SAS: Rogue Heroes Season 1 Episode 5 Recap

May 1942 Cyrenaica, Libya Jalo – The episode begins with David Stirling (Connor Swindells) suggesting they form a line to formally greet the Free French. None of the SAS soldiers make a move. Dave Kershaw (Bobby Schofield) asks if they’ll want to share their hashish. Stirling tells him to only offer only when asked. A soldier admits to thinking the French Flag was solid white. Stirling warns there will be no counterproductive stereotyping and infantile abuse even if the French deserve it.

Stirling informs Paddy Mayne (Jack O’Connell) that poet Augustin Jordan (Cesar Domboy) is among the French. He says Sadler killed more Germans than all of them put together. Paddy warns the French are 400 yards away before cocking his gun. Stirling sarcastically suggests they reach poetry to each other before wrestling in the buff to determine which is the better Spartan warrior. After assuring him that he never fights nude in the sand, Paddy describes sand under the foreskin as one of the most painful conditions. When Paddy acknowledges he’s been drinking, Stirling asks if he’ll be polite. Paddy claims the last thing he heard in French was, “Please don’t shoot,” to which he politely responded, “ I’m very sorry. I’m afraid I have to.”

Upon their arrival, the French formerly line up to be inspected by Paddy. Ignoring Lieutenant Andre Zirnheld (Tom Hygreck), Paddy renames Soldier X, Grapes (Jordy Lagbre). French officer, Georges Berge (Virgile Bramly) informs him that his men hardly speak English. Stirling suggests they communicate with each other like dogs. Berge tells Paddy that German Walter Essner (Paul Boche) is extremely useful at roadblocks. Essner assures him that he’s a real soldier. After admitting to hating the Germans, Paddy describes him as a “turncoat” for being in the French army. Herbert Bruckner (Moritz Jahn) says he’s also German. Paddy kicks Essner’s hat up in the air when Marc Halevy (Arthur Orcler) grabs his attention. Berge identifies Halevy as Jewish before saying his family is in the camps. Halevy asks to be positioned where there are more enemies when Paddy smiles.

After saying Winston Churchill’s son, Randolph Churchill (Ian Davies) will join them, Stirling suggests treating him poorly like the others.

Paddy orders the French soldiers to build a 30-feet scaffold without a plan. When Berge asks how they should divide into groups, Paddy says the French will compete against the Germans, non-French Legionnaires, and Jews. Paddy questions why they didn’t ask the purpose of a 30-foot scaffold in the desert. Augustin claims they’re trained to not ask questions. Paddy warns them that they’ll jump from the scaffolds while he shoots at them. Zirnheld describes Paddy as an “Irish clown” in French. Paddy suggests anyone feeling his plan is unfair, do something about it.

Mike Sadler (Tom Glynn-Carney) instructs a soldier on how to drive a military vehicle. Randolph asks if the plan is to plan explosive in Benghazi. Stirling suggests blowing up Benghazi is blowing up Rommel’s doorway to the Mediterranean. Randolph asks how they’ll get to Benghazi. Stirling assures him that soldiers have no idea what is happening half the time. Randolph asks if he’ll shave. Stirling says German uniforms and Italian-speaking Johnny Cooper (Jacob McCarthy) will make the Italians think they’re Germans or they’ll open fire.

Paddy fires at the French soldiers while they build their scaffolds. Augustin pulls a gun out of his shorts before advancing toward Paddy’s hiding place. When he fires several shots, Paddy attacks him from behind. Paddy admits he expected better from him because they’re similar. Augustin climbs to his feet as Paddy suggests they take turns, placing the gun to his temple. Augustin describes him as “insane.” Paddy fires the gun to determine there’s no round in the chamber. Augustin informs him that he’s married with a child. Paddy points out that his men aren’t working. Augustin orders them to work as Paddy pulls the trigger, this time it fires.

