slices the side of Chucky’s throat and reappears. A nearby security camera reveals that, along with Skreamer, two other silhouetted men have seen Tazer use his superpowers.

While Sharleen and Sabrina spend the day at home together doing each other’s hair, Andre takes AJ Simpson (Ky-Mani Carty) on a shopping spree. Their trip immediately turns bad when AJ runs into Braggs (Duayne Boachie) and several of his friends. AJ’s trading contact information with them doesn’t sit right with Andre and he later makes AJ delete them from his phone while ensuring him at the same time that Braggs only wants to use him.

While walking to the Job Center, Rodney attempts to share his superpower experience with Spud (Giacomo Mancini), but even with Rodney’s Edinburgh ticket, it’s clear that Spud doesn’t believe him. When Rodney is unable to reproduce the act, Spud believes he’s all but proven his point. Rodney opts to stay outside and hit on Eleanor (Hayley Calleia) while Spud goes inside the Center. Much to Rodney’s surprise, he not only reignites his ability when he notices a parking enforcer about to ticket his car, but he apparently learns how to super speed at will.

Mike has begun sidestepping Dionne’s questions about his superpowers. Any time she brings up the issue, he begins talking about their wedding. One particular afternoon while taking a shower, he overhears the news report about the stabbings and immediately thinks of getting stabbed by Tazer. This causes him to teleport to the living room, naked, where Dionne just happens to be.

Gabriel Supacell Netflix

At nearly the same time, Tazer visits Skreamer where he also meets Romey (Teddie Stephenson-Tuite) and Jackie (Carol Moss). Their ensuing conversation not only reveals that Skreamer has been avoiding Tazer, but Tazer has learned to control his abilities. It’s not long after this that Tazer shares his powers and plans to take over with the rest of the Tower Boy crew. He apparently wants to start with feeling the hole that Chucky’s absence left.

In hopes of cheering Mike up, Dionne takes him to the park where he asked her to be his girlfriend. Things initially appear to be going well until she brings up his need to track down Tazer. Their ensuing conversation suggests that he hasn’t told her about her death and neither does he tell her at the moment.

Twosie and another of the Tower Boys are making arrangements over the phone to meet with Masher (Andre Dwayne) when Mike approaches them, with the request to meet with Tazer. They immediately recognize him as the delivery driver but reluctantly agree to give his number to Tazer. Things immediately take a bad turn for Mike when a crew of Sixers show up, shooting. He soon finds himself alone with them and about to take a bullet when he seemingly stops time and plucks the bullet out of thin air. It’s not long after this that he is teleported back to his living room and passes out.

Twosie and Skreamer’s meeting with Masher starts on a bad foot when neither of them knows how to test the quality of the product. Matters certainly aren’t helped when Masher learns that they were expected to be fronted the brick. This leads to them ultimately leaving the meeting empty-handed. At least it appears that way until Tazer appears out of thin air with the product after Masher is gone.

Grandma Supacell Netflix

Despite Dionne’s immediate relief when Mike reawakens, she instantly becomes panicked again when she learns what spurred his teleportation. He doesn’t help his case when he claims that he has to go back but refuses to tell her why. He promises her that he’ll stay away, but once she goes to bed, he sends Twosie a text about coming around tomorrow at 3.

Everyone except Tiny appears to be having a good time at their celebration. When Tazer pulls him to the side, it becomes clear that he’s not only feeling left out for not being brought in on the plan but given that Masher is his cousin, he fears blowback. Tazer assures him that he will protect him and Masher.

The episode ends on a much darker note when Masher shows up with several vehicles, loaded with people, including Krazy.


Supacell Review

Given that we’ve been led to believe that Krazy was in prison, this was a very interesting way to end the episode. I don’t know if it was that this episode was better or that I now know the characters, but episode 2 was much more enjoyable than episode 1. With the constant ping-ponging, it’s nearly impossible to watch an episode without getting whiplash but I understand the appeal to unveil the story in this manner.

The one thing I did like about this episode that probably helped was how all the heroes found themselves in awkward situations while sharing their experiences with their unbelieving friends/acquaintances. I’m sure it will be touched on in future episodes, but I would like to see more about Andre and Rodney’s lives. I can’t help but feel they have taken a backseat. I’d give this episode a 5 out of 10.

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