s01e06 tv recap resident evil

Resident Evil Season 1 Episode 6 Recap

Someone’s Little Girl – As the sixth episode of Resident Evil begins, Albert Wesker (Lance Reddick) heads to the lab while Evelyn Marcus (Paola Nunez) prepares for the day. When she sees Albert, she asks about his face and what he got. Albert admits he got nothing although there might be another way. He suggests using Joy since it lows inhibitions at the right dosage. They can mix it with scopolamine which was developed as a truth serum by the CIA. If Albert is right, the combination could behave like a sodium pentothal on steroids. He warns her that they’re running out of options and people could know he is here or start asking questions. Albert tells Angel Rubio (Pedro De Tavira) he is a doctor and he knows that when someone is in pain they just want that pain to end. He asks Angel if that is what he wants.

episode 6 jade and billie resident evil

He claims he wants to help him before pulling out a syringe that he calls help. It can take all his pain away, but he needs to know who told Angel what happened here first. Albert warns him that he’ll leave if he doesn’t answer and the person who replaces him will be even worse. They won’t be able to help each other like they can now. Albert shows him a message asking who knows about his girls. After he says no one, Albert says that is the wrong answer but they’re going to try anyway. As Albert prepares to inject him, Angel asks him to tell his father that he is sorry. Angel begins seizing before Evelyn rushes in to see what has happened. Albert reminds him that he told her it might not work as doctors check on Rubio. Evelyn complains he might’ve killed the only person who could give her the mole before asking if it is Albert.

Albert claims he could’ve ruined her and Umbrella a thousand times if he wanted to. He tells her to screw off. When she tells him not to do that, Albert suggests hurting him would hurt Umbrella so he’ll never do that. He also knows that Umbrella is all she has. Evelyn calls for Roth (Anthony Oseyemi) while the guards prevent Albert from leaving. In the present, Jade (Ella Balinska) stares at her sister Billie (Adeline Rudolph) who brings the head over. She asks Jade how things are. Jade tells her that she took her blood although Billie claims it was protocol. Billie reveals Evelyn sent her to bring Jade in because she thinks she could be useful in the world to come. Jade insults Billie by saying Evelyn sent her toy and pet project to get her. Billie believes Jade was 18 and pregnant with two busted-out front teeth when she last saw her.

episode 6 old billie resident evil recap

Jade lies about the kid being lost before she learns Albert died asking for her. Billie claims Jade was their father’s favorite and he didn’t mind showing it. She knows her sister was trying to reach the University and wants to know where it is. Jade says she isn’t going with her and won’t give her the University. She doesn’t think Umbrella cares about the new world and only cares about control. Billie should know that because it has been their entire lives. After Jade says she’ll die before she goes back to that place, Billie admits that is what she wanted her to say. Billie thinks she picked wrong when she picked Umbrella and should’ve picked Jade. She just wanted to say goodbye. She explains that she isn’t actually immune to the virus. Instead, the virus is moving slowly even though the clock is still ticking.

She wanted to see her again and would like to think of her as happy. They intercepted a signal learning a University team is looking for Jade less than a mile to the west. Once Jade’s restraints are removed, he tells Billie she could leave too. Billie says it doesn’t mean she is free even though she isn’t changed up. She cuts the bandage from Jade’s arm and forcefully removes the tracker after asking her to punch her in the face. After Jade punches her, Billie tells her she never stopped being her sister. Before Jade escapes, she gets the head and takes it with her. She makes it outside where she catches up with Gideon (Edward Pepperell). He takes her to Amrita Singh (Ayushi Chhabra) who quickly checks on her. Jade tells her about the specimen and how it might be what they’ve been looking for. They ride out to a boat and reunite with their loved ones.

series 1 episode 6 resident evil albert

Bea (Ella Zieglmeier) is happy to see her mother again. Arjun (Ahad Raza Mir) and Bea tell her that her daughter is playing piano in the talent show. After Jade jumps into her bed, she asks Arjun what she has been missing. He says there was a record crop and a baby boom. Terrence’s group brought back about half a library from Istanbul. Then, she asks about their 10-going-on-35-year-old daughter. He says Bea’s progress has been exceptional. She might be a genius since she does well in mathematics, science, and sports. She can’t get enough of literature right now. Jade tells him to be careful because her father tried to raise his kids to be just like him. He thinks she’d like to be in the lab right now. Jade insists she isn’t like her father who only cared about himself. When she was in the field, she had nothing to show for it so she told herself to finish it. That way, she will never have to leave again. Once she found the zero, she knew she couldn’t just run away.