Benghazi – Stirling, Johnny, and Randolph wait at the Benghazi checkpoint. Stirling tells Randolph that if SAS pulls it off, his name will be on the front page of the newspaper. Randolph looks concerned as Johnny tells a soldier that their papers were destroyed when RAF hit their other truck. Stirling opens the passenger’s door. The soldier demands to know what he’s doing. Johnny claims he needs to “sh*t” because he’s got dysentery. The soldier demands he not get out of the truck. Johnny suggests he be permitted to go behind his cabin. The soldier repeatedly says no. Johnny tells him to check the ID number on the roof as Stirling appears to be in pain. The soldier says there is no number on the roof before the soldier allows them to pass.

A vehicle follows close behind them as they drive through the town. After ordering Johnny to turn off, Stirling orders them to fire if the vehicle follows. They cock their weapons as the vehicle continues down the road. Stirling reminds them that there have two hours before dark.

Berge orders his men to complete their scaffolds at the same time. A soldier says they’ll not be divided. Paddy describes their work as “fu**ing magnificent” before leaping off the ledge. Grapes jumps and hobbles away. Halevy reluctantly approaches the ledge. Paddy orders him to jump but he doesn’t make a move. Berge orders his men to make a makeshift safety net while Paddy demands they not do it. They remove the safety net. Paddy tells Halevy to think of his family. Halevy asks for forgiveness from his family before taking a leap. The French soldiers celebrate as Paddy quietly walks away.

Stirling orders Jim almonds (Corin Silva) and Pat Riley (Jacob Ifan) to go to the fuel dumps. Reg Seekings (Theo Barklem-Biggs) and Johnny are ordered to destroy the harbor. Stirling says they have 27 minutes to meet back there.

After placing their bombs, Stirling and Randolph are stopped by an Italian soldier. Stirling suggests they try to convince him they’re Germans because he can’t speak Italian. Speaking his best German, Randolph says, “What light shineth there. Dawneth the day so soon.” The soldier asks if he’s German. Randolph says yes before reaping the question. When the soldier orders them to wait, Stilring says run as he shoots out a street light. A siren is activated.

Johnny and Reg meet up with Riley and Jim who warn them that there is about four minutes left. Someone asks the whereabouts of Stirling and Randolph. After they agree to leave in one minute, they look over to see an  enemy soldier lighting Stirling’s cigarette. While heading back to their vehicle, they encounter a group of soldiers. Johnny tells them that the security drill is over. An officer asks what security drill. Johnny says Italian security was tested per an order by the German High Command. An officer points out that German soldiers don’t have beards. Johnny informs him that they’re engineers. An officer reminds him of the gunshots. Johnny says some of the Italian soldiers assumed the drill was real while snickering. In German, Randolph says, “What light shineth there. Dawneth the day so soon.” They all laugh. The soldier permits them to pass.

Jim warns there have 20 seconds. Bombs begin to explode. They take off running with the enemy soldiers on their tails. They hurry into a hiding place as the soldiers continue on. When all is clear, they jump military points. They fire their way past a checkpoint.

Paddy sits quietly while the French soldiers sing and drink. Augustin asks if he’d like to join them. Paddy sarcastically says he’s making sure they don’t destroy any of their property. Augustin asks if there is someone in England. Paddy says his mother is in Ireland. After reminding him of what he did earlier, Augustin questions if he’d do it to someone he loved. Paddy suggests someone in love can become too fond of life and a coward. Augustin asks how is that possible. Essner repeatedly taunts Halevy calling him a Jew. Irritated, Paddy attacks him. A fight ensues. When the ruckus comes to an end, Augustin tells Paddy that he doesn’t know the root of his pain but he has his sympathy. Paddy places the gun under his chin.

Stirling and his men return to the SAS base. Eve Mansour (Sofia Boutella) informs them that rumors in Cairo claim the son of Winston Churchill accompanied soldiers on a mission behind enemy lines.

Stirling asks who informed her of Randolph being picked up there. Eve tells him that Dudley Wrangel Clarke (Dominic West) told her. She says the second reason she came was to check on him. When she grasps his hand, he admits to only being normal between barbiturates and amphetamines. She asks how long will it take. He says the shaking begins an hour after sunset and an hour later, it stops. She asks if it would be okay for her to say.