She had to go back and get it. Jade claims she did that for her daughter. Arjun reminds her that they talked about this and said no more unnecessary risks. He doesn’t think Jade did that for her daughter. When Jade says she is the parent, Arjun asks what he is and whether he is just a babysitter. He doesn’t think that is right even if he isn’t her biological father. While showering, Jade thinks about her childhood with her sister. Then, she hears Arjun telling Bea it might be a good idea to tell Ms. Kyoko that she is taking the week off since mommy is back. Bea doesn’t think Jade will care because she will be working. He tries to explain how Jade’s work is her art and it gives shape to her life. When he was young, her dad tried to fix the world only to make it much worse. Jade has spent her whole life trying to make up for that.

s01e06 netflix resident evil recap

Bea says that isn’t fair since she didn’t do anything. Arjun reminds Bea that her mother loves her more than anything. Jade joins them for dinner. Later that night, Jade tries to smooth things over with Arjun. She tells him that her father is dead. Her sister told her when she was sent to bring her back, but Billie let her go. Arjun asks if she can trust her before learning Billie said she was lying. Jade admits a part of her wishes she’d killed her when she had the chance. Ghost ships are spotted drifting off starboard. Zombies are shown under the boat. Jade goes to the lab to work on the head and learns Amrita is two months pregnant. As they talk about being a mother, Jade calls it amazing even though she never wanted kids.  It was the hardest and the best thing she did. They discuss the zero that seemed to be controlling others.

Jade suggests they were communicating through smell. Amrita confirms she has set an alarm to make sure Jade doesn’t miss her daughter’s piano thing. They notice that the zero’s cells are putting out two distinct enzymes, but it seems exposure to oxygen breaks them down. Amrita theorizes they have to be mixed with spit or something. They continue trying even though nothing works. Jade decides to use her spit. They’re surprised when that stabilizes the sample. When the alarm goes off, Bea tells Jade to go while he starts isolating them. Jade joins the others and talks to Amrita’s husband about her pregnancy. Arjun isn’t there. Jade is surprised when Arjun and Bea sit at the piano and begin playing. Once she receives a message, she reluctantly has to leave. She returns to the lab where she introduces the first enzyme to a sample of the T-virus.

season 1 episode 6 recap evelyn

They’re stunned to see that the T-virus doesn’t go anywhere near the enzyme. The other enzyme seems to attract it. Jade speculates they could mark a target and send zeros after it. The other one would keep them away. Amrita wants to get permission to test it on a real zero immediately. Jade urges her to get back to Paolo (Danny Ross) at a reasonable hour. Once Amrita leaves, Jade takes a vial and stuffs it in her pocket. She goes out on a boat and pulls a body from the water. The zombie wakes up and tries to attack before being injected with the mixture.

While trying to smuggle the body back onto the ship, she runs into Serene (Zonke Mchunu). Later, Bea brings her something to drink and notices the zombie she has tied up. They discuss the fact that zeros slow down when they are in cold water. Jade tells her daughter about the zero that has managed to communicate with other zeros using pheromones. When zombies smell it, they won’t be able to hurt you. Jade speculates that they can put it on the people on the ship and people in entire cities to protect them. She instructs her daughter to stay by the door so she can test to see if the scent works. She sprays herself, pokes her finger, and approaches the zombie. It works until Bea gets too close and the zombie breaks free. The zombie chases Bea before biting Amrita. Jade arrives after Serene kills the zombie. As Paolo and Arjun arrive, Jade quickly takes responsibility for the zombie.


s01e06 tv recap resident evil

Paolo takes the handgun and tries to shoot Jade, but Arjun moves it before he can. Helicopters surround the ship. In the past, Evelyn asks for an autopsy on Angel because she wants to know how he died. He wakes up and begins seizing. Albert is locked in a cell. Someone makes a hole in the wall next to him. Another person who looks like Albert says hello to him.


Resident Evil Review

While the episode got a little more interesting near the end, it was mostly uninteresting and slow. The tone of the series switched completely when Jade returned to her family. Whether this was successful will depend on the viewer’s feelings toward the main characters. Viewers who’ve developed a deep connection with Jade probably enjoyed seeing her interact with her family.

Unfortunately, the characters are difficult to relate to so it is understandable that a lot of viewers wouldn’t care either way. Other aspects of the story were unrealistic such as Jade carrying a whole zombie on the boat without straining or anyone finding out. It was also annoying that they made Bea do something stupid to move the story forward.

If she had just stayed by the door, there never would’ve been a problem with the zombie and Amrita would still be alive. We can only hope that the story will speed up a bit from here on out. The episode scores a 4.5 out of 10. Recaps of Resident Evil can be found on Reel Mockery here. Want to support our independent entertainment website? Find out how to do so here.

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  1. Juisseli says:

    “Albert died asking for her.” So how about plot hole on episode 8 at lab?

    • ReelMockery says:

      Unfortunately, there were lots of plot holes in this show. I honestly was expecting Billie to be dead since Jade had mentioned that earlier, but she wasn’t. I’d chalk that up to bad writing though.

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