Stirling asks how Clarke’s handling his glory. She claims he can’t wait until his destruction. After informing her that intelligence provided them with trucks void of code numbers, he says they were dispatched to Benghazi as sitting ducks. She identifies herself as Head of French Intelligence before warning him to be cautious of his intelligence operatives. He questions her new status. She admits to doing bad things for France and filing a report against her boss for being a drunk. They kiss.

Berge informs Stirling that his men refuse to train under Paddy because he’s a “madman.” He says several of his men have injuries and broken teeth. Stirling assures him that he’ll talk to Paddy. Irate, Berge suggests locking Paddy inside a cage.

Stirling admits to knowing Paddy would be unsuitable as a training officer. Paddy asks why he put him in charge of training the French. Stirling claims to have done it to win the game. Paddy says he fought the soldiers merely because they are French. Stirling orders him to apologize. Paddy says no. Stirling suggests he forget Eoin McGonigal (Donal Finn). Paddy warns him that he better leave now. Stirling assures him that undeclared grief is unbearable. Paddy says, “I didn’t find his body.” After informing him that SAS is the talk of Cairo, Stirling says he’ll request GHQ for more men and equipment. When Paddy refuses to apologize, Stirling demands he tell the Frenchman that he killed the gazelle and will share it with them. Paddy says it has dawned on him that the French soldiers are good men.

Stirling and Paddy cook the gazelle. When Paddy calls the French soldiers to dinner, they refuse the offer until Berge gives his approval. The men mingle as the episode comes to an end.


SAS Rouge Heroes Synopsis

Stirling dedicated the task of training a squad of French soldiers to Paddy. Divided into two groups, the Frenchmen build two 30-foot scaffolds while Paddy shoots at them.

In the meantime, Stirling implemented a plan that would obliterate Benghazi, an access point for Rommel to the Mediterranean. Winston Churchill’s son, Randolph accompany the SAS on the mission.

French poet, Augustin sneaks up on Paddy only to be manhandled by none other than Paddy. It appeared that Paddy and Augustin had a connection before they met.

Stirling who pretended to have dysentery and Italian-speaking Johnny was tasked with getting SAS into Benghazi. Johnny told a border guard that their paperwork was destroyed in an attack by RAF. Stirling pretended to need the toilet but the guard refused to help. They soon found out that their vehicle wasn’t equipped with a code on the roof. With tremendous pressure from approaching military officials, the guard permits them access.

With their scaffolds nearly completed, the Frenchmen save the last board to show unity. Paddy was the first to put the scaffold to the test. One French soldier after another took a leap until it was Halevy’s turn. Berge and his men created a makeshift safety net, which Paddy refused to let them use. Terrified, Halevy jumped, falling face-first on the ground. Again, the Frenchmen celebrated their success.

Stirling, Johnny, Randolph, Jim, Riley, and Reg placed bombs across the Benghazi Harbor. When they couldn’t talk their way out of a potentially dangerous situation, they shot their way out of it.

Paddy got fed up with Essner taunting Halevy because he was Jewish. He attacked him and several other French officers before stopping. Augustin showed him sympathy because of his pain.

Eve visited the SAS camp with a message for Randolph and to see Stirling. He confessed to her about his drug use.

Stirling and his men arrived back at the SAS camp in two stolen enemy vehicles. The French soldiers refused to train under Paddy because they thought he was a madman.

Stirling told Paddy that he needs to let Eoin go. Initially, he isn’t thrilled with talking about it but opened up about how he couldn’t find Eoin’s body. He refused to apologize but agreed to tell the Frenchmen that Stirling killed a gazelle in their honor.


SAS: Rogue Heroes Review

The episode felt like a waste of time. The Benghazi mission was barely touched on. More airtime was invested in SAS trying to get into Benghazi than the actual mission. It didn’t help that the scenes were too dark to see what the characters were doing. Even the harbor was barely visible.

The Frenchmen are a great addition to the show. It’s just a shame, they weren’t introduced earlier in the season.

The episode deserves a 6 for the French soldiers alone. Get More SAS: Rouge Heroes recaps here. Support Reel Mockery by clicking on the link.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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